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ICS: Programming Homework: Buffer Overflow

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This assignment will have you implement a shellcode-based buffer overflow attack against a program executable. You will need to be familiar with the content in the buffer overflow slide set, specifically the how to do it column of slides. That and the lecture recordings will guide you through many of the steps of this assignment.

This assignment has five parts (or tasks), and are meant to be done in order, as that will help guide you through the assignment. In any case, be sure to do task 5 -- a brief write-up -- as that will help us tell how far you got in the assignment.

Getting stuck?

There are many parts of this assignment where it is easy to get stuck. You can look at the troubleshooting section, and the end of this page, for some hints. We provide a lot of details in each section -- try reading through those again. We know it's a lot to read (and to read repeatedly), but one can easily miss something the first time (or two) through it.

Reference platform

This program must run on the Cyber Range account. You are welcome to develop it on your own machine, but make sure it works there before you submit it. And if it isn't working on your machine, try it on the Cyber Range to see if that allows it to work.


Any changes to this page will be put here for easy reference. Typo fixes and minor clarifications are not listed here.

  • Mon, 11/13: updated the code to read in address.txt at the end of the 'buffer address' section


We will be using the Virginia Cyber Range at This site allows you to run a remote virtual environment; we are using Ubunmtu 22.04.

Go to You should have already signed up for the last assignment; if not, see that one for how to do so.

Once you log in, click on the course. There will then be a list of exercise environments at the bottom of the page -- click on the one called "Buffer Overflow HW Environment", then click on the power button on the page that appears (it's in the lower left of the page). It will take a minute or so to start (boot). Once it does, hit the play button (the right-arrow that replaced the power button) to attach to a screen in the virtual environment.

You can load up a terminal via one of the icons on the bottom of the screen. You will then have to install a bit of the software. To do so, enter the following two commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make g++ emacs nasm

This image is persistent, which means that any changes you make will be preserved in your virtual environment the next time you log in -- so you should only have to do that once. You are welcome to install any other software that you would like to use. gedit is already installed, as is python3.

When you are done, you should close that window, and you can stop the virtual machine (the stop button, which is next to the play button that started this whole party).

WARNING: This site is free to use for class purposes for all students in the course. Using it for non-class purposes is an honor violation, and will be dealt with as such. Anything outside the reasonable bounds of an assignment in this course is considered a non-class purpose.

This is a great resource, but it is a finite resource. If you decide to wait to the last minute to start the assignment, and the rest of your class-mates do so as well, it's going to be slooooooow. You cannot get an extension because you waited until the last minute along with everybody else, and the system was slow as a result.

Working as root

Some of these commands will require to to execute them as the root user. You can do this by prepending sudo in front of the command. For example, to insert a module called root.ko, you would call sudo insmod root.ko -- this executes the insmod root.ko command as root.



The executable we are attacking is called grade. When run, you enter your name, and it will tell you your grade. An example run of the program:

$ ./grade
Please enter your name:
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is a F

Note that the first instance of the name in the output above is what the user input, and the second is what the program printed back.

The grade reported by this program is the grade you will receive on (part of) this assignment.

The source code for this program is available: grade.c (src). It MUST be compiled with the following command:

gcc -g -fno-stack-protector -m64 -fomit-frame-pointer -o grade grade.c

Your job is to create a shellcode-based buffer overflow attack that will assign you a different grade. For example:

$ ./grade < input.bin
Please enter your name:
Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is an A

The contents of input.bin are output by a program that you will write in tasks 3 & 4.

NOTE: Your output on this must be EXACTLY: <name>, your grade on this assignment is an A, as the Gradescope submission will check this. It's fine if <name> is a nickname or only your first name. Specifically, it has to match the name you put in the file that you will submit.


Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is an operating system defense against buffer overflows. Consider the following program, which is available as stack_addr.c (src):

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  char buffer[256];
  printf ("%.8lx\n",(unsigned long)buffer);

All it does is print out the address of a scoped variable, which means the variable is on the stack. We would expect that the variable is at the same position on the stack, relative to the top, for each execution. We compile it (via gcc -o stack_addr stack_addr.c) and run it a number of times:

$ ./stack_addr 
$ ./stack_addr 
$ ./stack_addr 
$ ./stack_addr 
$ ./stack_addr 
$ ./stack_addr 

The stack position keeps changing. Actually what is happening is the address where the stack starts keeps changing -- buffer is still in the same spot relative to that end of the stack, but the address of that end is what varies each time. This is an operating system defense to make buffer overflows quite difficult, since the address of a buffer keeps changing.

