Basically you need to do some work with uploaded images: change format, resize, make watermark, optimize for web and so on.
There are some helpful tools for it.
Optimize pictures to decrease file weight. You can do it
- without loosing quality
- with loosing quality
depend on site needs and content.
spatie/laravel-image-optimizer package do this work. Read the documentation to configure tool or stay it default.
Additional software must be installed on a server for the package.
namespace App\Observers;
use App\Post;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Factory as FilesystemFactory;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\OptimizerChain;
final class PostObserver
private Request $request;
private Filesystem $filesystem;
private OptimizerChain $optimizer;
* PostObserver constructor.
* @param Request $request
* @param FilesystemFactory $f_factory
* @param OptimizerChain $optimizer
public function __construct(Request $request, FilesystemFactory $f_factory, OptimizerChain $optimizer)
$this->request = $request;
$this->filesystem = $f_factory->disk('public');
$this->optimizer = $optimizer;
* Handle the post "creating" event.
* @param Post $post
public function creating(Post $post): void
// saves image
$image = $this->request->file('image');
if ($image !== null) {
$post->image = $this->filesystem->put('posts', $image);
// optimizes image
* Handle the post "updating" event.
* @param Post $post
public function updating(Post $post): void
// saves image
$image = $this->request->file('image');
if ($image !== null) {
$post->image = $this->filesystem->put('posts', $image);
// optimizes image
* Handle the post "force deleted" event.
* @param Post $post
public function forceDeleted(Post $post): void
// deletes image
It is highly not recommended to put all hundreds/thousands files in one folder. Many files in one directory affect performance of a server filesystem.
Use sub-folders: public/posts/sr/ei/Rt5cHI10w.jpeg
* Relative path to image in public disk.
* @param string $base_dir
* @return string
private function relativeImagePath(string $base_dir): string
return \trim($base_dir, '/')
. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \strtolower(Str::random(2))
. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . \strtolower(Str::random(2));
Use spatie/laravel-glide package to convert images. See the documentation for usage.
->modify(['w'=> 50, 'filt'=>'greyscale'])
For example you have one api server and several web clients (mobile, desktop...). Probably you need to store original uploaded picture and resize it on-the-fly depending on client's design.
Glide library does HTTP based image manipulations.
- Define settings in
'image_resizer' => [
'base_url' => 'img',
'source_disk' => 'public',
'cache_disk' => 'public',
So URLs for images will be like this:
- Create url with help function
// ex.: $model->image = 'avatars/et6FDqO17.png'
$avatar_url = image_glide_url($model->image, [
'w' => 150,