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ICS: Programming Homework: Cryptocurrency

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You must design and implement your own cryptocurrency! Your implementation must be secure enough that you could actually use it.

Your cryptocurrency should have a name -- ideally, think of a neat name, but make sure it is not already taken. It will have to use public/private key encryption to generate the wallets. You do not have to use symmetric encryption (such as AES) to protect the private key in the wallet. You will need to use a good hashing algorithm. In practice, SHA-256 would be the minimum, but you can use a shorter SHA hash for this assignment.

The intent is not for you to write the hashing or encryption / decryption routines -- use existing libraries for that. In particular, both Java and Python can do that for you. Be careful about requiring an uncommon Python module or Java library, as it has to run on the submission server.

If you want to use a programming language not already provided in this assignment, please contact the course instructor at least two days before the due date.

This assignment is based on the material covered in the Cryptocurrency slide set; you will need to be familiar with that material to complete this assignment.


Any changes to this page will be put here for easy reference. Typo fixes and minor clarifications are not listed here. So far there aren't any significant changes to report.


You may use any programming language for this, but if you want to use a language other than Java or Python, please check with us first so that we can enable it on the submission server. You have to let us know at least two days before the assignment is due so we have time to configure it.

For Java and Python, we provide you with the code to convert a hex string to an array of bytes, to convert an array of bytes to a hex string, getting the SHA-256 hash of a file, and to read and write RSA keys. For Java, that is in the form of methods that you can use. For Python, it is links to the library functions that performs those tasks.

Python: you have to use Python 3 for this. We will install the rsa package; the documentation for that library, including code examples, is here. Some of these functions will require you to encode your message as ASCII (it gives 'Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing' message otherwise) -- just call .encode('ascii') on the string first. Encoding from a byte array to a string is done via the binascii library. Hashes in Python are in hashlib, which is part of the Python installation. To take the SHA-256 hash of a file, see this code on stack overflow. You can see some example code in the (html) file we have provided for you to use; you can copy that code as-is into your homework solution, if you want. You can see here for how to use command-line arguments.

Other languages are available; chat with the course instructor. We do NOT recommend Java for this assignment.

Java: RSA and SHA are already in the standard Java library; you can look here for how to handle RSA in Java, and see the MessageDigest class for SHA (and the example here). An example about how to sign a message can be found here. You may use any of the code on those pages for your program. Note that the Java version on the submission server is OpenJDK 1.11. We provide some methods in the (html) file we have provided for you to use; you can copy that code as-is into your homework solution, if you want.

File format


The blockchain will be in files named block_0.txt, block_1.txt, etc. The zeroth block (block_0.txt) will be the genesis block, and will not have any actual transactions in it. Each successive block after the genesis block will be of the following format:

  • Line 1 will be the hash of the previous block
  • Lines 2 to $n$-1 will each hold a transaction line (which is not the same as a transaction statement), one per line; these will be of the form S transferred x to D on w, where $S$ is the source wallet, $D$ is the destination wallet, $x$ is the integer amount to transfer, and $w$ is the date. The date can be any format you would like, as long as it has the date and time (with seconds), but it must be human readable (so no UNIX timestamps). In Java, new Date() will achieve this; in Python 3, str( will do the same.
  • The last line will have the nonce, which is determined when the block is mined

When generating the next block, you can assume that the previous block file exists. This means that we will generate the genesis block block_0.txt from the genesis command (below) before validating the first block.

Below is a sample block. Note that we put blank lines between the parts -- that's fine if you want to do that as well, but it is not necessary.


bigfoot transferred 100 to a3e47443b0f3bc76 on Tue Apr 02 23:09:13 EDT 2019
bigfoot transferred 100 to 48adadf4fb921fca on Tue Apr 02 23:09:14 EDT 2019
a3e47443b0f3bc76 transferred 12 to 48adadf4fb921fca on Tue Apr 02 23:09:14 EDT 2019
48adadf4fb921fca transferred 2 to a3e47443b0f3bc76 on Tue Apr 02 23:09:15 EDT 2019

nonce: 120

The details about each line, as well as the 'bigfoot' concept, are explained below.


The blocks described above represent transactions that have been completed and mined into the blockchain. Pending transaction lines are to be placed in the mempool, which we will appropriately call mempool.txt. One of the functionalities that you have to implement is the transfer of the transaction lines in the mempool into a block in the blockchain through mining.

