This team is called Go For Broke.
| mortdeus
Hi my name is Roger and I decided to join because I felt like it would be a fun experience to participate in the first ever virtual hackathon. I am personally inspired by the way the internet has revolutionized and inspired the act of a worldwide collaboration between hackers who collectively work together in open source software projects.
I believe the internet is a tool that enables for the best possible software to be produced because it provides an open channel for the best minds to communicate and share ideas. In the same way that the internet inspires collaboration, I am fascinated to participate in this virtual hackathon to see if the internet will inspire competition in a similar manner. Are we about to witness an epic battle between the smartest and most creative hackers in the world? I am excited to find out.
I am primarily a Go developer. (the team name being a pun where you run a goroutine on a for loop that calls a function broke; invalid syntax perhaps but "go func(){for{broke();}}" was a bit unwieldy)
I like to poke my head around exotic low level software like research operating system kernels (plan9, inferno, etc) and new language compilers/runtimes. (go, rust, etc).
The project I am going to be working on is a competitive multiplayer game that
helps teach Programming with an insight towards key principles like resource optimization and the design of powerful artifical intelligence algorithms.