Generated from docs/documentation.ipynb by ../scripts/
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import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, sys, os, calendar, glob, math, pickle, collections, logging,
from dateutil import parser
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from inc.dataset import FlightsData
weights_dir = "../bin/models/CLASSIFICATION_1.0.0/weights/"
if not os.path.exists("../bin/data/flights_by_cell_day.pkl"): # Check data is downloaded
raise FileNotFoundError("You must first download data by running 'cd "+ os.path.abspath("../../scripts/") +"; python'")
with open("../bin/data/sorted_cells_latlon.pkl", "rb") as fin:
sorted_cells_latlon = pickle.load(fin, encoding='latin1')
with open("../bin/data/flights_by_cell_day.pkl", "rb") as fin:
flights_by_cell_day = pickle.load(fin, encoding='latin1')
with open("../bin/data/meteo_days.pkl", "rb") as fin:
meteo_days = pickle.load(fin, encoding='latin1')
with open("../bin/data/meteo_params.pkl", "rb") as fin:
weather_params = pickle.load(fin, encoding='latin1')
with open("../bin/data/meteo_days.pkl", "rb") as fin:
meteo_days = pickle.load(fin, encoding='latin1')
The current training area is focused on the Alps as there is no time zone management for now. This area is segmented in 1°x1°x100hPa cells, corresponding to the GFS Analysis cells.
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cell_reso = 1.0
min_lat, max_lat = min([c[0] for c in sorted_cells_latlon])-cell_reso/2., max([c[0] for c in sorted_cells_latlon])+cell_reso/2.
min_lon, max_lon = min([c[1] for c in sorted_cells_latlon])-cell_reso/2., max([c[1] for c in sorted_cells_latlon])+cell_reso/2.
plt.figure(figsize=((max_lon-min_lon)*.85, (max_lat-min_lat)*.85))
plt.title("Training cells and flights")
m = Basemap(projection='mill', llcrnrlon=min_lon-2.5, llcrnrlat=min_lat-2.5, urcrnrlon=max_lon+2.5, urcrnrlat=max_lat+2.5, resolution='h')
# Draw training weather grid (GFS 1°x1°)
for lat in range(1, round((max_lat-min_lat)/cell_reso)):
m.plot([min_lon, max_lon], [min_lat + lat*cell_reso, min_lat + lat*cell_reso], '-', linewidth=1, color='r', alpha=0.325, latlon=True)
for lon in range(1, round((max_lon-min_lon)/cell_reso)):
m.plot([min_lon + lon*cell_reso, min_lon + lon*cell_reso], [min_lat, max_lat], '-', linewidth=1, color='r', alpha=0.325, latlon=True)
m.plot([min_lon, max_lon, max_lon, min_lon, min_lon], [min_lat, min_lat, max_lat, max_lat, min_lat], '-', linewidth=2, color=(1., 0., 0.), latlon=True)
# Draw flights
m.scatter(np.array([f[1][4] for fd in flights_by_cell_day for f in fd]), # longitudes of training flights
np.array([f[1][3] for fd in flights_by_cell_day for f in fd]), # latitudes of training flights
marker='o', color='b', s=0.1, alpha=0.1, latlon=True)
We consider only the take-off coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude) of a flight because, far from any take-off area, an absence of flight does not implies non-flyability.
Flights statistics:
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# Count days per year
counter_days, counter_months = collections.Counter(), collections.Counter()
for day in meteo_days:
counter_days[str(day.year)] += 1
counter_months["%02d"%day.month] += 1
# Count flights per year
counter_flights_by_year, counter_flights_by_month, counter_flights_by_alt, counter_flights_by_dow = collections.Counter(), collections.Counter(), collections.Counter(), collections.Counter()
for cell_day in flights_by_cell_day:
for flight in cell_day:
counter_flights_by_alt[FlightsData.kAltitude(flight[1][5])] += 1
counter_flights_by_year [cell_day[0][0][0:4]] += len(cell_day) # counter[year] += nb_flights
counter_flights_by_month[cell_day[0][0][5:7]] += len(cell_day) # counter[month] += nb_flights
counter_flights_by_dow [parser.parse(cell_day[0][0]).strftime("%a")] += len(cell_day) # counter[dow] += nb_flights
except IndexError:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 10))
years, months, dow = sorted(list(counter_days)), sorted(list(counter_months)), ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
axes[0,0].set_title("nb days with available weather data")
axes[0,0].bar(years, [counter_days[y] for y in years], color='#f07000')
axes[0,1].set_title("nb flights in available days, by year")
axes[0,1].bar(years, [counter_flights_by_year[y] for y in years])
axes[1,0].set_title("nb flights per days, by year")
axes[1,0].bar(years, [counter_flights_by_year[y]/counter_days[y] for y in years])
axes[1,1].set_title("nb flights per days, by month")
axes[1,1].bar(months, [counter_flights_by_month[m]/counter_months[m] for m in months])
axes[2,0].set_title("nb flights by day of week")
axes[2,0].bar(dow, [counter_flights_by_dow[d] for d in dow])
print("Nb flights by day of week:", [counter_flights_by_dow[d] for d in dow])
# Flights by altitude
axes[2,1].set_title("nb flights by altitude level")
nb_alts = max(counter_flights_by_alt.keys())+1
axes[2,1].barh(["%d"%alt for alt in range(nb_alts)], [counter_flights_by_alt[alt] for alt in range(nb_alts)])
for alt in range(nb_alts):
axes[2,1].text(counter_flights_by_alt[alt], alt-0.06, str(counter_flights_by_alt[alt]), fontsize=12)
axes[2,1].set_xlim(0, 1.125*max(counter_flights_by_alt.values()))
Nb flights by day of week: [111383, 107993, 117721, 131987, 154665, 266616, 238255]
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max_score = 75
pts = [[] for m in range(0, 12)]
for cell_day in flights_by_cell_day:
pts[int(cell_day[0][0][5:7])-1] += [f[1][0] for f in cell_day]
except IndexError:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
plt.title("Number of flights by XC score for each month")
for m in range(12):
plt.plot(np.histogram(pts[m], bins=max_score, range=(0, max_score))[0], label=calendar.month_name[m+1])
plt.xlim(0., max_score-1)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0)
Experiments have been done with ECMWF and Météo France, but the GFS model from NOAA is the only model I know with both past and forecast data for free. Using the same model for training and forecasting is important and allows to learn and overcome the model weaknesses. This is why, I am using this only source of weather information currently.
