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Cavella, Tony [USA]Cavella, Tony [USA]
Cavella, Tony [USA]
Cavella, Tony [USA]
Aug 11, 2023
dbdbf1d · Aug 11, 2023


88 lines (82 loc) · 6.44 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (82 loc) · 6.44 KB

Trusted Core - EST Client

An EST client written in Bash


  • Bash
  • curl
  • OpenSSL
  • CertAgent 7.0.9.x


Initial device certificate (RSA4096 / SHA384) is issued from the Certificate Authority through a manual enrollment and issuance process. The public certificate is combined with the private key and 3DES encrypted to form a PKCS#12 (PFX / P12). The system administrator installs the P12 on the device.

Prior to expiration of the original public certificate, a reenroll request is submit via the EST mechanism. The original client certificate is used to provide certificate authorization during the enrollment. A new certificate request is generated from the original private key and must have matching Common Name (CN) as the client certificate.


  1. Download the latest tagged release and extract it to your home directory or
  2. Clone the repo to your home directory git clone [email protected]:csfc-lab/est-simplereenroll.git
  3. Edit the following variables in
    1. puburi - set to the EST /cacerts FQDN
    2. esturi - set to the EST /simplereenroll FQDN
    3. origp12 - set to the path of the original client p12 to be renewed
  4. Execute the following: ./est-reenroll <p12-cn> <p12-password>

Process Diagram

┌────────────┐                     ┌────────────┐                      ┌────────────┐
│ EST Client │                     │ EST Server │                      │   EST CA   │
└─────┬──────┘                     └──────┬─────┘                      └──────┬─────┘
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │    (EST) Request certification    │                                   │
      ├──────────────────────────────────►│                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │             Trust chain           │                                   │
      │◄──────────────────────────────────┤                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │  Validate chain                   │                                   │
      ├───────────────────┐               │                                   │
      │                   │               │                                   │
      │                   │               │                                   │
      │◄──────────────────┘               │                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │Generate key and CSR               │                                   │
      ├───────────────────┐               │                                   │
      │                   │               │                                   │
      │                   │               │                                   │
      │◄──────────────────┘               │                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │ (EST) PKCS#10 certificate request │                                   │
      ├──────────────────────────────────►│                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │Validate client credent            │
      │                                   │(Certificate auth)                 │
      │                                   ├─────────────────────┐             │
      │                                   │                     │             │
      │                                   │                     │             │
      │                                   │◄────────────────────┘             │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │         Request certificate       │
      │                                   ├──────────────────────────────────►│
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │              Certificate          │
      │                                   │◄──────────────────────────────────┤
      │                                   │                                   │
      │        PKCS#7 Certificate         │                                   │
      │◄──────────────────────────────────┤                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │
      │                                   │                                   │


  • __dir : base script directory
  • __certs : certificate store directory within base dir
  • VERSION : Version number
  • DETECTED_OS : Displays OS name and version for debuging
  • dtg : Date Time Group
  • cacert : location of ca root trust
  • capuburi : Public EST URI via port 443
  • cainturi : EST enrollment URI via port 8443
  • cnvalue : CN used in both original certificate as well as renewals
  • origp12 : location of original p12
  • p12pass : Password used to encrypt/decrypt P12 and Private Keys


Tony Cavella [email protected]