Each line in the mempool will have the same one-line format described above (S transferred x to D on w). You are welcome to use present tense (transfers) or past tense (transferred); it doesn't matter to us which tense you use. You can have a reasonable amount of additional information after the required text, but it must all be on the same line. This is important -- each transaction line in the mempool must be exactly one line!

Below is an example of a line from the mempool. This line is a transaction line, which is described next.

a3e47443b0f3bc76 transferred 12 to 48adadf4fb921fca on Tue Apr 02 23:09:14 EDT 2019

Note that this is the second-to-last line in the block shown above.

Transaction statement versus transaction line

A transaction statement is a multi-line text file that contains the sender, the recipient, the amount, and ends with a digital signature. Each transaction statement will be in its own file; one is shown below.

A transaction line is a single line in a mempool (and, later, in a block in the blockchain) that contains similar information, but on a single line. The one-line example above, in the mempool section, is a transaction line. Note that a transaction line does not contain a signature, whereas the transaction statement does.

Another of the functionalities that you will have to implement is the verification of a transaction statement (checking it's signature and that there are enough funds), which will then insert a single transaction line for that transaction into the mempool. This is the verify functionality, described below, and converts a transaction statement into a transaction line.

As an example, below is one of the transaction statements that was generated from the script provided (specifically the ./ transfer alice.wallet.txt $bob 12 03-alice-to-bob.txt line); that shell script is provided below. Note that you don't have to have the same format! This is just what we used. However, it must contain the same five pieces of information: from, to, amount, date, and the signature. The one-line entry from the mempool, above, is the corresponding transaction line for this transaction statement.

From: a3e47443b0f3bc76
To: 48adadf4fb921fca
Amount: 12
Date: Tue Apr 02 23:09:13 EDT 2019


The signature is done of the first four lines of information (or however many lines contain your information). This is done when taking the signature, and the program will need to do the same when checking the signature.

Note that the result of a fund command, which comes from "bigfoot" (or whatever you call your source of funds in your cryptocurrency), then there will likely not be a signature line at the bottom of the transaction line. We describe "bigfoot", and the fund command, below.

Wallet tag versus wallet file

A wallet is a public / private key set. When signing a transaction, or checking a signature, then the full wallet file name will have to be provided as a command line parameter. A wallet tag is a shortened version of the hash of the public key from the wallet file. For our purposes, we should take the SHA-256 hash of the public key, and use that. However, that's a bit long, so we can use only the first 16 characters of that hash for brevity.


Since this can be done in any programming language, you will have to write a shell script (described below) so that we can call your code. While the shell script is described below, the particular function -- called the mode -- to be implemented is shown like this in the requirements below. That function will be the first command line parameter provided to the program, and any additional command line parameters are specified below. For example, to generate a wallet, you might call java CMoney generate wallet.txt or python3 generate wallet.txt. We are going to be using the same command-line parameters (here, generate wallet.txt) to both your source code and the shell script.

Output: Each command below should print out EXACTLY ONE LINE to standard output indicating the success (or failure) of the command. This assignment is going to be auto-graded, so if you provide more than one line, it will mark your code as wrong even if you perform the function correctly.

For the examples below, we assume that your code is in a CMoney Java class or a Python file, but you can name it anything you want.

The requirements are:

