Join us on our journey on the world of Fun and Exciting Coding. We are excited to join the 1st Global Hackathon. And We will surely make this a fun and meaningful Experience. Let the Koding Begin..!!!!
We are a team of developers from the Philippines. We studied Computer Engineering and mastered in Software development. Now each of us are working in different fields of Software development. We built this team to make our own start up Company,as of now we are just getting simple projects. We already have used many different languages in our projects. Mostly our Projects are Desktop Application, but we are also used in creating Web applications and Mobile Apps.
Nehto | Mai Lin | Al | Del |
We are still brainstorming on what kind of Project we would be creating based on the theme. We are very knowledgable in: HTML5, PHP, Javascript,JQuery, CSS, Java(SE and EE), C#, .Net, MySQL