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title sponsor slug date findings contest
Sushi Trident contest phase 1


About C4

Code 423n4 (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 code contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the code contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of Sushi Trident smart contract system written in Solidity. The code contest took place between September 16—September 29 2021.


18 Wardens contributed reports to the Sushi Trident code contest (phase 1):

  1. broccoli (shw and jonah1005)
  2. cmichel
  3. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  4. 0xsanson
  5. GreyArt (hickuphh3 and itsmeSTYJ)
  6. 0xRajeev
  7. hack3r-0m
  8. pauliax
  9. hrkrshnn
  10. GalloDaSballo
  11. gpersoon
  12. JMukesh
  13. defsec
  14. nikitastupin
  15. t11s

This contest was judged by Alberto Cuesta Cañada.

Final report assembled by moneylegobatman and CloudEllie.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 65 unique vulnerabilities and 110 total findings. All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original findings

Of these vulnerabilities, 16 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 10 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 39 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity.

C4 analysis also identified 20 non-critical recommendations and 25 gas optimizations.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Sushi Trident contest repository, and is composed of 58 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 5,556 lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (16)

Submitted by broccoli, also found by 0xsanson and cmichel


In the IndexPool contract, flashSwap does not work. The callback function is called prior to token transfer. The sender won't receive tokens in the callBack function. ITridentCallee(msg.sender).tridentSwapCallback(context);

Flashswap is not implemented correctly. It may need a migration to redeploy all indexPools if the issue is found after main-net launch. I consider this a high-risk issue.

Proof of Concept


// @dev Check Trident router has sent `amountIn` for skim into pool.
unchecked { // @dev This is safe from under/overflow - only logged amounts handled.
    require(_balance(tokenIn) >= amountIn + inRecord.reserve, "NOT_RECEIVED");
    inRecord.reserve += uint120(amountIn);
    outRecord.reserve -= uint120(amountOut);
_transfer(tokenOut, amountOut, recipient, unwrapBento);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

_transfer(tokenOut, amountOut, recipient, unwrapBento);
// @dev Check Trident router has sent `amountIn` for skim into pool.
unchecked { // @dev This is safe from under/overflow - only logged amounts handled.
    require(_balance(tokenIn) >= amountIn + inRecord.reserve, "NOT_RECEIVED");
    inRecord.reserve += uint120(amountIn);
    outRecord.reserve -= uint120(amountOut);

maxsam4 (Sushi) commented:

Duplicate of code-423n4/2021-09-sushitrident-findings#157 and code-423n4/2021-09-sushitrident-findings#80

Submitted by broccoli, also found by 0xsanson, cmichel, and WatchPug


When an Index pool is initiated with two tokens A: B and the weight rate = 1:2, then no user can buy token A with token B.

The root cause is the error in pow. It seems like the dev tries to implement Exponentiation by squaring. IndexPool.sol#L286-L291

function _pow(uint256 a, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 output) {
  output = n % 2 != 0 ? a : BASE;
  for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) a = a * a;
  if (n % 2 != 0) output = output * a;

There's no bracket for for.

The IndexPool is not functional. I consider this is a high-risk issue.

Proof of Concept

When we initiated the pool with 2:1.

deployed_code = encode_abi(["address[]","uint136[]","uint256"], [
    (link.address, dai.address),
    (2*10**18,  10**18),

No one can buy dai with link.

# (address tokenIn, address tokenOut, address recipient, bool unwrapBento, uint256 amountIn)
previous_balance = bento.functions.balanceOf(dai.address, admin).call()
swap_amount =  10**18

bento.functions.transfer(link.address, admin, pool.address, swap_amount).transact()
        ['address', 'address', 'address', 'bool', 'uint256'],
        [link.address, dai.address, admin, False, swap_amount]
current_balance = bento.functions.balanceOf(dai.address, admin).call()
token_received = current_balance - previous_balance
# always = 0

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The brackets of for were missed.

function _pow(uint256 a, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 output) {
    output = n % 2 != 0 ? a : BASE;
    for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
        a = a * a;
        if (n % 2 != 0) output = output * a;

Submitted by broccoli


In the IndexPool contract, pow is used in calculating price. (IndexPool.sol L255-L266). However, Pow is easy to cause overflow. If the weightRatio is large (e.g. 10), there's always overflow.