  1. Print the name of the cryptocurrency (name). This is the name from the Overview section, above. There are no additional command line parameters to this function.
    • Example usages: java CMoney name and python3 name
    • Example output: AaronDollar(TM) (come up with your own; mine is clearly trademarked)
  2. Create the genesis block (genesis): this is the initial block in the block chain, and the block should always be the same. Come up with a fun quote! It should always be written to a block_0.txt file. Only have one zero in there! We are going to check for the presence of block_0.txt, and thus block_00.txt will fail this test. There are no additional command line parameters to this function.
    • Example usages: java CMoney genesis and python3 genesis
    • Example output: Genesis block created in 'block_0.txt'
      • The exact output line doesn't matter here -- it should just be one line that states the same information.
  3. Generate a wallet (generate): this will create RSA public/private key set (1024 bit keys is appropriate for this assignment). The resulting wallet file MUST BE TEXT -- you will have to convert any binary data to text to save it (and convert it in the other direction when loading). You can see the provided helper functions, above, to help with this. The file name to save the wallet to will be provided as an additional command line parameter.
    • Example usages: java CMoney generate alice.wallet.txt and python3 generate alice.wallet.txt
    • Example output: New wallet generated in 'alice.wallet.txt' with tag e1f3ec14abcb45da
      • For this command, also, the exact output does not matter as long as it contains that information on one line (with or without the tag)
  4. Get wallet tag (address): this will print out the tag of the public key for a given wallet, which is likely the first 16 (or so) characters of the SHA-256 hash of the public key. Note that it only prints out that tag (no other output). When the other commands talk about naming a wallet, this is what it actually means. You are welcome to use the first 16 characters of the hash of the public key for this assignment; you don't need to use the entire hash. The file name of the wallet file will be provided as an additional command line parameter. To avoid confusion with the signatures discussed elsewhere, we will call the this the wallet's tag or address.
    • Example usages: java CMoney address alice.wallet.txt and python3 address alice.wallet.txt
    • Example output: e1f3ec14abcb45da, or whatever that wallet's tag is -- note that NOTHING ELSE should be printed, just the wallet tag
  5. Fund wallets (fund): this allows us to add as much money as we want to a wallet. While this is obviously not practical in the real world, it will allow us to test your program. (Although there still needs to be a way to fund wallets in the real world also). Create a special case ID ('bigfoot', 'daddy_warbucks', 'lotto', 'satoshi_nakamoto', or whatever) that your program knows to use as the source for a fund request, and also knows not to verify when handling verification, below. This means that 'bigfoot' (or whatever) will appear alongside the hash of the public keys as the source of funds. This function will be provided with three additional command line parameters: the destination wallet tag, the amount to transfer, and the file name to save the transaction statement to. All funded amounts are integers; we are not using floating-point numbers in this assignment at all.
    • Example usages: java CMoney fund <taga> 100 01-alice-funding.txt and python3 fund <taga> 100 01-alice-funding.txt
      • In this example, <taga> is the result of the address command, above, for Alice's wallet
    • Example output: Funded wallet d96b71971fbeec39 with 100 AaronDollars on Tue Apr 02 23:09:00 EDT 2019
      • For this command, also, the exact output does not matter as long as it contains that information on one line
  6. Transfer funds (transfer): this is how we pay with our cryptocurrency. It will be provided with four additional command line parameters: the source wallet file name (not the address!), the destination wallet tag (not the file name!), the amount to transfer, and the file name to save the transaction statement to. Any reasonable format for the transaction statement is fine for this, as long as the transaction statement is text and thus readable by a human. Recall that the transaction statement must have five pieces of information, described above in the "Transaction statement versus transaction line" section. Note that this command does NOT add anything to the mempool; it only writes the transaction statement. All transferred amounts are integers; we are not using floating-point numbers in this assignment at all.
    • Example usages: java CMoney transfer alice.wallet.txt <tagb> 12 03-alice-to-bob.txt and python3 transfer alice.wallet.txt <tagb> 12 03-alice-to-bob.txt
      • In this example, <tagb> would be the result of the address command, above, for Bob's wallet
    • Example output: Transferred 12 from alice.wallet.txt to d96b71971fbeec39 and the statement to '03-alice-to-bob.txt' on Tue Apr 02 23:09:00 EDT 2019
      • For this command, also, the exact output does not matter as long as it contains that information on one line
  7. Check a balance (balance): based on the transactions in the block chain AND ALSO in the mempool, compute the balance for the provided wallet. This does not look at transaction statements, only the transaction lines in the blocks and the mempool. Thus, if a transaction has been written to a transaction statement file from the transfer command, but not moved into the mempool (via the verify command, next), then that transaction is NOT considered when computing the balance. But all transaction lines in the blocks of the blockchain and also the mempool are considered. The wallet address to compute the balance for is provided as an additional command line parameter.
    • NOTE: this should ONLY print the balance as a number, as an integer, and nothing else!
    • Example usages: java CMoney balance <taga> and python3 balance <taga>
      • In this example, <taga> is the result of the address command, above, for Alice's wallet
    • Example output: 90 -- this should print NOTHING ELSE other than the (integer) balance
  8. Verify a transaction (verify): verify that a given transaction statement is valid, which will require checking the signature and the availability of funds. For funds available, just use the result of the balance command, above. Once verified, it should be added to the mempool as a transaction line. This is the only way that transactions are added to the mempool. The wallet file name (whichever wallet created the transaction) and the transaction statement being verified are the additional command line parameters.
    • Example usages: java CMoney verify bob.wallet.txt 04-bob-to-alice.txt and python3 verify bob.wallet.txt 04-bob-to-alice.txt
    • Example output: The transaction in file '04-bob-to-alice.txt' with wallet 'bob.wallet.txt' is valid, and was written to the mempool
      • For this command, also, the exact output does not matter as long as it contains that information on one line
  9. Create and mine the block (mine): this will form another block in the blockchain. The mempool will be emptied of transaction lines, as they will all go into the current block being computed. A nonce will have to be computed to ensure the hash is below a given value. Recall that the first line in any block is the SHA-256 of the last block file. The difficulty for the mining will be the additional parameter to this command. For simplicity, the difficulty will be the number of leading zeros to have in the hash value -- so a value of 3 would imply that the hash must start with three leading zeros. We will be using very small difficulties here, so a brute-force method for finding the nonce is sufficient (just like in all other proof-of-work cryptocurrencies). A difficulty of 2 is appropriate for our tests. The nonce must be a single unsigned 32 bit (or 64 bit) integer.
    • Example usages: java CMoney mine 2 and python3 mine 2
    • Example output: Mempool transactions moved to block_1.txt and mined with difficulty 2 and nonce 1029
      • For this command, also, the exact output does not matter as long as it contains that information on one line
  10. Validate the blockchain (validate): this should go through the entire block chain, validating each block. This means that starting with block 1 (the block after the genesis block), ensure that the hash listed in that file, which is the hash for the previous block file, is correct. The only thing you must check with this is that the the previous hash values are all valid; we are not checking balances for this. The blockchain is considered valid if only the genesis block exists. However, we will never call this function if the genesis block has not been created. Thus, you don't have to actually check if the genesis block exists, as we will never call validate on it if it does not exist. Likewise, you don't have to do any checks on the genesis block file itself. There are no additional command-line parameters for this function.
    • NOTE: this should ONLY print either 'True' or 'False' (if it's valid or not), and nothing else! Case matters here.
    • Example usages: java CMoney validate and python3 validate
    • Example output: True or False

