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636 lines (515 loc) · 17.6 KB

File metadata and controls

636 lines (515 loc) · 17.6 KB

-- create function select_suggestions(suggestions suggestion[]) returns setof suggestion as $$
--  declare
--    current_record suggestion;
--    chosen_suggestion suggestion;
--    chosen_suggestions suggestion[];
--  begin
--    chosen_suggestions := array[]::suggestion[];

--    <<input_selections>>
--    foreach current_record in array suggestions loop
--      foreach chosen_suggestion in array chosen_suggestions loop
--        if = or chosen_suggestion.label = current_record.label then
--          continue input_selections;
--        end if;
--      end loop;

--      chosen_suggestions := array_append(chosen_suggestions, current_record);
--    end loop;

--    return query
--      select
--        suggestions.label,
--        chosen_suggestions.label is not null as selected
--      from
--        unnest(suggestions) as suggestions(id, label)
--      left join
--        unnest(chosen_suggestions) as chosen_suggestions(id, label) on
-- = and
--          chosen_suggestions.label = suggestions.label;
--  end;
-- $$ language plpgsql;

-- -- candidacy totals
-- select
--  election_id, election.title as election_title, candidate_id, as candidate_name,
--  sum((case when allocation."type" = 'FOR' then 1 else -1 end) * sqrt(weight)) as total_vote

-- from
--  allocation
--  join election on allocation.election_id =
--  join person on allocation.candidate_id =
-- group by election_id, election_title, candidate_id, candidate_name
-- ;
// use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::collections::{HashMap};
use std::hash::Hash;

pub trait Keyable<K> {
  fn key(&self) -> K;

pub trait ParentKeyable<K> {
  fn parent_key(&self) -> Option<K>;

pub fn index<T: Keyable<K>, K: Eq + Hash>(items: Vec<T>) -> HashMap<K, T> {
    .map(|item| (item.key(), item))

pub fn insert_or_conflict<T: Clone, K: Eq + Hash>(indexed: &mut HashMap<K, T>, key: K, item: T) -> Result<(), (K, T, T)> {
  match indexed.get(&key) {
    Some(existing_item) => Err((key, item, existing_item.clone())),
    None => {
      indexed.insert(key, item);

pub fn index_with_conflicts<T: Keyable<K> + Clone, K: Copy + Eq + Hash>(items: Vec<T>) -> (HashMap<K, T>, Vec<(K, T, T)>) {
  let mut indexed: HashMap<K, T> = HashMap::new();
  let mut conflicts = vec![];
  for item in items.into_iter() {
    if let Err(conflict) = insert_or_conflict(&mut indexed, item.key(), item) {

  (indexed, conflicts)

pub struct HistoryVec<T> {
  history: Vec<T>,
  current: T,

impl <T> HistoryVec<T> {
  fn shift(&mut self, new_current: T) {
    let current = std::mem::replace(&mut self.current, new_current);

  fn step_shift<F: Fn(&T) -> T>(&mut self, step_fn: F) {
    let new_current = step_fn(&self.current);

pub fn step_histories<T, K: Hash, F: Fn(&T) -> T>(
  histories: &mut HashMap<K, HistoryVec<T>>,
  step_fn: F,
) {
  for history in histories.values_mut() {

// TODO find fixed precision numeric library
type Weight = f32;
// TODO make id wrapper for different id?

pub struct Person {
  id: usize,
  name: String,

pub struct Election {
  id: usize,
  title: String,

pub struct Candidacy {
  election_id: usize,
  candidate_id: usize,
  stabilization_bucket: Option<Weight>,

impl Keyable<(usize, usize)> for Candidacy {
  fn key(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
    (self.election_id, self.candidate_id)

pub enum AllocationType {

pub struct Allocation {
  voter_id: usize,
  election_id: usize,
  candidate_id: usize,

  weight: Weight,
  allocation_type: AllocationType,

impl Keyable<(usize, usize)> for Allocation {
  fn key(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
    (self.election_id, self.candidate_id)

impl Allocation {
  fn actual_vote(&self) -> Weight {
    let direction = match self.allocation_type {
      AllocationType::For => 1.0,
      AllocationType::Against => -1.0,

    direction * self.weight.sqrt()

pub fn compute_total_votes(candidacy_vec: Vec<Candidacy>, allocation_vec: Vec<Allocation>) -> HashMap<(usize, usize), Weight> {
  // let invalid_allocation_vec = vec![];
  // let duplicate_candidacy_vec = vec![];

  let mut candidacy_vote_map = HashMap::new();
  for candidacy in candidacy_vec {
    if let Some(_) = candidacy_vote_map.insert(candidacy.key(), 0.0) {
      // duplicate_candidacy_vec.push(candidacy);
      eprintln!("duplicate candidacy: {:?}", candidacy);

  for allocation in allocation_vec {
    match candidacy_vote_map.get_mut(&allocation.key()) {
      Some(candidacy_vote) => {
        *candidacy_vote += allocation.actual_vote();
      None => {
      // invalid_allocation_vec.push(candidacy);
        eprintln!("invalid allocation: {:?}", allocation);