Lp providers can still provide liquidity to the pool where no one can swap. All pools need to redeploy. I consider this a high-risk issue.

Proof of concept

It's easy to trigger this bug by deploying a 1:10 IndexPool.

deployed_code = encode_abi(["address[]","uint136[]","uint256"], [
    (link.address, dai.address),
    (10**18, 10 * 10**18),
tx_hash = master_deployer.functions.deployPool(index_pool_factory.address, deployed_code).transact()

Transactions would be reverted when buying link with dai.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The weightRatio is an 18 decimals number. It should be divided by (BASE)^exp. The scale in the contract is not consistent. Recommend the dev to check all the scales/ decimals.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by broccoli, also found by WatchPug


The indexPool mint INIT_POOL_SUPPLY to address 0 in the constructor. However, the value of the burned lp is decided by the first lp provider. According to the formula in IndexPool.sol L106.

AmountIn = first_lp_amount / INIT_POOL_SUPPLY and the burned lp worth = AmountIn * (INIT_POOL_SUPPLY) / (first_lp_amount + INIT_POOL_SUPPLY). If a pool is not initialized with optimal parameters, it would be a great number of tokens been burn. All lp providers in the pool would receive less profit.

The optimal parameter is 10**8. It's likely no one would initialize with 10**8 wei in most pools. I consider this is a high-risk issue.

Proof of concept

There are two scenarios that the first lp provider can do. The lp provider provides the same amount of token in both cases. However, in the first scenario, he gets about 10 ** 18 * 10**18 lp while in the other scenario he gets 100 * 10**18 lp.

deposit_amount = 10**18
bento.functions.transfer(link.address, admin, pool.address, deposit_amount).transact()
bento.functions.transfer(dai.address, admin, pool.address, deposit_amount).transact()
    ['address', 'uint256'],
    [admin, 10**8] # minimum
    ['address', 'uint256'],
    [admin, 10000000000009999 * 10** 20]
deposit_amount = 10**18
bento.functions.transfer(link.address, admin, pool.address, deposit_amount).transact()
bento.functions.transfer(dai.address, admin, pool.address, deposit_amount).transact()
    ['address', 'uint256'],
    [admin, deposit_amount * 100]

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Recommend to handle INIT_POOL_SUPPLY in uniswap-v2's way. Determine an optimized parameter for the user would be a better UX design.

Submitted by broccoli


When an lp provider deposits an imbalance amount of token, a swap fee is applied. HybridPool uses the same _nonOptimalMintFee as constantProductPool; however, since two pools use different AMM curve, the ideal balance is not the same. ref: StableSwap3Pool.vy L322-L337

Stable swap Pools are designed for 1B+ TVL. Any issue related to pricing/fee is serious. I consider this is a high-risk issue

Proof of Concept

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Calculate the swapping fee based on the stable swap curve. refer to StableSwap3Pool.vy#L322-L337.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by GreyArt


A number of functions suffer from the erroneous conversion of Balancer V1's implementation.

  • _compute() (equivalent to Balancer's bpow())
    • if (remain == 0) output = wholePow; when a return statement should be used instead.
  • _computeSingleOutGivenPoolIn() (equivalent to Balancer's _calcSingleOutGivenPoolIn())
    • tokenOutRatio should be calculated with _compute() instead of _pow()
    • zaz should be calculated with _mul() instead of the native *
  • _pow() (equivalent to Balancer's bpowi())
    • Missing brackets {} for the for loop causes a different interpretation
    • _mul should be used instead of the native *
Recommended Mitigation Steps

The fixed implementation is provided below.

