diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 8a26daa..33591c6 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -15,3 +15,9 @@ dist/ .vscode # Rever rever/ + +# Virtual environment folders +.venv/ + +# Shared libs +*.pyd \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b2ba6d --- /dev/null +++ b/MANIFEST.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +include *.h *.pxd *.dll +recursive-include embree2 *.h *.isph +recursive-include embree2/lib *.lib \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..898c1a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/poetry.lock @@ -0,0 +1,855 @@ +[[package]] +name = "appnope" +version = "0.1.2" +description = "Disable App Nap on macOS >= 10.9" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "astroid" +version = "2.9.3" +description = "An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6.2" + +[package.dependencies] +lazy-object-proxy = ">=1.4.0" +typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.10", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""} +wrapt = ">=1.11,<1.14" + +[[package]] +name = "asttokens" +version = "2.0.5" +description = "Annotate AST trees with source code positions" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[package.dependencies] +six = "*" + +[package.extras] +test = ["astroid", "pytest"] + +[[package]] +name = "atomicwrites" +version = "1.4.0" +description = "Atomic file writes." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" + +[[package]] +name = "attrs" +version = "21.4.0" +description = "Classes Without Boilerplate" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" + +[package.extras] +dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "furo", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "pre-commit", "cloudpickle"] +docs = ["furo", "sphinx", "zope.interface", "sphinx-notfound-page"] +tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "cloudpickle"] +tests_no_zope = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "cloudpickle"] + +[[package]] +name = "backcall" +version = "0.2.0" +description = "Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "colorama" +version = "0.4.4" +description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" + +[[package]] +name = "coverage" +version = "6.3.2" +description = "Code coverage measurement for Python" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.7" + +[package.extras] +toml = ["tomli"] + +[[package]] +name = "cython" +version = "0.29.28" +description = "The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language." +category = "main" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*" + +[[package]] +name = "decorator" +version = "5.1.1" +description = "Decorators for Humans" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.5" + +[[package]] +name = "executing" +version = "0.8.3" +description = "Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "iniconfig" +version = "1.1.1" +description = "iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "ipython" +version = "8.1.1" +description = "IPython: Productive Interactive Computing" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.8" + +[package.dependencies] +appnope = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"darwin\""} +backcall = "*" +colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} +decorator = "*" +jedi = ">=0.16" +matplotlib-inline = "*" +pexpect = {version = ">4.3", markers = "sys_platform != \"win32\""} +pickleshare = "*" +prompt-toolkit = ">=2.0.0,<3.0.0 || >3.0.0,<3.0.1 || >3.0.1,<3.1.0" +pygments = ">=2.4.0" +stack-data = "*" +traitlets = ">=5" + +[package.extras] +all = ["black", "Sphinx (>=1.3)", "ipykernel", "nbconvert", "nbformat", "ipywidgets", "notebook", "ipyparallel", "qtconsole", "curio", "matplotlib (!=3.2.0)", "numpy (>=1.19)", "pandas", "pytest", "testpath", "trio", "pytest-asyncio"] +black = ["black"] +doc = ["Sphinx (>=1.3)"] +kernel = ["ipykernel"] +nbconvert = ["nbconvert"] +nbformat = ["nbformat"] +notebook = ["ipywidgets", "notebook"] +parallel = ["ipyparallel"] +qtconsole = ["qtconsole"] +test = ["pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "testpath"] +test_extra = ["curio", "matplotlib (!=3.2.0)", "nbformat", "numpy (>=1.19)", "pandas", "pytest", "testpath", "trio"] + +[[package]] +name = "isort" +version = "5.10.1" +description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6.1,<4.0" + +[package.extras] +pipfile_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "requirementslib"] +requirements_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "pip-api"] +colors = ["colorama (>=0.4.3,<0.5.0)"] +plugins = ["setuptools"] + +[[package]] +name = "jedi" +version = "0.18.1" +description = "An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[package.dependencies] +parso = ">=0.8.0,<0.9.0" + +[package.extras] +qa = ["flake8 (==3.8.3)", "mypy (==0.782)"] +testing = ["Django (<3.1)", "colorama", "docopt", "pytest (<7.0.0)"] + +[[package]] +name = "lazy-object-proxy" +version = "1.7.1" +description = "A fast and thorough lazy object proxy." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[[package]] +name = "matplotlib-inline" +version = "0.1.3" +description = "Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.5" + +[package.dependencies] +traitlets = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "mccabe" +version = "0.6.1" +description = "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "numpy" +version = "1.22.2" +description = "NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python." +category = "main" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.8" + +[[package]] +name = "packaging" +version = "21.3" +description = "Core utilities for Python packages" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[package.dependencies] +pyparsing = ">=2.0.2,<3.0.5 || >3.0.5" + +[[package]] +name = "parso" +version = "0.8.3" +description = "A Python Parser" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[package.extras] +qa = ["flake8 (==3.8.3)", "mypy (==0.782)"] +testing = ["docopt", "pytest (<6.0.0)"] + +[[package]] +name = "pexpect" +version = "4.8.0" +description = "Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[package.dependencies] +ptyprocess = ">=0.5" + +[[package]] +name = "pickleshare" +version = "0.7.5" +description = "Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "platformdirs" +version = "2.5.1" +description = "A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a \"user data dir\"." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.7" + +[package.extras] +docs = ["Sphinx (>=4)", "furo (>=2021.7.5b38)", "proselint (>=0.10.2)", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.12)"] +test = ["appdirs (==1.4.4)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-cov (>=2.7)", "pytest-mock (>=3.6)"] + +[[package]] +name = "pluggy" +version = "1.0.0" +description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[package.extras] +dev = ["pre-commit", "tox"] +testing = ["pytest", "pytest-benchmark"] + +[[package]] +name = "prompt-toolkit" +version = "3.0.28" +description = "Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6.2" + +[package.dependencies] +wcwidth = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "ptyprocess" +version = "0.7.0" +description = "Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[[package]] +name = "pure-eval" +version = "0.2.2" +description = "Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[package.extras] +tests = ["pytest"] + +[[package]] +name = "py" +version = "1.11.0" +description = "library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" + +[[package]] +name = "pygments" +version = "2.11.2" +description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python." +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.5" + +[[package]] +name = "pylint" +version = "2.12.2" +description = "python code static checker" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6.2" + +[package.dependencies] +astroid = ">=2.9.0,<2.10" +colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} +isort = ">=4.2.5,<6" +mccabe = ">=0.6,<0.7" +platformdirs = ">=2.2.0" +toml = ">=0.9.2" +typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.10.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""} + +[[package]] +name = "pyparsing" +version = "3.0.7" +description = "Python parsing module" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[package.extras] +diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"] + +[[package]] +name = "pytest" +version = "7.0.1" +description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[package.dependencies] +atomicwrites = {version = ">=1.0", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} +attrs = ">=19.2.0" +colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} +iniconfig = "*" +packaging = "*" +pluggy = ">=0.12,<2.0" +py = ">=1.8.2" +tomli = ">=1.0.0" + +[package.extras] +testing = ["argcomplete", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "nose", "pygments (>=2.7.2)", "requests", "xmlschema"] + +[[package]] +name = "rtree" +version = "1.0.0" +description = "R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS" +category = "main" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.7" + +[[package]] +name = "six" +version = "1.16.0" +description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*" + 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+description = "Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes." +category = "main" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" + +[package.dependencies] +numpy = "*" + +[package.extras] +all = ["scikit-image", "sympy", "xatlas", "shapely", "xxhash", "networkx", "requests", "mapbox-earcut", "psutil", "meshio", "pillow", "svg.path", "python-fcl", "setuptools", "triangle", "msgpack", "scipy", "lxml", "pycollada", "colorlog", "pyglet", "jsonschema", "chardet", "glooey", "rtree"] +easy = ["msgpack", "sympy", "shapely", "scipy", "networkx", "xxhash", "requests", "lxml", "pycollada", "colorlog", "chardet", "pyglet", "jsonschema", "pillow", "svg.path", "setuptools", "rtree"] +test = ["pytest-cov", "ezdxf", "coveralls", "pyinstrument", "pytest"] + +[[package]] +name = "typing-extensions" +version = "4.1.1" +description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.6+" +category = "dev" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" + +[[package]] +name = "wcwidth" +version = 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"sha256:865c0b50003616f05858b22174c40ffc27a38e67359fa1495605f96125f76640"}, + {file = "wrapt-1.13.3-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:0a017a667d1f7411816e4bf214646d0ad5b1da2c1ea13dec6c162736ff25a374"}, + {file = "wrapt-1.13.3-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:81bd7c90d28a4b2e1df135bfbd7c23aee3050078ca6441bead44c42483f9ebfb"}, + {file = "wrapt-1.13.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1fea9cd438686e6682271d36f3481a9f3636195578bab9ca3382e2f5f01fc185"}, +] diff --git a/pyembree/__init__.py b/pyembree/__init__.py index 2fb2513..e4b3f68 100644 --- a/pyembree/__init__.py +++ b/pyembree/__init__.py @@ -1 +1,3 @@ -__version__ = '0.1.6' +from importlib import metadata + +__version__ = metadata.version('pyembree') diff --git a/pyembree/embree.dll b/pyembree/embree.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1be00c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/pyembree/embree.dll differ diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/lib/embree.lib b/pyembree/embree2/lib/embree.lib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffee868 Binary files /dev/null and b/pyembree/embree2/lib/embree.lib differ diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/lib/tbb.lib b/pyembree/embree2/lib/tbb.lib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87d15fe Binary files /dev/null and b/pyembree/embree2/lib/tbb.lib differ diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/lib/tbbmalloc.lib b/pyembree/embree2/lib/tbbmalloc.lib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48826e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/pyembree/embree2/lib/tbbmalloc.lib differ diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07b9fe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore.h @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_H__ +#define __RTCORE_H__ + +#include +#include + +#include "rtcore_version.h" + +#if defined(_WIN32) +#if defined(_M_X64) +typedef long long ssize_t; +#else +typedef int ssize_t; +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef RTCORE_API +#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(EMBREE_STATIC_LIB) +# define RTCORE_API extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) +#else +# define RTCORE_API extern "C" +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +# define RTCORE_ALIGN(...) __declspec(align(__VA_ARGS__)) +#else +# define RTCORE_ALIGN(...) __attribute__((aligned(__VA_ARGS__))) +#endif + +#if !defined (RTCORE_DEPRECATED) +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define RTCORE_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) + #define RTCORE_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated) +#else + #define RTCORE_DEPRECATED +#endif +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32) +# define RTCORE_FORCEINLINE __forceinline +#else +# define RTCORE_FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline)) +#endif + +/*! \file rtcore.h Defines the Embree Ray Tracing Kernel API for C and C++ + + This file defines the Embree ray tracing kernel API for C and + C++. The user is supposed to include this file, and alternatively + the rtcore_ray.h file, but none of the other .h files in this + folder. */ + +/*! \{ */ + +/*! Axis aligned bounding box representation */ +struct RTCORE_ALIGN(16) RTCBounds +{ + float lower_x, lower_y, lower_z, align0; + float upper_x, upper_y, upper_z, align1; +}; + +/*! \brief Defines an opaque device type */ +typedef struct __RTCDevice {}* RTCDevice; + +/*! \brief Creates a new Embree device. + + Creates a new Embree device to be used by the application. An + application typically creates only a single Embree device, but it is + valid to use multiple devices inside an application. A configuration + string can be passed at construction time, that allows to configure + implementation specific parameters. If this string is NULL, a + default configuration is used. The following configuration flags are + supported by the Embree implementation of the API: + + verbose = num, // sets verbosity level (default is 0) + + If Embree is started on an unsupported CPU, rtcNewDevice will fail and + set the RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU error code. + +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCDevice rtcNewDevice(const char* cfg = NULL); + +/*! \brief Deletes an Embree device. + + Deletes the Embree device again. After deletion, all scene handles + are invalid. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeleteDevice(RTCDevice device); + +/*! \brief Initializes the Embree ray tracing core + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewDevice instead. + + Initializes the ray tracing core and passes some configuration + string. The configuration string allows to configure implementation + specific parameters. If this string is NULL, a default configuration + is used. The following configuration flags are supported by the + Embree implementation of the API: + + verbose = num, // sets verbosity level (default is 0) + + If Embree is started on an unsupported CPU, rtcInit will fail and + set the RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU error code. + +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcInit(const char* cfg = NULL); + +/*! \brief Shuts down Embree + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeleteDevice instead. + + Shuts down the ray tracing core. After shutdown, all scene handles + are invalid, and invoking any API call except rtcInit is not + allowed. The application should invoke this call before + terminating. It is safe to call rtcInit again after an rtcExit + call. */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcExit(); + +/*! \brief Parameters that can get configured using the rtcSetParameter functions. */ +enum RTCParameter { + RTC_SOFTWARE_CACHE_SIZE = 0, /*! Configures the software cache size (used + to cache subdivision surfaces for + instance). The size is specified as an + integer number of bytes. The software + cache cannot be configured during + rendering. (write only) */ + + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT1 = 1, //!< checks if rtcIntersect1 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT4 = 2, //!< checks if rtcIntersect4 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT8 = 3, //!< checks if rtcIntersect8 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT16 = 4, //!< checks if rtcIntersect16 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT_STREAM = 5, //!< checks if rtcIntersect1M, rtcIntersectNM and rtcIntersectNp are supported (read only) + + RTC_CONFIG_RAY_MASK = 6, //!< checks if ray masks are supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_BACKFACE_CULLING = 7, //!< checks if backface culling is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECTION_FILTER = 8, //!< checks if intersection filters are enabled (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECTION_FILTER_RESTORE = 9, //!< checks if intersection filters restores previous hit (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS = 11, //!< checks if invalid rays are ignored (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_TASKING_SYSTEM = 12, //!< return used tasking system (0 = INTERNAL, 1 = TBB, 2 = PPL) (read only) + + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION_MAJOR = 13, //!< returns Embree major version (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION_MINOR = 14, //!< returns Embree minor version (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION_PATCH = 15, //!< returns Embree patch version (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION = 16, //!< returns Embree version as integer (e.g. Embree v2.8.2 -> 20802) (read only) + + RTC_CONFIG_TRIANGLE_GEOMETRY = 17, //!< checks if triangle geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_QUAD_GEOMETRY = 18, //!< checks if quad geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_LINE_GEOMETRY = 19, //!< checks if line geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_HAIR_GEOMETRY = 20, //!< checks if hair geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_SUBDIV_GEOMETRY = 21, //!< checks if subdiv geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_USER_GEOMETRY = 22, //!< checks if user geometries are supported + + RTC_CONFIG_COMMIT_JOIN = 23, //!< checks if rtcCommitJoin can be used to join build operation (not supported when compiled with some older TBB versions) + RTC_CONFIG_COMMIT_THREAD = 24, //!< checks if rtcCommitThread is available (not supported when compiled with some older TBB versions) +}; + +/*! \brief Configures some parameters. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetParameter1i instead. +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetParameter1i(const RTCParameter parm, ssize_t val); + +/*! \brief Reads some device parameter. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceGetParameter1i instead. +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED ssize_t rtcGetParameter1i(const RTCParameter parm); + +/*! \brief Configures some device parameters. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeviceSetParameter1i(RTCDevice device, const RTCParameter parm, ssize_t val); + +/*! \brief Reads some device parameter. */ +RTCORE_API ssize_t rtcDeviceGetParameter1i(RTCDevice device, const RTCParameter parm); + +/*! \brief Error codes returned by the rtcGetError function. */ +enum RTCError { + RTC_NO_ERROR = 0, //!< No error has been recorded. + RTC_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1, //!< An unknown error has occured. + RTC_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 2, //!< An invalid argument is specified + RTC_INVALID_OPERATION = 3, //!< The operation is not allowed for the specified object. + RTC_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4, //!< There is not enough memory left to execute the command. + RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU = 5, //!< The CPU is not supported as it does not support SSE2. + RTC_CANCELLED = 6, //!< The user has cancelled the operation through the RTC_PROGRESS_MONITOR_FUNCTION callback +}; + +/*! \brief Returns the value of the per-thread error flag. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceGetError instead. + + If an error occurs this flag is set to an error code if it stores no + previous error. The rtcGetError function reads and returns the + currently stored error and clears the error flag again. */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED RTCError rtcGetError(); + +/*! \brief Returns the value of the per-thread error flag. + + If an error occurs this flag is set to an error code if it stores no + previous error. The rtcGetError function reads and returns the + currently stored error and clears the error flag again. */ +RTCORE_API RTCError rtcDeviceGetError(RTCDevice device); + +/*! \brief Type of error callback function. + WARNING: This callback function is deprecated, use RTCErrorFunc2 instead. +*/ +/*RTCORE_DEPRECATED*/ typedef void (*RTCErrorFunc)(const RTCError code, const char* str); +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef RTCErrorFunc RTC_ERROR_FUNCTION; + +/*! \brief Type of error callback function. */ +typedef void (*RTCErrorFunc2)(void* userPtr, const RTCError code, const char* str); + +/*! \brief Sets a callback function that is called whenever an error occurs. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction2 instead. + */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetErrorFunction(RTCErrorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets a callback function that is called whenever an error occurs. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction2 instead. + */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction(RTCDevice device, RTCErrorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets a callback function that is called whenever an error occurs. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction2(RTCDevice device, RTCErrorFunc2 func, void* userPtr); + +/*! \brief Type of memory consumption callback function. + WARNING: This callback function is deprecated, use RTCMemoryMonitorFunc2 instead. + */ +/*RTCORE_DEPRECATED*/ typedef bool (*RTCMemoryMonitorFunc)(const ssize_t bytes, const bool post); +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef RTCMemoryMonitorFunc RTC_MEMORY_MONITOR_FUNCTION; + +/*! \brief Type of memory consumption callback function. */ +typedef bool (*RTCMemoryMonitorFunc2)(void* ptr, const ssize_t bytes, const bool post); + +/*! \brief Sets the memory consumption callback function which is + * called before or after the library allocates or frees memory. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCMemoryMonitorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets the memory consumption callback function which is + * called before or after the library allocates or frees memory. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCDevice device, RTCMemoryMonitorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets the memory consumption callback function which is + * called before or after the library allocates or frees memory. The + * userPtr pointer is passed to each invokation of the callback + * function. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction2(RTCDevice device, RTCMemoryMonitorFunc2 func, void* userPtr); + +/*! \brief Implementation specific. + + This function is implementation specific and only for debugging + purposes. