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Chat SDK Demo

An app showcasing the usage of Chat SDK with Chat React hooks to build chat.

Quickstart install-to-browser, from this folder run:

(cd .. && npm run build)
npm install
npm run start



This demo app uses both the ably-chat-js core SDK and associated React hooks. This is accessible via @ably/chat.

  1. First of all, you need to build the main Chat SDK and associated React hooks from the root directory ((cd .. && npm run build)).
  2. Run npm install here.

Credential Setup

  1. Copy .env.example to .env. and set the VITE_ABLY_CHAT_API_KEY to your Ably API key.
  2. If you're using a custom Ably domain, also set the VITE_ABLY_HOST to your custom domain.

For Ably: if running local realtime, see src/main.tsx.


Run npm run start, and it will automatically open your browser on port 8888.

Use npm run start-silent if you'd rather not have your browser open automatically.

npm run start (and the start-silent version) will run both the API component for generating tokens and the front-end side. If you'd like to only run the front-end site use npm run dev.