function _computeSingleOutGivenPoolIn(
  uint256 tokenOutBalance,
  uint256 tokenOutWeight,
  uint256 _totalSupply,
  uint256 _totalWeight,
  uint256 toBurn,
  uint256 _swapFee
) internal pure returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    uint256 normalizedWeight = _div(tokenOutWeight, _totalWeight);
    uint256 newPoolSupply = _totalSupply - toBurn;
    uint256 poolRatio = _div(newPoolSupply, _totalSupply);
    uint256 tokenOutRatio = _compute(poolRatio, _div(BASE, normalizedWeight));
    uint256 newBalanceOut = _mul(tokenOutRatio, tokenOutBalance);
    uint256 tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee = tokenOutBalance - newBalanceOut;
    uint256 zaz = _mul(BASE - normalizedWeight, _swapFee);
    amountOut = _mul(tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee, (BASE - zaz));

function _compute(uint256 base, uint256 exp) internal pure returns (uint256 output) {
  require(MIN_POW_BASE <= base && base <= MAX_POW_BASE, "INVALID_BASE");

  uint256 whole = (exp / BASE) * BASE;
  uint256 remain = exp - whole;
  uint256 wholePow = _pow(base, whole / BASE);

  if (remain == 0) return wholePow;

  uint256 partialResult = _powApprox(base, remain, POW_PRECISION);
  output = _mul(wholePow, partialResult);

function _pow(uint256 a, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 output) {
  output = n % 2 != 0 ? a : BASE;
  for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) {
		a = _mul(a, a);
    if (n % 2 != 0) output = _mul(output, a);

maxsam4 (Sushi) acknowledged

Submitted by WatchPug, also found by broccoli

When reserve == 0, amountIn for all the tokens will be set to the same amount: ratio, regardless of the weights, decimals and market prices of the assets.

The first liquidity provider may not be aware of this so that it may create an arbitrage opportunity for flashbots to take a significant portion of the value of The first liquidity provider's liquidity.

IndexPool.sol#L93 L105

/// @dev Mints LP tokens - should be called via the router after transferring `bento` tokens.
/// The router must ensure that sufficient LP tokens are minted by using the return value.
function mint(bytes calldata data) public override lock returns (uint256 liquidity) {
    (address recipient, uint256 toMint) = abi.decode(data, (address, uint256));

    uint120 ratio = uint120(_div(toMint, totalSupply));

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        address tokenIn = tokens[i];
        uint120 reserve = records[tokenIn].reserve;
        // @dev If token balance is '0', initialize with `ratio`.
        uint120 amountIn = reserve != 0 ? uint120(_mul(ratio, reserve)) : ratio;
        require(amountIn >= MIN_BALANCE, "MIN_BALANCE");
        // @dev Check Trident router has sent `amountIn` for skim into pool.
        unchecked {
            // @dev This is safe from overflow - only logged amounts handled.
            require(_balance(tokenIn) >= amountIn + reserve, "NOT_RECEIVED");
            records[tokenIn].reserve += amountIn;
        emit Mint(msg.sender, tokenIn, amountIn, recipient);
    _mint(recipient, toMint);
    liquidity = toMint;
Proof of Concept


  • A IndexPool of 99% USDT and 1% WBTC;
  • Alice is the first liquidity provider.
  1. Alice transfers 1e18 WBTC and 1e18 USDT to mint 100e18 of liquidity;
  2. Bob can use 100e18 USDT (~$100) to swap out most of the balance of WBTC.

A significant portion (>90% in the case above) of the user's funds can be lost due to arbitrage.


Consider allowing the first liquidity provider to use custom amountIn values for each token or always takes the MIN_BALANCE of each token.

Submitted by cmichel, also found by 0xsanson and WatchPug

The HybridPool's reserves are stored as Bento "amounts" (not Bento shares) in _updateReserves because _balance() converts the current share balance to amount balances. However, when retrieving the reserve0/1 storage fields in _getReserves, they are converted to amounts a second time.


