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Projectile & Fixmee
joe di castro edited this page Apr 18, 2015
2 revisions
This is my hydra for Projectile and Fixmee Projects (I find them very purpose relationed).
(defhydra hydra-project (:color blue :hint nil :idle 0.4)
Files Search Buffer Do │ Projectile │
[_f_] file [_a_] ag [_b_] switch [_g_] magit
[_l_] file dwim [_A_] grep [_v_] show all [_p_] commander
[_r_] recent file [_s_] occur [_V_] ibuffer [_i_] info
[_d_] dir [_S_] replace [_K_] kill all
[_o_] other [_t_] find tag
[_u_] test file [_T_] make tags
[_h_] root
Other Window Run Cache Do │ Fixmee │
╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ╭────────────────┴────────╯
[_F_] file [_U_] test [_kc_] clear [_x_] TODO & FIXME
[_L_] dwim [_m_] compile [_kk_] add current [_X_] toggle
[_D_] dir [_c_] shell [_ks_] cleanup
[_O_] other [_C_] command [_kd_] remove
[_B_] buffer
("<tab>" hydra-master/body "back")
("<ESC>" nil "quit")
("a" projectile-ag)
("A" projectile-grep)
("b" projectile-switch-to-buffer)
("B" projectile-switch-to-buffer-other-window)
("c" projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root)
("C" projectile-run-command-in-root)
("d" projectile-find-dir)
("D" projectile-find-dir-other-window)
("f" projectile-find-file)
("F" projectile-find-file-other-window)
("g" projectile-vc)
("h" projectile-dired)
("i" projectile-project-info)
("kc" projectile-invalidate-cache)
("kd" projectile-remove-known-project)
("kk" projectile-cache-current-file)
("K" projectile-kill-buffers)
("ks" projectile-cleanup-known-projects)
("l" projectile-find-file-dwim)
("L" projectile-find-file-dwim-other-window)
("m" projectile-compile-project)
("o" projectile-find-other-file)
("O" projectile-find-other-file-other-window)
("p" projectile-commander)
("r" projectile-recentf)
("s" projectile-multi-occur)
("S" projectile-replace)
("t" projectile-find-tag)
("T" projectile-regenerate-tags)
("u" projectile-find-test-file)
("U" projectile-test-project)
("v" projectile-display-buffer)
("V" projectile-ibuffer)
("X" fixmee-mode)
("x" fixmee-view-listing))
- Binding-Styles
- Basics
- Verbosity
- Verbosity-Long-Short
- Conditional-Hydra
- defcustom
- Hydra-Colors
- internals
- Nesting-Hydras
- Prefix-map