Demonstration of Keras functionality using the Theano backend
For development and testing, you should request an interactive job on one of the GPU nodes using:
salloc --partition=maxwell --account=<mygroup_gpu> --time=0:30:00 --mem=2G --gres=gpu:1
Note that keras will only execute on the maxwell partition at this time.
Substituting your group _gpu
account name.
If this is your first attempt at installation:
$ source
By default, keras tries to use the tensorflow backend, so copy the keras.json config file to ~/.keras/keras.json.
file contains the ACCRE commmands for importing the gcc and CUDA packages, among
If you receive a long error message during installation with the last line:
AttributeError: ('The following error happened while compiling the node', GpuCAReduce{add}{1}(<CudaNdarrayType(float32, vector)>), '\n', "'module' object has no attribute '__file__'")
then you should (carefully!) clear out your ~/.theano directory, with
$ rm -rf ~/.theano
Then try the install again.
Using Theano on the ACCRE cluster requires that OpenBLAS is used rather MKL. This means that
and scipy
must be installed with the nomkl
option using conda (see Makefile