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated do not use it. +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcDebug(); // FIXME: remove + +#include "rtcore_scene.h" +#include "rtcore_geometry.h" +#include "rtcore_geometry_user.h" +#include "rtcore_builder.h" + +/*! \brief Helper to easily combing scene flags */ +inline RTCSceneFlags operator|(const RTCSceneFlags a, const RTCSceneFlags b) { + return (RTCSceneFlags)((size_t)a | (size_t)b); +} + +/*! \brief Helper to easily combing algorithm flags */ +inline RTCAlgorithmFlags operator|(const RTCAlgorithmFlags a, const RTCAlgorithmFlags b) { + return (RTCAlgorithmFlags)((size_t)a | (size_t)b); +} + +/*! \brief Helper to easily combing geometry flags */ +inline RTCGeometryFlags operator|(const RTCGeometryFlags a, const RTCGeometryFlags b) { + return (RTCGeometryFlags)((size_t)a | (size_t)b); +} + +/*! \} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore.isph b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore.isph new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ffdec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore.isph @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_ISPH__ +#define __RTCORE_ISPH__ + +#include "rtcore_version.h" + +#if !defined(RTCORE_API) +#define RTCORE_API extern "C" unmasked +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +# define RTCORE_ALIGN(...) // FIXME: need to specify alignment +#else +# define RTCORE_ALIGN(...) // FIXME: need to specify alignment +#endif + +#if !defined(RTCORE_DEPRECATED) +#define RTCORE_DEPRECATED // FIXME: deprecation not supported by ISPC +#endif + +/*! \file rtcore.isph Defines the Embree Ray Tracing Kernel API for ISPC. + + This file defines the Embree ray tracing kernel API for C and + C++. The user is supposed to include this file, and alternatively + the rtcore_ray.isph file, but none of the other .isph files in this + folder. */ + +/*! \{ */ + +/*! Axis aligned bounding box representation */ +RTCORE_ALIGN(16) struct RTCBounds +{ + float lower_x, lower_y, lower_z, align0; + float upper_x, upper_y, upper_z, align1; +}; + +/*! \brief Defines an opaque device type */ +typedef uniform struct __RTCDevice {}* uniform RTCDevice; + +/*! \brief Creates a new Embree device. + + Creates a new Embree device to be used by the application. An + application typically creates only a single Embree device, but it is + valid to use multiple devices inside an application. A configuration + string can be passed at construction time, that allows to configure + implementation specific parameters. If this string is NULL, a + default configuration is used. The following configuration flags are + supported by the Embree implementation of the API: + + verbose = num, // sets verbosity level (default is 0) + + If Embree is started on an unsupported CPU, rtcNewDevice will fail and + set the RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU error code. + +*/ +RTCDevice rtcNewDevice(const uniform int8* uniform cfg = NULL); + +/*! \brief Deletes an Embree device. + + Deletes the Embree device again. After deletion, all scene handles + are invalid. */ +void rtcDeleteDevice(RTCDevice device); + +/*! \brief Initializes the Embree ray tracing core + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewDevice instead. + + Initializes the ray tracing core and passes some configuration + string. The configuration string allows to configure implementation + specific parameters. If this string is NULL, a default configuration + is used. The following configuration flags are supported by the + Embree implementation of the API: + + verbose = num, // sets verbosity level (default is 0) + + If Embree is started on an unsupported CPU, rtcInit will fail and + set the RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU error code. + +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcInit(const uniform int8* uniform cfg = NULL); + +/*! \brief Shuts down Embree. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeleteDevice instead. + + Shuts down the ray tracing core. After shutdown, all scene handles + are invalid, and invoking any API call except rtcInit is not + allowed. The application should invoke this call before + terminating. It is safe to call rtcInit again after an rtcExit + call. */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcExit(); + +/*! \brief Parameters that can get configured using the rtcSetParameter functions. */ +enum RTCParameter { + RTC_SOFTWARE_CACHE_SIZE = 0, /*! Configures the software cache size (used + to cache subdivision surfaces for + instance). The size is specified as an + integer number of bytes. The software + cache cannot be configured during + rendering. (write only) */ + + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT1 = 1, //!< checks if rtcIntersect1 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT4 = 2, //!< checks if rtcIntersect4 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT8 = 3, //!< checks if rtcIntersect8 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT16 = 4, //!< checks if rtcIntersect16 is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECT_STREAM = 5, //!< checks if rtcIntersect1M, rtcIntersectVM, rtcIntersectNM and rtcIntersectNp are supported (read only) + + RTC_CONFIG_RAY_MASK = 6, //!< checks if ray masks are supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_BACKFACE_CULLING = 7, //!< checks if backface culling is supported (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECTION_FILTER = 8, //!< checks if intersection filters are enabled (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_INTERSECTION_FILTER_RESTORE = 9, //!< checks if intersection filters restores previous hit (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS = 11, //!< checks if invalid rays are ignored (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_TASKING_SYSTEM = 12, //!< return used tasking system (0 = INTERNAL, 1 = TBB) (read only) + + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION_MAJOR = 13, //!< returns Embree major version (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION_MINOR = 14, //!< returns Embree minor version (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION_PATCH = 15, //!< returns Embree patch version (read only) + RTC_CONFIG_VERSION = 16, //!< returns Embree version as integer (e.g. Embree v2.8.2 -> 20802) (read only) + + RTC_CONFIG_TRIANGLE_GEOMETRY = 17, //!< checks if triangle geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_QUAD_GEOMETRY = 18, //!< checks if quad geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_LINE_GEOMETRY = 19, //!< checks if line geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_HAIR_GEOMETRY = 20, //!< checks if hair geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_SUBDIV_GEOMETRY = 21, //!< checks if subdiv geometries are supported + RTC_CONFIG_USER_GEOMETRY = 22, //!< checks if user geometries are supported + + RTC_CONFIG_COMMIT_JOIN = 23, //!< checks if rtcCommitJoin can be used to join build operation (not supported when compiled with some older TBB versions) + RTC_CONFIG_COMMIT_THREAD = 24, //!< checks if rtcCommitThread is available (not supported when compiled with some older TBB versions) +}; + +/*! \brief Configures some parameters. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetParameter1i instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetParameter1i(const uniform RTCParameter parm, uniform size_t val); // FIXME: should be ssize_t + +/*! \brief Reads some parameters. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceGetParameter1i instead. +*/ +uniform size_t rtcGetParameter1i(const uniform RTCParameter parm); // FIXME: should return ssize_t + +/*! \brief Configures some device parameters.*/ +void rtcDeviceSetParameter1i(RTCDevice device, const uniform RTCParameter parm, uniform size_t val); // FIXME: should be ssize_t + +/*! \brief Reads some device parameters. */ +uniform size_t rtcDeviceGetParameter1i(RTCDevice device, const uniform RTCParameter parm); // FIXME: should return ssize_t + +/*! \brief Error codes returned by the rtcGetError function. */ +enum RTCError { + RTC_NO_ERROR = 0, //!< No error has been recorded. + RTC_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1, //!< An unknown error has occured. + RTC_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 2, //!< An invalid argument is specified + RTC_INVALID_OPERATION = 3, //!< The operation is not allowed for the specified object. + RTC_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4, //!< There is not enough memory left to execute the command. + RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU = 5, //!< The CPU is not supported as it does not support SSE2. + RTC_CANCELLED = 6 //!< The user has cancelled the operation through the RTCProgressMonitorFunc callback +}; + +/*! \brief Returns the value of the per-thread error flag. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceGetError instead. + + If an error occurs this flag is set to an error code if it stores no + previous error. The rtcGetError function reads and returns the + currently stored error and clears the error flag again. */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED uniform RTCError rtcGetError(); + +/*! \brief Returns the value of the per-thread error flag. + + If an error occurs this flag is set to an error code if it stores no + previous error. The rtcGetError function reads and returns the + currently stored error and clears the error flag again. */ +uniform RTCError rtcDeviceGetError(RTCDevice device); + +/*! \brief Type of error callback function. + WARNING: This callback function is deprecated, use RTCErrorFunc2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef unmasked void (*uniform RTCErrorFunc)(const uniform RTCError code, const uniform int8* uniform str); +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef RTCErrorFunc RTC_ERROR_FUNCTION; + +/*! \brief Type of error callback function. */ +typedef unmasked void (*uniform RTCErrorFunc2)(void* uniform userPtr, const uniform RTCError code, const uniform int8* uniform str); + +/*! \brief Sets a callback function that is called whenever an error occurs. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetErrorFunction(uniform RTCErrorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets a callback function that is called whenever an error occurs. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction(RTCDevice device, uniform RTCErrorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets a callback function that is called whenever an error occurs. */ +void rtcDeviceSetErrorFunction2(RTCDevice device, uniform RTCErrorFunc2 func, void* uniform userPtr); + +/*! \brief Type of memory consumption callback function. + WARNING: This callback function is deprecated, use RTCMemoryMonitorFunc2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef uniform bool (*uniform RTCMemoryMonitorFunc)(const uniform uintptr_t bytes, const uniform bool post); // FIXME: should be ssize_t +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef RTCMemoryMonitorFunc RTC_MEMORY_MONITOR_FUNCTION; + +/*! \brief Type of memory consumption callback function. */ +typedef uniform bool (*uniform RTCMemoryMonitorFunc2)(const uniform uintptr_t bytes, const uniform bool post); // FIXME: should be ssize_t + +/*! \brief Sets the memory consumption callback function which is + * called before the library allocates or after the library frees + * memory. + * WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction2 instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCMemoryMonitorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets the memory consumption callback function which is + * called before the library allocates or after the library frees + * memory. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction2 instead. +*/ +void rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCDevice device, RTCMemoryMonitorFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets the memory consumption callback function which is + * called before or after the library allocates or frees memory. The + * userPtr pointer is passed to each invokation of the callback + * function. */ +void rtcDeviceSetMemoryMonitorFunction2(RTCDevice device, RTCMemoryMonitorFunc2 func, void* uniform userPtr); + +/*! \brief Implementation specific. + + This function is implementation specific and only for debugging + purposes. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated do not use it. + +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcDebug(); // FIXME: remove + +#include "rtcore_scene.isph" +#include "rtcore_geometry.isph" +#include "rtcore_geometry_user.isph" + +/*! \} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_builder.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_builder.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4654cc --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_builder.h @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_BUILDER_H__ +#define __RTCORE_BUILDER_H__ + +#include "rtcore.h" + +/*! \brief Defines an opaque BVH type */ +typedef struct __RTCBVH {}* RTCBVH; + +/*! \brief Defines an opaque thread local allocator type */ +typedef struct __RTCThreadLocalAllocator {}* RTCThreadLocalAllocator; + +/*! Quality settings for BVH build. */ +enum RTCBuildQuality +{ + RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW = 0, //!< build low quality BVH (good for dynamic scenes) + RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_NORMAL = 1, //!< build standard quality BVH + RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH = 2, //!< build high quality BVH +}; + +/*! Settings for builders */ +struct RTCBuildSettings +{ + unsigned size; //!< Size of this structure in bytes. Makes future extension easier. + RTCBuildQuality quality; //!< quality of BVH build + unsigned maxBranchingFactor; //!< miximal branching factor of BVH to build + unsigned maxDepth; //!< maximal depth of BVH to build + unsigned sahBlockSize; //!< block size for SAH heuristic + unsigned minLeafSize; //!< minimal size of a leaf + unsigned maxLeafSize; //!< maximal size of a leaf + float travCost; //!< estimated cost of one traversal step + float intCost; //!< estimated cost of one primitive intersection + unsigned extraSpace; //!< for spatial splitting we need extra space at end of primitive array +}; + +/*! Creates default build settings. */ +inline RTCBuildSettings rtcDefaultBuildSettings() +{ + RTCBuildSettings settings; + settings.size = sizeof(settings); + settings.quality = RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_NORMAL; + settings.maxBranchingFactor = 2; + settings.maxDepth = 32; + settings.sahBlockSize = 1; + settings.minLeafSize = 1; + settings.maxLeafSize = 32; + settings.travCost = 1.0f; + settings.intCost = 1.0f; + settings.extraSpace = 0; + return settings; +} + +/*! Input primitives for the builder. Stores primitive bounds and ID. */ +struct RTCORE_ALIGN(32) RTCBuildPrimitive +{ + float lower_x, lower_y, lower_z; //!< lower bounds in x/y/z + int geomID; //!< first ID + float upper_x, upper_y, upper_z; //!< upper bounds in x/y/z + int primID; //!< second ID +}; + +/*! Creates a new BVH. */ +RTCORE_API RTCBVH rtcNewBVH(RTCDevice device); + +/*! Callback to create a node. */ +typedef void* (*RTCCreateNodeFunc) (RTCThreadLocalAllocator allocator, size_t numChildren, void* userPtr); + +/*! Callback to set the pointer to all children. */ +typedef void (*RTCSetNodeChildrenFunc) (void* nodePtr, void** children, size_t numChildren, void* userPtr); + +/*! Callback to set the bounds of all children. */ +typedef void (*RTCSetNodeBoundsFunc) (void* nodePtr, const RTCBounds** bounds, size_t numChildren, void* userPtr); + +/*! Callback to create a leaf node. */ +typedef void* (*RTCCreateLeafFunc) (RTCThreadLocalAllocator allocator, const RTCBuildPrimitive* prims, size_t numPrims, void* userPtr); + +/*! Callback to split a build primitive. */ +typedef void (*RTCSplitPrimitiveFunc) (const RTCBuildPrimitive& prim, unsigned dim, float pos, RTCBounds& lbounds, RTCBounds& rbounds, void* userPtr); + +/*! Callback to provide build progress. */ +typedef void (*RTCBuildProgressFunc) (size_t dn, void* userPtr); + +/*! builds the BVH */ +RTCORE_API void* rtcBuildBVH(RTCBVH bvh, //!< BVH to build + const RTCBuildSettings& settings, //!< settings for BVH builder + RTCBuildPrimitive* primitives, //!< list of input primitives + size_t numPrimitives, //!< number of input primitives + RTCCreateNodeFunc createNode, //!< creates a node + RTCSetNodeChildrenFunc setNodeChildren, //!< sets pointer to all children + RTCSetNodeBoundsFunc setNodeBounds, //!< sets bounds of all children + RTCCreateLeafFunc createLeaf, //!< creates a leaf + RTCSplitPrimitiveFunc splitPrimitive, //!< splits a primitive + RTCBuildProgressFunc buildProgress, //!< used to report build progress + void* userPtr //!< user pointer passed to callback functions + ); + +/*! Allocates memory using the thread local allocator. Use this function to allocate nodes in the callback functions. */ +RTCORE_API void* rtcThreadLocalAlloc(RTCThreadLocalAllocator allocator, size_t bytes, size_t align); + +/*! Makes the BVH static. No further rtcBVHBuild can be called anymore on the BVH. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcMakeStaticBVH(RTCBVH bvh); + +/*! Deletes the BVH including all allocated nodes. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeleteBVH(RTCBVH bvh); + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9af8139 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry.h @@ -0,0 +1,798 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __EMBREE_GEOMETRY_H__ +#define __EMBREE_GEOMETRY_H__ + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! invalid geometry ID */ +#define RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID ((unsigned)-1) + +/*! maximal number of time steps */ +#define RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS 129 + +/*! maximal number of user vertex buffers */ +#define RTC_MAX_USER_VERTEX_BUFFERS 16 + +/*! maximal number of index buffers for subdivision surfaces */ +#define RTC_MAX_INDEX_BUFFERS 16 + +/*! \brief Specifies the type of buffers when mapping buffers */ +enum RTCBufferType +{ + RTC_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x01000000, + RTC_INDEX_BUFFER0 = 0x01000000, + RTC_INDEX_BUFFER1 = 0x01000001, + + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x02000000, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0 = 0x02000000, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1 = 0x02000001, + + RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x02100000, + RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0 = 0x02100000, + RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER1 = 0x02100001, + + RTC_FACE_BUFFER = 0x03000000, + RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER = 0x04000001, + + RTC_EDGE_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x05000000, + RTC_EDGE_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER = 0x06000000, + + RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x07000000, + RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER = 0x08000000, + + RTC_HOLE_BUFFER = 0x09000001, +}; + +/*! \brief Supported types of matrix layout for functions involving matrices */ +enum RTCMatrixType { + RTC_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR = 0, + RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR = 1, + RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR_ALIGNED16 = 2, +}; + +/*! \brief Supported geometry flags to specify handling in dynamic scenes. */ +enum RTCGeometryFlags +{ + RTC_GEOMETRY_STATIC = 0, //!< specifies static geometry that will change rarely + RTC_GEOMETRY_DEFORMABLE = 1, //!< specifies dynamic geometry with deformable motion (BVH refit possible) + RTC_GEOMETRY_DYNAMIC = 2, //!< specifies dynamic geometry with arbitrary motion (BVH refit not possible) +}; + +/*! \brief Boundary interpolation mode for subdivision surfaces. + WARNING: This enum is deprecated, use RTCSubdivisionMode instead. + */ +enum RTCBoundaryMode +{ + RTC_BOUNDARY_NONE = 0, //!< ignores border patches + RTC_BOUNDARY_SMOOTH = 1, //!< smooth border (default) + RTC_BOUNDARY_EDGE_ONLY = 1, //!< soft boundary (default) + RTC_BOUNDARY_EDGE_AND_CORNER = 2 //!< boundary corner vertices are sharp vertices +}; + +/*! \brief Interpolation mode for subdivision surfaces. The modes are + * ordered to interpolate successively more linear. */ +enum RTCSubdivisionMode +{ + RTC_SUBDIV_NO_BOUNDARY = 0, //!< ignores border patches + RTC_SUBDIV_SMOOTH_BOUNDARY = 1, //!< smooth border (default) + RTC_SUBDIV_PIN_CORNERS = 2, //!< smooth border with fixed corners + RTC_SUBDIV_PIN_BOUNDARY = 3, //!< linearly interpolation along border + RTC_SUBDIV_PIN_ALL = 4, //!< pin every vertex (interpolates every patch linearly) +}; + +/*! Intersection filter function for single rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCFilterFunc)(void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay& ray /*!< intersection to filter */); + +/*! Intersection filter function for ray packets of size 4. */ +typedef void (*RTCFilterFunc4)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay4& ray /*!< intersection to filter */); + +/*! Intersection filter function for ray packets of size 8. */ +typedef void (*RTCFilterFunc8)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay8& ray /*!< intersection to filter */); + +/*! Intersection filter function for ray packets of size 16. */ +typedef void (*RTCFilterFunc16)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay16& ray /*!< intersection to filter */); + +/*! Intersection filter function for ray packets of size N. */ +typedef void (*RTCFilterFuncN)(int* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* userPtr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const RTCIntersectContext* context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + struct RTCRayN* ray, /*!< ray and previous hit */ + const struct RTCHitN* potentialHit, /*!< potential new hit */ + const size_t N /*!< size of ray packet */); + +/*! Displacement mapping function. + + WARNING: This callback is deprecated, use RTCDisplacementFunc2 instead. + + */ +typedef void (*RTCDisplacementFunc)(void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data of geometry */ + unsigned geomID, /*!< ID of geometry to displace */ + unsigned primID, /*!< ID of primitive of geometry to displace */ + const float* u, /*!< u coordinates (source) */ + const float* v, /*!< v coordinates (source) */ + const float* nx, /*!< x coordinates of normalized normal at point to displace (source) */ + const float* ny, /*!< y coordinates of normalized normal at point to displace (source) */ + const float* nz, /*!< z coordinates of normalized normal at point to displace (source) */ + float* px, /*!< x coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + float* py, /*!< y coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + float* pz, /*!< z coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + size_t N /*!< number of points to displace */ ); + +/*! Displacement mapping function. */ +typedef void (*RTCDisplacementFunc2)(void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data of geometry */ + unsigned geomID, /*!< ID of geometry to displace */ + unsigned primID, /*!< ID of primitive of geometry to displace */ + unsigned time, /*!< time step to calculate displacement for */ + const float* u, /*!< u coordinates (source) */ + const float* v, /*!< v coordinates (source) */ + const float* nx, /*!< x coordinates of normalized normal at point to displace (source) */ + const float* ny, /*!< y coordinates of normalized normal at point to displace (source) */ + const float* nz, /*!