One man, on a mission, to save the world through the Koding Global Hackathon. Just kidding.
Hi, my name is Hubert Chen. I am a student studying Software Engineering at Monmouth University, which is located in New Jersey, USA.
I would like to join this hackathon because it will be a great opportunity to challenge myself to build something that can create a positive impact. After 4 years of school, I believe I have accumulated enough knowledge to build a full stack system.
As your typical broke college student, winning any sort of prize money would be a extremely helpful. However, given the sheer amount of teams (2,000 maximum) and probably being on the low end of experience in the Top Hacker category, the odds of myself winning are unlikely. This does not deter me. Instead, I hope to try the best that I can and when the competition has subsided, analyze other people's work in the hopes that I may find new ways of approaching problems and designing solutions.
Regardless of whether I get accepted, I would like to applaud the Koding team for hosting this event.
Thank you.
As it isn't the time to learn new technologies, I will be sticking with easy to use and familar technologies. My stack will include: Koding for hosting, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Bootstrap, CSS, JQuery, JS, and HTML.
Theme: Problems facing our planet, explained using interactive data visualization.
*APIs:,,, Ip2Country through MashApe.
*This is bound to change as I am still playing around with a few ideas.