- Enqueue(Q, x):
Q[Q.rear] = x
if Q.rear == Q.length
Q.rear = 1
else Q.rear = Q.rear + 1
- Dequeue(Q):
x = Q[Q.front]
if Q.front == Q.length
Q.front = 1
else Q.front = Q.front + 1
return x
- IsEmpty(Q):
if Q.rear == Q.length
return True
return False
- Front(Q):
if IsEmpty(Q)
error "Queue Underflow!"
return Q[Q.front]
- Rear(Q):
if IsEmpty(Q)
error "Queue Underflow!"
return Q[Q.rear]
- QueueSize(Q):
return Q.rear - Q.front
- Underflow: An attempt was made to dequeue an empty queue.
- Overflow: An attempt was made to enqueue an item onto a full stack.
- Time:
- Space:
- Operating systems often maintain a queue of processes that are ready to execute or that are waiting for a particular event to occur.
- Computer systems must often provide a “holding area” for messages between two internal processes or programs, or between two systems over a network. This holding area is usually called a “buffer” and is often implemented as a queue, because we want the message time order to be retained.