< z coordinates of normalized normal at point to displace (source) */ + float* px, /*!< x coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + float* py, /*!< y coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + float* pz, /*!< z coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + size_t N /*!< number of points to displace */ ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new scene instance. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewInstance2 instead. + + A scene instance contains a reference to a scene to instantiate and + the transformation to instantiate the scene with. An implementation + will typically transform the ray with the inverse of the provided + transformation and continue traversing the ray through the provided + scene. If any geometry is hit, the instance ID (instID) member of + the ray will get set to the geometry ID of the instance. */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED unsigned rtcNewInstance (RTCScene target, //!< the scene the instance belongs to + RTCScene source //!< the scene to instantiate + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new scene instance. + + A scene instance contains a reference to a scene to instantiate and + the transformation to instantiate the scene with. For motion blurred + instances, a number of timesteps can get specified. An + implementation will typically transform the ray with the inverse of + the provided transformation (or inverse of linearly interpolated + transformation in case of multi-segment motion blur) and continue + traversing the ray through the provided scene. If any geometry is + hit, the instance ID (instID) member of the ray will get set to the + geometry ID of the instance. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewInstance2 (RTCScene target, //!< the scene the instance belongs to + RTCScene source, //!< the scene to instantiate + size_t numTimeSteps = 1); //!< number of timesteps, one matrix per timestep + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewInstance3 (RTCScene target, //!< the scene the instance belongs to + RTCScene source, //!< the scene to instantiate + size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of timesteps, one matrix per timestep + unsigned int geomID = -1); //!< optional geometry ID to assign + +/*! \brief Creates a new geometry instance. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, do not use it. + + A geometry instance contains a reference to some geometry to + instantiate and the transformation to instantiate that geometry + with. An implementation will typically transform the ray with the + inverse of the provided transformation and continue traversing the + ray through the provided scene. If any geometry is hit, the geometry + ID (geomID) member of the ray will get set to the geometry ID of the + instance. */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED unsigned rtcNewGeometryInstance(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID); +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED unsigned rtcNewGeometryGroup (RTCScene scene, RTCGeometryFlags flags, unsigned* geomIDs, size_t N); + +/*! \brief Sets transformation of the instance. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcSetTransform2 instead. + */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetTransform (RTCScene scene, //!< scene handle + unsigned geomID, //!< ID of geometry + RTCMatrixType layout, //!< layout of transformation matrix + const float* xfm //!< pointer to transformation matrix + ); + + +/*! \brief Sets transformation of the instance for specified timestep */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetTransform2 (RTCScene scene, //!< scene handle + unsigned int geomID, //!< ID of geometry + RTCMatrixType layout, //!< layout of transformation matrix + const float* xfm, //!< pointer to transformation matrix + size_t timeStep = 0 //!< timestep to set the matrix for + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new triangle mesh. The number of triangles + (numTriangles), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps (1 for normal meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi + segment motion blur), have to get specified. The triangle indices + can be set by mapping and writing to the index buffer + (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the triangle vertices can be set by mapping + and writing into the vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER). In case of + multi-segment motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of three 32 bit + integer indices for each triangle. An index points to the ith + vertex. The vertex buffer stores single precision x,y,z floating + point coordinates aligned to 16 bytes. The value of the 4th float + used for alignment can be arbitrary. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewTriangleMesh (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numTriangles, //!< number of triangles + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewTriangleMesh2 (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numTriangles, //!< number of triangles + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + + +/*! \brief Creates a new quad mesh. The number of quads (numQuads), + number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time steps (1 for + normal meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur), have to get specified. The quad indices can be set by mapping + and writing to the index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the quad + vertices can be set by mapping and writing into the vertex buffer + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER). In case of multi-segment motion blur, multiple + vertex buffers have to get filled (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time step. The index buffer has + the default layout of three 32 bit integer indices for each quad. An + index points to the ith vertex. The vertex buffer stores single + precision x,y,z floating point coordinates aligned to 16 bytes. The + value of the 4th float used for alignment can be arbitrary. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewQuadMesh (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numQuads, //!< number of quads + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewQuadMesh2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numQuads, //!< number of quads + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new subdivision mesh. The number of faces + (numFaces), edges/indices (numEdges), vertices (numVertices), edge + creases (numEdgeCreases), vertex creases (numVertexCreases), holes + (numHoles), and time steps (numTimeSteps) have to get speficied at + construction time. + + The following buffers have to get filled by the application: the face + buffer (RTC_FACE_BUFFER) contains the number edges/indices (3 or 4) + of each of the numFaces faces, the index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) + contains multiple (3 or 4) 32bit vertex indices for each face and + numEdges indices in total, the vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) + stores numVertices vertices as single precision x,y,z floating point + coordinates aligned to 16 bytes. The value of the 4th float used for + alignment can be arbitrary. In case of multi-segment motion blur, + multiple vertex buffers have to get filled (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time step. + + Optionally, the application can fill the hole buffer + (RTC_HOLE_BUFFER) with numHoles many 32 bit indices of faces that + should be considered non-existing. + + Optionally, the application can fill the level buffer + (RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER) with a tessellation level for each of the numEdges + edges. The subdivision level is a positive floating point value, that + specifies how many quads along the edge should get generated during + tessellation. The tessellation level is a lower bound, thus the + implementation is free to choose a larger level. If no level buffer + is specified a level of 1 is used. + + Optionally, the application can fill the sparse edge crease buffers + to make some edges appear sharper. The edge crease index buffer + (RTC_EDGE_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER) contains numEdgeCreases many pairs of + 32 bit vertex indices that specify unoriented edges. The edge crease + weight buffer (RTC_EDGE_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER) stores for each of + theses crease edges a positive floating point weight. The larger this + weight, the sharper the edge. Specifying a weight of infinify is + supported and marks an edge as infinitely sharp. Storing an edge + multiple times with the same crease weight is allowed, but has lower + performance. Storing the an edge multiple times with different + crease weights results in undefined behaviour. For a stored edge + (i,j), the reverse direction edges (j,i) does not have to get stored, + as both are considered the same edge. + + Optionally, the application can fill the sparse vertex crease buffers + to make some vertices appear sharper. The vertex crease index buffer + (RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER), contains numVertexCreases many 32 + bit vertex indices to speficy a set of vertices. The vertex crease + weight buffer (RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER) specifies for each of + these vertices a positive floating point weight. The larger this + weight, the sharper the vertex. Specifying a weight of infinity is + supported and makes the vertex infinitely sharp. Storing a vertex + multiple times with the same crease weight is allowed, but has lower + performance. Storing a vertex multiple times with different crease + weights results in undefined behaviour. + +*/ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewSubdivisionMesh (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numFaces, //!< number of faces + size_t numEdges, //!< number of edges + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numEdgeCreases, //!< number of edge creases + size_t numVertexCreases, //!< number of vertex creases + size_t numHoles, //!< number of holes + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewSubdivisionMesh2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numFaces, //!< number of faces + size_t numEdges, //!< number of edges + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numEdgeCreases, //!< number of edge creases + size_t numVertexCreases, //!< number of vertex creases + size_t numHoles, //!< number of holes + size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new hair geometry consisting of multiple hairs + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewBezierHairGeometry instead. + + The number of curves (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), + and number of time steps (1 for normal meshes, and up to + RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion blur), have to get + specified at construction time. Further, the curve index buffer + (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) + have to get set by mapping and writing to the appropiate buffers. In + case of multi-segment motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to + get filled (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for + each time step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single + 32 bit integer index for each curve, that references the start + vertex of the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per + curve, each such control point consists of a single precision + (x,y,z) position and radius, stored in that order in + memory. Individual hairs are considered to be subpixel sized which + allows the implementation to approximate the intersection + calculation. This in particular means that zooming onto one hair + might show geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED unsigned rtcNewHairGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numCurves, //!< number of curves + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new hair geometry, consisting of multiple hairs + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. The number of + curves (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of + time steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. Individual hairs are + considered to be subpixel sized which allows the implementation to + approximate the intersection calculation. This in particular means + that zooming onto one hair might show geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBezierHairGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBezierHairGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new hair geometry, consisting of multiple hairs + represented as cubic bspline curves with varying radii. The number + of curves (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number + of time steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for + normal meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. Individual hairs are + considered to be subpixel sized which allows the implementation to + approximate the intersection calculation. This in particular means + that zooming onto one hair might show geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBSplineHairGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBSplineHairGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new curve geometry, consisting of multiple curves + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewBezierCurveGeometry instead. + + The intersected surface is defined as the sweep of a varying radius + circle perpendicular along the curve. The number of curves + (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED unsigned rtcNewCurveGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numCurves, //!< number of curves + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new curve geometry, consisting of multiple curves + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. The + intersected surface is defined as the sweep of a varying radius + circle perpendicular along the curve. The number of curves + (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBezierCurveGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBezierCurveGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new curve geometry, consisting of multiple curves + represented as cubic bspline curves with varying radii. The + intersected surface is defined as the sweep of a varying radius + circle perpendicular along the curve. The number of curves + (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBSplineCurveGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewBSplineCurveGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new line segment geometry, consisting of multiple + segments with varying radii. The number of line segments + (numSegments), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the segment index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + segment vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each line segment, that references the start + vertex of the segment. The vertex buffer stores 2 end points per + line segment, each such point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) + position and radius, stored in that order in memory. Individual + segments are considered to be subpixel sized which allows the + implementation to approximate the intersection calculation. This in + particular means that zooming onto one line segment might show + geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewLineSegments (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the line segments belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numSegments, //!< number of line segments + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewLineSegments2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the line segments belong to + RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numSegments, //!< number of line segments + size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! Sets a uniform tessellation rate for subdiv meshes and hair + * geometry. For subdivision meshes the RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER can also be used + * optionally to set a different tessellation rate per edge.*/ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetTessellationRate (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, float tessellationRate); + +/*! \brief Sets 32 bit ray mask. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetMask (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, int mask); + +/*! \brief Sets boundary interpolation mode for default subdivision surface topology. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcSetSubdivisionMode instead. + */ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetBoundaryMode(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBoundaryMode mode); + +/*! \brief Sets subdivision interpolation mode for specified subdivision surface topology */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetSubdivisionMode(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, unsigned topologyID, RTCSubdivisionMode mode); + +/*! \brief Binds a user vertex buffer to some index buffer topology. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIndexBuffer(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType vertexBuffer, RTCBufferType indexBuffer); + +/*! \brief Maps specified buffer. This function can be used to set index and + * vertex buffers of geometries. */ +RTCORE_API void* rtcMapBuffer(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType type); + +/*! \brief Unmaps specified buffer. + + A buffer has to be unmapped before the rtcEnable, rtcDisable, + rtcUpdate, or rtcDeleteGeometry calls are executed. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcUnmapBuffer(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType type); + +/*! \brief Shares a data buffer between the application and + * Embree. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcSetBuffer2 instead. + + * The passed buffer is used by Embree to store index and vertex + * data. It has to remain valid as long as the mesh exists, and the + * user is responsible to free the data when the mesh gets + * deleted. One can optionally speficy a byte offset and byte stride + * of the elements stored inside the buffer. The addresses + * ptr+offset+i*stride have to be aligned to 4 bytes on Xeon CPUs and + * 16 bytes on Xeon Phi accelerators. For vertex buffers, the 4 bytes + * after the z-coordinate of the last vertex have to be readable + * memory, thus padding is required for some layouts. If this + * function is not called, Embree will allocate and manage buffers of + * the default layout. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetBuffer(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType type, + const void* ptr, size_t byteOffset, size_t byteStride); + +/*! \brief Shares a data buffer between the application and + * Embree. The data has to remain valid as long as the mesh exists, + * and the user is responsible to free the data when the mesh gets + * deleted. For sharing the buffer, one has to specify the number of + * elements of the buffer, a byte offset to the first element, and + * byte stride of elements stored inside the buffer. The addresses + * ptr+offset+i*stride have to be aligned to 4 bytes. For vertex + * buffers and user vertex buffers the buffer has to be padded with 0 + * to a size of a multiple of 16 bytes, as Embree always accesses + * vertex buffers and user vertex buffers using SSE instructions. If + * this function is not called, Embree will allocate and manage + * buffers of the default layout. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetBuffer2(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType type, + const void* ptr, size_t byteOffset, size_t byteStride, size_t size = -1); + +/*! \brief Enable geometry. Enabled geometry can be hit by a ray. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcEnable (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID); + +/*! \brief Update all geometry buffers. + + Each time geometry buffers got modified, the user has to call some + update function to tell the ray tracing engine which buffers got + modified. The rtcUpdate function taggs each geometry buffer of the + specified geometry as modified. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcUpdate (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID); + +/*! \brief Update spefific geometry buffer. + + Each time geometry buffers got modified, the user has to call some + update function to tell the ray tracing engine which buffers got + modified. The rtcUpdateBuffer function taggs a specific buffer of + some geometry as modified. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcUpdateBuffer (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType type); + +/*! \brief Disable geometry. + + Disabled geometry is not hit by any ray. Disabling and enabling + geometry gives higher performance than deleting and recreating + geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDisable (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID); + +/*! \brief Sets the displacement function. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetDisplacementFunction (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCDisplacementFunc func, RTCBounds* bounds); + +/*! \brief Sets the displacement function. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetDisplacementFunction2 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCDisplacementFunc2 func, RTCBounds* bounds); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for single rays. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for ray packets of size 4. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction4 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc4 func); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for ray packets of size 8. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction8 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc8 func); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for ray packets of size 16. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction16 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc16 func); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for ray packets of size N. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunctionN (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFuncN func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for single rays. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for ray packets of size 4. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction4 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc4 func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for ray packets of size 8. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction8 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc8 func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for ray packets of size 16. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction16 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFunc16 func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for ray packets of size N. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunctionN (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCFilterFuncN func); + +/*! Set pointer for user defined data per geometry. Invokations + * of the various user intersect and occluded functions get passed + * this data pointer when called. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetUserData (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, void* ptr); + +/*! Get pointer for user defined data per geometry based on geomID. */ +RTCORE_API void* rtcGetUserData (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID); + +/*! Interpolates user data to some u/v location. The data buffer + * specifies per vertex data to interpolate and can be one of the + * RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 or RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 and has to + * contain numFloats floating point values to interpolate for each + * vertex of the geometry. The dP array will get filled with the + * interpolated data and the dPdu and dPdv arrays with the u and v + * derivative of the interpolation. If the pointers dP is NULL, the + * value will not get calculated. If dPdu and dPdv are NULL the + * derivatives will not get calculated. Both dPdu and dPdv have to be + * either valid or NULL. The buffer has to be padded at the end such + * that the last element can be read safely using SSE + * instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcInterpolate(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, unsigned primID, float u, float v, RTCBufferType buffer, + float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, size_t numFloats); + +/*! Interpolates user data to some u/v location. The data buffer + * specifies per vertex data to interpolate and can be one of the + * RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 or RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 and has to + * contain numFloats floating point values to interpolate for each + * vertex of the geometry. The P array will get filled with the + * interpolated datam the dPdu and dPdv arrays with the u and v + * derivative of the interpolation, and the ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and + * ddPdudv arrays with the respective second derivatives. One can + * disable 1) the calculation of the interpolated value by setting P + * to NULL, 2) the calculation of the 1st order derivatives by + * setting dPdu and dPdv to NULL, 3) the calculation of the second + * order derivatives by setting ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and ddPdudv to + * NULL. The buffers have to be padded at the end such that the last + * element can be read or written safely using SSE instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcInterpolate2(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, unsigned primID, float u, float v, RTCBufferType buffer, + float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv, size_t numFloats); + +/*! Interpolates user data to an array of u/v locations. The valid + * pointer points to an integer array that specified which entries in + * the u/v arrays are valid (-1 denotes valid, and 0 invalid). If the + * valid pointer is NULL all elements are considers valid. The data + * buffer specifies per vertex data to interpolate and can be one of + * the RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 or RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 and has to + * contain numFloats floating point values to interpolate for each + * vertex of the geometry. The P array will get filled with the + * interpolated data, and the dPdu and dPdv arrays with the u and v + * derivative of the interpolation. If the pointers P is NULL, the + * value will not get calculated. If dPdu and dPdv are NULL the + * derivatives will not get calculated. Both dPdu and dPdv have to be + * either valid or NULL. These destination arrays are filled in + * structure of array (SoA) layout. The buffer has to be padded at + * the end such that the last element can be read safely using SSE + * instructions.*/ +RTCORE_API void rtcInterpolateN(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, + const void* valid, const unsigned* primIDs, const float* u, const float* v, size_t numUVs, + RTCBufferType buffer, + float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, size_t numFloats); + +/*! Interpolates user data to an array of u/v locations. The valid + * pointer points to an integer array that specified which entries in + * the u/v arrays are valid (-1 denotes valid, and 0 invalid). If the + * valid pointer is NULL all elements are considers valid. The data + * buffer specifies per vertex data to interpolate and can be one of + * the RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 or RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 and has to + * contain numFloats floating point values to interpolate for each + * vertex of the geometry. The P array will get filled with the + * interpolated datam the dPdu and dPdv arrays with the u and v + * derivative of the interpolation, and the ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and + * ddPdudv arrays with the respective second derivatives. One can + * disable 1) the calculation of the interpolated value by setting P + * to NULL, 2) the calculation of the 1st order derivatives by + * setting dPdu and dPdv to NULL, 3) the calculation of the second + * order derivatives by setting ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and ddPdudv to + * NULL. These destination arrays are filled in structure of array + * (SoA) layout. The buffer has to be padded at the end such that + * the last element can be read safely using SSE + * instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcInterpolateN2(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, + const void* valid, const unsigned* primIDs, const float* u, const float* v, size_t numUVs, + RTCBufferType buffer, + float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv, size_t numFloats); + +/*! \brief Deletes the geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeleteGeometry (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID); + + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry.isph b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry.isph new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c43d38 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry.isph @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __EMBREE_GEOMETRY_ISPH__ +#define __EMBREE_GEOMETRY_ISPH__ + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api_ispc */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! invalid geometry ID */ +#define RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID ((uniform unsigned int)-1) + +/*! maximal number of time steps */ +#define RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS 129 + +/*! maximal number of user vertex buffers */ +#define RTC_MAX_USER_VERTEX_BUFFERS 16 + +/*! maximal number of index buffers for subdivision surfaces */ +#define RTC_MAX_INDEX_BUFFERS 16 + +/*! \brief Specifies the type of buffers when mapping buffers */ +enum RTCBufferType +{ + RTC_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x01000000, + RTC_INDEX_BUFFER0 = 0x01000000, + RTC_INDEX_BUFFER1 = 0x01000001, + + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x02000000, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0 = 0x02000000, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1 = 0x02000001, + + RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER = 0x02100000, + RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0 = 0x02100000, + RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER1 = 0x02100001, + + RTC_FACE_BUFFER = 0x03000000, + RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER = 0x04000001, + + RTC_EDGE_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x05000000, + RTC_EDGE_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER = 0x06000000, + + RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER = 0x07000000, + RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER = 0x08000000, + + RTC_HOLE_BUFFER = 0x09000001, +}; + +/*! \brief Supported types of matrix layout for functions involving matrices */ +enum RTCMatrixType { + RTC_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR = 0, + RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR = 1, + RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR_ALIGNED16 = 2, +}; + +/*! \brief Supported geometry flags to specify handling in dynamic scenes. */ +enum RTCGeometryFlags +{ + RTC_GEOMETRY_STATIC = 0, //!< specifies static geometry that will change rarely + RTC_GEOMETRY_DEFORMABLE = 1, //!< specifies dynamic geometry with deformable motion (BVH refit possible) + RTC_GEOMETRY_DYNAMIC = 2, //!< specifies dynamic geometry with arbitrary motion (BVH refit not possible) +}; + +/*! \brief Boundary interpolation mode for subdivision surfaces. + WARNING: This enum is deprecated, use RTCSubdivisionMode instead. +*/ +enum RTCBoundaryMode +{ + RTC_BOUNDARY_NONE = 0, //!< ignores border patches + RTC_BOUNDARY_SMOOTH = 1, //!< smooth border (default) + RTC_BOUNDARY_EDGE_ONLY = 1, //!< soft boundary (default) + RTC_BOUNDARY_EDGE_AND_CORNER = 2 //!< boundary corner vertices are sharp vertices +}; + +/*! \brief Interpolation mode for subdivision surfaces. The modes are + * ordered to interpolate successively more linear. */ +enum RTCSubdivisionMode +{ + RTC_SUBDIV_NO_BOUNDARY = 0, //!< ignores border patches + RTC_SUBDIV_SMOOTH_BOUNDARY = 1, //!< smooth border (default) + RTC_SUBDIV_PIN_CORNERS = 2, //!< smooth border with fixed corners + RTC_SUBDIV_PIN_BOUNDARY = 3, //!< linearly interpolation along border + RTC_SUBDIV_PIN_ALL = 4, //!< pin every vertex (interpolates every patch linearly) +}; + +/*! Intersection filter function for uniform rays. */ +typedef unmasked void (*uniform RTCFilterFuncUniform)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + uniform RTCRay1& ray /*!< intersection to filter */); + +/*! Intersection filter function for varying rays. */ +typedef void (*uniform RTCFilterFuncVarying)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + varying RTCRay& ray /*!< intersection to filter */); + +/*! Intersection filter function for ray packets of size N. */ +typedef unmasked void (*uniform RTCFilterFuncN)(uniform int* uniform valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + struct RTCRayN* uniform ray, /*!< ray and previous hit */ + const struct RTCHitN* uniform potentialHit, /*!< potential new hit */ + uniform const uintptr_t N /*!< number of rays in ray packet */); + +/*! Type of displacement callback functions */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCDisplacementFunc)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data of geometry */ + uniform unsigned int geomID, /*!< ID of geometry to displace */ + uniform unsigned int primID, /*!< ID of primitive of geometry to displace */ + uniform const float* uniform u, /*!< u coordinates (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform v, /*!< v coordinates (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform nx, /*!< x coordinates of normal at point to displace (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform ny, /*!< y coordinates of normal at point to displace (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform nz, /*!< z coordinates of normal at point to displace (source) */ + uniform float* uniform px, /*!< x coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + uniform float* uniform py, /*!< y coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + uniform float* uniform pz, /*!< z coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + uniform uintptr_t N /*!< number of points to displace */ ); + +/*! Type of displacement callback functions */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCDisplacementFunc2)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data of geometry */ + uniform unsigned int geomID, /*!< ID of geometry to displace */ + uniform unsigned int primID, /*!< ID of primitive of geometry to displace */ + uniform unsigned int time, /*!< time step to calculate displacement for */ + uniform const float* uniform u, /*!< u coordinates (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform v, /*!< v coordinates (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform nx, /*!< x coordinates of normal at point to displace (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform ny, /*!< y coordinates of normal at point to displace (source) */ + uniform const float* uniform nz, /*!< z coordinates of normal at point to displace (source) */ + uniform float* uniform px, /*!< x coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + uniform float* uniform py, /*!< y coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + uniform float* uniform pz, /*!< z coordinates of points to displace (source and target) */ + uniform uintptr_t N /*!< number of points to displace */ ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new scene instance. + + WARNING: This callback is deprecated, use rtcNewInstance2 instead. + + A scene instance contains a reference to a scene to instantiate and + the transformation to instantiate the scene with. An implementation + will typically transform the ray with the inverse of the provided + transformation and continue traversing the ray through the provided + scene. If any geometry is hit, the instance ID (instID) member of + the ray will get set to the geometry ID of the instance. */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED uniform unsigned int rtcNewInstance (RTCScene target, //!< the scene the instance belongs to + RTCScene source //!< the geometry to instantiate + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new scene instance. + + A scene instance contains a reference to a scene to instantiate and + the transformation to instantiate the scene with. For motion blurred + instances, a number of timesteps can get specified. An + implementation will typically transform the ray with the inverse of + the provided transformation and continue traversing the ray through + the provided scene. If any geometry is hit, the instance ID (instID) + member of the ray will get set to the geometry ID of the + instance. */ +uniform unsigned int rtcNewInstance2 (RTCScene target, //!< the scene the instance belongs to + RTCScene source, //!< the scene to instantiate + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of timesteps, one matrix per timestep + ); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewInstance3 (RTCScene target, //!< the scene the instance belongs to + RTCScene source, //!< the scene to instantiate + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of timesteps, one matrix per timestep + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new geometry instance. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, do not use it. + + A geometry instance contains a reference to some geometry to + instantiate and the transformation to instantiate that geometry + with. An implementation will typically transform the ray with the + inverse of the provided transformation and continue traversing the + ray through the provided scene. If any geometry is hit, the geometry + ID (geomID) member of the ray will get set to the geometry ID of the + instance. */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED uniform unsigned int rtcNewGeometryInstance(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID); + +/*! \brief Sets transformation of the instance */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetTransform (RTCScene scene, //!< scene handle + uniform unsigned int geomID, //!< ID of geometry + uniform RTCMatrixType layout, //!< layout of transformation matrix + const uniform float* uniform xfm //!< pointer to transformation matrix + ); + +/*! \brief Sets transformation of the instance for specified timestep */ +void rtcSetTransform2 (RTCScene scene, //!< scene handle + uniform unsigned int geomID, //!< ID of geometry + uniform RTCMatrixType layout, //!< layout of transformation matrix + const uniform float* uniform xfm, //!< pointer to transformation matrix + uniform size_t timeStep = 0 //!< timestep to set the matrix for + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new triangle mesh. The number of triangles + (numTriangles), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps (1 for normal meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi + segment motion blur), have to get specified. The triangle indices + can be set by mapping and writing to the index buffer + (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the triangle vertices can be set by mapping + and writing into the vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER). In case of + multi-segment motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of three 32 bit + integer indices for each triangle. An index points to the ith + vertex. The vertex buffer stores single precision x,y,z floating + point coordinates aligned to 16 bytes. The value of the 4th float + used for alignment can be arbitrary. */ +uniform unsigned int rtcNewTriangleMesh (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numTriangles, //!< number of triangles + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewTriangleMesh2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numTriangles, //!< number of triangles + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new quad mesh. The number of quads (numQuads), + number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time steps (1 for + normal meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur), have to get specified. The quad indices can be set by mapping + and writing to the index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the quad + vertices can be set by mapping and writing into the vertex buffer + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER). In case of multi-segment motion blur, multiple + vertex buffers have to get filled (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time step. The index buffer has + the default layout of three 32 bit integer indices for each quad. An + index points to the ith vertex. The vertex buffer stores single + precision x,y,z floating point coordinates aligned to 16 bytes. The + value of the 4th float used for alignment can be arbitrary. */ +uniform unsigned int rtcNewQuadMesh (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numQuads, //!< number of quads + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewQuadMesh2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numQuads, //!< number of quads + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new subdivision mesh. The number of faces + (numFaces), edges/indices (numEdges), vertices (numVertices), edge + creases (numEdgeCreases), vertex creases (numVertexCreases), holes + (numHoles), and time steps (numTimeSteps) have to get speficied at + construction time. + + The following buffers have to get filled by the application: the face + buffer (RTC_FACE_BUFFER) contains the number edges/indices (3 or 4) + of each of the numFaces faces, the index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) + contains multiple (3 or 4) 32bit vertex indices for each face and + numEdges indices in total, the vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) + stores numVertices vertices as single precision x,y,z floating point + coordinates aligned to 16 bytes. The value of the 4th float used for + alignment can be arbitrary. In case of multi-segment motion blur, + multiple vertex buffers have to get filled (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, + RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time step. + + Optionally, the application can fill the hole buffer + (RTC_HOLE_BUFFER) with numHoles many 32 bit indices of faces that + should be considered non-existing. + + Optionally, the application can fill the level buffer + (RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER) with a tessellation level for each of the numEdges + edges. The subdivision level is a positive floating point value, that + specifies how many quads along the edge should get generated during + tessellation. The tessellation level is a lower bound, thus the + implementation is free to choose a larger level. If no level buffer + is specified a level of 1 is used. + + Optionally, the application can fill the sparse edge crease buffers + to make some edges appear sharper. The edge crease index buffer + (RTC_EDGE_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER) contains numEdgeCreases many pairs of + 32 bit vertex indices that specify unoriented edges. The edge crease + weight buffer (RTC_EDGE_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER) stores for each of + theses crease edges a positive floating point weight. The larger this + weight, the sharper the edge. Specifying a weight of infinify is + supported and marks an edge as infinitely sharp. Storing an edge + multiple times with the same crease weight is allowed, but has lower + performance. Storing the an edge multiple times with different + crease weights results in undefined behaviour. For a stored edge + (i,j), the reverse direction edges (j,i) does not have to get stored, + as both are considered the same edge. + + Optionally, the application can fill the sparse vertex crease buffers + to make some vertices appear sharper. The vertex crease index buffer + (RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER), contains numVertexCreases many 32 + bit vertex indices to speficy a set of vertices. The vertex crease + weight buffer (RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER) specifies for each of + these vertices a positive floating point weight. The larger this + weight, the sharper the vertex. Specifying a weight of infinity is + supported and makes the vertex infinitely sharp. Storing a vertex + multiple times with the same crease weight is allowed, but has lower + performance. Storing a vertex multiple times with different crease + weights results in undefined behaviour. + +*/ + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewSubdivisionMesh (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numFaces, //!< number of faces + uniform size_t numEdges, //!< number of edges + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numEdgeCreases, //!< number of edge creases + uniform size_t numVertexCreases, //!< number of vertex creases + uniform size_t numHoles, //!< number of holes + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewSubdivisionMesh2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the mesh belongs to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numFaces, //!< number of faces + uniform size_t numEdges, //!< number of edges + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numEdgeCreases, //!< number of edge creases + uniform size_t numVertexCreases, //!< number of vertex creases + uniform size_t numHoles, //!