The HybridPool returns wrong reserves which affects all minting/burning and swap functions. They all return wrong results making the pool eventually economically exploitable or leading to users receiving less tokens than they should.


Imagine the current Bento amount / share price being 1.5. The pool's Bento share balance being 1000. _updateReserves will store a reserve of 1.5 * 1000 = 1500. When anyone trades using the swap function, _getReserves() is called and multiplies it by 1.5 again, leading to using a reserve of 2250 instead of 1500. A higher reserve for the output token leads to receiving more tokens as the swap output. Thus the pool lost tokens and the LPs suffer this loss.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make sure that the reserves are in the correct amounts.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by cmichel, also found by cmichel and pauliax

The function performs an unsafe cast of ratio to the uint120 type:

uint120 ratio = uint120(_div(toMint, totalSupply));

Note that toMint is chosen by the caller and when choosing toMint = 2**120 * totalSupply / BASE, the ratio variable will be 2**120 and then truncated to 0 due to the cast.

This allows an attacker to mint LP tokens for free. They just need to choose the ratio such that the amountIn = ratio * reserve / BASE variable passes the require(amountIn >= MIN_BALANCE, "MIN_BALANCE"); check. For example, when choosing ratio = 2**120 * totalSupply / BASE + 1e16, an attacker has to pay 1/100th of the current reserves but heavily inflates the LP token supply.

They can then use the inflated LP tokens they received in burn to withdraw the entire pool reserves.


I created this POC that implements a hardhat test and shows how to steal the pool tokens:


An attacker can inflate the LP token pool supply and mint themselves a lot of LP tokens by providing almost no tokens themselves. The entire pool tokens can be stolen.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Even though Solidity 0.8.x is used, type casts do not throw an error. A SafeCast library must be used everywhere a typecast is done.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by cmichel

The IndexPool.constructor function already mints INIT_POOL_SUPPLY = 100 * 1e18 = 1e20 LP tokens to the zero address.

When trying to use the pool, someone has to provide the actual initial reserve tokens in mint. On the first mint, the pool reserves are zero and the token amount required to mint is just this ratio itself: uint120 amountIn = reserve != 0 ? uint120(_mul(ratio, reserve)) : ratio;

Note that the amountIn is independent of the token which does not make much sense. This implies that all tokens must be provided in equal "raw amounts", regardless of their decimals and value.


Issue 1

Imagine I want to create a DAI/WBTC pool. If I want to initialize the pool with 100$ of DAI, amountIn = ratio needs to be 100*1e18=1e20 as DAI has 18 decimals. However, I now also need to supply 1e20 of WBTC (which has 8 decimals) and I'd need to pay 1e20/1e8 * priceOfBTC, over a quadrillion dollars to match it with the 100$ of DAI.

Issue 2

Even in a pool where all tokens have the same decimals and the same value, like USDC <> USDT, it leads to issues:

  • Initial minter calls mint with toMint = 1e20 which sets ratio = 1e20 * 1e18 / 1e20 = 1e18 and thus amountIn = 1e18 as well. The total supply increases to 2e20.
  • Second minter needs to pay less tokens to receive the same amount of 1e18 LP tokens as the first minter. This should never be the case. toMint = 1e20 => ratio = 1e20 * 1e18 / 2e20 = 0.5e18. Then amountIn = ratio * reserve / 1e18 = 0.5*reserve = 0.5e18. They only pay half of what the first LP provider had to pay.


It's unclear why it's assumed that the pool's tokens are all in equal value - this is not a StableSwap-like pool.

Any pool that uses tokens that don't have the same value and share the same decimals cannot be used because initial liquidity cannot be provided in an economically justifiable way.

It also leads to issues where the second LP supplier has to pay less tokens to receive the exact same amount of LP tokens that the initial minter receives. They can steal from the initial LP provider by burning these tokens again.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Do not mint the initial token supply to the zero address in the constructor.

