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diff --git a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars-core.css b/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars-core.css deleted file mode 100644 index 3dcdd88..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars-core.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.1 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Bar & Icons - * 005 - Media Queries - */ - -/* --------------------------- - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - */ - -html { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -body { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -#viewport { - position: absolute; - width: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - /* Viewport height is an inline style set by slidebars.js depending on the height of the document content. */ -} - -html.no-js { - width: auto; - height: auto; -} - -html.no-js body #viewport * { - display: none; /* Blank out screen for viewers with JavaScript disabled. */ -} - -/* ------------------------------ - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - */ - -#site { - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100% - 30px); - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - padding: 65px 15px 15px 15px; - min-height: 100%; - height: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 3; -} - - /* #site - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #site { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -.wrapper { - width: 100%; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -.clearfix { - clear: both; -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - top: 0; - width: 25%; - min-height: 100%; -} - -#slidebar-left { - left: 0; -} - -#slidebar-right { - right: 0; -} - -/* ----------------- - * 004 - Bar & Icons - */ - -/* Bar */ -#bar { - display: table; - z-index: 1000; - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100%); /* Unknown iOS issue, seems to include padding within the 100%. */ - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - height: 50px; - top: 0; - padding: 0 15px; -} - - /* #bar - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #bar { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -#bar .wrapper { - display: table; - height: 50px; -} - -/* Bar cells */ -.cell-left, .cell-center, .cell-right { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.cell-left { - width: 26px; - text-align: left; - padding-right: 15px; -} - -.cell-center { - width: auto; - text-align: center; -} - -.cell-right { - width: 26px; - text-align: right; - padding-left: 15px; -} - -/* Buttons */ -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - cursor: pointer; - width: 26px; - height: 18px; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control { - -} - -#bar .slidebar-right-control { - float: right; -} - -/* Navicons */ -.navicon-line-long { - height: 4px; - width: 26px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-dot { - float: left; - clear: left; - height: 4px; - width: 4px; - margin: 0 3px 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-short { - float: left; - height: 4px; - width: 19px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -/* ------------------- - * 005 - Media Queries - */ - -/* Small screens */ -@media screen and (max-width: 768px) { - - #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - width: 50%; - } - -} - -/* Mobile screens */ -@media screen and (max-width: 481px) { - - #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - width: 70%; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars-core.min.css b/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars-core.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index 180ea45..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars-core.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.1 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - */ - -html{width:100%;height:100%}body{width:100%;height:100%}#viewport{position:absolute;width:100%;overflow:hidden}html.no-js{width:auto;height:auto}html.no-js body #viewport *{display:none}#site{width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100% - 30px);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);padding:65px 15px 15px 15px;min-height:100%;height:100%;position:relative;z-index:3}html.no-csscalc #site{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}.wrapper{width:100%;margin:0 auto}.clearfix{clear:both}#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{top:0;width:25%;min-height:100%}#slidebar-left{left:0}#slidebar-right{right:0}#bar{display:table;z-index:1000;width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100%);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);height:50px;top:0;padding:0 15px}html.no-csscalc #bar{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}#bar .wrapper{display:table;height:50px}.cell-left,.cell-center,.cell-right{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle}.cell-left{width:26px;text-align:left;padding-right:15px}.cell-center{width:auto;text-align:center}.cell-right{width:26px;text-align:right;padding-left:15px}#bar .slidebar-left-control,#bar .slidebar-right-control{cursor:pointer;width:26px;height:18px}#bar .slidebar-right-control{float:right}.navicon-line-long{height:4px;width:26px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-dot{float:left;clear:left;height:4px;width:4px;margin:0 3px 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-short{float:left;height:4px;width:19px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}@media screen and (max-width:768px){#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{width:50%}}@media screen and (max-width:481px){#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{width:70%}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100644 index c4fef4c..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,325 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.1 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Hammer.js by Eight Media (http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/) -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -// ----------------- -// IE < 10 Detection - -var ie = (function(){ - var undef, - v = 3, - div = document.createElement('div'), - all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); - - while ( - div.innerHTML = '', - all[0] - ); - - return v > 4 ? v : undef; -}()); - -// ------------------ -// Slidebars function - -function slidebars(context) { - - // --------------- - // Set variables - var slidebarleftactive = false; - var slidebarrightactive = false; - var screenshift; - var position = context.position || 'absolute'; // Default if not set - var slidebarleft = context.slidebarleft; - var slidebarright = context.slidebarright; - - // ------------- - // Run functions - setposition(); - setscreenshift(); - disableslidebars(); - - // ---------------- - // Resize functions - $(window).resize(setscreenshift); - $(window).resize(setposition); - - // --------- - // Functions - - // Set position - function setposition() { - // Strip styles - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").removeAttr("style"); - $("#viewport").removeAttr("style"); - // Set variables - var screenheight = $(window).height(); - var siteheight = $("#site").height(); - var slidebarleftheight = $("#slidebar-left").height(); - var slidebarrightheight = $("#slidebar-right").height(); - var maxheight = Math.max(siteheight, slidebarleftheight, slidebarrightheight); - // Set position - fixed - if (position == "fixed") { - // Set bar position - $("#bar").css({ - 'position': 'fixed' - }); - // Set slidebar position - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'fixed' - }); - // Set left slidebar height - if (slidebarleftheight > screenheight) { - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else { - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } - // Set right slidebar height - if (slidebarrightheight > screenheight) { - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else { - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } - // Set viewport height - if (siteheight <= screenheight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (siteheight > screenheight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - } - // Set position - absolute - } else if (position == "absolute") { - // Set bar position - $("#bar").css({ - 'position': 'absolute' - }); - // Set slidebar position - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'absolute', - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - // Set viewport height - if (maxheight <= screenheight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (maxheight > screenheight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'min-height': maxheight - }); - } - } - } - - // Set screen shift - function setscreenshift() { - // Set variables - var screenwidth = $(window).width(); - // Determine width for screen to shift - if (screenwidth < 481) { - screenshift = "70%"; - } else if (screenwidth < 769) { - screenshift = "50%"; - } else { - screenshift = "25%"; - } - } - - // Open left sidebar - function openslidebarleft() { - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit - $("#site, #bar").animate({ - left: screenshift - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '-' + screenshift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:screenshift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - slidebarleftactive = true; - } - - // Open right sidebar - function openslidebarright() { - if (ie < 10) { - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '-' + screenshift - }, 400); - } else { - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({ - x:'-' + screenshift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - slidebarrightactive = true; - } - - // Close sidebar - function closeslidebars() { - if (ie < 10) { - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - slidebarleftactive = false; - slidebarrightactive = false; - return false; - } - - // Close sidebar via link - function closeslidebarslink() { - if (ie < 10) { - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - slidebarleftactive = false; - slidebarrightactive = false; - window.location = href; - } - - // Disable slidears - function disableslidebars() { - if (!slidebarleft) { - $(".slidebar-left-control").css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - if (!slidebarright) { - $(".slidebar-right-control").css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - } - - // ------------- - // Taps & Clicks - - // Left sidebar - $('.slidebar-left-control').hammer().on("tap", function() { - if (!slidebarleftactive) { - // Open left slidebar if enabled - if (slidebarleft) { - openslidebarleft(); - } - } else { - closeslidebars(); - } - }); - - // Right sidebar - $('.slidebar-right-control').hammer().on("tap", function() { - if (!slidebarrightactive) { - // Open right slidebar if enabled - if (slidebarright) { - openslidebarright(); - } - } else { - closeslidebars(); - } - }); - - // Close any sidebar by clicking on site - $('#site').hammer().on("tap", function(e) { - if (slidebarleftactive || slidebarrightactive) { - closeslidebars(); - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - - // Close any sidebar by clicking on a link - $('#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a').hammer().on("tap", function(e) { - if (slidebarleftactive || slidebarrightactive) { - e.preventDefault(); - href = $(this).attr('href'); - closeslidebarslink(); - } - }); - - // ------ - // Swipes - - // Swipe left - $('#viewport').hammer().on("swipeleft", function() { - if (slidebarleftactive) { - // Close left sidebar - closeslidebars(); - } else if (slidebarrightactive) { - // Do nothing - } else { - // Open right slidebar if enabled - if (slidebarright) { - openslidebarright(); - } - } - }); - - // Swipe right - $('#viewport').hammer().on("swiperight", function() { - if (slidebarleftactive) { - // Do nothing - } else if (slidebarrightactive) { - // Close right sidebar - closeslidebars(); - } else { - // Open left slidebar if enabled - if (slidebarleft) { - openslidebarleft(); - } - } - }); - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6dd7741..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/slidebars/0.1/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.1 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Hammer.js by Eight Media (http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/) -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -var ie=(function(){var c,a=3,d=document.createElement("div"),b=d.getElementsByTagName("i");while(d.innerHTML="",b[0]){}return a>4?a:c}());function slidebars(c){var g=false;var k=false;var i;var j=c.position||"absolute";var a=c.slidebarleft;var l=c.slidebarright;b();n();f();$(window).resize(n);$(window).resize(b);function b(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").removeAttr("style");$("#viewport").removeAttr("style");var p=$(window).height();var o=$("#site").height();var s=$("#slidebar-left").height();var q=$("#slidebar-right").height();var r=Math.max(o,s,q);if(j=="fixed"){$("#bar").css({position:"fixed"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"fixed"});if(s>p){$("#slidebar-left").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",height:"100%"})}else{$("#slidebar-left").css({height:"100%"})}if(q>p){$("#slidebar-right").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",height:"100%"})}else{$("#slidebar-right").css({height:"100%"})}if(o<=p){$("#viewport").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(o>p){$("#viewport").css({"min-height":"100%"})}}}else{if(j=="absolute"){$("#bar").css({position:"absolute"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"absolute","min-height":"100%"});if(r<=p){$("#viewport").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(r>p){$("#viewport").css({"min-height":r})}}}}}function n(){var o=$(window).width();if(o<481){i="70%"}else{if(o<769){i="50%"}else{i="25%"}}}function h(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:i},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"-"+i},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({x:i,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}g=true}function e(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"-"+i},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({x:"-"+i,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}k=true}function m(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}g=false;k=false;return false}function d(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}g=false;k=false;window.location=href}function f(){if(!a){$(".slidebar-left-control").css({display:"none"});$("#slidebar-left").css({display:"none"})}if(!l){$(".slidebar-right-control").css({display:"none"});$("#slidebar-right").css({display:"none"})}}$(".slidebar-left-control").hammer().on("tap",function(){if(!g){if(a){h()}}else{m()}});$(".slidebar-right-control").hammer().on("tap",function(){if(!k){if(l){e()}}else{m()}});$("#site").hammer().on("tap",function(o){if(g||k){m();o.preventDefault()}});$("#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a").hammer().on("tap",function(o){if(g||k){o.preventDefault();href=$(this).attr("href");d()}});$("#viewport").hammer().on("swipeleft",function(){if(g){m()}else{if(k){}else{if(l){e()}}}});$("#viewport").hammer().on("swiperight",function(){if(g){}else{if(k){m()}else{if(a){h()}}}})}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js b/Revisions/0.1/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 71e0b06..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.1/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * jQuery Transit - CSS3 transitions and transformations - * (c) 2011-2012 Rico Sta. Cruz - * MIT Licensed. - * - * http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit - * http://github.com/rstacruz/jquery.transit - */ -(function(k){k.transit={version:"0.9.9",propertyMap:{marginLeft:"margin",marginRight:"margin",marginBottom:"margin",marginTop:"margin",paddingLeft:"padding",paddingRight:"padding",paddingBottom:"padding",paddingTop:"padding"},enabled:true,useTransitionEnd:false};var d=document.createElement("div");var q={};function b(v){if(v in d.style){return v}var u=["Moz","Webkit","O","ms"];var r=v.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+v.substr(1);if(v in d.style){return v}for(var t=0;t-1;q.transition=b("transition");q.transitionDelay=b("transitionDelay");q.transform=b("transform");q.transformOrigin=b("transformOrigin");q.transform3d=e();var i={transition:"transitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd",WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",msTransition:"MSTransitionEnd"};var f=q.transitionEnd=i[q.transition]||null;for(var p in q){if(q.hasOwnProperty(p)&&typeof 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s==="string")?s.split(","):(s.constructor===Array)?s:[s];r.unshift(t);j.prototype.set.apply(this,r)},set:function(s){var r=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments,[1]);if(this.setter[s]){this.setter[s].apply(this,r)}else{this[s]=r.join(",")}},get:function(r){if(this.getter[r]){return this.getter[r].apply(this)}else{return 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t=(this.rotate3d||"0,0,0,0deg").split(",");for(var r=0;r<=3;++r){if(t[r]){t[r]=parseFloat(t[r])}}if(t[3]){t[3]=o(t[3],"deg")}return t}},parse:function(s){var r=this;s.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\((.*?)\)/g,function(t,v,u){r.setFromString(v,u)})},toString:function(t){var s=[];for(var r in this){if(this.hasOwnProperty(r)){if((!q.transform3d)&&((r==="rotateX")||(r==="rotateY")||(r==="perspective")||(r==="transformOrigin"))){continue}if(r[0]!