< number of holes + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new hair geometry consisting of multiple hairs + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewBezierHairGeometry instead. + + The number of curves (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), + and number of time steps (1 for normal meshes, and up to + RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion blur), have to get + specified at construction time. Further, the curve index buffer + (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) + have to get set by mapping and writing to the appropiate buffers. In + case of multi-segment motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to + get filled (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for + each time step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single + 32 bit integer index for each curve, that references the start + vertex of the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per + curve, each such control point consists of a single precision + (x,y,z) position and radius, stored in that order in + memory. Individual hairs are considered to be subpixel sized which + allows the implementation to approximate the intersection + calculation. This in particular means that zooming onto one hair + might show geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED uniform unsigned int rtcNewHairGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new hair geometry, consisting of multiple hairs + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. The number of + curves (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of + time steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. Individual hairs are + considered to be subpixel sized which allows the implementation to + approximate the intersection calculation. This in particular means + that zooming onto one hair might show geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBezierHairGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBezierHairGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new hair geometry, consisting of multiple hairs + represented as cubic bspline curves with varying radii. The number + of curves (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number + of time steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for + normal meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. Individual hairs are + considered to be subpixel sized which allows the implementation to + approximate the intersection calculation. This in particular means + that zooming onto one hair might show geometric artefacts. */ +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBSplineHairGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBSplineHairGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new curve geometry, consisting of multiple curves + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcNewBezierCurveGeometry instead. + + The intersected surface is defined as the sweep of a varying radius + circle perpendicular along the curve. The number of curves + (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED uniform unsigned int rtcNewCurveGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new curve geometry, consisting of multiple curves + represented as cubic bezier curves with varying radii. The + intersected surface is defined as the sweep of a varying radius + circle perpendicular along the curve. The number of curves + (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. */ +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBezierCurveGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBezierCurveGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new curve geometry, consisting of multiple curves + represented as cubic bspline curves with varying radii. The + intersected surface is defined as the sweep of a varying radius + circle perpendicular along the curve. The number of curves + (numCurves), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the curve index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + curve vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each curve, that references the start vertex of + the curve. The vertex buffer stores 4 control points per curve, each + such control point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) position + and radius, stored in that order in memory. */ +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBSplineCurveGeometry (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +RTCORE_API uniform unsigned int rtcNewBSplineCurveGeometry2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the curves belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform unsigned int numCurves, //!< number of curves + uniform unsigned int numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! \brief Creates a new line segment geometry, consisting of multiple + segments with varying radii. The number of line segments + (numSegments), number of vertices (numVertices), and number of time + steps have to get specified at construction time (1 for normal + meshes, and up to RTC_MAX_TIME_STEPS for multi-segment motion + blur). Further, the segment index buffer (RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the + segment vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER) have to get set by mapping + and writing to the appropiate buffers. In case of multi-segment + motion blur, multiple vertex buffers have to get filled + (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0, RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1, etc.), one for each time + step. The index buffer has the default layout of a single 32 bit + integer index for each line segment, that references the start + vertex of the segment. The vertex buffer stores 2 end points per + line segment, each such point consists of a single precision (x,y,z) + position and radius, stored in that order in memory. Individual + segments are considered to be subpixel sized which allows the + implementation to approximate the intersection calculation. This in + particular means that zooming onto one line segment might show + geometric artefacts. */ +uniform unsigned int rtcNewLineSegments (RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the line segments belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numSegments, //!< number of line segments + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 //!< number of motion blur time steps + ); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewLineSegments2(RTCScene scene, //!< the scene the line segments belong to + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numSegments, //!< number of line segments + uniform size_t numVertices, //!< number of vertices + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1, //!< number of motion blur time steps + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 //!< optional geometry ID to assign + ); + +/*! Sets a uniform tessellation rate for subdiv meshes and hair + * geometry. For subdivision meshes the RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER can also be used + * optionally to set a different tessellation rate per edge.*/ +void rtcSetTessellationRate (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform float tessellationRate); + +/*! \brief Sets 32 bit ray mask. */ +void rtcSetMask (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform int mask); + +/*! \brief Sets boundary interpolation mode for default subdivision surface topology. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcSetSubdivisionMode instead. + */ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED void rtcSetBoundaryMode(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBoundaryMode mode); + +/*! \brief Sets boundary interpolation mode for specified subdivision surface topology */ +void rtcSetSubdivisionMode(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform unsigned int topologyID, uniform RTCSubdivisionMode mode); + +/*! \brief Binds a user vertex buffer to some index buffer topology. */ +void rtcSetIndexBuffer(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBufferType vertexBuffer, uniform RTCBufferType indexBuffer); + +/*! \brief Maps specified buffer. This function can be used to set index and + * vertex buffers of geometries. */ +void* uniform rtcMapBuffer(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBufferType type); + +/*! \brief Unmaps specified buffer. + + A buffer has to be unmapped before the rtcEnable, rtcDisable, + rtcUpdate, or rtcDeleteGeometry calls are executed. */ +void rtcUnmapBuffer(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBufferType type); + +/*! \brief Shares a data buffer between the application and + * Embree. + + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcSetBuffer2 instead. + + * The passed buffer is used by Embree to store index and vertex + * data. It has to remain valid as long as the mesh exists, and the + * user is responsible to free the data when the mesh gets + * deleted. One can optionally speficy a byte offset and byte stride + * of the elements stored inside the buffer. The addresses + * ptr+offset+i*stride have to be aligned to 4 bytes on Xeon CPUs and + * 16 bytes on Xeon Phi accelerators. For vertex buffers, the 4 bytes + * after the z-coordinate of the last vertex have to be readable + * memory, thus padding is required for some layouts. If this + * function is not called, Embree will allocate and manage buffers of + * the default layout. */ +void rtcSetBuffer(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBufferType type, + const void* uniform ptr, uniform size_t byteOffset, uniform size_t byteStride); + +/*! \brief Shares a data buffer between the application and + * Embree. The data has to remain valid as long as the mesh exists, + * and the user is responsible to free the data when the mesh gets + * deleted. For sharing the buffer, one has to specify the number of + * elements of the buffer, a byte offset to the first element, and + * byte stride of elements stored inside the buffer. The addresses + * ptr+offset+i*stride have to be aligned to 4 bytes. For vertex + * buffers and user vertex buffers the buffer has to be padded with 0 + * to a size of a multiple of 16 bytes, as Embree always accesses + * vertex buffers and user vertex buffers using SSE instructions. If + * this function is not called, Embree will allocate and manage + * buffers of the default layout. */ +void rtcSetBuffer2(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBufferType type, + const void* uniform ptr, uniform size_t byteOffset, uniform size_t byteStride, uniform size_t size = -1); + +/*! \brief Enable geometry. Enabled geometry can be hit by a ray. */ +void rtcEnable (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID); + +/*! \brief Update spefific geometry buffer. + + Each time geometry buffers got modified, the user has to call some + update function to tell the ray tracing engine which buffers got + modified. The rtcUpdateBuffer function taggs a specific buffer of + some geometry as modified. */ +void rtcUpdate (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID); + +/*! \brief Update spefific geometry buffer. + + Each time geometry buffers got modified, the user has to call some + update function to tell the ray tracing engine which buffers got + modified. The rtcUpdateBuffer function taggs a specific buffer of + some geometry as modified. */ +void rtcUpdateBuffer (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBufferType type); + +/*! \brief Disable geometry. + + Disabled geometry is not hit by any ray. Disabling and enabling + geometry gives higher performance than deleting and recreating + geometry. */ +void rtcDisable (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID); + +/*! \brief Sets the displacement function. */ +void rtcSetDisplacementFunction (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCDisplacementFunc func, uniform RTCBounds *uniform bounds); + +/*! \brief Sets the displacement function. */ +void rtcSetDisplacementFunction2 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCDisplacementFunc2 func, uniform RTCBounds *uniform bounds); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for uniform rays. */ +void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction1 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCFilterFuncUniform func); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for varying rays. */ +void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCFilterFuncVarying func); + +/*! \brief Sets the intersection filter function for ray packets of size N. */ +void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunctionN (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCFilterFuncN func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for uniform rays. */ +void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction1 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCFilterFuncUniform func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for varying rays. */ +void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCFilterFuncVarying func); + +/*! \brief Sets the occlusion filter function for ray packets of size N. */ +void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunctionN (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCFilterFuncN func); + +/*! Set pointer for user defined data per geometry. Invokations + * of the various user intersect and occluded functions get passed + * this data pointer when called. */ +void rtcSetUserData (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, void* uniform ptr); + +/*! Get pointer for user defined data per geometry based on geomID. */ +void* uniform rtcGetUserData (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID); + +/*! Interpolates user data to some varying u/v location. The data + * buffer specifies per vertex data to interpolate and can be one of + * the RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 or RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 and has to contain + * numFloats floating point values to interpolate for each vertex of + * the geometry. The P array will get filled with the interpolated + * data, and the dPdu and dPdv arrays with the u and v derivative of + * the interpolation. If the pointers P is NULL, the value will not + * get calculated. If dPdu and dPdv are NULL the derivatives will not + * get calculated. Both dPdu and dPdv have to be either valid or + * NULL. These destination arrays are filled in structure of array + * (SoA) layout. The buffer has to be padded at the end such + * that the last element can be read safely using SSE + * instructions. */ +void rtcInterpolate(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, varying unsigned int primIDs, varying float u, varying float v, + uniform RTCBufferType buffer, + varying float* uniform P, varying float* uniform dPdu, varying float* uniform dPdv, uniform size_t numFloats); + +/*! Interpolates user data to some varying u/v location. The data + * buffer specifies per vertex data to interpolate and can be one of + * the RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 or RTC_USER_VERTEX_BUFFER0/1 and has to contain + * numFloats floating point values to interpolate for each vertex of + * the geometry. The P array will get filled with the + * interpolated datam the dPdu and dPdv arrays with the u and v + * derivative of the interpolation, and the ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and + * ddPdudv arrays with the respective second derivatives. One can + * disable 1) the calculation of the interpolated value by setting P + * to NULL, 2) the calculation of the 1st order derivatives by + * setting dPdu and dPdv to NULL, 3) the calculation of the second + * order derivatives by setting ddPdudu, ddPdvdv, and ddPdudv to + * NULL. These destination arrays are filled in structure of array + * (SoA) layout. The buffer has to be padded at the end such that + * the last element can be read safely using SSE + * instructions. */ +void rtcInterpolate2(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, varying unsigned int primIDs, varying float u, varying float v, + uniform RTCBufferType buffer, + varying float* uniform P, varying float* uniform dPdu, varying float* uniform dPdv, + varying float* uniform ddPdudu, varying float* uniform ddPdvdv, varying float* uniform ddPdudv, + uniform size_t numFloats); + +/*! \brief Deletes the geometry. */ +void rtcDeleteGeometry (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID); + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry_user.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry_user.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab77ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry_user.h @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_USER_GEOMETRY_H__ +#define __RTCORE_USER_GEOMETRY_H__ + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! Type of bounding function. */ +typedef void (*RTCBoundsFunc)(void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + size_t item, /*!< item to calculate bounds for */ + RTCBounds& bounds_o /*!< returns calculated bounds */); + +/*! Type of bounding function. */ +typedef void (*RTCBoundsFunc2)(void* userPtr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + void* geomUserPtr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + size_t item, /*!< item to calculate bounds for */ + RTCBounds* bounds_o /*!< returns calculated bounds */); + +/*! Type of bounding function. */ +typedef void (*RTCBoundsFunc3)(void* userPtr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + void* geomUserPtr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + size_t item, /*!< item to calculate bounds for */ + size_t time, /*!< time to calculate bounds for */ + RTCBounds& bounds_o /*!< returns calculated bounds */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for single rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFunc)(void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay& ray, /*!< ray to intersect */ + size_t item /*!< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size 4. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFunc4)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay4& ray, /*!< ray packet to intersect */ + size_t item /*!< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size 8. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFunc8)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay8& ray, /*!< ray packet to intersect */ + size_t item /*!< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size 16. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFunc16)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay16& ray, /*!< ray packet to intersect */ + size_t item /*!< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for stream of rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFunc1Mp)(void* ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const RTCIntersectContext* context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + RTCRay** rays, /*!< pointers to rays to intersect */ + size_t M, /*!< number of rays in stream */ + size_t item /*!< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size N. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFuncN)(const int* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const RTCIntersectContext* context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + RTCRayN* rays, /*!< ray packet to intersect */ + size_t N, /*!< number of rays in packet */ + size_t item /*!< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for single rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFunc) (void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay& ray, /*!< ray to test occlusion */ + size_t item /*!< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size 4. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFunc4) (const void* valid, /*! pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay4& ray, /*!< Ray packet to test occlusion. */ + size_t item /*!< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size 8. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFunc8) (const void* valid, /*! pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay8& ray, /*!< Ray packet to test occlusion. */ + size_t item /*!< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size 16. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFunc16) (const void* valid, /*! pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + RTCRay16& ray, /*!< Ray packet to test occlusion. */ + size_t item /*!< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for stream of rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFunc1Mp) (void* ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const RTCIntersectContext* context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + RTCRay** rays, /*!< pointers to rays to test occlusion */ + size_t M, /*!< number of rays in stream */ + size_t item /*!< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size N. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFuncN) (const int* valid, /*! pointer to valid mask */ + void* ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + const RTCIntersectContext* context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + RTCRayN* rays, /*!< Ray packet to test occlusion for. */ + size_t N, /*!< number of rays in packet */ + size_t item /*!< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Creates a new user geometry object. This feature makes it possible + * to add arbitrary types of geometry to the scene by providing + * appropiate bounding, intersect and occluded functions. A user + * geometry object is a set of user geometries. As the rtcIntersect + * and rtcOccluded functions support different ray packet sizes, the + * user also has to provide different versions of intersect and + * occluded function pointers for these packet sizes. However, the + * ray packet size of the called function pointer always matches the + * packet size of the originally invoked rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded + * functions. A user data pointer, that points to a user specified + * representation of the geometry, is passed to each intersect and + * occluded function invokation, as well as the index of the geometry + * of the set to intersect. */ +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewUserGeometry (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + size_t numGeometries /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewUserGeometry2 (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + size_t numGeometries, /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */ + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 /*!< number of motion blur time steps */); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewUserGeometry3 (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + RTCGeometryFlags gflags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numGeometries, /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */ + size_t numTimeSteps = 1 /*!< number of motion blur time steps */); + +RTCORE_API unsigned rtcNewUserGeometry4 (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + RTCGeometryFlags gflags, //!< geometry flags + size_t numGeometries, /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */ + size_t numTimeSteps = 1, /*!< number of motion blur time steps */ + unsigned int geomID = -1 /*!< optional geometry ID to assign */ + ); + + +/*! Sets the bounding function to calculate bounding boxes of the user + * geometry items when building spatial index structures. The + * calculated bounding box have to be conservative and should be + * tight. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetBoundsFunction (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBoundsFunc bounds); + +/*! Sets the bounding function to calculate bounding boxes of the user + * geometry items when building spatial index structures. The + * calculated bounding box have to be conservative and should be + * tight. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetBoundsFunction2 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBoundsFunc2 bounds, void* userPtr); + +/*! Sets the bounding function to calculate bounding boxes of the user + * geometry items when building spatial index structures. The + * calculated bounding box have to be conservative and should be + * tight. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetBoundsFunction3 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBoundsFunc3 bounds, void* userPtr); + +/*! Set intersect function for single rays. The rtcIntersect function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectFunction (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCIntersectFunc intersect); + +/*! Set intersect function for ray packets of size 4. The + * rtcIntersect4 function will call the passed function for + * intersecting the user geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectFunction4 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCIntersectFunc4 intersect4); + +/*! Set intersect function for ray packets of size 8. The + * rtcIntersect8 function will call the passed function for + * intersecting the user geometry.