Do it like Uniswap/Balancer and let the first liquidity provider provide arbitrary token amounts, then mint the initial pool supply. If reserve == 0, amountIn should just take the pool balances that were transferred to this account.

In case the initial mint to the zero address in the constructor was done to prevent the "Uniswap-attack" where the price of a single wei of LP token can be very high and price out LPs, send a small fraction of this initial LP supply (~1000) to the zero address after it was minted to the first supplier in mint.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by cmichel

The ConstantProductPool.burnSingle function is basically a burn followed by a swap and must therefore act the same way as calling these two functions sequentially.

The token amounts to redeem (amount0, amount1) are computed on the balance (not the reserve). However, the swap amount is then computed on the reserves and not the balance. The burn function would have updated the reserve to the balances and therefore balance should be used here:

amount1 += _getAmountOut(amount0, _reserve0 - amount0, _reserve1 - amount1);

⚠️ The same issue occurs in the HybridPool.burnSingle.


For a burn, usually the reserve should equal the balance, however if any new tokens are sent to the contract and balance > reserve, this function will return slightly less swap amounts.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Call _getAmountOut with the balances instead of the reserves: _getAmountOut(amount0, balance0 - amount0, balance1 - amount1)

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed:

Please bump this to High sev. This bug can actually lead to loss of funds from the pool. The author found the right issue but failed to analyze the full impact. Regardless, I think they deserve "High" for pointing this out.

alcueca (judge) commented:

This is what we come to C4 for 👏 👏 👏

Submitted by hack3r-0m, also found by broccoli

the difference is computed incorrectly when a > b. MathUtils.sol L22

As it only used in within1 function, scope narrows down to where difference(a, b) <= 1; is exploitable.

cases where difference(a, b) <= 1 should be true but is reported false:

  • where b = a-1 (returned value is type(uint256).max)

cases where difference(a, b) <= 1 should be false but is reported true:

  • where a = type(uint256).max and b = 0, it returns 1 but it should ideally return type(uint256).max

within1 is used at the following locations:

It is possible to decrease the denominator and increase the value of the numerator (when calculating y) using constants and input to make within1 fail


Add else condition to mitigate it.

unchecked {
    if (a > b) {
        diff = a - b;
    else {
        diff = b - a;

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by broccoli, also found by WatchPug


It is possible to overflow the addition in the balance check (i.e., _balance(tokenIn) >= amountIn + reserve) in the mint function by setting the amountIn to a large amount. As a result, the attacker could gain a large number of LP tokens by not even providing any liquidity. The attacker's liquidity would be much greater than any other LPs, causing him could effectively steal others' funds by burning his liquidity (since the funds he receives are proportional to his liquidity).

Proof of Concept

Referenced code:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider removing the uncheck statement to prevent integer overflows from happening.

maxsam4 (Sushi) acknowledged:

FWIW The problem here isn't that we used unchecked but that we didn't cast amountIn to uint256. It's possible to overflow uint120 but not uint256.

Submitted by broccoli


The _computeSingleOutGivenPoolIn function of IndexPool uses the _pow function to calculate tokenOutRatio with the exponent in WAD (i.e., in 18 decimals of precision). However, the _pow function assumes that the given exponent n is not in WAD. (for example, _pow(5, BASE) returns 5 ** (10 ** 18) instead of 5 ** 1). The misuse of the _pow function could causes an integer overflow in the _computeSingleOutGivenPoolIn function and thus prevent any function from calling it.

Proof of Concept

Referenced code: IndexPool.sol#L279

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change the _pow function to the _compute function, which supports exponents in WAD.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by broccoli


The _computeSingleOutGivenPoolIn function of IndexPool uses the raw multiplication (i.e., *) to calculate the zaz variable. However, since both (BASE - normalizedWeight) and _swapFee are in WAD, the _mul function should be used instead to calculate the correct value of zaz. Otherwise, zaz would be 10 ** 18 times larger than the expected value and causes an integer underflow when calculating amountOut. The incorrect usage of multiplication prevents anyone from calling the function successfully.