The weather paramaters present in the GFS Analysis data have varied over time. We must select a subset present during the whole training interval. The same list of parameters, at 3 different hours (06:00, 12:00, 18:00) are used.
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nbh = 3
nbp = len(weather_params)//nbh # Number of parameters per hour
for krow in range(nbp):
print("{: <39} {: <39} {: <39}".format(*[("%02d:00 %s at %s hPa" % (weather_params[krow+h*nbp][0],
str(weather_params[krow+h*nbp][2][0][1]))).replace(" at 0 hPa", "") for h in range(nbh)]))
06:00 Precipitable water 12:00 Precipitable water 18:00 Precipitable water
06:00 Cloud water 12:00 Cloud water 18:00 Cloud water
06:00 Vertical velocity at 1000 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 1000 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 1000 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 900 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 900 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 900 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 800 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 800 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 800 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 700 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 700 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 700 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 600 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 600 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 600 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 500 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 500 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 500 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 400 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 400 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 400 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 300 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 300 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 300 hPa
06:00 Vertical velocity at 200 hPa 12:00 Vertical velocity at 200 hPa 18:00 Vertical velocity at 200 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 1000 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 1000 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 1000 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 900 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 900 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 900 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 800 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 800 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 800 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 700 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 700 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 700 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 600 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 600 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 600 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 500 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 500 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 500 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 400 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 400 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 400 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 300 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 300 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 300 hPa
06:00 Geopotential Height at 200 hPa 12:00 Geopotential Height at 200 hPa 18:00 Geopotential Height at 200 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 1000 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 1000 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 1000 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 900 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 900 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 900 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 800 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 800 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 800 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 700 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 700 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 700 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 600 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 600 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 600 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 500 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 500 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 500 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 400 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 400 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 400 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 300 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 300 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 300 hPa
06:00 Absolute vorticity at 200 hPa 12:00 Absolute vorticity at 200 hPa 18:00 Absolute vorticity at 200 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 1000 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 1000 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 1000 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 900 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 900 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 900 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 800 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 800 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 800 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 700 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 700 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 700 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 600 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 600 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 600 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 500 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 500 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 500 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 400 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 400 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 400 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 300 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 300 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 300 hPa
06:00 Temperature at 200 hPa 12:00 Temperature at 200 hPa 18:00 Temperature at 200 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 1000 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 1000 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 1000 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 900 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 900 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 900 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 800 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 800 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 800 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 700 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 700 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 700 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 600 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 600 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 600 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 500 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 500 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 500 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 400 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 400 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 400 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 300 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 300 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 300 hPa
06:00 Relative humidity at 200 hPa 12:00 Relative humidity at 200 hPa 18:00 Relative humidity at 200 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 1000 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 1000 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 1000 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 900 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 900 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 900 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 800 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 800 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 800 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 700 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 700 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 700 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 600 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 600 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 600 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 500 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 500 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 500 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 400 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 400 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 400 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 300 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 300 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 300 hPa
06:00 U component of wind at 200 hPa 12:00 U component of wind at 200 hPa 18:00 U component of wind at 200 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 1000 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 1000 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 1000 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 900 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 900 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 900 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 800 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 800 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 800 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 700 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 700 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 700 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 600 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 600 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 600 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 500 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 500 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 500 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 400 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 400 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 400 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 300 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 300 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 300 hPa
06:00 V component of wind at 200 hPa 12:00 V component of wind at 200 hPa 18:00 V component of wind at 200 hPa
The problem of flyability prediction is formulated as a classification problem where the input X is the weather data in a 3D cell and the output Y is the absence/presence of at least one reported flight in this cell. We assume that the presence of reported flights implies flyability but, absence of reported flights does not imply non-flyability. The gap between reported flights and flyability is explained by what we call the population.
