The Complete Solution for XML Editing, Authoring, Development & Collaboration
- well, it is an XML Editor
- nice TEI integration (framework)
- ships with software (Saxon and Java) to process (transform, query) XML documents
Oxygen is not free, you need to buy a license, starting from $137 (academic) or $240 (personal)
You can try it for free for 30 days
- People say it is the de facto standard tool in the context of digital editions; at least here at the ACDH-CH used in many projects.
- TEI-Support
- WYSIWYG View (Author-Mode)
- especially useful for developing XSL stylesheets for e.g. the conversion from XML to HTML files
- especially useful for querying/analyzing XML-Documents
If you are mainly interested in encoding XML-Documents you can use free, general Code-Editors like e.g. VS-Code with additional XML Plug-Ins
- having a file browser in Oxygen
demonstrate with this repo
- Oxygen ships with stylesheets to convert TEI/XML Documents into e.g. Word, HTML, PDF
- You can create your own stylesheets and transformation scenarios
demonstrate with wkfm-static
- Check files in batches if they are well-formed and valid
demonstrate with tillich-briefe-data
- interact with GIT directly from Oxygen
- check diffs, commit, pull, ...
- customizable WYSIWYG Editor
demonstrate with tillich-briefe-data
- Query one or many files using Xpath
demonstrate with tillich-briefe-data
"find all letters written by Gustav Dürselen"