郝亚南 Cris(Cr1s1) 主讲
郝亚南 Cris 供稿
Leo(LeoTsui) 整理
精灵兔、Yuehua Veronica 和 AthenaX(athena-xcy) 参与讨论,对本文亦有贡献
I'm going to go ahead and copy paste, as I did before. This is one of those do as I say, not as I do... to implement this program here.
do as I say, not as I do
So now, I can actually move this repeat block into cough itself, but rather than hard code 3, notice this.
hard code
We've only seen thus far how to get a string, but you can get integers and characters and funky things, like floats and doubles which actually open a can of worms as to problems that can happen in a computer.
本意是(气味)恶心的。现在常见到的引申义是“古怪的”、“时髦的”,比如 funk art、funk music。funk
一词的本意指抑郁、消沉、恶臭的气味。在本语境中,教授所指的是浮点数处理起来很麻烦。软件工程中也有 “this code smell...” 的说法。
In computer programming, a code smell is any characteristic in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem.
open a can of worms
我们目前只看到了如何取字符串,但是你可以取整数、字符和其他讨厌的东西,像是 单精度浮点数和双精度浮点数,这种用在在计算机里解决问题时,实际会自找麻烦的东西。