Proof of Concept

Referenced code: IndexPool.sol#L282

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Change (BASE - normalizedWeight) * _swapFee to _mul((BASE - normalizedWeight), _swapFee).

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by broccoli


An attacker can call the bento.harvest function during the callback function of a flash swap of the HybridPool to reduce the number of input tokens that he has to pay to the pool, as long as there is any unrealized profit in the strategy contract of the underlying asset.

Proof of Concept

  1. The HybridPool accounts for the reserve and balance of the pool using the bento.toAmount function, which represents the actual amount of assets that the pool owns instead of the relative share. The value of toAmount could increase or decrease if the bento.harvest function is called (by anyone), depending on whether the strategy contract earns or loses money.
  2. Supposing that the DAI strategy contract of Bento has a profit not accounted for yet. To account for the profit, anyone could call harvest on Bento with the corresponding parameters, which, as a result, increases the elastic of the DAI token.
  3. Now, an attacker wants to utilize the unrealized profit to steal funds from a DAI-WETH hybrid pool. He calls flashSwap to initiate a flash swap from WETH to DAI. First, the pool transfers the corresponding amount of DAI to him, calls the tridentSwapCallback function on the attacker's contract, and expects that enough DAI is received at the end.
  4. During the tridentSwapCallback function, the attacker calls bento.harvest to realize the profit of DAI. As a result, the pool's bento.toAmount increases, and the amount of DAI that the attacker has to pay to the pool is decreased. The attacker could get the same amount of ETH but paying less DAI by exploiting this bug.

Referenced code:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider not using bento.toAmount to track the reservers and balances, but use balanceOf instead (as done in the other two pools).

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed:

Stableswap needs to use toAmount balances rather shares to work. This issue allows skimming yield profits from the pool. There's no user funds at risk but still an issue.

We plan on resolving this by using a fixed toElastic ratio during the whole swap.

Medium Risk Findings (10)

Submitted by 0xsanson, also found by pauliax


IndexPool doesn't collect fees for barFeeTo. Since this Pool contains also a method updateBarFee(), probably this is an unintended behavior. Also without a fee, liquidity providers would probably ditch ConstantProductPool in favor of IndexPool (using the same two tokens with equal weights), since they get all the rewards. This would constitute an issue for the ecosystem.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a way to send barFees to barFeeTo, same as the other pools.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by GreyArt, also found by broccoli


A mint fee is applied whenever unbalanced liquidity is added, because it is akin to swapping the excess token amount for the other token.

However, the current implementation distributes the minted fee to the minter as well (when he should be excluded). It therefore acts as a rebate of sorts.

As a result, it makes adding and removing liquidity as opposed to swapping directly (negligibly) more desirable. An example is given below using the Constant Product Pool to illustrate this point. The Hybrid pool exhibits similar behaviour.

Proof of Concept
  1. Initialize the pool with ETH-USDC sushi pool amounts. As of the time of writing, there is roughly 53586.556 ETH and 165143020.5295 USDC.
  2. Mint unbalanced LP with 5 ETH (& 0 USDC). This gives the user 138573488720892 / 1e18 LP tokens.
  3. Burn the minted LP tokens, giving the user 2.4963 ETH and 7692.40 USDC. This is therefore equivalent to swapping 5 - 2.4963 = 2.5037 ETH for 7692.4044 USDC.
  4. If the user were to swap the 2.5037 ETH directly, he would receive 7692.369221 (0.03 USDC lesser).
Recommended Mitigation Steps

The mint fee should be distributed to existing LPs first, by incrementing _reserve0 and _reserve1 with the fee amounts. The rest of the calculations follow after.