*/ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectFunction8 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCIntersectFunc8 intersect8); + +/*! Set intersect function for ray packets of size 16. The + * rtcIntersect16 function will call the passed function for + * intersecting the user geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectFunction16 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCIntersectFunc16 intersect16); + +/*! Set intersect function for stream of rays. The rtcIntersectN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectFunction1Mp (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCIntersectFunc1Mp intersect); + +/*! Set intersect function for ray packets of size N. The rtcIntersectN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetIntersectFunctionN (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCIntersectFuncN intersect); + +/*! Set occlusion function for single rays. The rtcOccluded function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOccludedFunction (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCOccludedFunc occluded); + +/*! Set occlusion function for ray packets of size 4. The rtcOccluded4 + * function will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOccludedFunction4 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCOccludedFunc4 occluded4); + +/*! Set occlusion function for ray packets of size 8. The rtcOccluded8 + * function will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOccludedFunction8 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCOccludedFunc8 occluded8); + +/*! Set occlusion function for ray packets of size 16. The + * rtcOccluded16 function will call the passed function for + * intersecting the user geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOccludedFunction16 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCOccludedFunc16 occluded16); + +/*! Set occlusion function for a stream of single rays. The rtcOccludedN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOccludedFunction1Mp (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCOccludedFunc1Mp occluded); + +/*! Set occlusion function for ray packets of size N. The rtcOccludedN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetOccludedFunctionN (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCOccludedFuncN occluded); + + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry_user.isph b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry_user.isph new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c011e9e --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_geometry_user.isph @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_USER_GEOMETRY_ISPH__ +#define __RTCORE_USER_GEOMETRY_ISPH__ + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api_ispc */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! Type of bounding function. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCBoundsFunc)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + uniform uintptr_t item, /*!< item to calculate bounds for */ + uniform RTCBounds& bounds_o /*!< returns calculated bounds */); + +/*! Type of bounding function. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCBoundsFunc2)(void* uniform userPtr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + void* uniform geomUserPtr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + uniform uintptr_t item, /*!< item to calculate bounds for */ + RTCBounds* uniform bounds_o /*!< returns calculated bounds */); + +/*! Type of bounding function. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCBoundsFunc3)(void* uniform userPtr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + void* uniform geomUserPtr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + uniform uintptr_t item, /*!< item to calculate bounds for */ + uniform uintptr_t time, /*!< time to calculate bounds for */ + uniform RTCBounds& bounds_o /*!< returns calculated bounds */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for uniform rays. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCIntersectFuncUniform)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + uniform RTCRay1& ray, /*!< ray to intersect */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for varying rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCIntersectFuncVarying)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + varying RTCRay& ray, /*!< ray to intersect */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for stream of uniform rays. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCIntersectFunc1Mp)(void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + uniform RTCRay1** uniform ray, /*!< pointers to rays to intersect */ + uniform uintptr_t M, /*< number of rays in stream */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size N. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCIntersectFuncN)(const uniform int* uniform valid, /*! pointer to valid mask */ + void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + RTCRayN* uniform rays, /*!< ray packet of size N */ + uniform uintptr_t N, /*< number of rays in ray packet */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to intersect */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for uniform rays. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCOccludedFuncUniform) (void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + uniform RTCRay1& ray, /*!< ray to test occlusion */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for varying rays. */ +typedef void (*RTCOccludedFuncVarying) (void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to user data */ + varying RTCRay& ray, /*!< ray to test occlusion */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for stream of uniform rays. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCOccludedFunc1Mp) (void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + uniform RTCRay1** uniform ray, /*!< pointers to rays to test occlusion */ + uniform uintptr_t M, /*< number of rays in stream */ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to test for occlusion */); + +/*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size N. */ +typedef unmasked void (*RTCOccludedFuncN) (const uniform int* uniform valid, /*! pointer to valid mask */ + void* uniform ptr, /*!< pointer to geometry user data */ + const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, /*!< intersection context as passed to rtcIntersect/rtcOccluded */ + RTCRayN* uniform ray, /*!< ray packet of size N */ + uniform uintptr_t N, /*< number of rays in ray packet*/ + uniform uintptr_t item /*< item to test for occlusion */); + + +/*! Creates a new user geometry object. This feature makes it possible + * to add arbitrary types of geometry to the scene by providing + * appropiate intersect and occluded functions, as well as a bounding + * box of the implemented geometry. As the rtcIntersect and + * rtcOccluded functions support different ray packet sizes, the user + * also has to provide different versions of intersect and occluded + * function pointers for the different packet sized. However, only + * rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded functions of specific packet sizes + * are called, it is sufficient to provide only the corresponding + * function pointer for the user geometry. However, the functions + * provided have to intersect the same geometry. A user data pointer, + * that points to a user specified representation of the geometry, is + * passed to each intersect and occluded function invokation. */ +uniform unsigned int rtcNewUserGeometry (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + uniform size_t numGeometries /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewUserGeometry2 (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + uniform size_t numGeometries, /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */ + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 /*!< number of motion blur time steps */); + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewUserGeometry3 (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numGeometries, /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */ + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1 /*!< number of motion blur time steps */); + + +uniform unsigned int rtcNewUserGeometry4 (RTCScene scene, /*!< the scene the user geometry set is created in */ + uniform RTCGeometryFlags flags, //!< geometry flags + uniform size_t numGeometries, /*!< the number of geometries contained in the set */ + uniform size_t numTimeSteps = 1, /*!< number of motion blur time steps */ + uniform unsigned int geomID = -1 /*!< optional geometry ID to assign */ + ); + +/*! Sets the bounding function to calculate bounding boxes of the user + * geometry items when building spatial index structures. The + * calculated bounding box have to be conservative and should be + * tight.*/ +void rtcSetBoundsFunction (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBoundsFunc bounds); + +/*! Sets the bounding function to calculate bounding boxes of the user + * geometry items when building spatial index structures. The + * calculated bounding box have to be conservative and should be + * tight.*/ +void rtcSetBoundsFunction2 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBoundsFunc2 bounds, void* uniform userPtr); + +/*! Sets the bounding function to calculate bounding boxes of the user + * geometry items when building spatial index structures. The + * calculated bounding box have to be conservative and should be + * tight.*/ +void rtcSetBoundsFunction3 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCBoundsFunc3 bounds, void* uniform userPtr); + +/*! Set intersect function for uniform rays. The rtcIntersect1 + * function will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetIntersectFunction1 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCIntersectFuncUniform intersect); + +/*! Set intersect function for varying rays. The rtcIntersect function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetIntersectFunction (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCIntersectFuncVarying intersect); + +/*! Set intersect function for stream of rays. The rtcIntersectN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetIntersectFunction1Mp (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCIntersectFunc1Mp intersect); + +/*! Set intersect function for ray packets of size N. The rtcIntersectN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetIntersectFunctionN (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCIntersectFuncN intersect); + +/*! Set occlusion function for uniform rays. The rtcOccluded1 function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetOccludedFunction1 (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCOccludedFuncUniform occluded); + +/*! Set occlusion function for varying rays. The rtcOccluded function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetOccludedFunction (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCOccludedFuncVarying occluded); + +/*! Set occlusion function for a stream of single rays. The rtcOccludedN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetOccludedFunction1Mp (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCOccludedFunc1Mp occluded); + +/*! Set occlusion function for a ray packets of size N. The rtcOccludedN function + * will call the passed function for intersecting the user + * geometry. */ +void rtcSetOccludedFunctionN (RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int geomID, uniform RTCOccludedFuncN occluded); + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_ray.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_ray.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b8f095 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_ray.h @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_RAY_H__ +#define __RTCORE_RAY_H__ + +#include "rtcore.h" + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! \brief Ray structure for an individual ray */ +#ifndef __RTCRay__ +#define __RTCRay__ +struct RTCORE_ALIGN(16) RTCRay +{ + /* ray data */ +public: + float org[3]; //!< Ray origin + float align0; + + float dir[3]; //!< Ray direction + float align1; + + float tnear; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + float time; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned mask; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ +public: + float Ng[3]; //!< Unnormalized geometry normal + float align2; + + float u; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned geomID; //!< geometry ID + unsigned primID; //!< primitive ID + unsigned instID; //!< instance ID +}; +#endif + +/*! Ray structure for packets of 4 rays. */ +#ifndef __RTCRay4__ +#define __RTCRay4__ +struct RTCORE_ALIGN(16) RTCRay4 +{ + /* ray data */ +public: + float orgx[4]; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + float orgy[4]; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + float orgz[4]; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + float dirx[4]; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + float diry[4]; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + float dirz[4]; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + float tnear[4]; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar[4]; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + float time[4]; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned mask[4]; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ +public: + float Ngx[4]; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngy[4]; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngz[4]; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + + float u[4]; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v[4]; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned geomID[4]; //!< geometry ID + unsigned primID[4]; //!< primitive ID + unsigned instID[4]; //!< instance ID +}; +#endif + +/*! Ray structure for packets of 8 rays. */ +#ifndef __RTCRay8__ +#define __RTCRay8__ +struct RTCORE_ALIGN(32) RTCRay8 +{ + /* ray data */ +public: + float orgx[8]; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + float orgy[8]; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + float orgz[8]; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + float dirx[8]; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + float diry[8]; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + float dirz[8]; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + float tnear[8]; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar[8]; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + float time[8]; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned mask[8]; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ +public: + float Ngx[8]; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngy[8]; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngz[8]; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + + float u[8]; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v[8]; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned geomID[8]; //!< geometry ID + unsigned primID[8]; //!< primitive ID + unsigned instID[8]; //!< instance ID +}; +#endif + +/*! \brief Ray structure for packets of 16 rays. */ +#ifndef __RTCRay16__ +#define __RTCRay16__ +struct RTCORE_ALIGN(64) RTCRay16 +{ + /* ray data */ +public: + float orgx[16]; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + float orgy[16]; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + float orgz[16]; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + float dirx[16]; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + float diry[16]; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + float dirz[16]; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + float tnear[16]; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar[16]; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + float time[16]; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned mask[16]; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ +public: + float Ngx[16]; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngy[16]; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngz[16]; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + + float u[16]; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v[16]; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned geomID[16]; //!< geometry ID + unsigned primID[16]; //!< primitive ID + unsigned instID[16]; //!< instance ID +}; +#endif + +/* Helper functions to access ray packets of runtime size N */ +#ifndef __RTCRayN__ +#define __RTCRayN__ +struct RTCRayN {}; +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_org_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[0*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< x coordinate of ray origin +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_org_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[1*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< y coordinate of ray origin +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_org_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[2*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< z coordinate of ray origin + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_dir_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[3*N+1*N1+i]; } //!< x coordinate of ray direction +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_dir_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[4*N+1*N1+i]; } //!< y coordinate of ray direction +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_dir_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[5*N+1*N1+i]; } //!< z coordinate of ray direction + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_tnear(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[6*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< Start of ray segment +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_tfar (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[7*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_time(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*) ptr)[8*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< Time of this ray for motion blur +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_mask(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[9*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_Ng_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[10*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< x coordinate of geometry normal +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_Ng_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[11*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< y coordinate of geometry normal +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_Ng_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[12*N+2*N1+i]; } //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_u (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[13*N+3*N1+i]; } //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_v (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[14*N+3*N1+i]; } //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_geomID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[15*N+3*N1+i]; } //!< geometry ID +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_primID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[16*N+3*N1+i]; } //!< primitive ID +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_instID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[17*N+3*N1+i]; } //!< instance ID +#endif + +/* Helper structure to create a ray packet of compile time size N */ +#ifndef __RTCRayNt__ +#define __RTCRayNt__ +template +struct RTCRayNt : public RTCRayN +{ + /* ray data */ +public: + float orgx[N]; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + float orgy[N]; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + float orgz[N]; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + float dirx[N]; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + float diry[N]; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + float dirz[N]; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + float tnear[N]; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar[N]; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + float time[N]; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned mask[N]; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ +public: + float Ngx[N]; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngy[N]; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngz[N]; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + + float u[N]; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v[N]; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned geomID[N]; //!< geometry ID + unsigned primID[N]; //!< primitive ID + unsigned instID[N]; //!< instance ID +}; +#endif + +/*! \brief Ray structure template for packets of N rays in pointer SOA layout. */ +#ifndef __RTCRayNp__ +#define __RTCRayNp__ +struct RTCRayNp +{ + /* ray data */ +public: + + float* orgx; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + float* orgy; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + float* orgz; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + float* dirx; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + float* diry; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + float* dirz; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + float* tnear; //!< Start of ray segment (optional) + float* tfar; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + float* time; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur (optional) + unsigned* mask; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal (optional) + + /* hit data */ +public: + + float* Ngx; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal (optional) + float* Ngy; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal (optional) + float* Ngz; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal (optional) + + float* u; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float* v; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned* geomID; //!< geometry ID + unsigned* primID; //!< primitive ID + unsigned* instID; //!< instance ID (optional) +}; +#endif + +/* Helper functions to access hit packets of size N */ +#ifndef __RTCHitN__ +#define __RTCHitN__ +struct RTCHitN {}; +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_Ng_x(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[0*N+i]; } //!< x coordinate of geometry normal +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_Ng_y(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[1*N+i]; } //!< y coordinate of geometry normal +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_Ng_z(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[2*N+i]; } //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCHitN_instID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[3*N+i]; } //!< instance ID +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCHitN_geomID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[4*N+i]; } //!< geometry ID +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCHitN_primID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[5*N+i]; } //!< primitive ID + +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_u (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[6*N+i]; } //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_v (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[7*N+i]; } //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit +RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_t (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[8*N+i]; } //!