- Fixed calculation of invoice total paid amount.
- Fixed unnecessary SQL query on every page.
- Added Feedback form to plugin settings.
- Improved JavaScript library enqueues to follow common conventions.
- Updated jquery.maskedinput.js to newer version to fix a JavaScript bug.
- Moved vendor JavaScript files into scripts/src/vendor.
- Bundled Angular and jQuery libraries that were loading remotely into scripts/src/vendor.
- Added object caching to common invoice lookups to reduce number of MySQL queries.
- Removing extra and write-heavy methods.
- Added sorting option for line items.
- Added new feature of Future Publishing.
- Added actions and filters for developers.
- Added/Fixed compatibility with other plugins and add-ons.
- Fixed PayPal payment experience.
- Added reCaptcha support with WP-CRM integration.
- Added new filters and actions (for developers).
- Fixed tax field on edit invoice page.
- Fixed edit profile page.
- Client Dashboard enhancements.
- PayPal IPN handler fixes.
- Added ability to create invoice from WP-CRM user profile.
- 2Checkout Gateway fixes.
- Custom invoice fields fixes.
- Code cleanup.
- Compatibility fixes.
- Fixed deprecated code.
- Enhanced logo management process.
- Fixed contextual help.
- Fixed Authorize.net ARB handling.
- Fixed WordPress 4.7 compatibility issue.
- Improved Stripe error notifications.
- Fixed PayPal IPN issue.
- Disabled the ability to select empty decimal separator.
- Code cleanup.
- Fixed ability to customize client dashboard.
- Added new option for decimal separator symbol.
- Fixed invoice search by custom IDs.
- Added ability to require terms acceptance on regular invoices.
- Localisation fixes.
- Usability fixes.
- Fixed several possible security issues.
- Fixed minor issue in Stripe Gateway.
- Fixed Reports Page issue.
- Fixed XMLRPC method for creating new invoice.
- Added italian localization.
- Fixed data passed to Authorize.net during payment.
- Fixed Country field inconsistency.
- Fixed Stripe to consider new API version.
- Changed way of setting business logo to use Media Library.
- Added new way of displaying an invoice - Unified Invoice Page.
- Added new feature of Client Dashboard.
- Updated libraries.
- Updated localization.
- Added more actions and filters.
- Fixed warnings and notices.
- Fixed typo.
- Fixed RU localization.
- Fixed loading of localisation files. The bug persists in 4.0.0 version.
- Fixed incorrect behaviour on custom 'Install Plugins' page after depended plugins ( Add-ons ) activation.
- Fixed the way of widgets initialization. Compatibility with WordPress 4.3 and higher.
- Fixed Warnings which were breaking ajax request on pagination and filtering items on All Properties page for PHP 5.6.
- Changed plugin initialization functionality.
- Added Composer ( dependency manager ) modules and moved some functionality to composer modules ( vendors ).
- Added doing WP-Invoice Settings backup on upgrade to new version. Get information about backup: get_option('wpi_options_backup');
- Moved premium features to separate plugins.
- Cleaned up functionality of plugin.
- Refactored file structure of plugin.
- Refactored 'View All' page.
- Design fixes.
- Fixed conflict with WP-Property plugin.
- Fixed Fatal Error when accessing private Invoices.
- Fixed Warnings and Notices.