- [[#Disciplines and Terms]]
- [[#Handbooks]]
- [[#Articles]]
- [[#Videos]]
- [[#Encyclopedias and Dictionaries]]
- [[#Frameworks]]
- [[#Techniques]]
- [[#Courses]]
- [[#Voluntary OSINT]]
- [[#etc]]
- [[#OSINT Attack Surface]]
- [[#OSINT People]]
- [[#Missing Persons]]
- [[#OSINT Tools]]
OSINT - Open Source Intelligence
HUMINT - Human Intelligence
SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
COMINT - Communications Intelligence
SOCMINT - Social Media Intelligence
GEOINT - Geospacial Intelligence
IMINT - Imagery Intelligence
FININT - Financial Intelligence
TRADINT - Trade Intelligence
AML - Anti Money Laundering
ORBINT - Orbital Intelligence
TECHINT - Technical Intelligence
MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence
DNINT - Digital Network Intelligence
VATINT - Vehicular and Transportation Intelligence
PERSINT - Personality Intelligence
RUMINT - Rumor Intelligence
OPSEC - Operational Security
CI - Counter Intelligence/Confidential Informant
TSCM - Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures
SE - Social Engineering
WITPRO - Witness Protection
- Wikipedia: List of intelligence gathering disciplines
- Wikipedia: [Information security (series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_security
- I-intelligence.eu: OSINT Handbook 2020 (PDF)
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: Criminal Intelligence for Analysts (PDF)
- Opaque OPSEC Guide
- Pentestbook: Public Info Gathering
- Global Investigative Journalism Network: Citizen Investigation Guide.
- Haax.fr: OSINT methodology
- OffcierCia: Non-typical OSINT Guide: the most unusual OSINT guide you've ever seen
- Ax1al: OSINT: The What, The Why, and The How
- OH SHINT: OSINT? WTF??, stored locally [[ohshint-OSINT-WTF-Article.pdf|here]].
- OSINTCurious: Staying Up to Date with OSINT Content, November 2021
- Sector035.nl: Chronolocation of Media, November 2021
- Dutchosintguy: Why OSINT doesn't need your feelings, February 2022
- Hatless1der: Advanced OSINT: The Art of Pivoting, April 2022
- Intelligence Fusion: ChatGPT for OSINT? Integrating AI Chatbots in the Open Source Intelligence Cycle, June 2023
- OSINT TEAM: AI, ChatGPT & Choosing a Path to Follow, October 2023
- Blockint.nl: The OSINT Library: maintained collection of academic and professional books, articles, and papers
- Sector035: Week in OSINT
- OSINT.org: Workflow
- ResearchBuzz: Search Gizmos
- Journal of International Crime Justice: New Technologies and the Investigation of International Crimes: An Introduction, March 2021, stored offline [[New_Technologies_and_the_Investigation_of_International_Crimes.pdf|here]].
- Nixintel: Using PGP Keys for OSINT
- Nixintel: Chronolocation
- Tech Journalism: How new satellite data sources enhance investigative journalism
- Mrrickdiesel: PERSINT. A Social Engineering Spin on Your Everyday OSINT
- x33fcon 2019: Robert Sell: Techniques and Tools for Becoming an Intelligence Operator
- Ser3n1ty: Sizing Your OPSEC Threats. A Beginner's Guide for the Mildly Paranoid
- OSINT Dojo: How to Extract Text from a Face-Down Paper Using GIMP for OSINT Investigations
- System Exploited: What is SpiderFoot OSINT Tool, and How to Set It Up?
- OSINT Framework
- Map.malfrats.industries: an interactive tree of OSINT tools and resources similar to the OSINT Framework
- Lanmaster53/recon-ng: OSINT gathering tool
- Maltego cyber investigation platform
- Lucksi: Mr.Holmes: a complete OSINT tool
- 3nock: OTE: a templating engine for OSINT purposes. Quite smart if you're doing this for a while and want to genuinely have tweaking control over your workflows.