In terms of output, there are only four commands where the output is very specific:

  • name prints just the name of the cryptocurrency
  • validate outputs either True or False
  • balance outputs only a single integer
  • address outputs only the hash (or part thereof) of the wallet

All other commands can print any reasonable (one-line) line of output. Note that this output is in separate from any files created.

Other files

Shell script

Since different programming languages can be used, and you may name your file differently, we are going to have you submit a shell script called that we will use to test your code. All it does is pass the command-line parameters on to your program. If you are using Python, then your shell script would look like the following:

python3 $@

Be sure to call python3, not python in your shell script! Otherwise it will not work. And change to the name of your program file.

If you are using Java, then your shell script would look like the following:

java CMoney $@

Change CMoney to the name of your public Java class.

Save the two lines above to a text file called; change the name of the file as appropriate to your code. Then run chmod 755 You should then be able to run your program through the shell script. Examples of how to call the shell script are given below, but it uses the same command line parameters described above.


Separately from the shell script, you will also need a Makefile. This will allow your program to be compiled prior to execution (if your program needs compilation). For languages that do not need compilation (such as Python), just put in a single echo statement so that make still runs properly.

If you are using Python, your Makefile will look like the following:

     echo hello world

Note that the indentation is a tab, not spaces! Makefiles are very strict on that.

If you are using Java, your Makefile will look like the following:


Note that the indentation is a tab, not spaces! Makefiles are very strict on that. And change the Java file name as appropriate for your source code.

Sample execution

This is just meant to show the syntax -- it is not meant to be a full fledged testing suite of your homework. However, it does call each of the commands listed above, and makes the calls via the shell script. Note that the lines with the equals signs are setting shell variables to be used later on. The commands used here are in the (html) script. Note that you will have to run chmod 755 before you can run the shell script. You would run it as: ./ Also note that this shell script takes the SHA-256 sum of one of the block files via the sha256sum command -- if you don't have this command on your computer, you can remove that line.

