diff --git a/doc/deployment_aws.md b/doc/deployment_aws.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0171efa --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/deployment_aws.md @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +# Depyloment with AWS + +This document describes how to deploy this project on AWS. We will use the following parts: + +1. Python + Flask Frozen to create a static site that only needs a HTTP server to be deployed +2. Github for hosting the repository and automatic deployment via Github actions. We assume that this repository is private. +3. Amazon S3 to host the static site and related assets that are not in the Github repo, like paper PDFs +4. Amazon CloudFront to deliver the static site in the S3 bucket via the Amazon CDN +5. Amazon Cognito for user authentication and SSO so that the conference page is behind a paywall +6. A domain for which you control the DNS entries for +7. RocketChat for chat during the conference + +## Github + +Create a new empty repository or fork the repository of the most recent conference. If you start from an empty repository, +copy the repo from the last conference, delete large files that you do not need and push it to the new remote. + +## AWS + +You will need an IAM account with enough rights to create things in the AWS management console. We will also create a user +that only has access to the S3 bucket and cloudfront distribution for automatic deployment via Github actions. + +We will setup an S3 bucket that will host the static assets, CloudFront to distribute it and Cognito + Lambda@Edge +for the authentication. + +For an overview how the setup will be, you can refer to [this Amazon blog post](https://aws.amazon.com/de/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/authorizationedge-using-cookies-protect-your-amazon-cloudfront-content-from-being-downloaded-by-unauthenticated-users/). + + !!! Make sure to deploy everything to us-east-1 !!! + +### Get SSL certificate for your domain + +Create a SSL certificate in [AWS Certificate Manager](https://aws.amazon.com/de/certificate-manager/) . We recommend +that you create a wildcard certificate, e.g. if your page will be reachable under `virtual.emnlp.2020.org`, +create a certificate for `*.emnlp.2020.org`. Follow the steps for validating it, e.g. via DNS entries. + +### Setup Cognito + +We use Amazon Cognito to manage user accounts. Cognito supports OAuth so that external services like RocketChat +can be easily be integrated via SSO. + +1. In the AWS management console, create a user pool and write down the user pool ARN. +2. For the pool, create a new app client and write down the app client id. +3. In the app client window, make sure to tick *Check Enabled Identity Providers -> Cognito User Pool* +4. Configure the domain where your signup will be reachable, e.g `signup.emnlp.2020.org` and select the correct certificate. + This is not the URL to the virtual conference page itself! + +## Deploy S3 + CloudFront + Authentication + +We use the [cloudfront-authorization-at-edge](https://github.com/aws-samples/cloudfront-authorization-at-edge) +AWS sample. We found it easiest to deploy it via [the Serverless Application Repository](https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home#/create/app?applicationId=arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:520945424137:applications/cloudfront-authorization-at-edge). + +When choosing Option 1, please note the following: + +- Make sure that `Create CloudFront distribution` is set to `true` +- Make sure that `Enable SPAMode` is set to `false` +- Remove the `Content-Security-Policy` entry from the `HttpHeaders` JSON object +- Fill in `UserPoolArn` and `UserPoolClientId` +- Fill in your domain name in `AlternateDomainNames`, e.g `virtual.emnlp.2020.org` + +Deploy it and wait until finished. This creates a S3 bucket and CloudFront distribution for you. + +## Setting up DNS entries + +1. In CloudFront, add your domain name and select the correct certificate. Create a CNAME DNS record for the + distribution URL, e.g. `virtual.2020.emnlp.org` to `sd98f7s9dfsdf.cloudfront.net` +2. In Cognito under `Domain Name`, note down the `Alias target`. Create a CNAME DNS record for this + URL, e.g. `signup.2020.emnlp.org` to `d1716jaco5b9so.cloudfront.net` + +Wait a bit until the DNS records have propagated. Now you can create a test user in Cognito and trying to log +into your website, e.g. `virtual.2020.emnlp.org`! It should greet you with a dummy website. If not, refer to the +`Troubleshooting` section of this guide! + +## Autodeploy via Github Actions + +This repository comes with an action to build and deploy this repository automatically. To set it up, do the following: + +1. Create a SSH key pair locally +2. In the repository settings under `Deploy keys`, add the just generated public key +3. In the repository settings under `Secrets`, create the following secrets: + +