=="_"){if(t&&(r==="scale")){s.push(r+"3d("+this[r]+",1)")}else{if(t&&(r==="translate")){s.push(r+"3d("+this[r]+",0)")}else{s.push(r+"("+this[r]+")")}}}}}return s.join(" ")}};function m(s,r,t){if(r===true){s.queue(t)}else{if(r){s.queue(r,t)}else{t()}}}function h(s){var r=[];k.each(s,function(t){t=k.camelCase(t);t=k.transit.propertyMap[t]||k.cssProps[t]||t;t=c(t);if(k.inArray(t,r)===-1){r.push(t)}});return r}function g(s,v,x,r){var t=h(s);if(k.cssEase[x]){x=k.cssEase[x]}var w=""+l(v)+" "+x;if(parseInt(r,10)>0){w+=" "+l(r)}var 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C==="function"){C.apply(D)}if(typeof H==="function"){H()}};if((t>0)&&(f)&&(k.transit.useTransitionEnd)){G=true;D.bind(f,F)}else{window.setTimeout(F,t)}D.each(function(){if(t>0){this.style[q.transition]=E}k(this).css(z)})};var v=function(F){this.offsetWidth;r(F)};m(D,w,v);return this};function n(s,r){if(!r){k.cssNumber[s]=true}k.transit.propertyMap[s]=q.transform;k.cssHooks[s]={get:function(v){var u=k(v).css("transit:transform");return u.get(s)},set:function(v,w){var u=k(v).css("transit:transform");u.setFromString(s,w);k(v).css({"transit:transform":u})}}}function c(r){return r.replace(/([A-Z])/g,function(s){return"-"+s.toLowerCase()})}function o(s,r){if((typeof s==="string")&&(!s.match(/^[\-0-9\.]+$/))){return s}else{return""+s+r}}function l(s){var r=s;if(k.fx.speeds[r]){r=k.fx.speeds[r]}return o(r,"ms")}k.transit.getTransitionValue=g})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.1/style.css b/Revisions/0.1/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index ea7c5c0..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.1/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.1 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - * 003 - Bar & Buttons - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -/* - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - */ - -html { - -} - -body { - -} - -html.no-js { - padding: 2em; -} - -html.no-js h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin-bottom: 0.5em; -} - -html.no-js p { - font-size: 1em; - margin-bottom: 1em; -} - -/* -------------------- - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - */ - -#site { - background-color: #fff; /* Main page background colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Shadow cast onto the slidebars when opened. */ -} - -.wrapper { - max-width: 100%; /* Can be any pixel width, or use 100% to have a full width page on any sized screen. */ -} - -/* --------- - * 003 - Bar - */ - -#bar { - background-color: #ff3971; /* Background colour of the bar. */ - box-shadow: /* Shadow beneath the bar, and edge highlights. */ - /* Layered single pixel shadows to create a one sided shadow effect. */ - 0 5px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01), - 0 4px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02), - 0 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), - 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Left highlight */ - 1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Right highlight */ - -1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Bottom lowlight */ - 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset; - - /* Glass gradient overlay. */ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.02) 51%); /* Webkit syntax. */ - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 51%); /* Final syntax. */ - background-size: 100% 50px; - background-repeat: no-repeat; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - /* These are the buttons located in the top bar, they are prefixed with #bar, so if you wish to open the slidebars from a different location, you may do so without this styling. */ - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Button border colour. */ - box-shadow: - /* Drop shadow */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset; - padding: 5px; /* Distance between the navicon and the button border. */ - border-radius: 3px; /* Button curved corners. */ -} - -.navicon-line-long, .navicon-line-dot, .navicon-line-short { - background-color: #fff; /* Navicon line colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(38, 38, 38, 0.1); /* Navicon line shadow. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -.slidebars { - -} - -#slidebar-left { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar left background colour. */ -} - -#slidebar-right { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar right background colour. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100755 index 4bed2ae..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,213 +0,0 @@ -/* ----------------------------------- - * Slidebars - * Version 0.10.1 - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * Released under MIT License - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - * 002 - Site - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Animation - * 005 - Helper Classes - * - * ---------------------------- - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - */ - -html, body, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar { - /* Set box model to prevent any user added margins or paddings from altering the widths or heights. */ - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, body { - width: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */ -} - -html { - height: 100%; /* Site is as tall as device. */ -} - -body { - min-height: 100%; - height: auto; - position: relative; /* Required for static Slidebars to function properly. */ -} - -/* Site scroll locking - prevent site from scrolling when a Slidebar is open, except when static Slidebars are only available. */ -html.sb-scroll-lock body { - height: 100%; -} - -html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static), -html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static) body { - overflow: hidden; -} - -/* ---------- - * 002 - Site - */ - -#sb-site, .sb-site-container { - /* You may now use class .sb-site-container instead of #sb-site and use your own id. However please make sure you don't set any of the following styles any differently on your id. */ - width: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */ - background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. I suggest moving your html or body background styling here. Making this transparent will allow the Slidebars beneath to be visible. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - height: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - display: none; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */ - background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ - -webkit-transform: translate(0px); /* Fixes issues with translated and z-indexed elements on iOS 7. */ -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the left. */ -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the right. */ -} - -html.sb-static .sb-slidebar, -.sb-slidebar.sb-static { - position: absolute; /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser < 3 and iOS < 5. */ -} - -.sb-slidebar.sb-active { - display: block; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */ -} - -.sb-style-overlay { - z-index: 9999; /* Set z-index high to ensure it overlays any other site elements. */ -} - -.sb-momentum-scrolling { - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* Adds native momentum scrolling for iOS & Android devices. */ -} - -/* Slidebar widths for browsers/devices that don't support media queries. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 15%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 45%; - } - -@media (max-width: 480px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra small screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 55%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 85%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 481px) { /* Slidebar widths on small screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 55%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 40%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 70%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Slidebar widths on medium screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 40%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 25%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 55%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { /* Slidebar widths on large screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 15%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 45%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra large screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 5%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 35%; - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -.sb-slide, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left, right; /* Add left/right for Android < 4.4. */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. This is non essential, and you may remove it if your having problems with fixed background images in Chrome. */ -} - -/* -------------------- - * 005 - Helper Classes - */ - -.sb-hide { - display: none; /* Optionally applied to control classes when Slidebars is disabled over a certain width. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100755 index 8f1f42e..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,346 +0,0 @@ -// ----------------------------------- -// Slidebars -// Version 0.10.1 -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Released under MIT License -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Default Settings -// 002 - Feature Detection -// 003 - User Agents -// 004 - Setup -// 005 - Animation -// 006 - Operations -// 007 - API -// 008 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function(options) { - - // ---------------------- - // 001 - Default Settings - - var settings = $.extend({ - siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site. - scrollLock: false, // true or false - Prevent scrolling of site when a Slidebar is open. - disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width. - hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver. - }, options); - - // ----------------------- - // 002 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on. - supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions. - supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms. - - // Test for CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true; - - // Test for CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true; - - // ----------------- - // 003 - User Agents - - var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string. - android = false, // Variable for storing android version. - iOS = false; // Variable for storing iOS version. - - if (/Android/.test(ua)) { // Detect Android in user agent string. - android = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('Android')+8, 3); // Set version of Android. - } else if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(ua)) { // Detect iOS in user agent string. - iOS = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('OS ')+3, 3).replace('_', '.'); // Set version of iOS. - } - - if (android && android < 3 || iOS && iOS < 5) $('html').addClass('sb-static'); // Add helper class for older versions of Android & iOS. - - // ----------- - // 004 - Setup - - // Site container - var $site = $('#sb-site, .sb-site-container'); // Cache the selector. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - } - - var init = false, // Initialisation variable. - windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. - $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. - - // Initailise Slidebars - function initialise() { - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. - css(); // Set required inline styles. - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove minimum height. - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // Inline CSS - function css() { - // Set minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', $('html').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the html. - - // Custom Slidebar widths. - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - - // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. - if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); - if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); - - // Site scroll locking. - if (settings.scrollLock) $('html').addClass('sb-scroll-lock'); - } - - // Resize Functions - $(window).resize(function() { - var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. - if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Slidebars is running and window was actually resized. - windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. - initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. - if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - } - }); - // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation; // Animation type. - - // Set animation type. - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - // Animate mixin. - function animate(object, amount, side) { - // Choose selectors depending on animation style. - var selector; - - if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) { - selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. - } else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) { - selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. - } else { - selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. - } - - // Apply animation - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); // Apply the animation. - - } else if (animation === 'side') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. - if (amount !== '0px') selector.css(side, '0px'); // Add a 0 value so css transition works. - setTimeout(function() { // Set a timeout to allow the 0 value to be applied above. - selector.css(side, amount); // Apply the animation. - }, 1); - - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. - } - - // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - $left.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - $right.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - if (leftActive) { - animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - leftActive = false; - } - if (rightActive) { - animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation - rightActive = false; - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); - if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); - if (typeof link !== 'undefined') window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.slidebars = { - open: open, // Maps user variable name to the open method. - close: close, // Maps user variable name to the close method. - toggle: toggle, // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - init: function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. - return init; // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running. - }, - active: function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. - if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; - if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; - }, - destroy: function(side) { // Removes the Slidebar from the DOM. - if (side === 'left' && $left) { - if (leftActive) close(); // Close if its open. - setTimeout(function() { - $left.remove(); // Remove it. - $left = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. - }, 400); - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { - if (rightActive) close(); // Close if its open. - setTimeout(function() { - $right.remove(); // Remove it. - $right = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. - }, 400); - } - } - }; - - // ---------------- - // 008 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour. - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch, turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. - }); - - // Toggle right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. - }); - - // Open left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. - }); - - // Open right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. - }); - - // Close Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - if ( $(this).is('a') || $(this).children().is('a') ) { // Is a link or contains a link. - if ( event.type === 'click' ) { // Make sure the user wanted to follow the link. - event.preventDefault(); // Stop default behaviour. - var href = ( $(this).is('a') ? $(this).attr('href') : $(this).find('a').attr('href') ); // Get the href. - close( href ); // Close Slidebar and pass link. - } - } else { // Just a normal control class. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close Slidebar. - } - }); - - // Close Slidebar via site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End Slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index b129ab4..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.10.1 (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/) written by Adam Smith (http://www.adchsm.me/) released under MIT License (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt) */ -#sb-site,.sb-site-container,.sb-slidebar,body,html{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}body,html{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;height:auto;position:relative}html.sb-scroll-lock body{height:100%}html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static),html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static) body{overflow:hidden}#sb-site,.sb-site-container{width:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;display:none;background-color:#222;-webkit-transform:translate(0px)}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}.sb-slidebar.sb-static,html.sb-static .sb-slidebar{position:absolute}.sb-slidebar.sb-active{display:block}.sb-style-overlay{z-index:9999}.sb-momentum-scrolling{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media (max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media (min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media (min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media (min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media (min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}#sb-site,.sb-site-container,.sb-slide,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 24c0074..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.1/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.10.1 (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/) written by Adam Smith (http://www.adchsm.me/) released under MIT License (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt) -!function(t){t.slidebars=function(s){function e(){!c.disableOver||"number"==typeof c.disableOver&&c.disableOver>=T?