This directory contains all the required scripts and tools needed to build RPM and DEB packages for Apache CloudStack.
These scripts are also used by the CloudStack team to build packages for the official release of CloudStack.
The RPM and DEB packages have dependencies on versions of specific libraries. Due to these dependencies the following distributions and their versions are supported by the packages.
- CentOS / RHEL: 7 and 8
- Debian 7 (Wheezy) and 8 (Jessy) (untested!)
- Ubuntu: 16.04 (Xenial), 18.04 (Bionic) and 20.04 (Focal)
Using the scripts in the packaging directory the RPM and DEB packages can be build.
If you simply want to build packages go to the root directory of your CloudStack source code and run:
This will build packages for the current distribution version you are running. If you run this on a Ubuntu 16.04 system the packages will be tailored for Ubuntu 16.04 and will not install on Ubuntu 14.04.
If you want to build packages for a different distribution run the script. This will build packages with the current distribution as a suffix to the package names. E.g. cloudstack-agent_4.9.0~xenial_all.deb
Using a Docker image you can build packages for a distribution you are not running.
The following commands assume that the CloudStack source is present in /tmp/cloudstack on the system you are running these commands on.
docker run -ti -v /tmp:/src ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y dpkg-dev python debhelper openjdk-8-jdk genisoimage python-mysql.connector maven lsb-release devscripts && /src/cloudstack/packaging/"
docker run -ti -v /tmp:/src ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y dpkg-dev python debhelper openjdk-7-jdk genisoimage python-mysql.connector maven lsb-release devscripts && /src/cloudstack/packaging/"
The commands above will generate Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 packages which you will find in /tmp on your system after the build succeeds.
The script can be used to build RPM packages for CloudStack. In the packaging script you can run the following command:
./ --pack oss --distribution centos7