(uint256 fee0, uint256 fee1) = _nonOptimalMintFee(amount0, amount1, _reserve0, _reserve1);
// increment reserve amounts with fees
_reserve0 += uint112(fee0);
_reserve1 += uint112(fee1);
unchecked {
    _totalSupply += _mintFee(_reserve0, _reserve1, _totalSupply);
uint256 computed = TridentMath.sqrt(balance0 * balance1);
kLast = computed;


(uint256 fee0, uint256 fee1) = _nonOptimalMintFee(amount0, amount1, _reserve0, _reserve1);
// increment reserve amounts with fees
_reserve0 += uint112(fee0);
_reserve1 += uint112(fee1);
uint256 newLiq = _computeLiquidity(balance0, balance1);

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by broccoli


TridentRouter is easy to fail when trying to provide liquidity to an index pool.

Users would not get extra lp if they are not providing lp at the pool's spot price. It's the same design as uniswap v2. However, uniswap's v2 handle's the dirty part.

Users would not lose tokens if they use the router (UniswapV2Router02.sol L61-L76).

However, the router wouldn't stop users from transferring extra tokens (TridentRouter.sol L168-L190).

Second, the price would possibly change when the transaction is confirmed. This would be reverted in the index pool.

Users would either transfer extra tokens or fail. I consider this is a medium-risk issue.

Proof of Concept


A possible scenario:

There's a BTC/USD pool. BTC = 50000 USD.

  1. A user sends a transaction to transfer 1 BTC and 50000 USD.
  2. After the user send a transaction, a random bot buying BTC with USD.
  3. The transaction at step 1 is mined. Since the BTC price is not 50000 USD, the transaction fails.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Please refer to the uniswap v2 router in UniswapV2Router02.sol L61-L76

The router should calculate the optimal parameters for users.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by cmichel

The TridentRouter.complexPath function allows splitting a trade result into several buckets and trade them in a different pool each. The distribution is defined by the params.percentagePath[i].balancePercentage values:

for (uint256 i; i < params.percentagePath.length; i++) {
    uint256 balanceShares = bento.balanceOf(params.percentagePath[i].tokenIn, address(this));
    uint256 transferShares = (balanceShares * params.percentagePath[i].balancePercentage) / uint256(10)**8;
    bento.transfer(params.percentagePath[i].tokenIn, address(this), params.percentagePath[i].pool, transferShares);

However, the base value bento.balanceOf(params.percentagePath[i].tokenIn, address(this)); is recomputed after each iteration instead of caching it before the loop.

This leads to not all tokens being used even though the percentages add up to 100%.


Assume I want to trade 50% DAI to WETH and the other 50% DAI to WBTC. In the first iteration, balanceShares is computed and then 50% of it is swapped in the first pool.

However, in the second iteration, balanceShares is updated again, and only 50% of the remaining (instead of the total) balance, i.e. 25%, is traded.

The final 25% are lost and can be skimmed by anyone afterwards.


Users can lose their funds using complexPath.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Cache the balanceShares value once before the second for loop starts.

sarangparikh22 (Sushi) disputed:

This is not the correct way to calculate the complexPath swap parameters. For instance, if we need to swap 50% DAI to WETH and the other 50% DAI to WBTC, we would keep percentages as 50 and 100, instead of 50-50 as described above. If the user enters wrong percentages, they would loose funds.

alcueca (judge) commented:

The format for entering the percentages is not documented. Sustained as Sev 2 as the lack of documentation on this parameter could lead to loss of funds.

Submitted by cmichel, also found by 0xRajeev

The TridentRouter._depositToBentoBox function only uses the ETH in the contract if it's higher then the desired underlyingAmount (address(this).balance >= underlyingAmount)).

Otherwise, the ETH is ignored and the function uses WETH from the user.


Note that the underlyingAmount = bento.toAmount(wETH, amount, true) is computed from the Bento share price and it might happen that it increases from the time the transaction was submitted to the time the transaction is included in a block. In that case, it might completely ignore the sent ETH balance from the user and in addition transfer the same amount of WETH from the user.

The user can lose their ETH deposit in the contract.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Each batch must use refundETH at the end.

