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A Discord library / framework for Elixir.

This library aims to provide a solid foundation, upon which to build a simple, yet powerful interface. Unlike other libraries, this one comes along with a framework for defining commands, and event hooks. No need to mess around with consumers, or handlers, defining a command is as simple as defining a function!


Simply add Alchemy to your dependencies in your mix.exs file:

def deps do
  [{:alchemy, "~> 0.7.0", hex: :discord_alchemy}]

This is the stable documentation for the library, I highly recommend going through it, as most of the relevant information resides there.


Run mix alchemy.init to generate a template bot file for your project.

Getting Started

The first thing we need to do is define some kind of application for our bot. Thankfully, the Application module encapsulates this need.

defmodule MyBot do
  use Application
  alias Alchemy.Client

  defmodule Commands do
    use Alchemy.Cogs

    Cogs.def ping do
      Cogs.say "pong!"

  def start(_type, _args) do
    run = Client.start("your token here")
    use Commands

So we defined what we call a Cog in the Commands module, a cog is simply a module that contains commands. To wire up this command into the bot, we need to use the module, which we do after starting the client. We need to provide a valid return type in start/2, which is why we capture the result of Client.start in a variable.

Now all we need to do to wire up this application, is to add it to our mix.exs:

def application do
  [mod: {MyBot, []}]

This makes our bot automatically start when we run our project. Now, to run this project, we have 2 options:

  • use mix run --no-halt (the flags being necessary to prevent the app from ending once our start/2 function finishes)
  • or use iex -S mix to start our application in the repl.

Starting the application in the repl is very advantageous, as it allows you to interact with the bot live.

Using Voice

Alchemy also supports using Discord's Voice API to play audio. We rely on ffmpeg for audio encoding, as well as youtube-dl for streaming audio from sites. Before the Voice API can be used, you'll need to acquire the latest versions of those from their sites (make sure you get ffmpeg with opus support), and then configure the path to those executables in alchemy like so:

# in config.exs
config :alchemy,
  ffmpeg_path: "path/to/ffmpeg",
  youtube_dl_path: "path/to/youtube_dl"

Now you're all set to start playing some audio!

The first step is to connect to a voice channel with Alchemy.Voice.join/2, then, you can start playing audio with Alchemy.Voice.play_file/2, or Alchemy.Voice.play_url/2. Here's an example command to show off these features:

Cogs.def play(url) do
  {:ok, guild} = Cogs.guild()
  default_voice_channel = Enum.find(guild.channels, &match?(%{type: 2}, &1))
  # joins the default channel for this guild
  # this will check if a connection already exists for you
  Alchemy.Voice.play_url(, url)
  Cogs.say "Now playing #{url}"


Alchemy uses Porcelain, to help with managing external processes, to help save on memory usage, you may want to use the goon driver, as suggested by Porcelain. For more information, check out their GitHub.

Other Examples

If you'd like to see a larger example of a bot using Alchemy, checkout out Viviani.