Defined in
There are two different models:
- The cells model: takes the weather data for a cell, and gives prediction for the whole cell. This prediction determines the map color.
- The spots model: takes the weather data for a cell and gives different predictions for each take-off spot of the cell, taking into account their learned specificities regarding the wind.
The networks are a combination of handcrafted models with internal variables (Wind Block, Population Block) and neural networks (Flyability Block, Crossability Block), all optimized together.
The tensors going through the network are drawn as follows. The first and last tensor dimensions are not drawn. The first one is nb_samples
(number of training days) and the last one is the feature_dimension
, which is given between parenthesis beside the variable name.
The optimized variables are drawn the same way, but, of course, they do not have a first nb_samples
For example, the "wind (8)" tensor is of shape (nb_samples, nb_cells, nb_altitudes=5, nb_hours=3, feature_dimension=8)
In the cells model, some interpretation cues on the conditions are jointly computed. Currently, two of them are implemented: the wind-flyability and the humidity-flyability indicators. They are visible on the site, dropping down below the main predictions.
They are computed by predicting flyability from wind-related and humidity-related inputs only.
The decision for a paraglider to go fly is modeled by a random variable of Bernoulli distribution of parameter named the flyability. The paragliders decisions are supposed independent.
The Population Block computes the probability that at least one person goes fly given the flyability and the population. The population for each cell and spot is an inner variable, optimized during training.
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r = 200
in_proba = np.array([[1.*(float(x)/float(r-1))**2. for y in range(r)] for x in range(r)], np.float)
population = np.array([[4.*(float(y)/float(r-1))**2. for y in range(r)] for x in range(r)], np.float)
out_proba = np.array([[in_proba[x,y]*population[x,y] if population[x,y]<=1. else 1. - (1. - in_proba[x,y])**population[x,y] for y in range(r)] for x in range(r)], np.float)
logging.getLogger().disabled = True
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(9,5)).add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.view_init(35, 210)
ax.set_xlim3d(0., np.amax(in_proba))
ax.set_ylim3d(0., np.amax(population))
ax.set_xlabel('Input probability')
ax.set_ylabel('Population value')
ax.set_zlabel('Output probability')
ax.plot_surface(in_proba, population, out_proba,
for p in [0.5*p for p in range(0,2)]:
ax.plot([1.*(float(x)/float(r-1))**2. for x in range(r)], [p for x in range(r)], [p*(float(x)/float(r-1))**2. for x in range(r)], alpha=1, color='black', linewidth=1.5, zorder=10)
for p in [0.5*p for p in range(2,9)]:
ax.plot([1.*(float(x)/float(r-1))**2. for x in range(r)], [p for x in range(r)], [1. - (1. - 1.*(float(x)/float(r-1))**2.)**p for x in range(r)], alpha=1, color='black', linewidth=1.5, zorder=10)
logging.getLogger().disabled = False
The Population Block takes into account the date (0 to 1 from the start to the end of the training interval) and the one-hot encoded day of week from Monday to Sunday.
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date_factor = np.load(weights_dir+"population_date.npy")[0]
print("date_factor =", date_factor[0], "i.e. +%.1f%% in %.1f years, supposed linear."%(date_factor[0]*100., (meteo_days[-1]-meteo_days[0]).days/365.))
if False:
dow_factor = np.load(weights_dir+"population_dow.npy")[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3.5)), dow_factor)
date_factor = 1.3891177 i.e. +138.9% in 9.6 years, supposed linear.
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cell_population = [np.sum(np.load(f)) for f in sorted(glob.glob(weights_dir+"population_alt_cell_*.npy"))], sorted(cell_population)[::-1])
plt.title("Cells population summed over all the altitudes sorted by population")
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spot_population = np.concatenate([np.load(f)[0] for f in sorted(glob.glob(weights_dir+"population_0_spots__cell_*.npy"))])
plt.title("Spots population sorted by population")
The wind_vector from GFS is quantized in 8 directions (0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, -135°, -90°, -45°)
For the cells forecasts, only the norm is considered:
The mountainess_factor aims to take into account that the tolerable wind in the plain is greater than in mountain areas.
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mountainess_factor = np.load(weights_dir+"wind_block_cells_0.npy")[0]
print("mountainess_factor =", mountainess_factor)
mountainess_factor = 0.5023645
The returned value is the dot product between the wind and the direction_factor at all altitudes, interpolated at relevant_altitude.
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direction_factor = [np.load(f)[0] for f in glob.glob(weights_dir+"wind_block_spots_0__cell_*.npy")]
relevant_altitude = [np.load(f)[0,0] for f in glob.glob(weights_dir+"wind_block_spots_1__cell_*.npy")]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 4.5))
for spot in direction_factor:
axes[1].hist(relevant_altitude, bins=[v/4.0 for v in range(0,14)])
The training procedure uses:
- Multiple initializations to keep the best after dozens of epochs
- Early stopping
- Fine tuning with bigger training set/smaller validation set
Prediction result on training data can be visualized here: