Review the ca65 Users Guide for syntax details.
- Spaces, not tabs
- "Tab" stops for alignment are 8 characters (Emacs asm-mode default)
can be used for formatting- No trailing whitespace
- Use lowercase opcodes (
) - All A2D code is 6502 not 65C02
- Comments are encouraged.
- End-of-line comments:
at a tab stop or aligned with nearby code - Indented stand-alone comments:
at first tab stop (8 chars) - Major comments:
at start of line - Use
for questions in comment text,???
for questions about the code:
lda value
cmp #limit ; less than the limit?
bcc less ; yes, so go do that
rol $1234 ; what does this do ???
Internal labels (for both code and data) should use
; this include parameter blocks. -
External labels ("equates") should use
, and are defined with:=
, e.g.SPKR := $C030
Constants (symbols) should use
, and are defined with=
, e.g.kExample = 1234
Callable procedures should use
, and are defined with.proc
Nested or otherwise "private" callable procedures should use
prefix to make scoping more obvious. -
Structure definitions (
) should useTitleCase
, with member labels insnake_case
. -
Enumeration definitions (
) should useTitleCase
, with members insnake_case
. -
- Macros that mimic ca65 control commands should be lowercase, dot-prefixed, e.g.
- Macros that provide pseudo-opcodes should be lowercase, e.g.
- Macros
-ing pseudo-constants should usekTitleCase
- Other macros should be named with
- Macros that mimic ca65 control commands should be lowercase, dot-prefixed, e.g.
SPKR := $C030 ; external label
flag: .byte 0 ; internal label
there := * - 1 ; internal label
kTrue = $80 ; constant
.params get_flag_params ; parameter block
result: .byte 0
.proc SetFlag ; procedure
lda #kTrue
done: sta flag ; internal label
.endproc ; SetFlag
.struct Point ; structure
xcoord .word
xcoord .word
.enum Options ; enum
first = 1
second = 2
- Do make use of unnamed labels for local loops and forward branches to avoid pointless names.
- Do Not use more than one level (i.e. no
;; Copy the thing
ldy #7
: lda (src),y
sta (dst),y
bpl :-
lda flag
bne :+
inc count
: rts
- Do use cheap local labels to highlight repeated patterns. For example, retries:
@retry: MLI_CALL GET_FILE_INFO, params
bcc :+
jsr show_error_alert
jmp @retry
Do use tail-call optimization (replacing
JSR label
withJMP label
) as this pattern is well understood.- As always, add comments if the usage might not be obvious (e.g. not at the end of a proc)
- The con of this is the true call stack is obscured, making debugging more difficult, but the pattern is common enough that this can't be relied on.
Do use
macros to avoid throw-away local labels. -
Annotate fall-through. A
;; fall through
comment can be used, but the preferred form is with theFALL_THROUGH_TO
assertion macro to prevent refactoring mistakes.
lda #alert_num
.proc ShowAlert
- Use binary
for bit patterns - Use decimal for numbers (counts, dimensions, etc)
- For negative numbers, the
macros are handy.
- For negative numbers, the
- Use hex for geeky values, e.g. $7F (bit mask), $80 (high bit), $FF (all bits set) when bits would be less readable.
- Avoid magic numbers where possible:
- Define local symbols (e.g.
ptr := $06
) - Define offsets, constants, etc.
- Use
definitions to define offsets into structures - Use math where necessary (e.g.
ldy #offset2 - offset1
) - Use
(or math if needed) rather than hardcoding sizes
- Define local symbols (e.g.
- Delimit code blocks with
.proc SomeRoutine
lda $06
.endproc ; SomeRoutine
- Try to encapsulate locally used data as much as possible.
.proc SomeRoutine
ptr := $06
lda ptr
sta stash
stash: .byte 0
.endproc ; SomeRoutine
- Use
if the entry point is not at the start:
.proc SomeRoutineImpl
stash: .byte 0
ptr := $06
start: lda ptr
sta stash
.endproc ; SomeRoutineImpl
SomeRoutine := SomeRoutineImpl::start
- Delimit procedures with comments and document inputs, outputs, errors, and other assumptions.
;;; ============================================================
;;; Twiddles a thing.
;;; Inputs: A,X = address of the thing
;;; Output: Z=1 on success, 0 on failure
;;; Error: On fatal error, `error_hook` is invoked.
;;; Assert: Aux LCBANK1 is active
;;; NOTE: Trashes $6/7
.proc TwiddleTheThing
.endproc ; TwiddleTheThing
- Macro use is encouraged.
- Use local macros to avoid repeating code.
- Use
and extend as needed to capture patterns such as 16-bit operations - API calls such as ProDOS MLI calls should be done with macros
- Naming:
- Macros that mimic ca65 control commands should be lowercase, dot-prefixed, e.g.
- Macros that provide pseudo-opcodes should be lowercase, e.g.
- Macros that
pseudo-constants should usekTitleCase
- Other macros should be named with
- Macros that mimic ca65 control commands should be lowercase, dot-prefixed, e.g.
The following macros should be used to improve code readability by eliminating repetition:
- pseudo-ops:
for 16-bit operationsldax
for 16-bit load/storesparam_call
for (tail) calls with an optional 8-bit param in Y and a required 16-bit address argument in A,Xreturn
for returning A or A,X from a procjcc
/etc for long branches
- structural:
to introduce padding to a known addressCOPY_xx
for fixed size copy loopsIF_xx
for conditional sections, to avoid throw-away labels
- definitions:
for length-prefixed strings
Parameter blocks are used for ProDOS MLI, MGTK and other toolkit calls.
- Wrap param data in
.params textwidth_params
textptr: .addr text_buffer
textlen: .byte 0
result: .word 0
;; elsewhere...
MGTK_CALL MGTK::TextWidth, textwidth_params
is an alias for .proc
- Parameter blocks placed at a fixed location in memory use the
PARAM_BLOCK zp_params, $80
flag1 .byte
flag2 .byte
This is equivalent to (and is defined using) ca65's .struct
with .org
, but also defines a label for the block itself.
- Use helper macros for defining common parameter blocks:
;; Examples from inc/
DEFINE_OPEN_PARAMS open_params, pathname, io_buffer
DEFINE_READ_PARAMS read_params, buffer, kBufferSize
;; Examples from mgtk/
DEFINE_RECT rect, kLeft, kTop, kRight, kBottom
DEFINE_MENU menu_edit, kMenuSizeEdit
DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_select_all
;; Examples from other toolkits
DEFINE_BUTTON ok_button, kWindowId, res_string_button_ok, kGlyphReturn, kOKButtonLeft, kButtonTop
DEFINE_LINE_EDIT line_edit, kWindowId, str_buffer, kTextBoxLeft, kTextBoxTop, kTextBoxWidth, kMaxLength
Currently, only MGTK constants are wrapped in a .scope
to provide a namespace. We may want to do that for ProDOS and DeskTop stuff as well in the future.
- Add a label for the value being modified (byte or address). Use cheap local labels via the
-prefix where possible to make self-modification references more visible. - Use
($12) to self-document.
sta @jump_addr
stx @jump_addr+1
@jump_addr := *+1
sty @count
ldy #0
: sta table,y
@count := *+1
bne :-
- Try to assert any compile-time assumptions you can:
- Structure sizes
- Equality between constants (e.g. when relying on a const for an always-branch)
- Memory placement of blocks or members
- Use ca65
directive as needed, and these macros:ASSERT_EQUALS
- equality comparisonASSERT_ADDRESS
- current addressASSERT_TABLE_SIZE
- ca65 does not allow using
to get the size of scope/procedure before its definition appears. (cc65/cc65#478) To work around this, add asizeof_proc
definition after the procedure:
ldy #sizeof_relocate - 1
: lda relocate,y
sta dst,y
bpl :-
.proc relocate
sizeof_relocate = .sizeof(relocate)
- ca65 does not allow the members of a named scope to be referenced before the scope definition. (cc65/cc65#479) To work around this, add a label definition after the procedure.
sta data_ref
.params data ; alias for .proc
ref: .byte 0
buf: .res 16
.endparams ; alias for .endproc
data_ref = data::ref
Localization (translations of the application into other languages) is done by ensuring that all resources that need to be changed exist in files outside the source. For a given file (e.g. foo.s
) if there are localized resources they are present in the res/foo.res.LANG
file where LANG
is a language code (e.g. en
, it
, etc).
PASCAL_STRING res_string_hello_world
lda event_key
cmp #res_char_yes_key
.define res_string_hello_world "Hello World"
.define res_char_yes_key 'Y'
for stringsres_char_
for characters (most commonly keyboard shortcuts)res_const_
for constant numbers
for strings with placeholders (and use # for replaced characters)res_const_..._pattern_offsetN
are auto-generated for such pattern strings (for each #, 1...N)
Since often multiple files are assembled together by jumbo files via includes and .define
s are not scoped, conflicting identifiers are possible.