// fn compute_next_candidacy_values(arg: Type) -> RetType {
//  unimplemented!()
// }

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Constitution {
  pub id: usize,
  pub name: String,
  // text: String, someday some governance code ast
  pub parent_id: Option<usize>,

impl Keyable<usize> for Constitution {
  fn key(&self) -> usize { }

impl ParentKeyable<usize> for Constitution {
  fn parent_key(&self) -> Option<usize> { self.parent_id }

// #[derive(Debug)]
// struct ConstitutionView {
//  id: usize,
//  name: String,
//  children: Vec<ConstitutionView>,
// }

// fn constitution_view_to_db(constitutions: Vec<ConstitutionView>) -> Vec<Constitution> {
//  unimplemented!()
// }

use indextree::{Arena, NodeId};

pub enum CreateTreeError<K> {
  MultipleRoots(NodeId, NodeId),
  NonExistentParent(K, K),

pub struct Tree<K, T> {
  arena: Arena<T>,
  root_node_id: NodeId, // INVARIANT: root_node_id must point into arena
  node_ids: HashMap<K, NodeId>, // INVARIANT: node_ids must point into arena

pub struct SubTree<'t, T> {
  arena: &'t Arena<T>,
  pub item: &'t T,
  node_id: NodeId,

impl<K, T> Tree<K, T> {
  pub fn root_sub_tree<'t>(&'t self) -> SubTree<'t, T> {
    SubTree::new(&self.arena, self.root_node_id)

impl<'t, T> SubTree<'t, T> {
  fn new(arena: &'t Arena<T>, node_id: NodeId) -> SubTree<'t, T> {
    let item = arena.get(node_id).unwrap().get();
    SubTree{arena, item, node_id}

  pub fn children(&'t self) -> impl Iterator<Item=SubTree<'t, T>> {
    self.node_id.children(&self.arena).map(|node_id| SubTree::new(&self.arena, node_id))

impl<K: Copy + Eq + Hash, T: Keyable<K> + ParentKeyable<K>> Tree<K, T> {
  pub fn from_vec(
    items: Vec<T>,
  ) -> Result<Tree<K, T>, CreateTreeError<K>> {
    let mut arena = Arena::new();

    let mut keys = vec![];
    let mut node_ids = HashMap::new();
    for item in items.into_iter() {
      let key = item.key();
      let parent_key = item.parent_key();
      keys.push((key, parent_key));
      node_ids.insert(key, arena.new_node(item));

    let mut root_node_id = None;
    for (key, parent_key) in keys {
      let node_id = *node_ids.get(&key).unwrap();
      match (parent_key, root_node_id) {
        (Some(parent_key), _) => {
          match node_ids.get(&parent_key) {
            Some(parent_node_id) => {
              parent_node_id.append(node_id, &mut arena);
            None => {
              return Err(CreateTreeError::NonExistentParent(key, parent_key));
        (None, None) => {
          root_node_id = Some(node_id)
        (None, Some(root_node_id)) => {
          return Err(CreateTreeError::MultipleRoots(root_node_id, node_id));

    match root_node_id {
      Some(root_node_id) => Ok(Tree{arena, root_node_id, node_ids}),
      None => Err(CreateTreeError::NoRoot),

// #[derive(Debug)]
// enum ConstitutionMutation {
//  Keep,
//  Delete,
//  Change(Constitution),
// }

// fn check_constitution_change() {
//  unimplemented!()
// }

// #[derive(Debug)]
// enum ChangeError<K> {
//  MissingMutation(usize),
//  NextTreeInvalid(CreateTreeError<K>)
// }

// fn apply_constitution_change(arg: Type) -> RetType {
//  unimplemented!()
// }

// fn apply_constitution_changes(
//  constitutions: Vec<Constitution>,
//  mutations: HashMap<usize, ConstitutionMutation>,
//  additions: Vec<Constitution>,
// ) -> Result<Vec<Constitution>, ChangeError> {
//  // let live_constitution_ids: HashSet<usize> =
//  //  constitutions.iter().map(|c|
//  //  .chain(additions.iter().map(|a|
//  //  .collect();