(y=!0,t("html").addClass("sb-init"),c.hideControlClasses&&k.removeClass("sb-hide"),i()):"number"==typeof c.disableOver&&c.disableOverb||v&&5>v)&&t("html").addClass("sb-static");var g=t("#sb-site, .sb-site-container");if(t(".sb-left").length)var m=t(".sb-left"),C=!1;if(t(".sb-right").length)var p=t(".sb-right"),w=!1;var y=!1,T=t(window).width(),k=t(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close"),O=t(".sb-slide");e(),t(window).resize(function(){var s=t(window).width();T!==s&&(T=s,e(),C&&o("left"),w&&o("right"))});var x;d&&f?(x="translate",b&&4.4>b&&(x="side")):x="jQuery",this.slidebars={open:o,close:a,toggle:l,init:function(){return y},active:function(t){return"left"===t&&m?C:"right"===t&&p?w:void 0},destroy:function(t){"left"===t&&m&&(C&&a(),setTimeout(function(){m.remove(),m=!1},400)),"right"===t&&p&&(w&&a(),setTimeout(function(){p.remove(),p=!1},400))}},t(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),l("left")}),t(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),l("right")}),t(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),o("left")}),t(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),o("right")}),t(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(s){if(t(this).is("a")||t(this).children().is("a")){if("click"===s.type){s.preventDefault();var e=t(this).is("a")?t(this).attr("href"):t(this).find("a").attr("href");a(e)}}else r(s,t(this)),a()}),g.on("touchend click",function(s){c.siteClose&&(C||w)&&(r(s,t(this)),a())})}}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100755 index c09b2d9..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -/* ----------------------------------- - * Slidebars - * Version 0.10.2 - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * Released under MIT License - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - * 002 - Site - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Animation - * 005 - Helper Classes - * - * ---------------------------- - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - */ - -html, body, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar { - /* Set box model to prevent any user added margins or paddings from altering the widths or heights. */ - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, body { - width: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */ -} - -html { - height: 100%; /* Site is as tall as device. */ -} - -body { - min-height: 100%; - height: auto; - position: relative; /* Required for static Slidebars to function properly. */ -} - -/* Site scroll locking - prevent site from scrolling when a Slidebar is open, except when static Slidebars are only available. */ -html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static) { - overflow: hidden; -} - -/* ---------- - * 002 - Site - */ - -#sb-site, .sb-site-container { - /* You may now use class .sb-site-container instead of #sb-site and use your own id. However please make sure you don't set any of the following styles any differently on your id. */ - width: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */ - background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. I suggest moving your html or body background styling here. Making this transparent will allow the Slidebars beneath to be visible. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - height: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - display: none; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */ - background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ - -webkit-transform: translate(0px); /* Fixes issues with translated and z-indexed elements on iOS 7. */ -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the left. */ -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the right. */ -} - -html.sb-static .sb-slidebar, -.sb-slidebar.sb-static { - position: absolute; /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser < 3 and iOS < 5. */ -} - -.sb-slidebar.sb-active { - display: block; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */ -} - -.sb-style-overlay { - z-index: 9999; /* Set z-index high to ensure it overlays any other site elements. */ -} - -.sb-momentum-scrolling { - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* Adds native momentum scrolling for iOS & Android devices. */ -} - -/* Slidebar widths for browsers/devices that don't support media queries. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 15%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 45%; - } - -@media (max-width: 480px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra small screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 55%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 85%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 481px) { /* Slidebar widths on small screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 55%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 40%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 70%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Slidebar widths on medium screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 40%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 25%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 55%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { /* Slidebar widths on large screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 15%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 45%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra large screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 5%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 35%; - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -.sb-slide, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left, right; /* Add left/right for Android < 4.4. */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. This is non essential, and you may remove it if your having problems with fixed background images in Chrome. */ -} - -/* -------------------- - * 005 - Helper Classes - */ - -.sb-hide { - display: none; /* Optionally applied to control classes when Slidebars is disabled over a certain width. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100755 index 8516d64..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,346 +0,0 @@ -// ----------------------------------- -// Slidebars -// Version 0.10.2 -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Released under MIT License -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Default Settings -// 002 - Feature Detection -// 003 - User Agents -// 004 - Setup -// 005 - Animation -// 006 - Operations -// 007 - API -// 008 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function(options) { - - // ---------------------- - // 001 - Default Settings - - var settings = $.extend({ - siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site. - scrollLock: false, // true or false - Prevent scrolling of site when a Slidebar is open. - disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width. - hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver. - }, options); - - // ----------------------- - // 002 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on. - supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions. - supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms. - - // Test for CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true; - - // Test for CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true; - - // ----------------- - // 003 - User Agents - - var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string. - android = false, // Variable for storing android version. - iOS = false; // Variable for storing iOS version. - - if (/Android/.test(ua)) { // Detect Android in user agent string. - android = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('Android')+8, 3); // Set version of Android. - } else if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(ua)) { // Detect iOS in user agent string. - iOS = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('OS ')+3, 3).replace('_', '.'); // Set version of iOS. - } - - if (android && android < 3 || iOS && iOS < 5) $('html').addClass('sb-static'); // Add helper class for older versions of Android & iOS. - - // ----------- - // 004 - Setup - - // Site container - var $site = $('#sb-site, .sb-site-container'); // Cache the selector. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - } - - var init = false, // Initialisation variable. - windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. - $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. - - // Initailise Slidebars - function initialise() { - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. - css(); // Set required inline styles. - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove minimum height. - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // Inline CSS - function css() { - // Set minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', $('html').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the html. - - // Custom Slidebar widths. - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - - // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. - if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); - if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); - - // Site scroll locking. - if (settings.scrollLock) $('html').addClass('sb-scroll-lock'); - } - - // Resize Functions - $(window).resize(function() { - var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. - if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Slidebars is running and window was actually resized. - windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. - initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. - if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - } - }); - // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation; // Animation type. - - // Set animation type. - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - // Animate mixin. - function animate(object, amount, side) { - // Choose selectors depending on animation style. - var selector; - - if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) { - selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. - } else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) { - selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. - } else { - selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. - } - - // Apply animation - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); // Apply the animation. - - } else if (animation === 'side') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. - if (amount !== '0px') selector.css(side, '0px'); // Add a 0 value so css transition works. - setTimeout(function() { // Set a timeout to allow the 0 value to be applied above. - selector.css(side, amount); // Apply the animation. - }, 1); - - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. - } - - // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - $left.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - $right.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - if (leftActive) { - animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - leftActive = false; - } - if (rightActive) { - animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation - rightActive = false; - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); - if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); - if (typeof link !== 'undefined') window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.slidebars = { - open: open, // Maps user variable name to the open method. - close: close, // Maps user variable name to the close method. - toggle: toggle, // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - init: function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. - return init; // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running. - }, - active: function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. - if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; - if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; - }, - destroy: function(side) { // Removes the Slidebar from the DOM. - if (side === 'left' && $left) { - if (leftActive) close(); // Close if its open. - setTimeout(function() { - $left.remove(); // Remove it. - $left = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. - }, 400); - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { - if (rightActive) close(); // Close if its open. - setTimeout(function() { - $right.remove(); // Remove it. - $right = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. - }, 400); - } - } - }; - - // ---------------- - // 008 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour. - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch, turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. - }); - - // Toggle right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. - }); - - // Open left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. - }); - - // Open right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. - }); - - // Close Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - if ( $(this).is('a') || $(this).children().is('a') ) { // Is a link or contains a link. - if ( event.type === 'click' ) { // Make sure the user wanted to follow the link. - event.preventDefault(); // Stop default behaviour. - var href = ( $(this).is('a') ? $(this).attr('href') : $(this).find('a').attr('href') ); // Get the href. - close( href ); // Close Slidebar and pass link. - } - } else { // Just a normal control class. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close Slidebar. - } - }); - - // Close Slidebar via site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End Slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index e9dca52..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.10.2 (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/) written by Adam Smith (http://www.adchsm.me/) released under MIT License (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt) */ -#sb-site,.sb-site-container,.sb-slidebar,body,html{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}body,html{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;height:auto;position:relative}html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static){overflow:hidden}#sb-site,.sb-site-container{width:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;display:none;background-color:#222;-webkit-transform:translate(0px)}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}.sb-slidebar.sb-static,html.sb-static .sb-slidebar{position:absolute}.sb-slidebar.sb-active{display:block}.sb-style-overlay{z-index:9999}.sb-momentum-scrolling{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media (max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media (min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media (min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media (min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media (min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}#sb-site,.sb-site-container,.sb-slide,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 528522d..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10.2/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.10.2 (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/) written by Adam Smith (http://www.adchsm.me/) released under MIT License (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt) -!function(t){t.slidebars=function(s){function e(){!c.disableOver||"number"==typeof c.disableOver&&c.disableOver>=T?(y=!0,t("html").addClass("sb-init"),c.hideControlClasses&&k.removeClass("sb-hide"),i()):"number"==typeof c.disableOver&&c.disableOverb||v&&5>v)&&t("html").addClass("sb-static");var g=t("#sb-site, .sb-site-container");if(t(".sb-left").length)var m=t(".sb-left"),C=!1;if(t(".sb-right").length)var p=t(".sb-right"),w=!1;var y=!1,T=t(window).width(),k=t(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close"),O=t(".sb-slide");e(),t(window).resize(function(){var s=t(window).width();T!==s&&(T=s,e(),C&&o("left"),w&&o("right"))});var x;d&&f?(x="translate",b&&4.4>b&&(x="side")):x="jQuery",this.slidebars={open:o,close:a,toggle:l,init:function(){return y},active:function(t){return"left"===t&&m?C:"right"===t&&p?w:void 0},destroy:function(t){"left"===t&&m&&(C&&a(),setTimeout(function(){m.remove(),m=!1},400)),"right"===t&&p&&(w&&a(),setTimeout(function(){p.remove(),p=!1},400))}},t(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),l("left")}),t(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),l("right")}),t(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),o("left")}),t(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),o("right")}),t(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(s){if(t(this).is("a")||t(this).children().is("a")){if("click"===s.type){s.preventDefault();var e=t(this).is("a")?t(this).attr("href"):t(this).find("a").attr("href");a(e)}}else r(s,t(this)),a()}),g.on("touchend click",function(s){c.siteClose&&(C||w)&&(r(s,t(this)),a())})}}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100755 index 4c23f3f..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ -/* ----------------------------------- - * Slidebars - * Version 0.10 - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * Released under MIT License - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - * 002 - Site - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Animation - * 005 - Helper Classes - * - * ---------------------------- - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - */ - -html, body, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar { - /* Set box model to prevent any user added margins or paddings from altering the widths or heights. */ - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, body { - width: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */ -} - -html { - height: 100%; /* Site is as tall as device. */ -} - -body { - min-height: 100%; - height: auto; - position: relative; /* Required for static Slidebars to function properly. */ -} - -html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static) { - overflow: hidden; /* Prevent site from scrolling when a Slidebar is open, except when static Slidebars are only available. */ -} - -/* ---------- - * 002 - Site - */ - -#sb-site, .sb-site-container { - /* You may now use class .sb-site-container instead of #sb-site and use your own id. However please make sure you don't set any of the following styles any differently on your id. */ - width: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */ - background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. I suggest moving your html or body background styling here. Making this transparent will allow the Slidebars beneath to be visible. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - height: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - display: none; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */ - background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ - -webkit-transform: translate(0px); /* Fixes issues with translated and z-indexed elements on iOS 7. */ -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the left. */ -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; /* Set Slidebar to the right. */ -} - -html.sb-static .sb-slidebar, -.sb-slidebar.sb-static { - position: absolute; /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser < 3 and iOS < 5. */ -} - -.sb-slidebar.sb-active { - display: block; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. Changed from visibility to display to allow -webkit-overflow-scrolling. */ -} - -.sb-style-overlay { - z-index: 9999; /* Set z-index high to ensure it overlays any other site elements. */ -} - -.sb-momentum-scrolling { - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* Adds native momentum scrolling for iOS & Android devices. */ -} - -/* Slidebar widths for browsers/devices that don't support media queries. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 15%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 45%; - } - -@media (max-width: 480px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra small screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 55%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 85%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 481px) { /* Slidebar widths on small screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 55%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 40%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 70%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 768px) { /* Slidebar widths on medium screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 40%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 25%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 55%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { /* Slidebar widths on large screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 15%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 45%; - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { /* Slidebar widths on extra large screens. */ - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; - } - - .sb-width-thin { - width: 5%; - } - - .sb-width-wide { - width: 35%; - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -.sb-slide, #sb-site, .sb-site-container, .sb-slidebar { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left, right; /* Add left/right for Android < 4.4. */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. This is non essential, and you may remove it if your having problems with fixed background images in Chrome. */ -} - -/* -------------------- - * 005 - Helper Classes - */ - -.sb-hide { - display: none; /* Optionally applied to control classes when Slidebars is disabled over a certain width. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100755 index cf24fbb..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ -// ----------------------------------- -// Slidebars -// Version 0.10 -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Released under MIT License -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Default Settings -// 002 - Feature Detection -// 003 - User Agents -// 004 - Setup -// 005 - Animation -// 006 - Operations -// 007 - API -// 008 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function(options) { - - // ---------------------- - // 001 - Default Settings - - var settings = $.extend({ - siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site. - scrollLock: false, // true or false - Prevent scrolling of site when a Slidebar is open. - disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width. - hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver. - }, options); - - // ----------------------- - // 002 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on. - supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions. - supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms. - - // Test for CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true; - - // Test for CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true; - - // ----------------- - // 003 - User Agents - - var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string. - android = false, // Variable for storing android version. - iOS = false; // Variable for storing iOS version. - - if (/Android/.test(ua)) { // Detect Android in user agent string. - android = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('Android')+8, 3); // Set version of Android. - } else if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(ua)) { // Detect iOS in user agent string. - iOS = ua.substr(ua.indexOf('OS ')+3, 3).replace('_', '.'); // Set version of iOS. - } - - if (android && android < 3 || iOS && iOS < 5) $('html').addClass('sb-static'); // Add helper class for older versions of Android & iOS. - - // ----------- - // 004 - Setup - - // Site container - var $site = $('#sb-site, .sb-site-container'); // Cache the selector. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - } - - var init = false, // Initialisation variable. - windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. - $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. - - // Initailise Slidebars - function initialise() { - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. - css(); // Set required inline styles. - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove minimum height. - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // Inline CSS - function css() { - // Set minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', $('html').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the html. - - // Custom Slidebar widths. - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - - // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. - if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); - if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); - - // Site scroll locking. - if (settings.scrollLock) $('html').addClass('sb-scroll-lock'); - } - - // Resize Functions - $(window).resize(function() { - var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. - if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Slidebars is running and window was actually resized. - windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. - initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. - if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - } - }); - // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation; // Animation type. - - // Set animation type. - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - // Animate mixin. - function animate(object, amount, side) { - // Choose selectors depending on animation style. - var selector; - - if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) { - selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. - } else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) { - selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. - } else { - selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. - } - - // Apply animation - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); // Apply the animation. - - } else if (animation === 'side') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. - if (amount !== '0px') selector.css(side, '0px'); // Add a 0 value so css transition works. - setTimeout(function() { // Set a timeout to allow the 0 value to be applied above. - selector.css(side, amount); // Apply the animation. - }, 1); - - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. - } - - // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - $left.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - $right.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - if (leftActive) { - animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - leftActive = false; - } - if (rightActive) { - animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation - rightActive = false; - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); - if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); - if (typeof link !== 'undefined') window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.slidebars = { - open: open, // Maps user variable name to the open method. - close: close, // Maps user variable name to the close method. - toggle: toggle, // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - init: function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. - return init; // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running. - }, - active: function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. - if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; - if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; - }, - destroy: function(side) { // Removes the Slidebar from the DOM. - if (side === 'left' && $left) { - if (leftActive) close(); // Close if its open. - setTimeout(function() { - $left.remove(); // Remove it. - $left = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. - }, 400); - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { - if (rightActive) close(); // Close if its open. - setTimeout(function() { - $right.remove(); // Remove it. - $right = false; // Set variable to false so it cannot be opened again. - }, 400); - } - } - }; - - // ---------------- - // 008 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. - }); - - // Toggle right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. - }); - - // Open left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. - }); - - // Open right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. - }); - - // Close a Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - var link; - - // Close Slidebar via link - if ( $(this).parents('.sb-slidebar') ) { - if ( $(this).is('a') ) { - link = $(this).attr('href'); - } else if ( $(this).children('a') ) { - link = $(this).children('a').attr('href'); - } - } - - close(link); // Close Slidebar and pass link. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End Slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index 9ab907d..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.10 (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/) written by Adam Smith (http://www.adchsm.me/) released under MIT License (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt) */ -#sb-site,.sb-site-container,.sb-slidebar,body,html{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}body,html{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;height:auto;position:relative}html.sb-scroll-lock.sb-active:not(.sb-static){overflow:hidden}#sb-site,.sb-site-container{width:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;display:none;background-color:#222;-webkit-transform:translate(0px)}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}.sb-slidebar.sb-static,html.sb-static .sb-slidebar{position:absolute}.sb-slidebar.sb-active{display:block}.sb-style-overlay{z-index:9999}.sb-momentum-scrolling{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media (max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media (min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media (min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media (min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media (min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}#sb-site,.sb-site-container,.sb-slide,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index b6ebc5f..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.10/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.10 (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/) written by Adam Smith (http://www.adchsm.me/) released under MIT License (http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt) -!function(t){t.slidebars=function(s){function e(){!c.disableOver||"number"==typeof c.disableOver&&c.disableOver>=T?(y=!0,t("html").addClass("sb-init"),c.hideControlClasses&&k.removeClass("sb-hide"),i()):"number"==typeof c.disableOver&&c.disableOveru||v&&5>v)&&t("html").addClass("sb-static");var g=t("#sb-site, .sb-site-container");if(t(".sb-left").length)var m=t(".sb-left"),C=!1;if(t(".sb-right").length)var p=t(".sb-right"),w=!1;var y=!1,T=t(window).width(),k=t(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close"),O=t(".sb-slide");e(),t(window).resize(function(){var s=t(window).width();T!==s&&(T=s,e(),C&&o("left"),w&&o("right"))});var x;d&&f?(x="translate",u&&4.4>u&&(x="side")):x="jQuery",this.slidebars={open:o,close:a,toggle:l,init:function(){return y},active:function(t){return"left"===t&&m?C:"right"===t&&p?w:void 0},destroy:function(t){"left"===t&&m&&(C&&a(),setTimeout(function(){m.remove(),m=!1},400)),"right"===t&&p&&(w&&a(),setTimeout(function(){p.remove(),p=!1},400))}},t(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),l("left")}),t(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),l("right")}),t(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),o("left")}),t(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this)),o("right")}),t(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(s){r(s,t(this));var e;t(this).parents(".sb-slidebar")&&(t(this).is("a")?e=t(this).attr("href"):t(this).children("a")&&(e=t(this).children("a").attr("href"))),a(e)}),g.on("touchend click",function(s){c.siteClose&&(C||w)&&(r(s,t(this)),a())})}}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/reset.css b/Revisions/0.2/reset.css deleted file mode 100644 index af94440..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/reset.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/* http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ - v2.0 | 20110126 - License: none (public domain) -*/ - -html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, -h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, -a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, -del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, -small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, -b, u, i, center, -dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, -fieldset, form, label, legend, -table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, -article, aside, canvas, details, embed, -figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, -menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, -time, mark, audio, video { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - border: 0; - font-size: 100%; - font: inherit; - vertical-align: baseline; -} -/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */ -article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, -footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section { - display: block; -} -body { - line-height: 1; -} -ol, ul { - list-style: none; -} -blockquote, q { - quotes: none; -} -blockquote:before, blockquote:after, -q:before, q:after { - content: ''; - content: none; -} -table { - border-collapse: collapse; - border-spacing: 0; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/hammer.js/1.0.5/jquery.hammer.min.js b/Revisions/0.2/scripts/hammer.js/1.0.5/jquery.hammer.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index a21da19..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/hammer.js/1.0.5/jquery.hammer.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -/*! Hammer.JS - v1.0.6dev - 2013-04-10 - * http://eightmedia.github.com/hammer.js - * - * Copyright (c) 2013 Jorik Tangelder ; - * Licensed under the MIT license */ - -(function(t,e){"use strict";function n(){if(!i.READY){i.event.determineEventTypes();for(var t in i.gestures)i.gestures.hasOwnProperty(t)&&i.detection.register(i.gestures[t]);i.event.onTouch(i.DOCUMENT,i.EVENT_MOVE,i.detection.detect),i.event.onTouch(i.DOCUMENT,i.EVENT_END,i.detection.detect),i.READY=!0}}var i=function(t,e){return new i.Instance(t,e||{})};i.defaults={stop_browser_behavior:{userSelect:"none",touchAction:"none",touchCallout:"none",contentZooming:"none",userDrag:"none",tapHighlightColor:"rgba(0,0,0,0)"}},i.HAS_POINTEREVENTS=navigator.pointerEnabled||navigator.msPointerEnabled,i.HAS_TOUCHEVENTS="ontouchstart"in 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diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars-core.css b/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars-core.css deleted file mode 100644 index 7753a64..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars-core.