For this assignment, we need to turn that defense off.

We are going to run it differently. Try: setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./stack_addr. The -R option tells it to turn off ASLR for the program being run. The -L flag tells it to use an older memory model that is more appropriate for our first buffer overflow exploit. You can execute this command many times, and you will get the exact same stack address each time.

However, it's annoying to do that each time, so we can just do it once: setarch $(uname -m) -L -R /bin/bash. This runs bash -- the shell -- and any commands run in that shell will not have ASLR turned on. You can now run ./stack_addr many times, and get the same address each time.

We will use the setarch command when we run grade. So your buffer overflow will run via:

setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./stack_addr ./grade < input.bin

The input.bin part is explained below.

Buffer Address

As this is a first take at a stack buffer overflow, we are making the project more viable. Specifically, we will provide the address of the buffer that your program can use when determining the buffer contents.

If you run the grade executable with the --print-buffer-address flag, it will show the address of the buffer:

$ ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address

Again, we see that the address changes each time. So we can run it with setarch in one of two ways. First, each time we call the program:

$ setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./grade --print-buffer-address

Or we can run setarch just once to run bash, and then run the program:

$ setarch $(uname -m) -L -R /bin/bash
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ ./grade --print-buffer-address

Prior to running your program, there will be an address.txt file that will contain the (hex) address of the buffer. We will generate it as such:

$ setarch $(uname -m) -L -R ./grade --print-buffer-address > address.txt
$ cat address.txt

You can then read in that file to determine the address of the buffer. The following C code will do that for you:

#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
  unsigned char bytes[8];
  unsigned long n;

  FILE *fp = fopen("address.txt","r");
  fscanf(fp, "%lx", (unsigned long)&n);
  printf("Buffer address: %lx\n",n);

  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
      bytes[i] = (n >> (64 - 8 * (i + 1))) & 0xFF;
  printf("Reverse address: %lx%lx%lx%lx%lx%lx%lx%lx\n", bytes[7], bytes[6], bytes[5], bytes[4], bytes[3], bytes[2], bytes[1], bytes[0]); 

You may assume that the address.txt file is present, properly formed, and has the correct buffer address value.

Step 1: Makefile

Not much to do here yet, but we are going to call make to compile your code. All of your compilation lines must be in that Makefile, and all under one target. Most of the following steps will have you add some lines to the Makefile. A collection of all the compilation commands is at the end of this document (in the Submission section).

If you forget how to write a Makefile, you can see this Makefile tutorial, and this C/assembly Makefile example, or any other reference online.

You may want to put the grade.c compilation line, from above, into your Makefile. So far, your Makefile should look like this:

    gcc -g -fno-stack-protector -m64 -fomit-frame-pointer -o grade grade.c

Note that the indentation must be a tab, not spaces!

Step 2: Shellcode

This step is to create shellcode that will print out the grade you want to receive, and then gracefully exit. This should be in a file called shellcode.s. Recall that you will have to remove all end-of-string characters from the machine code generated. While this will mostly be 0x00 bytes, you will also have to check for newlines (0x0a) and carriage returns (0x0d). The buffer overflow slide set goes over how to do this.


The goal of this part is to create a stand-alone assembly program that will print out, Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is an A. You will code that in an assembly routine, and use a C program to call that routine. The intent is that you start with the shellcode provided in the course slides, specifically here, and adapt that code.

C Code

To test that your code works, you will need a main() function to call your shellcode; this will go into a shellcode_test.c file. Here is an example such file (you are welcome to use this as-is or modify it):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

extern void shellcode();

void main() {
  int on_stack;
  mprotect((char *)((long)&on_stack & -0x1000), 1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
  mprotect((char *)((long)&main & -0x1000), 1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
  printf ("Before shell code is executed.\n");
  printf ("After shell code is executed.\n");

The mprotect() calls work the same as described in the grade.c program (HTML, C) -- they allow execution on the stack (the first call) and modifying the machine code (the second call). Needless to say, this requires that your assembly routine be called shellcode.

This file is provided in shellcode_test.c (src).

Assembly code

Your assembly code will go in a shellcode.s file; here is the start fo that file:

; shellcode.s

  global shellcode

  section .text


  ; your code here

  ; for now, a ret, but you will want to eventually remove it

This file is provided in shellcode_test.c (src).