//  // let dead_constitution_ids: HashSet<usize> = mutations.iter().filter_map(|(id, m)| match m {
//  //  ConstitutionMutation::Delete => Some(*id),
//  //  _ => None,
//  // }).collect();
//  // let live_constitution_ids = live_constitution_ids.difference(&dead_constitution_ids);

//  // for constitution in constitutions.into_iter() {
//  //  let mutation = mutations.get(&|| ChangeError::MissingMutation(;
//  //  match mutation {
//  //    Keep => { next_constitutions.append(constitution); },
//  //    Delete => { dead_constitution_ids.append(; },
//  //    Change(next_constitution) => {

//  //    },
//  //  }

//  //  next_constitutions.append();
//  // }
//  // next_constitutions.extend(additions);

//  let all_constitutions = [constitutions, additions].concat();
//  let mut next_constitutions = vec![];
//  let (arena, root_node_id, constitution_node_ids) = create_constitution_tree(all_constitutions.clone())
//    .map_err(ChangeError::NextTreeInvalid)?;

//  let current_node_id = root_node_id;
//  _apply_constitution_changes(current_node_id, arena, mutations, &mut live_constitution_ids, &mut next_constitutions);

//  unimplemented!();
//  // Ok(all_constitutions);

//  // if a constitution is deleted then all its descendants must either be deleted or have their parent moved

//  // starting from the root node, we walk the tree
//  // for each node, we look up it's corresponding change (or the items in the tree are tuples of node/change)
//  // changes can be:
//  // - Keep, this constitution itself is unchanged. however children can still be changed, so we walk down
//  // - Delete. we walk all children and ensure all of them are either Delete or have their parent changed to a live node
//  //    this probably means we should walk all the deletes *first*, and then process all normal changes after
//  // - Change. this can change any simple field, including changing the parent (which must be changed to something live).
//  // if you change a parent, you don't *necessarily* have to change its descendants, even if they all represent geographic areas

//  // separately apart from all these mutations there is a "new" constitution list, which must all point to live nodes after all mutations

//  // also have to check additions don't conflict with existing

// }

// fn _apply_constitution_changes(
//  arena: Arena,
//  current_node_id: NodeId,
//  mutations: HashMap<usize, ConstitutionMutation>,
//  // additions: Vec<Constitution>,
//  live_constitution_ids: &mut Vec<usize>,
//  next_constitutions: &mut Vec<usize>,
// ) -> Result<> {
//  use ConstitutionMutation::*;

//  let current_constitution = arena.get(current_node_id)?.get();
//  match mutations.get( {
//    Keep => {
//      live_constitution_ids.push(;
//      next_constitutions.push(current_constitution.clone());
//    }
//    Delete => {
//      // TODO detach subtree
//      // walk all children and ensure they are deleted or change parents
//    }
//    Change(next_constitution) => {
//      if != {
//        return Err()
//      }
//      match (next_constitution.parent_id, current_constitution.parent_id) {
//        (Some(next_parent_id), Some(current_parent_id)) => {
//          if next_parent_id != current_parent_id {
//            current_node_id
//            // TODO move subtree
//          }
//        },
//        (Some(_), None) => {
//          unimplemented!();
//          // TODO attempting to move the root somewhere else
//        },
//        (None, Some(_)) => {
//          unimplemented!();
//          // TODO attempting to make something else the root
//        },
//        _ => {},
//      }

//      live_constitution_ids.push(;
//      next_constitutions.push(next_constitution);
//    }
//  }

//  for child_node_id in current_node_id.children(arena) {
//    _apply_constitution_changes(child_node_id, arena, mutations, live_constitution_ids, next_constitutions)
//  }
// }

mod tests {
  fn cons(id: usize, name: String, parent_id: Option<usize>) -> Constitution {
    Constitution { id, name, parent_id }

  fn test_constitution_tree_from_vec() {
    let constitution_tree = Tree::from_vec(vec![
      cons(1, "root".into(), None),
      cons(2, "a".into(), Some(1)),
      cons(3, "b".into(), Some(1)),

    assert_eq!(*constitution_tree.arena.get(constitution_tree.root_node_id).unwrap().get(), cons(1, "root".into(), None));

    let mut iter = constitution_tree.root_node_id.descendants(&constitution_tree.arena);
    assert_eq!(, Some(*constitution_tree.node_ids.get(&1).unwrap()));
    assert_eq!(, Some(*constitution_tree.node_ids.get(&2).unwrap()));
    assert_eq!(, Some(*constitution_tree.node_ids.get(&3).unwrap()));
    assert_eq!(, None);
    // println!("{:?}\n", root_node_id.debug_pretty_print(&arena));

