Process for filming a YouTube video.
Can I even film?
- 🗓️ Am I available for an uninterrupted half day at least?
- 🧘 Am I well rested and in the right mindset?
- 🍜 Am I well nourished to last half a day?
- 🚨 Is there an ambient loud noise that I cannot lessen?
Prefilm checklist:
- 📝 Prepare content
- 🧹 Clean filming area of any clutter
- 👞 Dapper up
- 💻 Setup physical gear (headset + charged battery, laptop + charger)
- 💣 Close all personal and work files, clear desktop of all files
- TODO: create a new user for filming, would make the above step obsolete
- ⚔️ Setup programming tools
- VSCode (zoom in for a film friendly font size)
- Guest Chrome browser
- Initialize
src - <project>/
- 🔧 Setup filming tools (quicktime)
- Open camera recording instance in top right set stick to top setting
- Open screen and audio recording instance
- 🔇 Lessen all external sources of noise (close doors, mute devices)
- 🎥 Calibrate audio, camera, and screen recording as needed
- 🏃 Practice a handful of short dry-runs, modify content as needed
- 🙃 Give myself an inspirational speach in the mirror
- 🎬 Action!
Postfilm checklist:
- Import audio, camera, and screen recordings into Lightworks
- Layer the mediums and sync up audio to video
- Skim the video and confirm the sync stays consistent throughout
- Export project as an MP4 (may take a while)
- Confirm export succesful
- Video and sound quality are high
- The video starts and ends when expected
- Audio and video are synced
- Upload to Youtube
- Push code to Github
- Write up the title, description, and tags as the video uploads
- One or two hours after uploading, confirm that 760p or higher versions of the video are available
- Update Github readme to include new project in list of videos