Forget assembly? Here are some references from CS 2150: slides, labs (1 & 2), book chapters (1 & 2), and/or recommended online document. If you took CSO1, that course will have some references as well.


Your Makefile will need to have three lines to compile this program: one to call nasm to compile shellcode.s, one to compile shellcode_test.c, and one to link them together.

You will add the following lines to your Makefile (remember that the indents are a single tab, not spaces):

nasm -g -f elf64 -o shellcode.o shellcode.s
gcc -g -m64 -c shellcode_test.c
gcc -g -no-pie -m64 -o shellcode_test shellcode.o shellcode_test.o

This goes after the line to compile grade.c from the previous step.

Some VERY important notes for compilation:

  • We are using C, not C++, so you will have to use the gcc (not g++) compiler.
  • We are using the GNU C compiler, so we are using gcc (not clang)
  • We are doing this as a 64-bit program, so you will have to pass -f elf64 to nasm, and -m64 to BOTH of the gcc compilation commands.
  • You will have to add the -no-pie flag to the final link line. (If you are interested, the default for the current version of gcc is to create a position independent executable (PIE), which means the addresses for everything are relative, not absolute. This does not work with what we are compiling, so we turn it off with that flag.)
  • Your compiled shellcode.s file should be named shellcode.o -- we are going to run a disassembler on that file, so please name it correctly.
  • Your final binary should be called shellcode_test -- we are going to execute it, so please name it correctly.

Notes and hints

Some notes and hints for developing this shellcode:

  • If you forget how to write assembly, see the appropriate slides, labs (1 & 2), book chapters (1 & 2), and/or recommended online document from CS 2150.
  • You can use objdump -d shellcode.o to see the machine language that your assembly opcodes compiled into.
  • The system calls for 32-bit x86 are DIFFERENT than those for 64-bit x86. In particular, syscall 1 is exit in 32-bit but is sys_write in 64-bit. We want this to be a 64-bit program, so be sure to use the syscalls that are listed here. You are welcome to use any other online table for your syscall reference, but be SURE it's the 64-bit version.
  • When invoking syscall in assembly, it looks at the entire register rax for the syscall function. So if you only set the value in the lower 32 bits (i.e., mov eax, 1), then the overall value in rax may not be 1 if any of the upper 32 bits were set previously (which is likely), and you will not get the syscall you expect. So be sure to zero out the 64-bit versions of all the registers that syscall is using.
  • Note that syscall can modify the registers, so if the value in rax was 1 before syscall was invoked, it may be quite different afterward -- so zero out your registers again for your second syscall invocation.
  • As mentioned in the slides, you will want your string to be in your .text section.
  • To save yourself a headache, don't bother putting in a newline at the end of the string at this time.

Where to start?

  • First, get the C code (from above) properly compiling with some assembly code -- you can adapt the vecsum example from the first x86 lab in CS 2150 for this.
  • Make sure your Makefile can compile the code
  • Review the buffer overflow slides, specifically the how to do it column
  • Change the assembly code to print out a string (via a syscall)
  • Add more assembly code to gracefully exit (also via a syscall)
  • View the machine code (via objdump -d), and work on removing all the invalid characters (mostly 0x00 bytes).

Removing invalid characters

As discussed in the slides, we are going to have to remove all end-of-string characters. There are a number of characters can cause problems: newlines (0x0a), carriage returns (0x0d), tabs (0x09), vertical tab (0x0b), and spaces (0x20). The real issue, however, is removing null bytes (0x00). The slides discuss how to do this. You can check your assembly subroutine with objdump -d to verify that these bytes do not occur. Once you make these modifications, recompile shellcode_test to make sure it still works as intended after those changes.


After compiling with make, we will execute your code via ./shellcode_test as follows.

$ ./shellcode_test
Before shell code is executed.
Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is an A

Note that we expect it to say your name, not Albert Einstein. Any reasonable form of your name is fine.

Task 3: Overflow

This is what we are all here for: the buffer overflow itself. Presumably, from task 2, you have shell code that does not contain any 0x00 bytes (or any of the other token-ending characters), prints out the grade you want, and then exits.

In this part, you are going to create a C program called attack_shellcode.c that will write the carefully constructed data to stdout. You can run your program as follows (this is how we will do it to test it):

$ ./attack_shellcode > input.bin

As your program will be writing binary data, the input.bin will be binary. You can use hexdump -C to view the contents of that file -- but make sure you put the -C parameter in there!