  fn test_create_constitution_tree_detach() {
    let mut arena = Arena::new();
    let root = arena.new_node("root");
    let a = arena.new_node("a");
    let b = arena.new_node("b");
    root.append(a, &mut arena);
    root.append(b, &mut arena);
    let a1 = arena.new_node("a1");
    let a2 = arena.new_node("a2");
    a.append(a1, &mut arena);
    a.append(a2, &mut arena);
    assert_eq!(root.descendants(&arena).collect::<Vec<NodeId>>(), vec![
      root, a, a1, a2, b,

    a.detach(&mut arena);
    assert_eq!(root.descendants(&arena).collect::<Vec<NodeId>>(), vec![
      root, b,

    b.append(a, &mut arena);
    assert_eq!(root.descendants(&arena).collect::<Vec<NodeId>>(), vec![
      root, b, a, a1, a2,

  // #[test]
  // fn test_apply_constitution_changes() {
  //  let before = vec![
  //    cons(1, "root".into(), None),

  //    cons(2, "a".into(), Some(1)),
  //    cons(3, "a_1".into(), Some(2)),
  //    cons(4, "a_2".into(), Some(2)),

  //    cons(5, "b".into(), Some(1)),
  //    cons(6, "b_1".into(), Some(5)),
  //    cons(7, "b_2".into(), Some(5)),
  //  ];

  //  let mutations = HashMap::from([
  //    (1, ConstitutionMutation::Keep),

  //    (2, ConstitutionMutation::Delete),
  //    (3, ConstitutionMutation::Change(cons(3, "1_3".into(), Some(5)))),
  //    (4, ConstitutionMutation::Delete),

  //    (5, ConstitutionMutation::Change(cons(5, "1".into(), Some(1)))),
  //    (6, ConstitutionMutation::Change(cons(6, "1_1".into(), Some(5)))),
  //    (7, ConstitutionMutation::Change(cons(7, "1_2".into(), Some(5)))),
  //  ]);
  //  let additions = vec![
  //    cons(8, "2".into(), Some(1)),
  //    cons(9, "2_1".into(), Some(8)),
  //    cons(10, "2_2".into(), Some(8)),
  //    cons(11, "2_3".into(), Some(8)),
  //  ];

  //  let expected = vec![
  //    cons(1, "root".into(), None),

  //    cons(5, "1".into(), Some(1)),
  //    cons(6, "1_1".into(), Some(5)),
  //    cons(7, "1_2".into(), Some(5)),
  //    cons(3, "1_3".into(), Some(5)),

  //    cons(8, "2".into(), Some(1)),
  //    cons(9, "2_1".into(), Some(8)),
  //    cons(10, "2_2".into(), Some(8)),
  //    cons(11, "2_3".into(), Some(8)),
  //  ];

  //  let after = apply_constitution_changes(before, mutations, additions).unwrap();
  //  assert_eq!(after, expected);

  //  // TODO guard against trivial cases: delete all, keep all
  // }

  use super::*;
  use AllocationType::*;

  fn allo(voter_id: usize, (election_id, candidate_id): (usize, usize), weight: Weight, allocation_type: AllocationType) -> Allocation {
    Allocation { voter_id, election_id, candidate_id, weight, allocation_type }

  fn cand((election_id, candidate_id): (usize, usize), stabilization_bucket: Option<Weight>) -> Candidacy {
    Candidacy { election_id, candidate_id, stabilization_bucket }

  fn test_actual_vote() {
    let mut allocation = Allocation {
      voter_id: 0, election_id: 0, candidate_id: 0,
      weight: 4.0,
      allocation_type: For,

    assert_eq!(allocation.actual_vote(), 2.0);

    allocation.weight = 1.0;
    assert_eq!(allocation.actual_vote(), 1.0);

    allocation.allocation_type = Against;
    assert_eq!(allocation.actual_vote(), -1.0);

  fn test_compute_total_votes() {
    let candidacy_vec = vec![cand((1, 1), Some(0.0))];
    let candidacy_map: HashMap<(usize, usize), Weight> = candidacy_vec.iter()
      .map(|c| (c.key(), c.stabilization_bucket.unwrap_or(0.0)))

    let candidacy_vec = vec![
      cand((1, 1), None),
    let allocation_vec = vec![
      allo(0, (1, 1), 4.0, For),
      allo(0, (0, 0), 4.0, For),

    assert_eq!(compute_total_votes(candidacy_vec, allocation_vec), HashMap::from([
      ((1, 1), 2.0),
      // ((1, 2), 0.7),
      // ((2, 1), 1.0),
      // ((2, 2), 1.0),