- Toddington: Cheat sheets: acollection of flowcharts for various techniques and processes
- Subliminal hacking: Attention manipulation techniques
- US Army: Advanced Situational Awareness (PDF), April 2021
- Artofmanliness: How to develop the situational awareness of Jason Bourne, Febuary 2015
- Christina Lekati: You see, but what do you observe?, 30th July, 2021
- Artofmanliness: The Tao of Boyd: How to Master the OODA Loop, July 2023
- Inteltechniques: Open Source Intelligence
- Trace Labs: OSINT Crowdsource to Find Missing People
- Bellingcat: Help Bellingcat Build Tools for Open Source Investigators, July 2021
- IntelTechniques: Data Removal Workbook
- JustGetMyData: directory of direct links for obtaining your personal data from web services
- JustDeleteMe: directory of direct links to delete your account from web services
- ADL: H.E.A.T. Map for the US
- Internetwache: Parse online .DS_Store files
- Am I FLoCed: Google FLoCing checker
- Tracelabs: tlosint-live: Trace Labs OSINT Linux Distribution based on Kali
- Infosecurity Magazine: Keeping up with the Uncertainty of Shifting Global Data Protection Regulations, December 2020
- Mcbroken: World map of Mc Donald's shops that currently have broken ice cream machines
![[ip-attack-surface.png]] ![[person-attack-surface.jpeg]] ![[person-centered-osint.png]] ![[OpenSea_OSINT_Attack_Surface.jpeg]]
- The OSINT Curious Project, YouTube
- Go FindWho search engine
- Steve Morse: One-Step Webpages: a collection of tools for finding immigration records, census records, vital records, and for dealing with calendars, maps, foreign alphabets, and numerous other applications
- CheckUsernames: Meta search across social network platforms for brands and usernames
- F3dai/OSINT-Resources: resources for OSINT, particularly related to people
- Wizardsourcer.com/tools: a comprehensive list of talent sourcing tools
- Global Investigative Journalism Network: Finding People Online: A Tipsheet from Paul Myers
- Whitehatinspector: Using OSINT to find missing persons
- Consumer-sos: Sleuthing for people online
- Medium: The first digit: How to find information on anyone
- Geolocate a hiker given only a general location and a grainy photo of their legs hanging off a cliff
- Maltego: How to Conduct Person of Interest Investigations Using OSINT and Maltego
- [[#General]]
- [[#Platforms]]
- [[#Research Databases]]
- [[#Data Visualisation]]
- [[#Open Data Collections]]
- [[#Relationships]]
- [[#Tracking and Profiling]]
- [[#Startpages]]
- [[#OSINT Collections]]
- [[#Resources]]
- [[#Browser Extensions]]
- SynapsInt: an OSINT research tool
- AIO Information Gathering Tool
- Cipher387: APIs for OSINT: a list of APIs for gathering information
- Effect Group: All in one intel data
- Osintcombine: all available tools
- Colorize.toolpie.com: Colorises black and white photos
- Smicallef: spiderfoot: OSINT automation for Threat Intelligence and attack surface mapping
- Meta OSINT: A list of over 4,000 resources and their associated citation counts
- ARPSyndicate/awesome-intelligence: a collaboratively curated list of OSINT resources
- https://metaosint.github.io/
- https://metaosint.github.io/chart/
- https://www.osintcombine.com/data-visualization-tool
- https://osintcombine.tools/ (from CSV files)
- https://yoga.osint.ninja/
- LittleSis: a database of who-knows-who in business and government
- https://start.me/p/DPYPMz/the-ultimate-osint-collection
- https://start.me/p/gy0NXp/open-source-intelligence-osint
- https://start.me/p/L1rEYQ/osint4all
- https://start.me/p/q6QJXo/azuleonyx-osint
- https://start.me/p/QRqE7r/osint
- https://start.me/p/rx6Qj8/nixintel-s-osint-resource-list
- https://start.me/p/rxeRqr/aml-toolbox
- https://start.me/p/ZME8nR/osint
- https://start.me/p/b5ynOQ/sprp77-search-engines
- https://start.me/p/8yx1o0/main-tools
- https://start.me/p/jj2XEr/osint-global-non-us
- [https://start.me/p/0PwOGl/osint-all]
See [[geoint]].
- https://start.me/p/dlbyRn/canada
- https://start.me/p/RMwN6v/canada-osint
- https://start.me/p/aLe0vp/osint-resources-in-canada
- Cipher387.github.io/osintmap: collections of OSINT data by location
- Cipher387/osint_stuff_tool_collection: a grown-up collection of OSINT online tools
- Ph055a/OSINT_Collection: maintained collection of OSINT related resources
- Awesomeopensource.com/projects/osint: collection of the top 219 OSINT open source projects
- Thecyberpost: Open Source Intelligence OSINT Tools/
- Blockint.nl/the-osint-library: collections of OSINT research books, articles, papers, etc
- OSINT Curious' Google Docs list of OSINT resources
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JxBbMt4JvGr--G0Pkl3jP9VDTBunR2uD3_faZXDvhxc
- https://sector035.nl/articles/2021-17
- Sinwindie/OSINT: collections of OSINT resources
- https://git.hopain.cyou/OSINT-Search-Tools/index.html
- https://i-sight.com/resources/101-osint-resources-for-investigators/
- Bellincat's Google Docs maintained Online Investigation Toolkit
- SANS: must have free resources for OSINT
- SANS: list of resources from OSINT Summit 2021
- Sector035 link collection
- Reuser: The OSINT resource discovery toolkit
- ResearchClinic: Online Investigation and Training
- GIJC21: List of resources
- Swiss Online Investigation Toolkit Google Docs
- Rawsec CyberSecurity tool collection: OSINT section
- Inteltechniques.com/tools: OSINT online search tool
- Airtable.com: "Grouped by activity, data type, and domain" view collection of resources
- CScorza/OSINT-FORENSICS-MOBILE: collections for mobile forensics OSINT
- Collection of websites and databases helping to find missing persons in Australia
- OSINT repository
- Australian OSINT public data sources
- DFW1N-OSINT: Australian OSINT gathering resources
See [[geoint]].
- Blockpath Crypto Accounting Tools
- OffcierCia: On-Chain-Investigations-Tools-List
- S0md3v: Orbit: a Blockchain transactions investigation tool
- ANG13T: SatIntel: a tool which extracts satellite telemetry, receive orbital predictions, and parse TLEs
- Cthulhusec/sputnik: OSINT utility for searching IPs, domains, file hashes, and URLs
- Firefox webextension for Facebook and Instagram OSINT
- Dessant/web-archives: View archived and cached versions of web pages
- Dessant/search-by-image: Reverse image search
- Raindrop.io: Bookmark Manager
- FoxyProxy Standard
- Firefox Multi-Account Containers
- CopyFish: OCR, PDF, image and video tools
- OSINT Combine: Collection of OSINT bookmarks (with download)