NOTE: We provide these commands in the (html) script above! No need to cut-and-paste.

$ ./ name
$ ./ genesis
Genesis block created in 'block_0.txt'
$ ./ generate alice.wallet.txt
New wallet generated in 'alice.wallet.txt' with tag e1f3ec14abcb45da
$ export alice=`./ address alice.wallet.txt`
$ echo alice.wallet.txt wallet tag: $alice
alice.wallet.txt wallet tag: e1f3ec14abcb45da
$ ./ fund $alice 100 01-alice-funding.txt
Funded wallet e1f3ec14abcb45da with 100 AaronDollars on Tue Apr 02 23:08:59 EDT 2019
$ ./ generate bob.wallet.txt
New wallet generated in 'bob.wallet.txt' with tag d96b71971fbeec39
$ export bob=`./ address bob.wallet.txt`
$ echo bob.wallet.txt wallet tag: $bob
bob.wallet.txt wallet tag: d96b71971fbeec39
$ ./ fund $bob 100 02-bob-funding.txt
Funded wallet d96b71971fbeec39 with 100 AaronDollars on Tue Apr 02 23:09:00 EDT 2019
$ ./ transfer alice.wallet.txt $bob 12 03-alice-to-bob.txt
Transferred 12 from alice.wallet.txt to d96b71971fbeec39 and the statement to '03-alice-to-bob.txt' on Tue Apr 02 23:09:00 EDT 2019
$ ./ transfer bob.wallet.txt $alice 2 04-bob-to-alice.txt
Transferred 2 from bob.wallet.txt to e1f3ec14abcb45da and the statement to '04-bob-to-alice.txt' on Tue Apr 02 23:09:01 EDT 2019
$ ./ verify alice.wallet.txt 01-alice-funding.txt
Any funding request (i.e., from bigfoot) is considered valid; written to the mempool
$ ./ verify bob.wallet.txt 02-bob-funding.txt
Any funding request (i.e., from bigfoot) is considered valid; written to the mempool
$ ./ verify alice.wallet.txt 03-alice-to-bob.txt
The transaction in file '03-alice-to-bob.txt' with wallet 'alice.wallet.txt' is valid, and was written to the mempool
$ ./ verify bob.wallet.txt 04-bob-to-alice.txt
The transaction in file '04-bob-to-alice.txt' with wallet 'bob.wallet.txt' is valid, and was written to the mempool
$ cat mempool.txt
bigfoot transferred 100 to e1f3ec14abcb45da on Tue Apr 02 23:09:01 EDT 2019
bigfoot transferred 100 to d96b71971fbeec39 on Tue Apr 02 23:09:01 EDT 2019
e1f3ec14abcb45da transferred 12 to d96b71971fbeec39 on Tue Apr 02 23:09:02 EDT 2019
d96b71971fbeec39 transferred 2 to e1f3ec14abcb45da on Tue Apr 02 23:09:02 EDT 2019
$ ./ balance $alice
$ ./ balance $bob
$ ./ mine 2
Mempool transactions moved to block_1.txt and mined with difficulty 2 and nonce 1029
$ sha256sum block_1.txt
00cc159f08e9e833d2cc85e8dce788020603346829e86f623e6f3c7e36e34b6c  block_1.txt
$ ./ validate


There are a number of assumptions you can make for your code:

  • We will always provide the proper parameters to the shell script -- both the number, order, and validity of the parameters can be assumed to be correct.
  • The block_?.txt files will be consecutive -- so there won't be a block_3.txt missing when there is a block_4.txt.
  • The block_0.txt file will exist before any calls to verify, validate, mine, or balance; however, the mempool.txt file may not yet exist.
  • All numerical values provided for the cryptocurrency amounts -- this is for the balance and fund modes -- will only be integers; floating point numbers are not being used in this assignment.


You will submit exactly three files for this assignment:

  1. Your source code file. All your code must be in a single source code file. We realize that a Java file may compile to multiple .class files, which is fine. As mentioned above, if you want to use a language other than Java or Python, please check with us first.
  2. the shell script, described above.
  3. Makefile: as described above