Needless to say, be sure to name your executable attack_shellcode. You will then be able to run the buffer overflow via ./grade < input.bin, as shown above. Recall that the grade executable was compiled from the grade.c source code, as shown above.

The buffer overflow slide set will be a useful reference for this. The output of your attack_shellcode executable, which is what is stored in input.bin, will likely have three parts:

  • The NOP sled
  • The shellcode
  • The return address


See the next section for a quick tutorial on how to use the debugger to get your program working.

Notes and hints

Some other notes and tips:

  • We are not, at this time, expecting a newline to be printed at the end of your desired grade -- that's the next task.
  • Nothing here will work unless you have run setarch x86_64 -v -LR bash first, as described in the buffer overflow slide set.
  • The address of the name buffer in vulnerable() MUST be specified as described below, otherwise your program will not work and you will not receive credit for that part
  • When you are not running it in gdb, the buffer address will change slightly. It's up to you to figure out what that is (you can modify grade.c to find out; just be sure to change it back).
  • You can look at your created file via hexdump -C input.bin. With the -C parameter, hexdump will display it in big Endian (different parameters to hexdump will show it in different Endian-ness).
  • In your attack_shellcode program, you may be tempted to use puts() to write your data to standard output. However, puts() will write a newline character ('\n', hex value 0x0a) after the data it prints. You can use fputs() instead (use stdout as the file descriptor) -- this will print to standard output without the trailing newline.


Your Makefile will need to compile your program into an executable named attack_shellcode. A possible compilation line might look like the following -- this would also go into your Makefile.

gcc -o attack_shellcode attack_shellcode.c


After compiling with make, we will execute your code via ./attack_shellcode as follows.

$ setarch $(uname -m) -R -L ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ setarch $(uname -m) -R -L ./grade --print-buffer-address > address.txt
$ cat address.txt
$ ./attack_shellcode > input.bin
$ setarch $(uname -m) -R -L ./grade < input.bin
Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is an A$

The specific value of your buffer address may vary. Notice that the end prompt is on the same line as the output -- this is fixed next.


You are going to have become friendly with gdb -- the GNU Debugger. There is no way around that. Here are a bunch of commands that will be of help; you can also see the CS 2150 GDB tutorial (although some of the commands below are not listed there).

To perform any of these commands, you need to add the -g flag to all of your compilation lines. This was included above, but be sure that each compilation line (both gcc and nasm) have that flag present..

To start the debugger, run gbd with the compiled program you want to debug, such as: gdb shellcode_test.

Breakpoints and examining data

A breakpoint is a spot in the file where the program execution will pause so that you can examine the state of things. To set a breakpoint, enter break shellcode_test.c:11. This will set a breakpoint at line 11 of the shellcode_test.c file, which is the line that calls shellcode();. A breakpoint will pause the program just before that line is executed.

To start the program executing, you enter run. You can enter any command line parameters after the run, or pipes (i.e., run < input.bin).

One you have entered the breakpoint, you can examine the state of the program:

  • info locals prints the values of the local variables in that subroutine
  • print or p will show the value of a specific variable. If it's an array or buffer, you can prefix it by the ampersand (&) to get the address of that array or buffer.
  • You can get the value of a specific register via: p $rax; this will be quite useful later on
  • bt (for backtrace) shows the set of function calls that got to that point
  • list shows the line of source code that the program is paused on, and the few lines before and after

Below is an example of running the debugger using those commands. This is using the shellcode_test.c, from above, and there is only one local variable. There are a number of lines of information printed when the debugger starts; these have been omitted below and replaced with an elipsis (...).

$ gdb shellcode_test 
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04) 12.1
(gdb) break shellcode_test.c:11
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40122a: file shellcode_test.c, line 11.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/aaron/Dropbox/git/ics-staff/hws/buffer/shellcode_test 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
Before shell code is executed.

Breakpoint 1, main () at shellcode_test.c:11
11    shellcode();
(gdb) info locals
on_stack = 0
(gdb) p on_stack
$1 = 0
(gdb) p $rax
$2 = 31
(gdb) bt
#0  main () at shellcode_test.c:11
(gdb) list
6 void main() {
7   int on_stack;
8   mprotect((char *)((long)&on_stack & -0x1000), 1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
9   mprotect((char *)((long)&main & -0x1000), 1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
10    printf ("Before shell code is executed.\n");
11    shellcode();
12    printf ("After shell code is executed.\n");
13  }
(gdb) exit
A debugging session is active.

  Inferior 1 [process 1162358] will be killed.