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.2 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Bar & Icons - * 005 - Media Queries - */ - -/* --------------------------- - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - */ - -html { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -body { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -#viewport { - position: absolute; - width: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - /* Viewport height is an inline style set by slidebars.js depending on the height of the document content. */ -} - -html.no-js { - width: auto; - height: auto; -} - -html.no-js body #viewport * { - display: none; /* Blank out screen for viewers with JavaScript disabled. */ -} - -/* ------------------------------ - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - */ - -#site { - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100% - 30px); - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - padding: 65px 15px 15px 15px; - min-height: 100%; - height: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 3; -} - - /* #site - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #site { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -.wrapper { - width: 100%; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -.clearfix { - clear: both; -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - top: 0; - width: 25%; - min-height: 100%; -} - -#slidebar-left { - left: 0; -} - -#slidebar-right { - right: 0; -} - -/* ----------------- - * 004 - Bar & Icons - */ - -/* Bar */ -#bar { - display: table; - z-index: 1000; - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100%); /* Unknown iOS issue, seems to include padding within the 100%. */ - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - height: 50px; - top: 0; - padding: 0 15px; -} - - /* #bar - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #bar { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -#bar .wrapper { - display: table; - height: 50px; -} - -/* Bar cells */ -.cell-left, .cell-center, .cell-right { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.cell-left { - width: 26px; - text-align: left; - padding-right: 15px; -} - -.cell-center { - width: auto; - text-align: center; -} - -.cell-right { - width: 26px; - text-align: right; - padding-left: 15px; -} - -/* Buttons */ -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - cursor: pointer; - width: 26px; - height: 18px; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control { - -} - -#bar .slidebar-right-control { - float: right; -} - -/* Navicons */ -.navicon-line-long { - height: 4px; - width: 26px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-dot { - float: left; - clear: left; - height: 4px; - width: 4px; - margin: 0 3px 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-short { - float: left; - height: 4px; - width: 19px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -/* ------------------- - * 005 - Media Queries - */ - -/* Small screens */ -@media screen and (max-width: 768px) { - - #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - width: 50%; - } - -} - -/* Mobile screens */ -@media screen and (max-width: 481px) { - - #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - width: 70%; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars-core.min.css b/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars-core.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index f7b14ba..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars-core.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.2 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - */ - -html{width:100%;height:100%}body{width:100%;height:100%}#viewport{position:absolute;width:100%;overflow:hidden}html.no-js{width:auto;height:auto}html.no-js body #viewport *{display:none}#site{width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100% - 30px);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);padding:65px 15px 15px 15px;min-height:100%;height:100%;position:relative;z-index:3}html.no-csscalc #site{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}.wrapper{width:100%;margin:0 auto}.clearfix{clear:both}#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{top:0;width:25%;min-height:100%}#slidebar-left{left:0}#slidebar-right{right:0}#bar{display:table;z-index:1000;width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100%);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);height:50px;top:0;padding:0 15px}html.no-csscalc #bar{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}#bar .wrapper{display:table;height:50px}.cell-left,.cell-center,.cell-right{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle}.cell-left{width:26px;text-align:left;padding-right:15px}.cell-center{width:auto;text-align:center}.cell-right{width:26px;text-align:right;padding-left:15px}#bar .slidebar-left-control,#bar .slidebar-right-control{cursor:pointer;width:26px;height:18px}#bar .slidebar-right-control{float:right}.navicon-line-long{height:4px;width:26px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-dot{float:left;clear:left;height:4px;width:4px;margin:0 3px 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-short{float:left;height:4px;width:19px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}@media screen and (max-width:768px){#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{width:50%}}@media screen and (max-width:481px){#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{width:70%}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100644 index 75b19db..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,414 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.2 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Hammer.js by Eight Media (http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/) -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -// ----------------- -// IE < 10 Detection - -var ie = (function() { - var undef, - v = 3, - div = document.createElement('div'), - all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); - - while ( - div.innerHTML = '', - all[0] - ); - - return v > 4 ? v : undef; -}()); - -// ------------------ -// Slidebars Function - -function slidebars(context) { - - // --------------- - // Setup Variables - - var leftActive = false, // Indicates when the left Slidebar is open or closed. - rightActive = false, // Indicates when the right Slidebar is open or closed. - screenWidth, - screenShift, // Contains a percentage to shift the screen by, depends on screen width. - style = context.style, // Sets the style and behaviour of the Menu and Slidebars. - slidebarLeft = context.slidebarLeft, // Turns the left Slidebar on or off. - slidebarRight = context.slidebarRight, // Turns the right Slidebar on or off. - swipes = context.swipes; // Enables touch based swipes. - - // Set default variable values if undefined. - if (typeof style === 'undefined') { - style = 'absolute'; - } - if (typeof slidebarLeft === 'undefined') { - slidebarLeft = true; - } - if (typeof slidebarRight === 'undefined') { - slidebarRight = true; - } - if (typeof swipes === 'undefined') { - swipes = true; - } - - // -------------------- - // Call Setup Functions - - setStyle(); // CSS for styling the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - setScreenShift(); // Sets variable ammount to shift the screen by when opening a Slidebar. - if (!slidebarLeft || !slidebarRight) { - disableSlidebars(); // CSS hide Slidebars if disabled. - } - - // --------------------- - // Call Resize Functions - - $(window).resize(setStyle); // If window is resized reset css style. - $(window).resize(setScreenShift); // If window is resized reset the screen shift variable. - - // --------------------- - // Set Activate Variable - - var slidebarsActive = true; - - // --------- - // Functions - - // --------- - // Set Style - - function setStyle() { - - // Set function variables. - var screenHeight = $(window).height(), // Height of the users screen. - siteHeight = $("#site").height(), // Height of the main site content. - leftHeight = $("#slidebar-left").height(), // Height of the left Slidebar content. - rightHeight = $("#slidebar-right").height(), // Height of the right Slidebar content. - maxHeight = Math.max(siteHeight, leftHeight, rightHeight); // The tallest element on the site. - - // Remove previous inline style attributes incase this function was called before. - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #viewport").removeAttr("style"); - - if (style === 'absolute') { - - // Set the Menu Bar positioning. - $("#bar").css({ - 'position': 'absolute' - }); - - // Set Slidebars positioning. - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'absolute', - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - - // Set #viewport height. - if (maxHeight <= screenHeight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (maxHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'min-height': maxHeight - }); - } - - } else if (style === 'fixed') { - - // Set the positioning for the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - $("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'fixed' - }); - - // Set left Slidebar height. - if (leftHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else { - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } - - // Set right Slidebar height. - if (rightHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else { - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } - - // Set #viewport height. - if (siteHeight <= screenHeight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (siteHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#viewport").css({ - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - } - - } // End if style. - - } - - // ---------------- - // Set Screen Shift - - function setScreenShift() { - - // Set variables - screenWidth = $(window).width(); - - // Determine width of screen to set screen shift. - if (screenWidth <= 480) { - screenShift = "70%"; - } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { - screenShift = "50%"; - } else { - screenShift = "25%"; - } - - } - - // ----------------- - // Disable Slidebars - - function disableSlidebars() { - - // If left Slidebar is disabled, hide it. - if (!slidebarLeft) { - $('#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - // If right Slidebar is disabled, hide it. - if (!slidebarRight) { - $('#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - - } - - // ------------------ - // Open Left Slidebar - - function openLeft() { - - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar").animate({ - left: screenShift - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '-' + screenShift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x: screenShift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - - // Set varible to indicate left Slidebar is open. - leftActive = true; - - } - - // ------------------- - // Open Right Slidebar - - function openRight() { - - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '-' + screenShift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({ - x: '-' + screenShift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - - // Set varible to indicate right Slidebar is open. - rightActive = true; - - } - - // --------------- - // Close Slidebars - - function close() { - - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - - } - - // ------------------------ - // Close Slidebars Via Link - - function closeLink() { - - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - - // Redirect browser to the link clicked. - window.location = href; - - } - - // End Functions - - // ----- - // Input - - // Left Slidebar Control - if (slidebarLeft) { - // The left Slidebar is enabled. - $('.slidebar-left-control').hammer().on("tap", function() { - if (!leftActive) { - // The left Slidebar is closed, called opening function. - openLeft(); - } else { - // The left Slidebar is open, call closing function. - close(); - } - }); - } - - // Right Slidebar Control - if (slidebarRight) { - // The right Slidebar is enabled. - $('.slidebar-right-control').hammer().on("tap", function() { - if (!rightActive) { - // The right Slidebar is closed, called opening function. - openRight(); - } else { - // The right Slidebar is open, call closing function. - close(); - } - }); - } - - // Close by clicking on #site. - $('#site').hammer().on("tap", function() { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - close(); // Call the closing function. - } - }); - - // Close by clicking a link in the Slidebars. - $('#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a').hammer().on("tap", function(e) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behaviour. - var href = $(this).attr('href'); // Set a variable containing the url. - closeLink(); // Call the closing function. - } - }); - - // ------ - // Swipes - - if (swipes) { - - // Swipe Left - $('#viewport').hammer().on("swipeleft", function() { - - if (leftActive) { - // The left Slidebar is active, call closing function. - close(); - } else if (rightActive) { - // The right Slidebar is active, do nothing. - } else { - // Open the right Slidebar if its enabled. - if (slidebarRight) { - openRight(); - } - } - - }); - - // Swipe Right - $('#viewport').hammer().on("swiperight", function() { - - if (leftActive) { - // The left Slidebar is active, do nothing. - } else if (rightActive) { - // The right Slidebar is active, call closing function. - close(); - } else { - // Open the left Slidebar if its enabled. - if (slidebarLeft) { - openLeft(); - } - } - - }); - - } - - // End Input - -} // End function slidebars \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index d687d90..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/slidebars/0.2/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.2 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Hammer.js by Eight Media (http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/) -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -var ie=(function(){var c,a=3,d=document.createElement("div"),b=d.getElementsByTagName("i");while(d.innerHTML="",b[0]){}return a>4?a:c}());function slidebars(e){var b=false,k=false,c,f,d=e.style,i=e.slidebarLeft,h=e.slidebarRight,m=e.swipes;if(typeof d==="undefined"){d="absolute"}if(typeof i==="undefined"){i=true}if(typeof h==="undefined"){h=true}if(typeof m==="undefined"){m=true}l();o();if(!i||!h){j()}$(window).resize(l);$(window).resize(o);var q=true;function l(){var v=$(window).height(),s=$("#site").height(),t=$("#slidebar-left").height(),u=$("#slidebar-right").height(),r=Math.max(s,t,u);$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #viewport").removeAttr("style");if(d==="absolute"){$("#bar").css({position:"absolute"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"absolute","min-height":"100%"});if(r<=v){$("#viewport").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(r>v){$("#viewport").css({"min-height":r})}}}else{if(d==="fixed"){$("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"fixed"});if(t>v){$("#slidebar-left").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",height:"100%"})}else{$("#slidebar-left").css({height:"100%"})}if(u>v){$("#slidebar-right").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",height:"100%"})}else{$("#slidebar-right").css({height:"100%"})}if(s<=v){$("#viewport").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(s>v){$("#viewport").css({"min-height":"100%"})}}}}}function o(){c=$(window).width();if(c<=480){f="70%"}else{if(c<=768){f="50%"}else{f="25%"}}}function j(){if(!i){$("#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control").css({display:"none"})}if(!h){$("#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control").css({display:"none"})}}function n(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:f},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"-"+f},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({x:f,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}b=true}function a(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"-"+f},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({x:"-"+f,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}k=true}function p(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}b=false;k=false}function g(){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}b=false;k=false;window.location=href}if(i){$(".slidebar-left-control").hammer().on("tap",function(){if(!b){n()}else{p()}})}if(h){$(".slidebar-right-control").hammer().on("tap",function(){if(!k){a()}else{p()}})}$("#site").hammer().on("tap",function(){if(b||k){p()}});$("#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a").hammer().on("tap",function(s){if(b||k){s.preventDefault();var r=$(this).attr("href");g()}});if(m){$("#viewport").hammer().on("swipeleft",function(){if(b){p()}else{if(k){}else{if(h){a()}}}});$("#viewport").hammer().on("swiperight",function(){if(b){}else{if(k){p()}else{if(i){n()}}}})}}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js b/Revisions/0.2/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 71e0b06..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.2/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * jQuery Transit - CSS3 transitions and transformations - * (c) 2011-2012 Rico Sta. 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the bar. */ - box-shadow: /* Shadow beneath the bar, and edge highlights. */ - /* Layered single pixel shadows to create a one sided shadow effect. */ - 0 5px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01), - 0 4px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02), - 0 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), - 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Left highlight */ - 1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Right highlight */ - -1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Bottom lowlight */ - 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset; - - /* Glass gradient overlay. */ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.02) 51%); /* Webkit syntax. */ - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 51%); /* Final syntax. */ - background-size: 100% 50px; - background-repeat: no-repeat; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - /* These are the buttons located in the top bar, they are prefixed with #bar, so if you wish to open the slidebars from a different location, you may do so without this styling. */ - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Button border colour. */ - box-shadow: - /* Drop shadow */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset; - padding: 5px; /* Distance between the navicon and the button border. */ - border-radius: 3px; /* Button curved corners. */ -} - -.navicon-line-long, .navicon-line-dot, .navicon-line-short { - background-color: #fff; /* Navicon line colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(38, 38, 38, 0.1); /* Navicon line shadow. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -.slidebars { - -} - -#slidebar-left { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar left background colour. */ -} - -#slidebar-right { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar right background colour. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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- - -
