A lua port of edge colorscheme for neovim only.
- neovim >= v0.5.0
-- specify background, 'dark' or 'light'
vim.o.background = 'dark'
-- default options
-- you don't have to call setup() if you're ok with defaults
require('edgeme').setup {
-- choose color styles, depends on vim.o.background
-- dark theme: 'default', 'aura', 'neon'
-- light theme: 'default'
style = 'default',
-- turn italic on/off
italic = {
enable = true, -- set to false will disable all italics below
comment = true,
todo = false,
markdown = true,
parameter = true,
tags = true, -- tags like html tag names
diagnostic = {
-- true to enable diagnostic virtual text color
colored_virtual_text = false,
- only support true color terminals
- supported plugins are limited, check theme.lua