Furthermore, we recommend still depositing address(this).balance ETH into Bento and if it's less than underlyingAmount use WETH only for the remaining token difference.

maxsam4 (Sushi) acknowledged

Submitted by cmichel

The TridentHelper.withdrawFromWETH (used in TridentRouter.unwrapWETH) function performs a low-level call to WETH.withdraw(amount).

It then checks if the return data length is more or equal to 32 bytes, however WETH.withdraw returns void and has a return value of 0. Thus, the function always reverts even if success == true.

function withdrawFromWETH(uint256 amount) internal {
    // @audit WETH.withdraw returns nothing, data.length always zero. this always reverts
    require(success && data.length >= 32, "WITHDRAW_FROM_WETH_FAILED");


The unwrapWETH function is broken and makes all transactions revert. Batch calls to the router cannot perform any unwrapping of WETH.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove the data.length >= 32 from the require and only check if success is true.

sarangparikh22 (Sushi) confirmed

Submitted by cmichel, also found by 0xsanson

The HybridPool.flashSwap function sends the entire trade fees fee to the barFeeTo. It should only send barFee * fee to the barFeeTo address.


LPs are not getting paid at all when this function is used. There is no incentive to provide liquidity.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The flashSwap function should use the same fee mechanism as swap and only send barFee * fee / MAX_FEE to the barFeeTo. See _handleFee function.

Some rare tokens have 0 decimals:

For these tokens, small losses of precision will be amplified by the lack of decimals.

Consider a constant product pool with 1000 of token0 (with no decimals), and 1000 of token1 (also with no decimals). Suppose I swap n= 1,2,3,4 of token0 to token1. Then my output amount of token1 will be 0,1,2,3.

If token0/1 are valuable than I will be losing 100%, 50%, 33%, 25% of my trade to rounding. Currently there is no valuable token with 0 decimals, but there may be in the future.

Rounding the final getAmountOut division upwards would fix this.

maxsam4 (Sushi) commented:

Acceptable risk. We can't do anything if the token itself doesn't have decimals. We don't create synthetic assets and fractionalize such tokens ourselves.

Submitted by 0xsanson, also found by broccoli


In HybridPool.sol, functions _computeLiquidityFromAdjustedBalances, _getY and _getYD may finish before approximation converge, since it's limited by MAX_LOOP_LIMIT iterations. In this situation the final estimated value will still be treated as correct, even though it could be relatively inaccurate.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider reverting the transactions if this doesn't occur. See issue [M03], with their relative fix.

Submitted by broccoli


The _depositToBentoBox and _depositFromUserToBentoBox allow users to provide ETH to the router, which is later deposited to the bento contract for swapping other assets or providing liquidity. However, in these two functions, the input parameter does not represent the actual amount of ETH to deposit, and users have to calculate the actual amount and send it to the router, causing a back-run vulnerability if there are ETH left after the operation.

Proof of Concept

  1. A user wants to swap ETH to DAI. He calls exactInputSingleWithNativeToken on the router with the corresponding parameters and params.amountIn being 10. Before calling the function, he calculates bento.toAmount(wETH, 10, true) = 15 and thus send 15 ETH to the router.
  2. However, at the time when his transaction is executed, bento.toAmount(wETH, amount, true) becomes to 14, which could happen if someone calls harvest on bento to update the elastic value of the wETH token.
  3. As a result, only 14 ETH is transferred to the pool, and 1 ETH is left in the router. Anyone could back-run the user's transaction to retrieve the remaining 1 ETH from the router by calling the refundETH function.

Referenced code: TridentRouter.sol#L318-L351

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Directly push the remaining ETH to the sender to prevent any ETH left in the router.

maxsam4 (Sushi) confirmed:

I think it's low risk because it's basically arbitrage and we have protection for the user in terms of "minOutputAmount". I will be reworking ETH handling to avoid this issue completely.

alcueca (judge) commented:

It's a loss of funds, not arbitrage. It should be prevented or documented. Sustained.

Low Risk Findings (39)

Non-Critical Findings (20)

Gas Optimizations (25)


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.