- -
- - -
- -
- - -
- -
- - -
- - - -
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- - - - - - -
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars-core.css b/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars-core.css deleted file mode 100644 index 3c64a02..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars-core.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,200 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.3.1 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Bar & Icons - * 005 - Media Queries - */ - -/* --------------------------- - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - */ - -html { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -body { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -#viewport { - position: absolute; - width: 100%; - overflow: hidden; - height: auto; - min-height: 100%; -} - -html.no-js { - width: auto; - height: auto; -} - -html.no-js body #viewport * { - display: none; /* Blank out screen for viewers with JavaScript disabled. */ -} - -/* ------------------------------ - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - */ - -#site { - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100% - 30px); - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - height: auto; - min-height: 100%; - padding: 65px 15px 15px 15px; - position: relative; - z-index: 3; -} - - /* #site - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #site { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -.wrapper { - width: 100%; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -.clearfix { - clear: both; -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - top: 0; - min-height: 100%; - display: none; -} - -#slidebar-left { - left: 0; -} - -#slidebar-right { - right: 0; -} - -/* ----------------- - * 004 - Bar & Icons - */ - -/* Bar */ -#bar { - display: table; - z-index: 1000; - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100%); /* Unknown iOS issue, seems to include padding within the 100%. */ - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - height: 50px; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - padding: 0 15px; -} - - /* #bar - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #bar { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -#bar .wrapper { - display: table; - height: 50px; -} - -/* Bar cells */ -.cell-left, .cell-center, .cell-right { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.cell-left { - width: 26px; - text-align: left; - padding-right: 15px; -} - -.cell-center { - width: auto; - text-align: center; -} - -.cell-right { - width: 26px; - text-align: right; - padding-left: 15px; -} - -/* Buttons */ -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - cursor: pointer; - width: 26px; - height: 18px; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control { - -} - -#bar .slidebar-right-control { - float: right; -} - -/* Navicons */ -.navicon-line-long { - height: 4px; - width: 26px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-dot { - float: left; - clear: left; - height: 4px; - width: 4px; - margin: 0 3px 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-short { - float: left; - height: 4px; - width: 19px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -/* ------------------------ - * 005 - Prevent Flickering - */ - - html, body, #viewport, #site, .wrapper, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #bar { - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; - } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars-core.min.css b/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars-core.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index 32035df..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars-core.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.3.1 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - */ - -html{width:100%;height:100%}body{width:100%;height:100%}#viewport{position:absolute;width:100%;overflow:hidden;height:auto;min-height:100%}html.no-js{width:auto;height:auto}html.no-js body #viewport *{display:none}#site{width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100% - 30px);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);height:auto;min-height:100%;padding:65px 15px 15px 15px;position:relative;z-index:3}html.no-csscalc #site{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}.wrapper{width:100%;margin:0 auto}.clearfix{clear:both}#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{top:0;min-height:100%;display:none}#slidebar-left{left:0}#slidebar-right{right:0}#bar{display:table;z-index:1000;width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100%);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);height:50px;position:absolute;top:0;padding:0 15px}html.no-csscalc #bar{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}#bar .wrapper{display:table;height:50px}.cell-left,.cell-center,.cell-right{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle}.cell-left{width:26px;text-align:left;padding-right:15px}.cell-center{width:auto;text-align:center}.cell-right{width:26px;text-align:right;padding-left:15px}#bar .slidebar-left-control,#bar .slidebar-right-control{cursor:pointer;width:26px;height:18px}#bar .slidebar-right-control{float:right}.navicon-line-long{height:4px;width:26px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-dot{float:left;clear:left;height:4px;width:4px;margin:0 3px 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-short{float:left;height:4px;width:19px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}html,body,#viewport,#site,.wrapper,#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right,#bar{-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8e8685a..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.3.1 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -function slidebars(context) { - - // --------------- - // Setup Variables - - var leftActive = false, // Indicates when the left Slidebar is open or closed. - rightActive = false, // Indicates when the right Slidebar is open or closed. - screenWidth, - screenShift, // Contains a percentage to shift the screen by, depends on screen width. - screenHeight, // Height of the users screen. - siteHeight, // Height of the main site content. - leftHeight, // Height of the left Slidebar content. - rightHeight, // Height of the right Slidebar content. - maxHeight, // The tallest element on the site. - ie, // Detects IE and which version. - style = context.style, // Sets the style of the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - slidebarLeft = context.slidebarLeft, // Turns the left Slidebar on or off. - slidebarRight = context.slidebarRight; // Turns the right Slidebar on or off. - - // Set default variable values if undefined. - if (style === undefined) { - style = 'static'; - } - if (slidebarLeft === undefined) { - slidebarLeft = true; - } - if (slidebarRight === undefined) { - slidebarRight = true; - } - - // --------------------- - // Objects and Functions - - var settings = { - vars: function() { - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #viewport, #site").removeAttr("style"); // Remove styles. - - // Determine width of screen to set screen shift and Slidebar width. - screenWidth = $(window).width(); - if (screenWidth <= 480) { - screenShift = "70%"; - } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { - screenShift = "50%"; - } else { - screenShift = "25%"; - } - - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'width': screenShift - }); - - screenHeight = $(window).height(); // Height of the users screen. - siteHeight = $("#site").height(); // Height of the main site content. - leftHeight = $("#slidebar-left").height(); // Height of the left Slidebar content. - rightHeight = $("#slidebar-right").height(); // Height of the right Slidebar content. - maxHeight = Math.max(siteHeight, leftHeight, rightHeight); // The tallest element on the site. - }, // End variables function. - disableSlidebars: function() { - // If left Slidebar is disabled, hide it. - if (!slidebarLeft) { - $('#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - // If right Slidebar is disabled, hide it. - if (!slidebarRight) { - $('#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - }, // End disableSlidebars function. - ieDetection: function() { - ie = (function() { - var undef, - v = 3, - div = document.createElement('div'), - all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); - while ( - div.innerHTML = '', - all[0] - ); - return v > 4 ? v : undef; - }()); - } // End ieDetection function. - }; - - - var ops = { - openLeft: function () { - // Show Slidebar - $('#slidebar-left').css({ - 'display': 'block' - }); - - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar").animate({ - left: screenShift - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '-' + screenShift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x: screenShift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - - // Set varible to indicate left Slidebar is open. - leftActive = true; - }, - openRight: function () { - // Show Slidebar - $('#slidebar-right').css({ - 'display': 'block' - }); - - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '-' + screenShift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({ - x: '-' + screenShift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - - // Set varible to indicate right Slidebar is open. - rightActive = true; - }, - close: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - - // Hide Slidebars - setTimeout(function(){ - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - }, 500); - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - }, // End close function. - closeLink: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - - // Hide Slidebars - setTimeout(function(){ - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - }, 500); - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - - // Redirect browser to the link clicked. - window.location = href; - }, // End closeLink function. - closeInstant: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").css({ - left: '0' - }); - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - right: '0' - }); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 0, - }); - } - - // Hide Slidebars - setTimeout(function(){ - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - }, 500); - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - } // End close function. - }; - - function setStyle() { - if (style === 'static') { - // Set the Menu Bar positioning. - $("#bar").css({ - 'position': 'absolute' - }); - - // Set Slidebars positioning. - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'absolute', - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - - // Set #viewport and #site height. - if (maxHeight <= screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (maxHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'min-height': maxHeight - }); - } - } else if (style === 'fixed') { - // Set the positioning for the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - $("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'fixed' - }); - - // Set Slidebar heights. - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - - // Set Slidebar overflows. - if (leftHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - }); - } - if (rightHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - }); - } - - // Set #viewport and #site height. - if (siteHeight <= screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (siteHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - } - } // End if style. - } // End setStyle function. - - // --------------- - // Setup Functions - - settings.vars(); // Set varibles. - setStyle(); // CSS for styling the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - settings.ieDetection(); // Detect if using IE and which version. - if (!slidebarLeft || !slidebarRight) { - settings.disableSlidebars(); // Hide Slidebars if disabled. - } - - // ---------------- - // Resize Functions - - $(window).resize(function(){ - // If Slidebar is open, close it. - if(leftActive || rightActive) { - ops.closeInstant(); - } - settings.vars(); // Reset the variables. - setStyle(); // Reset Slidebars style. - }); - - // ----- - // Input - - // Left Slidebar Control - if (slidebarLeft) { - // The left Slidebar is enabled. - $('.slidebar-left-control').click(function() { - if (!leftActive) { - // The left Slidebar is closed, called opening function. - ops.openLeft(); - } else { - // The left Slidebar is open, call closing function. - ops.close(); - } - }); - } - - // Right Slidebar Control - if (slidebarRight) { - // The right Slidebar is enabled. - $('.slidebar-right-control').click(function() { - if (!rightActive) { - // The right Slidebar is closed, called opening function. - ops.openRight(); - } else { - // The right Slidebar is open, call closing function. - ops.close(); - } - }); - } - - // Close by clicking on #site. - $('#site').click(function() { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - ops.close(); // Call the closing function. - } - }); - - // Close by clicking a link in the Slidebars. - $('#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a').click(function() { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - var href = $(this).attr('href'); // Set a variable containing the url. - ops.closeLink(); // Call the closing function. - e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behaviour. - } - }); - -} // End function slidebars \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index c885623..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/slidebars/0.3.1/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.3.1 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -function slidebars(h){var a=false,n=false,d,i,g,p,q,f,r,c,b=h.style,m=h.slidebarLeft,l=h.slidebarRight;if(b===undefined){b="static"}if(m===undefined){m=true}if(l===undefined){l=true}var k={vars:function(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #viewport, #site").removeAttr("style");d=$(window).width();if(d<=480){i="70%"}else{if(d<=768){i="50%"}else{i="25%"}}$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({width:i});g=$(window).height();p=$("#site").height();q=$("#slidebar-left").height();f=$("#slidebar-right").height();r=Math.max(p,q,f)},disableSlidebars:function(){if(!m){$("#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control").css({display:"none"})}if(!l){$("#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control").css({display:"none"})}},ieDetection:function(){c=(function(){var u,s=3,w=document.createElement("div"),t=w.getElementsByTagName("i");while(w.innerHTML="",t[0]){}return s>4?s:u}())}};var j={openLeft:function(){$("#slidebar-left").css({display:"block"});if(c<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:i},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"-"+i},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({x:i,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}a=true},openRight:function(){$("#slidebar-right").css({display:"block"});if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"-"+i},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({x:"-"+i,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}n=true},close:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}setTimeout(function(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({display:"none"})},500);a=false;n=false},closeLink:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}setTimeout(function(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({display:"none"})},500);a=false;n=false;window.location=href},closeInstant:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").css({left:"0"});$("#slidebar-right").css({right:"0"})}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:0,})}setTimeout(function(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({display:"none"})},500);a=false;n=false}};function o(){if(b==="static"){$("#bar").css({position:"absolute"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"absolute","min-height":"100%"});if(r<=g){$("#viewport, #site").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(r>g){$("#viewport, #site").css({"min-height":r})}}}else{if(b==="fixed"){$("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"fixed"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({height:"100%"});if(q>g){$("#slidebar-left").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",})}if(f>g){$("#slidebar-right").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",})}if(p<=g){$("#viewport, #site").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(p>g){$("#viewport, #site").css({"min-height":"100%"})}}}}}k.vars();o();k.ieDetection();if(!m||!l){k.disableSlidebars()}$(window).resize(function(){if(a||n){j.closeInstant()}k.vars();o()});if(m){$(".slidebar-left-control").click(function(){if(!a){j.openLeft()}else{j.close()}})}if(l){$(".slidebar-right-control").click(function(){if(!n){j.openRight()}else{j.close()}})}$("#site").click(function(){if(a||n){j.close()}});$("#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a").click(function(){if(a||n){var s=$(this).attr("href");j.closeLink();e.preventDefault()}})}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js b/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 71e0b06..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3.1/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * jQuery Transit - CSS3 transitions and transformations - * (c) 2011-2012 Rico Sta. Cruz - * MIT Licensed. - * - * http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit - * http://github.com/rstacruz/jquery.transit - */ -(function(k){k.transit={version:"0.9.9",propertyMap:{marginLeft:"margin",marginRight:"margin",marginBottom:"margin",marginTop:"margin",paddingLeft:"padding",paddingRight:"padding",paddingBottom:"padding",paddingTop:"padding"},enabled:true,useTransitionEnd:false};var d=document.createElement("div");var q={};function b(v){if(v in d.style){return v}var u=["Moz","Webkit","O","ms"];var r=v.