Name | Type | Description | Notes |
rpn | str | The expression in this field will be performed on the datapoint. The Column name should be referenced as the datapoint | [optional] |
data_point_name | str | The name of the datapoint | [optional] |
display_type | str | The display type, it includes two options: raw | percent |
min_value | float | The minimum value of the table widget | [optional] |
data_point_id | int | The id of the datapoint | |
max_value | float | The maximum value of the table widget | [optional] |
color_thresholds | list[ColorThreshold] | The threshold of color changes | [optional] |
column_name | str | The name for the column | |
enable_forecast | bool | Whether or not forecasting is enabled | [optional] |
rounding_decimal | int | The number of decimal points to round the value to. Options are 0, 1 and 2 | [optional] |