Quit anyway? (y or n) y

Managing execution

Debuggers can allow you to execute lines of code one at a time; this is called single-stepping. Presumably we would want to examine the data after each single step, as above -- but for this part we are just going to look at how to control the execution of the program.

The relevant commands are:

  • next or n will execute the current line of C code and step to the next instruction. In particular, if that line is a subroutine call, it will execute the entire subroutine and break at the line after the subroutine call. It will also step over conditionals (if) and loops (for and while).
  • step or s will step into the subroutine, and break at the very start of the subroutine. This is useful for subroutines that we write, but less useful for a subroutine we are calling from a library.
  • continue or c will resume execution until either the program ends or another breakpoint is encountered.

If you want to enter the same command a second time, you can just hit the Enter button. You will see this below where it looks like there was nothing entered on the gdb prompt -- it just used the previous command.

For this example, we are going to use the grade.c program from above, and break at the first line of the main() function (line 45). We want to step over the mprotect() calls, but step into the vulnerable() call. We are also going to print the address of the buffer once in vulnerable().

$ gdb grade
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04) 12.1
(gdb) break grade.c:45
Breakpoint 1 at 0x12cf: file grade.c, line 45.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/aaron/Dropbox/git/ics-staff/hws/buffer/grade 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe3e8) at grade.c:45
45    if ( (argc == 2) && (!strcmp(argv[1],"--print-buffer-address")) )
(gdb) n
53    mprotect((char *)((long)&on_stack & -0x1000), 1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
57    mprotect((char *)((long)&main & -0x1000), 1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
60    vulnerable();
(gdb) s
vulnerable () at grade.c:28
28  void vulnerable() {
(gdb) print &buffer
$1 = (char (*)[30]) 0x7ffff7f96e30 <buffer>
(gdb) n
30    if ( print_buffer_address ) {
(gdb) n
35      printf ("Please enter your name:\n");
(gdb) c
Please enter your name:
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is a F
[Inferior 1 (process 1162585) exited with code 067]
(gdb) exit

Assembly in a debugger

The commands seen so far work for C programs, but we want to also be able to examine assembly execution. Here are a few new commands:

  • stepi steps into the assembly being executed -- this will be necessary to trace your shellcode. This is like the step (or s) command from above, but shows the instructions opcode by opcode.
  • layout asm will split the screen so that the assembly being executed is shown at the top (with an arrow at the current instruction pointer), and a place to enter commands below. This can be very useful for tracing your assembly, especially once it is on the stack.
  • To print the value in a register, use p/x $rsi -- this prints it in hexadecimal.
  • When paused in a part of the executable code, you can see the assembly listing via disassemble (or just disas). However, when you are executing on the stack, gdb can't figure out what to disassemble, so it won't show anything via a disas command. Instead, you can give it a range, such as: disassemble 0x7fffffffdcb0,0x7fffffffdd30. As x86 instructions are variable length, if your start address is not on an instruction boundary, you will not get the output you intend.
  • To print a number of values on the stack, try x/40xw $rsp. Note that this displays the data in little Endian, whereas hexdump -C (see below) displays it in big Endian.

There is no example for this because the only relevant example is the homework solution.

Task 4: Newline

BACK UP YOUR CODE FIRST!!! You are about to modify your program, and if things go poorly, then you want to be able to revert back to the code that successfully completes tasks 3 and 4.

If you have made it this far, then your code, when run, looks something like:

$ ./grade < input.bin
Please enter your name:
Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is an A$

You will notice that the prompt (the '$') is on the same line as the desired grade because of the lack of a newline character in the string. You obviously can not put a newline in the string itself, as that would indicate end-of-string, and the rest of your carefully constructed data in input.bin would never make it onto the stack -- so your buffer overflow attack would never occur.

For this task, you are to modify your shellcode (in shellcode.s), and your attack_shellcode.c file, to put a newline at the end of the string. You will likely want to compute that value and store it in the string, since you can't include a newline in the shellcode itself. You should test this out via your shellcode_test program first. Note that one of the mprotect() calls in the provided shellcode_test.c allows for modification of the .text section, so such a modification will work in shellcode_test.

This is just a modification of the attack_shellcode.c file, so your modifications for this task can overwrite parts from the last two tasks. For grading purposes, if you did this task, then you obviously did the previous two tasks.


After compiling with make, we will execute your code via ./attack_shellcode as follows.