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+v.substr(1);if(v in d.style){return v}for(var t=0;t-1;q.transition=b("transition");q.transitionDelay=b("transitionDelay");q.transform=b("transform");q.transformOrigin=b("transformOrigin");q.transform3d=e();var i={transition:"transitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd",WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",msTransition:"MSTransitionEnd"};var f=q.transitionEnd=i[q.transition]||null;for(var p in q){if(q.hasOwnProperty(p)&&typeof 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--- a/Revisions/0.3.1/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.3 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - * 003 - Bar & Buttons - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -/* - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - */ - -html { - -} - -body { - -} - -html.no-js { - padding: 2em; -} - -html.no-js h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin-bottom: 0.5em; -} - -html.no-js p { - font-size: 1em; - margin-bottom: 1em; -} - -/* -------------------- - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - */ - -#site { - background-color: #fff; /* Main page background colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Shadow cast onto the slidebars when opened. */ -} - -.wrapper { - max-width: 100%; /* Can be any pixel width, or use 100% to have a full width page on any sized screen. */ -} - -/* --------- - * 003 - Bar - */ - -#bar { - background-color: #ff3971; /* Background colour of the bar. */ - box-shadow: /* Shadow beneath the bar, and edge highlights. */ - /* Layered single pixel shadows to create a one sided shadow effect. */ - 0 5px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01), - 0 4px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02), - 0 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), - 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Left highlight */ - 1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Right highlight */ - -1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Bottom lowlight */ - 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset; - - /* Glass gradient overlay. */ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.02) 51%); /* Webkit syntax. */ - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 51%); /* Final syntax. */ - background-size: 100% 50px; - background-repeat: no-repeat; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - /* These are the buttons located in the top bar, they are prefixed with #bar, so if you wish to open the slidebars from a different location, you may do so without this styling. */ - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Button border colour. */ - box-shadow: - /* Drop shadow */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset; - padding: 5px; /* Distance between the navicon and the button border. */ - border-radius: 3px; /* Button curved corners. */ -} - -.navicon-line-long, .navicon-line-dot, .navicon-line-short { - background-color: #fff; /* Navicon line colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(38, 38, 38, 0.1); /* Navicon line shadow. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar left background colour. */ -} - -#slidebar-right { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar right background colour. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/index.html b/Revisions/0.3/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 97cef96..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Slidebars - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
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- - -
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- - -
- -
- - -
- - - -
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- - - - - - -
- -
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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars-core.css b/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars-core.css deleted file mode 100644 index 5f3bc99..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars-core.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.2 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Bar & Icons - * 005 - Media Queries - */ - -/* --------------------------- - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - */ - -html { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -body { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -#viewport { - position: absolute; - width: 100%; - /* Viewport height is an inline style set by slidebars.js depending on the height of the document content. */ - overflow: hidden; -} - -html.no-js { - width: auto; - height: auto; -} - -html.no-js body #viewport * { - display: none; /* Blank out screen for viewers with JavaScript disabled. */ -} - -/* ------------------------------ - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - */ - -#site { - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100% - 30px); - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - /* Site height is an inline style set by slidebars.js depending on the height of the document content. */ - padding: 65px 15px 15px 15px; - position: relative; - z-index: 3; -} - - /* #site - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #site { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -.wrapper { - width: 100%; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -.clearfix { - clear: both; -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - top: 0; - min-height: 100%; -} - -#slidebar-left { - left: 0; -} - -#slidebar-right { - right: 0; -} - -/* ----------------- - * 004 - Bar & Icons - */ - -/* Bar */ -#bar { - display: table; - z-index: 1000; - width: auto; - width: -webkit-calc(100%); /* Unknown iOS issue, seems to include padding within the 100%. */ - width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); - width: calc(100% - 30px); - height: 50px; - top: 0; - padding: 0 15px; -} - - /* #bar - no calc() support */ - html.no-csscalc #bar { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - } - -#bar .wrapper { - display: table; - height: 50px; -} - -/* Bar cells */ -.cell-left, .cell-center, .cell-right { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -.cell-left { - width: 26px; - text-align: left; - padding-right: 15px; -} - -.cell-center { - width: auto; - text-align: center; -} - -.cell-right { - width: 26px; - text-align: right; - padding-left: 15px; -} - -/* Buttons */ -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - cursor: pointer; - width: 26px; - height: 18px; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control { - -} - -#bar .slidebar-right-control { - float: right; -} - -/* Navicons */ -.navicon-line-long { - height: 4px; - width: 26px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-dot { - float: left; - clear: left; - height: 4px; - width: 4px; - margin: 0 3px 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -.navicon-line-short { - float: left; - height: 4px; - width: 19px; - margin: 0 0 3px 0; - border-radius: 1px; -} - -/* ------------------------ - * 005 - Prevent Flickering - */ - - html, body, #viewport, #site, .wrapper, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #bar { - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; - } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars-core.min.css b/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars-core.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index 66eaa26..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars-core.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.3 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - */ - -html{width:100%;height:100%}body{width:100%;height:100%}#viewport{position:absolute;width:100%;overflow:hidden}html.no-js{width:auto;height:auto}html.no-js body #viewport *{display:none}#site{width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100% - 30px);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);padding:65px 15px 15px 15px;position:relative;z-index:3}html.no-csscalc #site{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}.wrapper{width:100%;margin:0 auto}.clearfix{clear:both}#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{top:0;min-height:100%}#slidebar-left{left:0}#slidebar-right{right:0}#bar{display:table;z-index:1000;width:auto;width:-webkit-calc(100%);width:-moz-calc(100% - 30px);width:calc(100% - 30px);height:50px;top:0;padding:0 15px}html.no-csscalc #bar{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%}#bar .wrapper{display:table;height:50px}.cell-left,.cell-center,.cell-right{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle}.cell-left{width:26px;text-align:left;padding-right:15px}.cell-center{width:auto;text-align:center}.cell-right{width:26px;text-align:right;padding-left:15px}#bar .slidebar-left-control,#bar .slidebar-right-control{cursor:pointer;width:26px;height:18px}#bar .slidebar-right-control{float:right}.navicon-line-long{height:4px;width:26px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-dot{float:left;clear:left;height:4px;width:4px;margin:0 3px 3px 0;border-radius:1px}.navicon-line-short{float:left;height:4px;width:19px;margin:0 0 3px 0;border-radius:1px}html,body,#viewport,#site,.wrapper,#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right,#bar{-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100644 index 48b2127..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,342 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.3 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -function slidebars(context) { - - // --------------- - // Setup Variables - - var leftActive = false, // Indicates when the left Slidebar is open or closed. - rightActive = false, // Indicates when the right Slidebar is open or closed. - screenWidth, - screenShift, // Contains a percentage to shift the screen by, depends on screen width. - screenHeight, // Height of the users screen. - siteHeight, // Height of the main site content. - leftHeight, // Height of the left Slidebar content. - rightHeight, // Height of the right Slidebar content. - maxHeight, // The tallest element on the site. - ie, // Detects IE and which version. - style = context.style, // Sets the style of the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - slidebarLeft = context.slidebarLeft, // Turns the left Slidebar on or off. - slidebarRight = context.slidebarRight; // Turns the right Slidebar on or off. - - // Set default variable values if undefined. - if (style === undefined) { - style = 'static'; - } - if (slidebarLeft === undefined) { - slidebarLeft = true; - } - if (slidebarRight === undefined) { - slidebarRight = true; - } - - // --------------------- - // Objects and Functions - - var settings = { - vars: function() { - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #viewport, #site").removeAttr("style"); // Remove styles. - - // Determine width of screen to set screen shift and Slidebar width. - screenWidth = $(window).width(); - if (screenWidth <= 480) { - screenShift = "70%"; - } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { - screenShift = "50%"; - } else { - screenShift = "25%"; - } - - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'width': screenShift - }); - - screenHeight = $(window).height(); // Height of the users screen. - siteHeight = $("#site").height(); // Height of the main site content. - leftHeight = $("#slidebar-left").height(); // Height of the left Slidebar content. - rightHeight = $("#slidebar-right").height(); // Height of the right Slidebar content. - maxHeight = Math.max(siteHeight, leftHeight, rightHeight); // The tallest element on the site. - }, // End variables function. - disableSlidebars: function() { - // If left Slidebar is disabled, hide it. - if (!slidebarLeft) { - $('#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - // If right Slidebar is disabled, hide it. - if (!slidebarRight) { - $('#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control').css({ - 'display': 'none' - }); - } - }, // End disableSlidebars function. - ieDetection: function() { - ie = (function() { - var undef, - v = 3, - div = document.createElement('div'), - all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); - while ( - div.innerHTML = '', - all[0] - ); - return v > 4 ? v : undef; - }()); - } // End ieDetection function. - }; - - - var ops = { - openLeft: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar").animate({ - left: screenShift - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '-' + screenShift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x: screenShift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - - // Set varible to indicate left Slidebar is open. - leftActive = true; - }, - openRight: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '-' + screenShift - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({ - x: '-' + screenShift, - duration: 500, - easing: 'snap' - }); - } - - // Set varible to indicate right Slidebar is open. - rightActive = true; - }, - close: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - }, // End close function. - closeLink: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({ - left: '0' - }, 400); - $("#slidebar-right").animate({ - right: '0' - }, 400); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 500, - easing: 'ease' - }); - } - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - - // Redirect browser to the link clicked. - window.location = href; - }, // End closeLink function. - closeInstant: function () { - // Find out if user is on an IE version less than 10. - if (ie < 10) { - // Using IE under version 10, Use jquery.animate instead of Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").css({ - left: '0' - }); - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - right: '0' - }); - } else { - // Using IE 10 or any other browser, use Transit. - $("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({ - x:'0', - duration: 0, - }); - } - - // Set varibles to indicate left and right Slidebars are closed. - leftActive = false; - rightActive = false; - } // End close function. - }; - - function setStyle() { - if (style === 'static') { - // Set the Menu Bar positioning. - $("#bar").css({ - 'position': 'absolute' - }); - - // Set Slidebars positioning. - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'absolute', - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - - // Set #viewport and #site height. - if (maxHeight <= screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (maxHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'min-height': maxHeight - }); - } - } else if (style === 'fixed') { - // Set the positioning for the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - $("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'position': 'fixed' - }); - - // Set Slidebar heights. - $("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - - // Set Slidebar overflows. - if (leftHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#slidebar-left").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - }); - } - if (rightHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#slidebar-right").css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll', - }); - } - - // Set #viewport and #site height. - if (siteHeight <= screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'height': '100%' - }); - } else if (siteHeight > screenHeight) { - $("#viewport, #site").css({ - 'min-height': '100%' - }); - } - } // End if style. - } // End setStyle function. - - // --------------- - // Setup Functions - - settings.vars(); // Set varibles. - setStyle(); // CSS for styling the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - settings.ieDetection(); // Detect if using IE and which version. - if (!slidebarLeft || !slidebarRight) { - settings.disableSlidebars(); // Hide Slidebars if disabled. - } - - // ---------------- - // Resize Functions - - $(window).resize(function(){ - // If Slidebar is open, close it. - if(leftActive || rightActive) { - ops.closeInstant(); - } - settings.vars(); // Reset the variables. - setStyle(); // Reset Slidebars style. - }); - - // ----- - // Input - - // Left Slidebar Control - if (slidebarLeft) { - // The left Slidebar is enabled. - $('.slidebar-left-control').click(function() { - if (!leftActive) { - // The left Slidebar is closed, called opening function. - ops.openLeft(); - } else { - // The left Slidebar is open, call closing function. - ops.close(); - } - }); - } - - // Right Slidebar Control - if (slidebarRight) { - // The right Slidebar is enabled. - $('.slidebar-right-control').click(function() { - if (!rightActive) { - // The right Slidebar is closed, called opening function. - ops.openRight(); - } else { - // The right Slidebar is open, call closing function. - ops.close(); - } - }); - } - - // Close by clicking on #site. - $('#site').click(function() { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - ops.close(); // Call the closing function. - } - }); - - // Close by clicking a link in the Slidebars. - $('#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a').click(function() { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behaviour. - var href = $(this).attr('href'); // Set a variable containing the url. - ops.closeLink(); // Call the closing function. - } - }); - -} // End function slidebars \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 49fc571..