< hit distance +#endif + +/* Helper structure to create a hit packet of compile time size N */ +#ifndef __RTCHitNt__ +#define __RTCHitNt__ +template +struct RTCHitNt : public RTCHitN +{ + float Ngx[N]; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngy[N]; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngz[N]; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + + unsigned instID[N]; //!< instance ID + unsigned geomID[N]; //!< geometry ID + unsigned primID[N]; //!< primitive ID + + float u[N]; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v[N]; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + float t[N]; //!< hit distance +}; +#endif + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27cc9fd --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_RAY_ISPH__ +#define __RTCORE_RAY_ISPH__ + +#include "rtcore.isph" + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api_ispc */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! Ray structure for uniform (single) rays. */ +#ifndef __RTCRay1__ +#define __RTCRay1__ +struct RTCRay1 +{ + /* ray data */ + float org[3]; //!< Ray origin + float align0; //!< unused member to force alignment of following members + + float dir[3]; //!< Ray direction + float align1; //!< unused member to force alignment of following members + + float tnear; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + float time; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned int mask; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ + float Ng[3]; //!< Unnormalized geometry normal + float align2; + + float u; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned int geomID; //!< geometry ID + unsigned int primID; //!< primitive ID + unsigned int instID; //!< instance ID + varying unsigned int align[0]; //!< aligns ray on stack to at least 16 bytes +}; +#endif + +/*! Ray structure for packets of 4 rays. */ +#ifndef __RTCRay__ +#define __RTCRay__ +struct RTCRay +{ + /* ray data */ + float orgx; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + float orgy; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + float orgz; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + float dirx; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + float diry; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + float dirz; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + float tnear; //!< Start of ray segment + float tfar; //!< End of ray segment + float time; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur + unsigned int mask; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + + /* hit data */ + float Ngx; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngy; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal + float Ngz; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + + float u; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + float v; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + unsigned int geomID; //!< geometry ID + unsigned int primID; //!< primitive ID + unsigned int instID; //!< instance ID +}; +#endif + +/* Helper functions to access ray packets of runtime size N */ +#ifndef __RTCRayN__ +#define __RTCRayN__ +struct RTCRayN {}; +inline varying float& RTCRayN_org_x(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[0*N+0*N1+i]); } //!< x coordinate of ray origin +inline varying float& RTCRayN_org_y(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[1*N+0*N1+i]); } //!< y coordinate of ray origin +inline varying float& RTCRayN_org_z(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[2*N+0*N1+i]); }; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + +inline varying float& RTCRayN_dir_x(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[3*N+1*N1+i]); }; //!< x coordinate of ray direction +inline varying float& RTCRayN_dir_y(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[4*N+1*N1+i]); }; //!< y coordinate of ray direction +inline varying float& RTCRayN_dir_z(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[5*N+1*N1+i]); }; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + +inline varying float& RTCRayN_tnear(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[6*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< Start of ray segment +inline varying float& RTCRayN_tfar (RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[7*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + +inline varying float& RTCRayN_time(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[8*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur +inline varying unsigned int& RTCRayN_mask(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((uniform unsigned int*)ptr)[9*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal + +inline varying float& RTCRayN_Ng_x(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[10*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal +inline varying float& RTCRayN_Ng_y(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[11*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal +inline varying float& RTCRayN_Ng_z(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[12*N+2*N1+i]); }; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + +inline varying float& RTCRayN_u (RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[13*N+3*N1+i]); }; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit +inline varying float& RTCRayN_v (RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying float* uniform) &((uniform float*)ptr)[14*N+3*N1+i]); }; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + +inline varying unsigned int& RTCRayN_geomID(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((uniform unsigned int* )ptr)[15*N+3*N1+i]); }; //!< geometry ID +inline varying unsigned int& RTCRayN_primID(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((uniform unsigned int* )ptr)[16*N+3*N1+i]); }; //!< primitive ID +inline varying unsigned int& RTCRayN_instID(RTCRayN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { uniform unsigned int N1 = (uniform unsigned int)(N == 1); return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((uniform unsigned int* )ptr)[17*N+3*N1+i]); }; //!< instance ID +#endif + +/*! \brief Ray structure template for packets of N rays in pointer SOA layout. */ +#ifndef __RTCRayNp__ +#define __RTCRayNp__ +struct RTCRayNp +{ + /* ray data */ + uniform float* uniform orgx; //!< x coordinate of ray origin + uniform float* uniform orgy; //!< y coordinate of ray origin + uniform float* uniform orgz; //!< z coordinate of ray origin + + uniform float* uniform dirx; //!< x coordinate of ray direction + uniform float* uniform diry; //!< y coordinate of ray direction + uniform float* uniform dirz; //!< z coordinate of ray direction + + uniform float* uniform tnear; //!< Start of ray segment (optional) + uniform float* uniform tfar; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance) + + uniform float* uniform time; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur (optional) + uniform unsigned int* uniform mask; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal (optional) + + /* hit data */ + uniform float* uniform Ngx; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal (optional) + uniform float* uniform Ngy; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal (optional) + uniform float* uniform Ngz; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal (optional) + + uniform float* uniform u; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit + uniform float* uniform v; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit + + uniform unsigned int* uniform geomID; //!< geometry ID + uniform unsigned int* uniform primID; //!< primitive ID + uniform unsigned int* uniform instID; //!< instance ID (optional) +}; +#endif + +/* Helper functions to access hit packets of size N */ +#ifndef __RTCHitN__ +#define __RTCHitN__ +struct RTCHitN {}; +inline varying float& RTCHitN_Ng_x(const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying float* uniform) &((float* uniform)ptr)[0*N+i]); }; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal +inline varying float& RTCHitN_Ng_y(const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying float* uniform) &((float* uniform)ptr)[1*N+i]); }; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal +inline varying float& RTCHitN_Ng_z(const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying float* uniform) &((float* uniform)ptr)[2*N+i]); }; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal + +inline varying unsigned int& RTCHitN_instID(const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((unsigned int* uniform )ptr)[3*N+i]); }; //!< instance ID +inline varying unsigned int& RTCHitN_geomID(const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((unsigned int* uniform )ptr)[4*N+i]); }; //!< geometry ID +inline varying unsigned int& RTCHitN_primID(const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying unsigned int* uniform) &((unsigned int* uniform )ptr)[5*N+i]); }; //!< primitive ID + +inline varying float& RTCHitN_u (const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying float* uniform) &((float* uniform)ptr)[6*N+i]); }; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit +inline varying float& RTCHitN_v (const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying float* uniform) &((float* uniform)ptr)[7*N+i]); }; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit +inline varying float& RTCHitN_t (const RTCHitN* uniform ptr, uniform unsigned int N, uniform unsigned int i) { return *((varying float* uniform) &((float* uniform)ptr)[8*N+i]); }; //!< hit distance +#endif + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_scene.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_scene.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a52428 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_scene.h @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_SCENE_H__ +#define __RTCORE_SCENE_H__ + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! forward declarations for ray structures */ +struct RTCRay; +struct RTCRay4; +struct RTCRay8; +struct RTCRay16; +struct RTCRayNp; + +/*! scene flags */ +enum RTCSceneFlags +{ + /* dynamic type flags */ + RTC_SCENE_STATIC = (0 << 0), //!< specifies static scene + RTC_SCENE_DYNAMIC = (1 << 0), //!< specifies dynamic scene + + /* acceleration structure flags */ + RTC_SCENE_COMPACT = (1 << 8), //!< use memory conservative data structures + RTC_SCENE_COHERENT = (1 << 9), //!< optimize data structures for coherent rays + RTC_SCENE_INCOHERENT = (1 << 10), //!< optimize data structures for in-coherent rays (enabled by default) + RTC_SCENE_HIGH_QUALITY = (1 << 11), //!< create higher quality data structures + + /* traversal algorithm flags */ + RTC_SCENE_ROBUST = (1 << 16) //!< use more robust traversal algorithms +}; + +/*! enabled algorithm flags */ +enum RTCAlgorithmFlags +{ + RTC_INTERSECT1 = (1 << 0), //!< enables the rtcIntersect1 and rtcOccluded1 functions for this scene + RTC_INTERSECT4 = (1 << 1), //!< enables the rtcIntersect4 and rtcOccluded4 functions for this scene + RTC_INTERSECT8 = (1 << 2), //!< enables the rtcIntersect8 and rtcOccluded8 functions for this scene + RTC_INTERSECT16 = (1 << 3), //!< enables the rtcIntersect16 and rtcOccluded16 functions for this scene + RTC_INTERPOLATE = (1 << 4), //!< enables the rtcInterpolate function for this scene + RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM = (1 << 5), //!< enables the rtcIntersectN and rtcOccludedN functions for this scene +}; + +/*! intersection flags */ +enum RTCIntersectFlags +{ + RTC_INTERSECT_COHERENT = 0, //!< optimize for coherent rays + RTC_INTERSECT_INCOHERENT = 1 //!< optimize for incoherent rays +}; + +/*! intersection context passed to intersect/occluded calls */ +struct RTCIntersectContext +{ + RTCIntersectFlags flags; //!< intersection flags + void* userRayExt; //!< can be used to pass extended ray data to callbacks +}; + +/*! \brief Defines an opaque scene type */ +typedef struct __RTCScene {}* RTCScene; + +/*! Creates a new scene. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceNewScene instead. +*/ +RTCORE_API RTCORE_DEPRECATED RTCScene rtcNewScene (RTCSceneFlags flags, RTCAlgorithmFlags aflags); + +/*! Creates a new scene. */ +RTCORE_API RTCScene rtcDeviceNewScene (RTCDevice device, RTCSceneFlags flags, RTCAlgorithmFlags aflags); + +/*! \brief Type of progress callback function. */ +typedef bool (*RTCProgressMonitorFunc)(void* ptr, const double n); +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef RTCProgressMonitorFunc RTC_PROGRESS_MONITOR_FUNCTION; + +/*! \brief Sets the progress callback function which is called during hierarchy build of this scene. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcSetProgressMonitorFunction(RTCScene scene, RTCProgressMonitorFunc func, void* ptr); + +/*! Commits the geometry of the scene. After initializing or modifying + * geometries, commit has to get called before tracing + * rays. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcCommit (RTCScene scene); + +/*! Commits the geometry of the scene in join mode. When Embree is + * using TBB (default), threads that call `rtcCommitJoin` will + * participate in the hierarchy build procedure. When Embree is using + * the internal tasking system, exclusively threads that call + * `rtcCommitJoin` will execute the build procedure. Do not + * mix `rtcCommitJoin` with other commit calls. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcCommitJoin (RTCScene scene); + +/*! Commits the geometry of the scene. The calling threads will be + * used internally as a worker threads on some implementations. The + * function will wait until 'numThreads' threads have called this + * function and all threads return from the function after the scene + * commit is finished. The application threads will not be used as + * worker threads when the TBB tasking system is enabled (which is + * the default). On CPUs, we recommend also using TBB inside your + * application to share threads. We recommend using the + * rtcCommitThread feature to share threads on the Xeon Phi + * coprocessor. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcCommitThread(RTCScene scene, unsigned int threadID, unsigned int numThreads); + +/*! Returns AABB of the scene. rtcCommit has to get called + * previously to this function. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcGetBounds(RTCScene scene, RTCBounds& bounds_o); + +/*! Returns linear AABBs of the scene. The result bounds_o gets filled + * with AABBs for time 0 and time 1. rtcCommit has to get called + * previously to this function. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcGetLinearBounds(RTCScene scene, RTCBounds* bounds_o); + +/*! Intersects a single ray with the scene. The ray has to be aligned + * to 16 bytes. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT1 flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect (RTCScene scene, RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Intersects a single ray with the scene. The ray has to be aligned + * to 16 bytes. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT1 flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect1Ex (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Intersects a packet of 4 rays with the scene. The valid mask and + * ray have both to be aligned to 16 bytes. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT4 flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect4 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay4& ray); + +/*! Intersects a packet of 4 rays with the scene. The valid mask and + * ray have both to be aligned to 16 bytes. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT4 flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect4Ex (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay4& ray); + +/*! Intersects a packet of 8 rays with the scene. The valid mask and + * ray have both to be aligned to 32 bytes. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT8 flag set. For performance + * reasons, the rtcIntersect8 function should only get called if the + * CPU supports AVX. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect8 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay8& ray); + +/*! Intersects a packet of 8 rays with the scene. The valid mask and + * ray have both to be aligned to 32 bytes. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT8 flag set. For performance + * reasons, the rtcIntersect8 function should only get called if the + * CPU supports AVX. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect8Ex (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay8& ray); + +/*! Intersects a packet of 16 rays with the scene. The valid mask and + * ray have both to be aligned to 64 bytes. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT16 flag set. For + * performance reasons, the rtcIntersect16 function should only get + * called if the CPU supports the 16-wide SIMD instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect16 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay16& ray); + +/*! Intersects a packet of 16 rays with the scene. The valid mask and + * ray have both to be aligned to 64 bytes. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT16 flag set. For + * performance reasons, the rtcIntersect16 function should only get + * called if the CPU supports the 16-wide SIMD instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect16Ex (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay16& ray); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M rays with the scene. This function can + * only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The + * stride specifies the offset between rays in bytes. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect1M (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay* rays, const size_t M, const size_t stride); + +/*! Intersects a stream of pointers to M rays with the scene. This function can + * only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersect1Mp (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay** rays, const size_t M); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format with the + * scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * ray packets in bytes. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersectNM (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, struct RTCRayN* rays, const size_t N, const size_t M, const size_t stride); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format with + * the scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * ray packets in bytes. In contrast to the rtcIntersectNM function + * this function accepts a separate data pointer for each component + * of the ray packet. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcIntersectNp (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, const RTCRayNp& rays, const size_t N); + +/*! Tests if a single ray is occluded by the scene. The ray has to be + * aligned to 16 bytes. This function can only be called for scenes + * with the RTC_INTERSECT1 flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded (RTCScene scene, RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Tests if a single ray is occluded by the scene. The ray has to be + * aligned to 16 bytes. This function can only be called for scenes + * with the RTC_INTERSECT1 flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded1Ex (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Tests if a packet of 4 rays is occluded by the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT4 + * flag set. The valid mask and ray have both to be aligned to 16 + * bytes. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded4 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay4& ray); + +/*! Tests if a packet of 4 rays is occluded by the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT4 + * flag set. The valid mask and ray have both to be aligned to 16 + * bytes. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded4Ex (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay4& ray); + +/*! Tests if a packet of 8 rays is occluded by the scene. The valid + * mask and ray have both to be aligned to 32 bytes. This function + * can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT8 flag + * set. For performance reasons, the rtcOccluded8 function should + * only get called if the CPU supports AVX. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded8 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay8& ray); + +/*! Tests if a packet of 8 rays is occluded by the scene. The valid + * mask and ray have both to be aligned to 32 bytes. This function + * can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT8 flag + * set. For performance reasons, the rtcOccluded8 function should + * only get called if the CPU supports AVX. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded8Ex (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay8& ray); + +/*! Tests if a packet of 16 rays is occluded by the scene. The valid + * mask and ray have both to be aligned to 64 bytes. This function + * can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT16 flag + * set. For performance reasons, the rtcOccluded16 function should + * only get called if the CPU supports the 16-wide SIMD + * instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded16 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay16& ray); + +/*! Tests if a packet of 16 rays is occluded by the scene. The valid + * mask and ray have both to be aligned to 64 bytes. This function + * can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT16 flag + * set. For performance reasons, the rtcOccluded16 function should + * only get called if the CPU supports the 16-wide SIMD + * instructions. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded16Ex (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay16& ray); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M rays is occluded by the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM + * flag set. The stride specifies the offset between rays in bytes.*/ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded1M (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay* rays, const size_t M, const size_t stride); + +/*! Tests if a stream of pointers to M rays is occluded by the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM + * flag set. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccluded1Mp (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, RTCRay** rays, const size_t M); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format is occluded by + * the scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * rays in bytes.*/ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccludedNM (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, struct RTCRayN* rays, const size_t N, const size_t M, const size_t stride); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format is + * occluded by the scene. This function can only be called for scenes + * with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset + * between rays in bytes. In contrast to the rtcOccludedNM function + * this function accepts a separate data pointer for each component + * of the ray packet. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcOccludedNp (RTCScene scene, const RTCIntersectContext* context, const RTCRayNp& rays, const size_t N); + +/*! Deletes the scene. All contained geometry get also destroyed. */ +RTCORE_API void rtcDeleteScene (RTCScene scene); + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_scene.isph b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_scene.isph new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5b7c77 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_scene.isph @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#ifndef __RTCORE_SCENE_ISPH__ +#define __RTCORE_SCENE_ISPH__ + +/*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api */ +/*! \{ */ + +/*! forward declarations for ray structures */ +struct RTCRay1; +struct RTCRay; +struct RTCRayNp; + +/*! scene flags */ +enum RTCSceneFlags +{ + /* dynamic type flags */ + RTC_SCENE_STATIC = (0 << 0), //!