$ setarch $(uname -m) -R -L ./grade --print-buffer-address
$ setarch $(uname -m) -R -L ./grade --print-buffer-address > address.txt
$ ./attack_shellcode > input.bin
$ setarch $(uname -m) -R -L ./grade < input.bin
Albert Einstein, your grade on this assignment is an A

Notice that the end prompt is on the next line after the output.

Task 5: Write-up

This is a brief write-up, and should be in the (src) file -- just fill in the blanks as necessary.

Please include the following information:

  • Your name and userid
    • NOTE: Your output of your shellcode must EXACTLY: <name>, your grade on this assignment is an A, as the Gradescope submission will check this. The <name> part must match the name variable in this file. It's fine if you are only using a first name for the shellcode -- if so, please put your full name in a comment in the file above the name variable.
  • How far did you get (i.e., which tasks did you complete)?
  • What thing(s) did you get stuck on for this assignment?
  • Compared to some of the harder assignments you've done, how hard was this assignment?
  • Other than just giving the answers, what could we do to make this assignment run more smoothly in the future?
  • Any additional information that you would like to include (how far you got on a given task, etc.)

We are not looking for any significant length here, just candid answers.


You are likely to run into problems, which will probably be segmentation faults. Here are some ideas about how to solve that.

Recall that gcc often leaves some extra space between the buffer and the return address. How much? You have to figure that out yourself. You can look at the assembly generated for grade.c (run gcc -S -o grade.s grade.c) to start.

One issue is to figure out whether you are setting the return address correctly -- if not, that would be the cause of the segfault. First, we need to find what the return address should be. To do this, we first need to find the return address from vulnerable() back to main(). Run objdump -d grade, and find the line after the call (in main()) to vulnerable() -- that is the return address from vulnerable. Next, load up the executable in gdb, and set up a break point right when you enter into the vulnerable() function. You can list the stack with a command such as, x/100xw $rsp. This will print out 100 hex values, each one being 4 bytes. A typical gdb display will list four 32-bit (4 byte) values per line, which is 16 bytes per line. Since you know the size of the buffer (200 bytes), the return address is likely to be about 200/16 lines down, or about a dozen lines down. Keep in mind that a return address is 64 bits, which will be two of the 32-bit values listed in this display. That return address should (more or less) match the value you gleaned from the objdump command. Once you have the return address, figure out the command to just print out that return address: x/2xw 0x7fffffffdcc0 might work (if the return address were located at 0x7fffffffdcc0). Next, set up a break point for the end of the vulnerable() function. Check that return address value again -- it should look similar to (but not the exact same value as) the value in the rsp register (print $rsp). When split among two values, it will list like, 0xffffde00 0x00007fff. Once you see that value, it should be the exact address of the name buffer. If not, then your program is going to seg fault.

If you are sure the return address is set correctly, the next step is to trace the injected assembly. Set a break point for the end of the vulnerable() function. If you set it before the last function call (the strncpy() call), hit n to step over that function. You will then start using stepi to single-step through the assembly instructions. Running layout asm will help the trace. You should step through your assembly code to make sure it works -- presumably there will be the nop sled, then your injected code. Note that x86 instructions are of a different lengths, so if your jump is off, it may jump to the middle of an instruction, and you will get an illegal instruction error. You can disassemble a region of memory with a command such as disassemble 0x7fffffffdcb0,0x7fffffffdd30. Also note that when you are disassembling the contents of the stack, gdb will attempt to map the string (that you should receive, presumably, an A) to x86 instructions, many of which will be invalid. But if you do a disassembly from the start of your shell code (which is the target of your initial jump), you should see the assembly that you wrote.


You are going to submit five files:

  • Makefile: this calls four compilation lines (three from task 2, and one from task 3; the line for task 3 will also apply to tasks 4 and 5).
    • Make sure that things are compiled to the right names! shellcode.s should compile to shellcode.o, all of task 2 should compile into the shellcode_test executable, and the code from task 3 should compile into the attack_shellcode executable.
    • You can also include the compilation line for grade.c or not -- we will provide it during testing regardless.
  • shellcode.s and shellcode_test.c from task 2
  • attack_shellcode.c from task 3 & 4 (if you completed task 4, just submit that version, as that shows you also completed task 3)
  • from task 5
    • Make sure the name variable matches the name printed out by the shellcode, as Gradescope will check for this

If you did not get to a section, you will still have to submit the required files, as the submission will check that all 5 files are present. You can just create an empty file (or a file with hello world in it) if you did not get to that part.