A playground for setting up and using an OpenStack test environment.
- Vagrant
- VMWare (the Virtualbox variant did not receive much love, recently)
- Terraform
First, look at the Vagrantfile and check if the variables at the provisioning ar OK. (eg. GIT_BASE) amd modify if necessary.
For quicker setup and less network traffic, there is a docker for proxying the git repos of openstack. Find it under "git-proxy".
Note that the oldest working version of OpenStack appears to be Queens. Ocata and Pike throw "ImportError: No module named openstack_auth" at Horizon.
vagrant up
Now login to using admin/secret and export his openrc v3 file. Then, you can source the file and run terraform:
Note that you have to use the admin login, because this provides access to the pre defined private network.
source ./demo-openrc.sh cd terraform/cluster-base ./terraform init ./terraform state push .terraform/terraform.tfstate # dunno why this is necessary ./terraform apply
Note: For Terraform <0.12, you need to unset one variable before running terraform:
`` unset OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME ` See hashicorp/terraform#18569 for details.
For accessing the nodes / instances (via a floating / public ip), you need to add a route:
sudo route -n add -net