< specifies static scene + RTC_SCENE_DYNAMIC = (1 << 0), //!< specifies dynamic scene + + /* acceleration structure flags */ + RTC_SCENE_COMPACT = (1 << 8), //!< use memory conservative data structures + RTC_SCENE_COHERENT = (1 << 9), //!< optimize data structures for coherent rays (enabled by default) + RTC_SCENE_INCOHERENT = (1 << 10), //!< optimize data structures for in-coherent rays + RTC_SCENE_HIGH_QUALITY = (1 << 11), //!< create higher quality data structures + + /* traversal algorithm flags */ + RTC_SCENE_ROBUST = (1 << 16) //!< use more robust traversal algorithms +}; + +/*! enabled algorithm flags */ +enum RTCAlgorithmFlags +{ + RTC_INTERSECT_UNIFORM = (1 << 0), //!< enables the uniform rtcIntersect1 and uniform rtcOccluded1 functions for this scene + RTC_INTERSECT_VARYING = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3), //!< enables the varying rtcIntersect and varying rtcOccluded functions for this scene + RTC_INTERPOLATE = (1 << 4), //!< enables the rtcInterpolate function for this scene + RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM = (1 << 5), //!< enables the rtcIntersectN and rtcOccludedN functions for this scene +}; + +/*! intersection flags */ +enum RTCIntersectFlags +{ + RTC_INTERSECT_COHERENT = 0, //!< optimize for coherent rays + RTC_INTERSECT_INCOHERENT = 1 //!< optimize for incoherent rays +}; + +/*! intersection context passed to intersect/occluded calls */ +struct RTCIntersectContext +{ + RTCIntersectFlags flags; //!< intersection flags + void* userRayExt; //!< can be used to pass extended ray data to callbacks +}; + +/*! \brief Defines an opaque scene type */ +typedef uniform struct __RTCScene {}* uniform RTCScene; + +/*! Creates a new scene. + WARNING: This function is deprecated, use rtcDeviceNewScene instead. +*/ +RTCORE_DEPRECATED RTCScene rtcNewScene (uniform RTCSceneFlags flags, uniform RTCAlgorithmFlags aflags); + +/*! Creates a new scene. */ +RTCScene rtcDeviceNewScene (RTCDevice device, uniform RTCSceneFlags flags, uniform RTCAlgorithmFlags aflags); + +/*! \brief Type of progress callback function. */ +typedef unmasked uniform bool (*uniform RTCProgressMonitorFunc)(void* uniform ptr, const uniform double n); +RTCORE_DEPRECATED typedef unmasked uniform bool (*uniform RTC_PROGRESS_MONITOR_FUNCTION)(void* uniform ptr, const uniform double n); + +/*! \brief Sets the progress callback function which is called during hierarchy build. */ +void rtcSetProgressMonitorFunction(RTCScene scene, RTCProgressMonitorFunc func, void* uniform ptr); + +/*! Commits the geometry of the scene. After initializing or modifying + * geometries, commit has to get called before tracing + * rays. */ +void rtcCommit (RTCScene scene); + +/*! Commits the geometry of the scene in join mode. When Embree is + * using TBB (default), threads that call `rtcCommitJoin` will + * participate in the hierarchy build procedure. When Embree is using + * the internal tasking system, exclusively threads that call + * `rtcCommitJoin` will execute the build procedure. Do not + * mix `rtcCommitJoin` with other commit calls. */ +void rtcCommitJoin (RTCScene scene); + +/*! Commits the geometry of the scene. The calling threads will be + * used internally as a worker threads on some implementations. The + * function will wait until 'numThreads' threads have called this + * function and all threads return from the function after the scene + * commit is finished. The application threads will not be used as + * worker threads when the TBB tasking system is enabled (which is + * the default). On CPUs, we recommend also using TBB inside your + * application to share threads. We recommend using the + * rtcCommitThread feature to share threads on the Xeon Phi + * coprocessor. */ +void rtcCommitThread(RTCScene scene, uniform unsigned int threadID, uniform unsigned int numThreads); + +/*! Returns to AABB of the scene. rtcCommit has to get called + * previously to this function. */ +void rtcGetBounds(RTCScene scene, uniform RTCBounds& bounds_o); + +/*! Returns linear AABBs of the scene. The result bounds_o gets filled + * with AABBs for time 0 and time 1. rtcCommit has to get called + * previously to this function. */ +void rtcGetLinearBounds(RTCScene scene, uniform RTCBounds* uniform bounds_o); + +/*! Intersects a uniform ray with the scene. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_UNIFORM flag set. The ray + * has to be aligned to 16 bytes. */ +void rtcIntersect1 (RTCScene scene, uniform RTCRay1& ray); + +/*! Intersects a uniform ray with the scene. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_UNIFORM flag set. The ray + * has to be aligned to 16 bytes. */ +void rtcIntersect1Ex (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, uniform RTCRay1& ray); + +/*! Intersects a varying ray with the scene. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_VARYING flag set. The + * valid mask and ray have both to be aligned to sizeof(varing float) + * bytes. */ +void rtcIntersect (RTCScene scene, varying RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Intersects a varying ray with the scene. This function can only be + * called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_VARYING flag set. The + * valid mask and ray have both to be aligned to sizeof(varing float) + * bytes. */ +void rtcIntersectEx (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, varying RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M rays in AOS layout with the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM + * flag set. The stride specifies the offset between rays in + * bytes. */ +void rtcIntersect1M (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, uniform RTCRay1* uniform rays, const uniform size_t M, const uniform size_t stride); + +/*! Intersects a stream of pointers to M rays with the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. */ +void rtcIntersect1Mp (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, uniform RTCRay1** uniform rays, const uniform size_t M); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M ray packets in SOA format with the scene. This + * function can only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM + * flag set. The stride specifies the offset between rays in + * bytes. */ +void rtcIntersectVM (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, varying RTCRay* uniform rays, const uniform size_t M, const uniform size_t stride); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format with the + * scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * ray packets in bytes. */ +void rtcIntersectNM (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, struct RTCRayN* uniform rays, const uniform size_t N, const uniform size_t M, const uniform size_t stride); + +/*! Intersects a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format with + * the scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * ray packets in bytes. In contrast to the rtcIntersectNM function + * this function accepts a separate data pointer for each component + * of the ray packet. */ +void rtcIntersectNp (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, const uniform RTCRayNp& rays, const uniform size_t N); + +/*! Tests if a uniform ray is occluded by the scene. This function can + * only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_UNIFORM flag + * set. The ray has to be aligned to 16 bytes. */ +void rtcOccluded1 (RTCScene scene, uniform RTCRay1& ray); + +/*! Tests if a uniform ray is occluded by the scene. This function can + * only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_UNIFORM flag + * set. The ray has to be aligned to 16 bytes. */ +void rtcOccluded1Ex (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, uniform RTCRay1& ray); + +/*! Tests if a varying ray is occluded by the scene. This function can + * only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_VARYING flag + * set. The valid mask and ray have both to be aligned to + * sizeof(varing float) bytes. */ +void rtcOccluded (RTCScene scene, varying RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Tests if a varying ray is occluded by the scene. This function can + * only be called for scenes with the RTC_INTERSECT_VARYING flag + * set. The valid mask and ray have both to be aligned to + * sizeof(varing float) bytes. */ +void rtcOccludedEx (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, varying RTCRay& ray); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M rays in AOS layout is occluded by the + * scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * rays in bytes.*/ +void rtcOccluded1M (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, uniform RTCRay1* uniform rays, const uniform size_t M, const uniform size_t stride); + +/*! Tests if a stream of pointers to M rays in AOS layout is occluded by the + * scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. */ +void rtcOccluded1Mp (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, uniform RTCRay1** uniform rays, const uniform size_t M); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M ray packets in SOA format is occluded by the + * scene. This function can only be called for scenes with the + * RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset between + * rays in bytes.*/ +void rtcOccludedVM (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, varying RTCRay* uniform rays, const uniform size_t M, const uniform size_t stride); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format is + * occluded by the scene. This function can only be called for scenes + * with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset + * between rays in bytes.*/ +void rtcOccludedNM (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, struct RTCRayN* uniform rays, const uniform size_t N, const uniform size_t M, const uniform size_t stride); + +/*! Tests if a stream of M ray packets of size N in SOA format is + * occluded by the scene. This function can only be called for scenes + * with the RTC_INTERSECT_STREAM flag set. The stride specifies the offset + * between rays in bytes. In contrast to the rtcOccludedNM function + * this function accepts a separate data pointer for each component + * of the ray packet. */ +void rtcOccludedNp (RTCScene scene, const uniform RTCIntersectContext* uniform context, const uniform RTCRayNp& rays, const uniform size_t N); + +/*! Deletes the geometry again. */ +void rtcDeleteScene (RTCScene scene); + +/*! @} */ + +#endif diff --git a/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_version.h b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_version.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22eb51e --- /dev/null +++ b/pyembree/embree2/rtcore_version.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// ======================================================================== // +// Copyright 2009-2018 Intel Corporation // +// // +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // +// You may obtain a copy of the License at // +// // +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // +// // +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // +// limitations under the License. // +// ======================================================================== // + +#define RTCORE_VERSION_MAJOR 2 +#define RTCORE_VERSION_MINOR 17 +#define RTCORE_VERSION_PATCH 7 +#define RTCORE_VERSION 21707 +#define RTCORE_VERSION_STRING "2.17.7" diff --git a/pyembree/mesh_construction.pyx b/pyembree/mesh_construction.pyx index 0ed91ab..4630d0f 100644 --- a/pyembree/mesh_construction.pyx +++ b/pyembree/mesh_construction.pyx @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ +# distutils: language=c++ + + cimport numpy as np -cimport rtcore as rtc -cimport rtcore_ray as rtcr -cimport rtcore_scene as rtcs -cimport rtcore_geometry as rtcg -cimport rtcore_geometry_user as rtcgu -from rtcore cimport Vertex, Triangle +cimport pyembree.rtcore as rtc +cimport pyembree.rtcore_ray as rtcr +cimport pyembree.rtcore_scene as rtcs +cimport pyembree.rtcore_geometry as rtcg +cimport pyembree.rtcore_geometry_user as rtcgu +from pyembree.rtcore cimport Vertex, Triangle cdef extern from "mesh_construction.h": diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore.pxd b/pyembree/rtcore.pxd index 989e47b..93df7f2 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore.pxd +++ b/pyembree/rtcore.pxd @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # rtcore.pxd wrapper +# distutils: language=c++ + cimport cython cimport numpy as np diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore.pyx b/pyembree/rtcore.pyx index 977f388..f8f2abe 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore.pyx +++ b/pyembree/rtcore.pyx @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +# distutils: language=c++ + + import logging diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore_geometry.pxd b/pyembree/rtcore_geometry.pxd index 3c002a1..c91819d 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore_geometry.pxd +++ b/pyembree/rtcore_geometry.pxd @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ # rtcore_geometry wrapper +# distutils: language=c++ -from .rtcore_ray cimport RTCRay, RTCRay4, RTCRay8, RTCRay16 -from .rtcore_scene cimport RTCScene + +from pyembree.rtcore_ray cimport RTCRay, RTCRay4, RTCRay8, RTCRay16 +from pyembree.rtcore_scene cimport RTCScene cimport cython cimport numpy as np @@ -17,13 +19,13 @@ cdef extern from "embree2/rtcore_geometry.h": RTC_FACE_BUFFER RTC_LEVEL_BUFFER - RTC_EDGE_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER - RTC_EDGE_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER + RTC_EDGE_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER + RTC_EDGE_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER - RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER - RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER + RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_INDEX_BUFFER + RTC_VERTEX_CREASE_WEIGHT_BUFFER - RTC_HOLE_BUFFER + RTC_HOLE_BUFFER cdef enum RTCMatrixType: RTC_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR @@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ cdef extern from "embree2/rtcore_geometry.h": unsigned rtcNewInstance(RTCScene target, RTCScene source) void rtcSetTransform(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCMatrixType layout, const float *xfm) - unsigned rtcNewTriangleMesh(RTCScene scene, RTCGeometryFlags flags, + unsigned rtcNewTriangleMesh(RTCScene scene, RTCGeometryFlags flags, size_t numTriangles, size_t numVertices, size_t numTimeSteps) @@ -85,4 +87,3 @@ cdef extern from "embree2/rtcore_geometry.h": void rtcSetUserData (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, void* ptr) void* rtcGetUserData (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID) void rtcDeleteGeometry (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID) - diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore_geometry_user.pxd b/pyembree/rtcore_geometry_user.pxd index f1ad5fb..9428cf6 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore_geometry_user.pxd +++ b/pyembree/rtcore_geometry_user.pxd @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # rtcore_geometry_user wrapper +# distutils: language=c++ + #from libc.stdint cimport ssize_t, size_t -from .rtcore_ray cimport RTCRay, RTCRay4, RTCRay8, RTCRay16 -from .rtcore_geometry cimport RTCBounds -from .rtcore_scene cimport RTCScene +from pyembree.rtcore_ray cimport RTCRay, RTCRay4, RTCRay8, RTCRay16 +from pyembree.rtcore_geometry cimport RTCBounds +from pyembree.rtcore_scene cimport RTCScene cimport cython cimport numpy as np diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore_ray.pxd b/pyembree/rtcore_ray.pxd index 3f248b0..7cfd46f 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore_ray.pxd +++ b/pyembree/rtcore_ray.pxd @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # rtcore_ray.pxd wrapper +# distutils: language=c++ + cimport cython cimport numpy as np diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pxd b/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pxd index 006357a..da4b44f 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pxd +++ b/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pxd @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # rtcore_scene.pxd wrapper +# distutils: language=c++ + cimport cython cimport numpy as np -cimport rtcore as rtc -cimport rtcore_ray as rtcr +cimport pyembree.rtcore as rtc +cimport pyembree.rtcore_ray as rtcr cdef extern from "embree2/rtcore_scene.h": diff --git a/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pyx b/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pyx index be5e58e..a2b21e5 100644 --- a/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pyx +++ b/pyembree/rtcore_scene.pyx @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ +# distutils: language=c++ + + cimport cython cimport numpy as np import numpy as np import logging import numbers -cimport rtcore as rtc -cimport rtcore_ray as rtcr -cimport rtcore_geometry as rtcg +cimport pyembree.rtcore as rtc +cimport pyembree.rtcore_ray as rtcr +cimport pyembree.rtcore_geometry as rtcg log = logging.getLogger('pyembree') @@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ cdef class EmbreeScene: query_type = distance else: - raise ValueError("Embree ray query type %s not recognized." + raise ValueError("Embree ray query type %s not recognized." "\nAccepted types are (INTERSECT,OCCLUDED,DISTANCE)" % (query)) if dists is None: diff --git a/pyembree/tbb.dll b/pyembree/tbb.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85243e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/pyembree/tbb.dll differ diff --git a/pyembree/tbbmalloc.dll b/pyembree/tbbmalloc.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b825339 Binary files /dev/null and b/pyembree/tbbmalloc.dll differ diff --git a/pyembree/triangles.pyx b/pyembree/triangles.pyx index 4cb0f4c..c7bb54d 100644 --- a/pyembree/triangles.pyx +++ b/pyembree/triangles.pyx @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ +# distutils: language=c++ + + cimport numpy as np -cimport rtcore as rtc -cimport rtcore_ray as rtcr -cimport rtcore_scene as rtcs -cimport rtcore_geometry as rtcg -cimport rtcore_geometry_user as rtcgu -from rtcore cimport Vertex, Triangle, Vec3f +cimport pyembree.rtcore as rtc +cimport pyembree.rtcore_ray as rtcr +cimport pyembree.rtcore_scene as rtcs +cimport pyembree.rtcore_geometry as rtcg +cimport pyembree.rtcore_geometry_user as rtcgu +from pyembree.rtcore cimport Vertex, Triangle, Vec3f from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free ctypedef Vec3f (*renderPixelFunc)(float x, float y, diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69ba1c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +[tool.poetry] +name = "pyembree" +version = "0.1.7" +description = "Python wrapper for embree" +authors = ["Anthony Scopatz , Adam Hendry "] +license = "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\"" +classifiers = [ + "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD 2-Clause Simplified", + "Operating System :: Windows", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", +] + +[tool.poetry.dependencies] +python = "^3.8" +numpy = "^1.22.2" +Cython = "^0.29.28" +setuptools = "^60.9.3" +wheel = "^0.37.1" +trimesh = "^3.10.7" +Rtree = "^1.0.0" + +[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] +pylint = "^2.12.2" +pytest = "^7.0.1" +coverage = "^6.3.2" +ipython = "^8.1.1" + +[build-system] +requires = [ + "Cython", + "numpy", + "setuptools>=45", + "wheel" +] +build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" diff --git a/recipes/pyembree/build.sh b/recipes/pyembree/build.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 5db9a50..0000000 --- a/recipes/pyembree/build.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PREFIX/lib -export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH -export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/cyclus:$PREFIX/lib -export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$PREFIX/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH -export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$PREFIX/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH - -python setup.py install --prefix=$PREFIX diff --git a/recipes/pyembree/meta.yaml b/recipes/pyembree/meta.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index ca99c06..0000000 --- a/recipes/pyembree/meta.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -package: - name: pyembree - version: 0.1.6 - -source: - #fn: cymetric-src.tar.gz # ["TRAVIS" not in environ] - #url: https://github.com/scopatz/pyembree/archive/master.tar.gz # ["TRAVIS" not in environ] - #path: ../.. # ["TRAVIS" in environ] - path: ../.. - -requirements: - build: - - embree - - python - - cython - - numpy - - setuptools - run: - - embree - - python - - numpy - - -about: - home: - license: BSD 2 Clause diff --git a/rever.xsh b/rever.xsh deleted file mode 100644 index b0a9d03..0000000 --- a/rever.xsh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -from rever.activity import dockeractivity - -$PROJECT = $GITHUB_REPO = 'pyembree' -$GITHUB_ORG = 'scopatz' -$WEBSITE_URL = 'https://github.com/scopatz/pyembree' - -with! dockeractivity(name='pyembree-examples', lang='sh'): - python examples/attenuate.py --no-plots - -$ACTIVITIES = ['authors', 'pyembree-examples', 'version_bump', 'changelog', - 'tag', 'push_tag', 'conda_forge','ghrelease' - ] - -$VERSION_BUMP_PATTERNS = [ - ('recipes/pyembree/meta.yaml', 'version:.*', 'version: $VERSION'), - ('pyembree/__init__.py', r'__version__\s*=.*', "__version__ = '$VERSION'"), - ('setup.py', r'version\s*=.*', "version='$VERSION',"), - ] -$CHANGELOG_FILENAME = 'CHANGELOG.rst' -$CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE = 'TEMPLATE.rst' - -$DOCKER_APT_DEPS = ['gcc'] -$DOCKER_CONDA_DEPS = ['numpy', 'embree', 'gcc', 'setuptools', 'cython'] -$DOCKER_INSTALL_COMMAND = ('git clean -fdx && ' - './setup.py install') -$DOCKER_GIT_NAME = 'Anthony Scopatz' -$DOCKER_GIT_EMAIL = 'scopatz@gmail.com' diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index c9ff0b9..95df128 100755 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -1,23 +1,43 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from setuptools import setup, find_packages +from importlib import metadata import numpy as np + +# setuptools must be imported before cython. setuptools overrides the +# distutils.extension.Extension class. If imported after, the isinstance check in +# distutils.command.check_extensions_list fails and setuptools gives the erroneous +# error: +# +# "error: each element of 'ext_modules' option must be an Extension instance or 2-tuple" +# +# ref: https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/4724 +import setuptools +from setuptools import find_packages, setup from Cython.Build import cythonize -include_path = [np.get_include()] +include_path = [ + np.get_include(), +] + +ext_modules = cythonize( + module_list="pyembree/*.pyx", + language_level=3, + include_path=include_path, +) -ext_modules = cythonize('pyembree/*.pyx', language='c++', - include_path=include_path) for ext in ext_modules: ext.include_dirs = include_path - ext.libraries = ["embree"] + ext.libraries = [ + "pyembree/embree2/lib/embree", + "pyembree/embree2/lib/tbb", + "pyembree/embree2/lib/tbbmalloc", + ] setup( name="pyembree", - version='0.1.6', + version=metadata.version("pyembree"), ext_modules=ext_modules, zip_safe=False, packages=find_packages(), - package_data = {'pyembree': ['*.pxd']} + include_package_data=True, + package_data={"pyembree": ["*.dll"]}, )