This is an implementation of Mikkola's method to solve the Kepler equation. (Ref: Mikkola, 1987)
This package defines two functions:
double MIKKOLA(double l, double e) --- Solves the Elliptic Kepler equation.
double MIKKOLAh(double l, double e) --- Solves the Hyperbolic Kepler equation.
- g++
- python
- swig3.0
- python-dev and python3-dev
- The python example requires numpy and matplotlib.
- To build the python interface, type
make python_interface
Note that the by default this creates a wrapper for Python3. To make a wrapper for Python2, change the PYTHONI variable in the Makefile to the location of Python.h in your Python2 installation.
- To build the C++ example programs, type
make tests
Please see for usage.
- If "make python_interface" fails complaining about missing Python.h, make sure that the PYTHONI variable in Makefile points to the location of Python.h. Also, ensure that the packages "python-dev" and "python3-dev" are installed.