Welcome to the commonsense-papers
project. We aim to select the most representative and innovative papers in the research field of commonsense knowledge, and provide taxonomy/classification as well as statistics of these papers to give a quick overview of the field and help focused reading.
Since our paper-list cannot be complete, we welcome your contributions.
The README_edit
is the file for human to edit, and index.html
should be automatically generated by gen_badge.py
All the papers include here should follow the following format:
**Paper Title** (abbreviation, if exists, and not in title) VENUE YEAR [paper](url) [code](url)
*Author1, Author2*
Different kinds of papers may have different requirements:
For resource, includes author names, venue(published version first, then arxiv), resource abbreviation, links to homepage, paper and code(if possible).
For other papers, includes author names, venue, links to paper and code(if possible), and list the resources used if possible.
Always choose arxiv links for paper if possible, because the content can update, and arxiv also makes the badge linking more easier. Other recommended sources are ACM library and ACL.
See the current table of contents.
If a paper does not fit into a current (sub)class, can add a new one.
If a paper provides a resource as well as a method, we usually put it into the resource class.
After editing the paper list in README.md
with the format stated above, simply run gen_badge.py
and the statistics in README.md
and the webpage index.html
with badges will automatically update.
You may need to install dependencies before.
pip install -r requirements.txt