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/slidebars/0.3/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.3 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Slidebars uses additional scripts: -// Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz (http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/) -// IE Detection by James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com/) - -function slidebars(h){var a=false,n=false,d,i,g,p,q,f,r,c,b=h.style,m=h.slidebarLeft,l=h.slidebarRight;if(b===undefined){b="static"}if(m===undefined){m=true}if(l===undefined){l=true}var k={vars:function(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right, #viewport, #site").removeAttr("style");d=$(window).width();if(d<=480){i="70%"}else{if(d<=768){i="50%"}else{i="25%"}}$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({width:i});g=$(window).height();p=$("#site").height();q=$("#slidebar-left").height();f=$("#slidebar-right").height();r=Math.max(p,q,f)},disableSlidebars:function(){if(!m){$("#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control").css({display:"none"})}if(!l){$("#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control").css({display:"none"})}},ieDetection:function(){c=(function(){var u,s=3,w=document.createElement("div"),t=w.getElementsByTagName("i");while(w.innerHTML="",t[0]){}return s>4?s:u}())}};var j={openLeft:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:i},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"-"+i},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-right").transition({x:i,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}a=true},openRight:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"-"+i},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").transition({x:"-"+i,duration:500,easing:"snap"})}n=true},close:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}a=false;n=false},closeLink:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").animate({left:"0"},400);$("#slidebar-right").animate({right:"0"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:500,easing:"ease"})}a=false;n=false;window.location=href},closeInstant:function(){if(c<10){$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left").css({left:"0"});$("#slidebar-right").css({right:"0"})}else{$("#site, #bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").transition({x:"0",duration:0,})}a=false;n=false}};function o(){if(b==="static"){$("#bar").css({position:"absolute"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"absolute","min-height":"100%"});if(r<=g){$("#viewport, #site").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(r>g){$("#viewport, #site").css({"min-height":r})}}}else{if(b==="fixed"){$("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"fixed"});$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({height:"100%"});if(q>g){$("#slidebar-left").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",})}if(f>g){$("#slidebar-right").css({"overflow-y":"scroll",})}if(p<=g){$("#viewport, #site").css({height:"100%"})}else{if(p>g){$("#viewport, #site").css({"min-height":"100%"})}}}}}k.vars();o();k.ieDetection();if(!m||!l){k.disableSlidebars()}$(window).resize(function(){if(a||n){j.closeInstant()}k.vars();o()});if(m){$(".slidebar-left-control").click(function(){if(!a){j.openLeft()}else{j.close()}})}if(l){$(".slidebar-right-control").click(function(){if(!n){j.openRight()}else{j.close()}})}$("#site").click(function(){if(a||n){j.close()}});$("#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a").click(function(){if(a||n){e.preventDefault();var s=$(this).attr("href");j.closeLink()}})}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js b/Revisions/0.3/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 71e0b06..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/scripts/transit/0.9.9/jquery.transit.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * jQuery Transit - CSS3 transitions and transformations - * (c) 2011-2012 Rico Sta. Cruz - * MIT Licensed. - * - * http://ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit - * http://github.com/rstacruz/jquery.transit - */ -(function(k){k.transit={version:"0.9.9",propertyMap:{marginLeft:"margin",marginRight:"margin",marginBottom:"margin",marginTop:"margin",paddingLeft:"padding",paddingRight:"padding",paddingBottom:"padding",paddingTop:"padding"},enabled:true,useTransitionEnd:false};var d=document.createElement("div");var q={};function b(v){if(v in d.style){return v}var u=["Moz","Webkit","O","ms"];var r=v.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+v.substr(1);if(v in d.style){return v}for(var t=0;t-1;q.transition=b("transition");q.transitionDelay=b("transitionDelay");q.transform=b("transform");q.transformOrigin=b("transformOrigin");q.transform3d=e();var i={transition:"transitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd",WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",msTransition:"MSTransitionEnd"};var f=q.transitionEnd=i[q.transition]||null;for(var p in q){if(q.hasOwnProperty(p)&&typeof 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s==="string")?s.split(","):(s.constructor===Array)?s:[s];r.unshift(t);j.prototype.set.apply(this,r)},set:function(s){var r=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments,[1]);if(this.setter[s]){this.setter[s].apply(this,r)}else{this[s]=r.join(",")}},get:function(r){if(this.getter[r]){return this.getter[r].apply(this)}else{return this[r]||0}},setter:{rotate:function(r){this.rotate=o(r,"deg")},rotateX:function(r){this.rotateX=o(r,"deg")},rotateY:function(r){this.rotateY=o(r,"deg")},scale:function(r,s){if(s===undefined){s=r}this.scale=r+","+s},skewX:function(r){this.skewX=o(r,"deg")},skewY:function(r){this.skewY=o(r,"deg")},perspective:function(r){this.perspective=o(r,"px")},x:function(r){this.set("translate",r,null)},y:function(r){this.set("translate",null,r)},translate:function(r,s){if(this._translateX===undefined){this._translateX=0}if(this._translateY===undefined){this._translateY=0}if(r!==null&&r!==undefined){this._translateX=o(r,"px")}if(s!==null&&s!==undefined){this._translateY=o(s,"px")}this.translate=this._translateX+","+this._translateY}},getter:{x:function(){return this._translateX||0},y:function(){return this._translateY||0},scale:function(){var r=(this.scale||"1,1").split(",");if(r[0]){r[0]=parseFloat(r[0])}if(r[1]){r[1]=parseFloat(r[1])}return(r[0]===r[1])?r[0]:r},rotate3d:function(){var 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C==="function"){C.apply(D)}if(typeof H==="function"){H()}};if((t>0)&&(f)&&(k.transit.useTransitionEnd)){G=true;D.bind(f,F)}else{window.setTimeout(F,t)}D.each(function(){if(t>0){this.style[q.transition]=E}k(this).css(z)})};var v=function(F){this.offsetWidth;r(F)};m(D,w,v);return this};function n(s,r){if(!r){k.cssNumber[s]=true}k.transit.propertyMap[s]=q.transform;k.cssHooks[s]={get:function(v){var u=k(v).css("transit:transform");return u.get(s)},set:function(v,w){var u=k(v).css("transit:transform");u.setFromString(s,w);k(v).css({"transit:transform":u})}}}function c(r){return r.replace(/([A-Z])/g,function(s){return"-"+s.toLowerCase()})}function o(s,r){if((typeof s==="string")&&(!s.match(/^[\-0-9\.]+$/))){return s}else{return""+s+r}}function l(s){var r=s;if(k.fx.speeds[r]){r=k.fx.speeds[r]}return o(r,"ms")}k.transit.getTransitionValue=g})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.3/style.css b/Revisions/0.3/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index 86599bd..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.3/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.3 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - * 003 - Bar & Buttons - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -/* - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - */ - -html { - -} - -body { - -} - -html.no-js { - padding: 2em; -} - -html.no-js h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin-bottom: 0.5em; -} - -html.no-js p { - font-size: 1em; - margin-bottom: 1em; -} - -/* -------------------- - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - */ - -#site { - background-color: #fff; /* Main page background colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Shadow cast onto the slidebars when opened. */ -} - -.wrapper { - max-width: 100%; /* Can be any pixel width, or use 100% to have a full width page on any sized screen. */ -} - -/* --------- - * 003 - Bar - */ - -#bar { - background-color: #ff3971; /* Background colour of the bar. */ - box-shadow: /* Shadow beneath the bar, and edge highlights. */ - /* Layered single pixel shadows to create a one sided shadow effect. */ - 0 5px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01), - 0 4px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02), - 0 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), - 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Left highlight */ - 1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Right highlight */ - -1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Bottom lowlight */ - 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset; - - /* Glass gradient overlay. */ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.02) 51%); /* Webkit syntax. */ - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 51%); /* Final syntax. */ - background-size: 100% 50px; - background-repeat: no-repeat; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - /* These are the buttons located in the top bar, they are prefixed with #bar, so if you wish to open the slidebars from a different location, you may do so without this styling. */ - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Button border colour. */ - box-shadow: - /* Drop shadow */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset; - padding: 5px; /* Distance between the navicon and the button border. */ - border-radius: 3px; /* Button curved corners. */ -} - -.navicon-line-long, .navicon-line-dot, .navicon-line-short { - background-color: #fff; /* Navicon line colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(38, 38, 38, 0.1); /* Navicon line shadow. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar left background colour. */ -} - -#slidebar-right { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar right background colour. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.4/index.html b/Revisions/0.4/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 21531b0..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.4/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - Slidebars - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - - -
- - -
- -
- - - -
- -
- - -
- - - -
- - -
- - - -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/core.css b/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/core.css deleted file mode 100644 index 034b995..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/core.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.4 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 000 - Reset - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - * 002 - Site, Wrapper - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Bar - * 005 - Animation - * 006 - Ajax Loader - */ - -/* ----------- - * 000 - Reset - */ - -* { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; -} - -/* --------------------------- - * 001 - Html, Body & Viewport - */ - -html { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -body { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; -} - -#viewport { - width: 100%; - min-height: 100%; - position: absolute; - overflow: hidden; -} - -/* ------------------------------ - * 002 - Site, Wrapper & Clearfix - */ - -#site { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - height: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 2; - padding: 15px; -} - -.wrapper { - width: 100%; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - visibility: hidden; - height: 100%; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - z-index: 1; -} - -#slidebar-left { - left: 0; -} - -#slidebar-right { - right: 0; -} - -/* ----------------- - * 004 - Bar & Icons - */ - -/* Bar */ -#bar { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; - width: 100%; - display: table; - z-index: 1000; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - z-index: 1000; - padding: 0 15px; -} - -#bar .wrapper { - display: table-cell; - vertical-align: middle; - text-align: center; -} - -/* Buttons */ -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - cursor: pointer; - height: 18px; - width: 24px; - text-align: left; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control { - float: left; - margin-right: 15px; -} - -#bar .slidebar-right-control { - float: right; - margin-left: 15px; -} - -/* Navicon */ -.navicon { - cursor: pointer; - width: 24px; - height: 4px; - border-radius: 1px; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - margin-top: -2px; -} - -.navicon:before, .navicon:after { - content: ''; - width: 24px; - height: 4px; - border-radius: 1px; - position: relative; - display: block; -} - -.navicon:before { - top: -7px; -} - -.navicon:after { - bottom: -3px; -} - -/* ----------------- - * 004 - Bar & Icons - */ - -#site, #bar { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -} - -#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right { - -webkit-transition: width 400ms ease; - transition: width 400ms ease; - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -} - -/* ------------------ - * 006 - Ajax Loading - * - * Thanks to Jesse Couch (designcouch.com) - */ - -#loading { - display: none; - height: 60px; - width: 60px; - top: 50%; - left: 50%; - margin-top: -30px; - margin-left: -30px; - position: fixed; -} - -#spinner { - height: 60px; - width: 60px; - position: relative; - border-style: solid; - border-width: 6px; - border-radius: 100%; - -webkit-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear; - -moz-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear; - -o-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear; - animation: rotation .6s infinite linear; -} - -#spinner:before { - content: ""; - display: block; - position:absolute; - left: -6px; - top: -6px; - height: 100%; - width: 100%; - border: 6px solid transparent; - border-radius: 100%; -} - -@-webkit-keyframes rotation { - from { - -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); - } - to { - -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); - } -} - -@-moz-keyframes rotation { - from { - -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); - } - to { - -moz-transform: rotate(359deg); - } -} - -@-o-keyframes rotation { - from { - -o-transform: rotate(0deg); - } - to { - -o-transform: rotate(359deg); - } -} - -@keyframes rotation { - from { - transform: rotate(0deg); - } - to { - transform: rotate(359deg); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/core.min.css b/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/core.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index d3c1d33..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/core.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.4 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - */ - -*{padding:0;margin:0}html{width:100%;height:100%}body{width:100%;height:100%}#viewport{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:absolute;overflow:hidden}#site{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;z-index:2;padding:15px}.wrapper{width:100%;margin:0 auto}#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{visibility:hidden;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0;z-index:1}#slidebar-left{left:0}#slidebar-right{right:0}#bar{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;display:table;z-index:1000;position:absolute;top:0;z-index:1000;padding:0 15px}#bar .wrapper{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center}#bar .slidebar-left-control,#bar .slidebar-right-control{cursor:pointer;height:18px;width:24px;text-align:left}#bar .slidebar-left-control{float:left;margin-right:15px}#bar .slidebar-right-control{float:right;margin-left:15px}.navicon{cursor:pointer;width:24px;height:4px;border-radius:1px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;position:absolute;top:50%;margin-top:-2px}.navicon:before,.navicon:after{content:'';width:24px;height:4px;border-radius:1px;position:relative;display:block}.navicon:before{top:-7px}.navicon:after{bottom:-3px}#site,#bar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}#slidebar-left,#slidebar-right{-webkit-transition:width 400ms ease;transition:width 400ms ease;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}#loading{display:none;height:60px;width:60px;top:50%;left:50%;margin-top:-30px;margin-left:-30px;position:fixed}#spinner{height:60px;width:60px;position:relative;border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-radius:100%;-webkit-animation:rotation .6s infinite linear;-moz-animation:rotation .6s infinite linear;-o-animation:rotation .6s infinite linear;animation:rotation .6s infinite linear}#spinner:before{content:"";display:block;position:absolute;left:-6px;top:-6px;height:100%;width:100%;border:6px solid transparent;border-radius:100%}@-webkit-keyframes rotation{from{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg)}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(359deg)}}@-moz-keyframes rotation{from{-moz-transform:rotate(0deg)}to{-moz-transform:rotate(359deg)}}@-o-keyframes rotation{from{-o-transform:rotate(0deg)}to{-o-transform:rotate(359deg)}}@keyframes rotation{from{transform:rotate(0deg)}to{transform:rotate(359deg)}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7bff108..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,423 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.4 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ - -// ---------------- -// Define variables - -var style, // Sets the style of the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - slidebarLeft, // Turns the left Slidebar on or off. - slidebarRight, // Turns the right Slidebar on or off. - ajax, - ajaxContentID, - dontAjax, - leftActive = false, - rightActive = false, - href = false, - shift, - ie; - -// ---------------- -// Slidebars object - -var slidebars = { - // ----------------- - // Startup Slidebars - - launch: function(options) { - // Set options - style = options.style; // Sets the style of the Menu Bar and Slidebars. - slidebarLeft = options.slidebarLeft; // Turns the left Slidebar on or off. - slidebarRight = options.slidebarRight; // Turns the right Slidebar on or off. - ajax = options.ajax; // Weather to load new links via ajax or not. - - if (ajax) { - ajaxContentID = options.ajaxContentID; // The id of the container to load new page content from. - dontAjax = options.dontAjax; // Url patterns load to load via ajax. - } - - // Set default options if undefined. - if (style === undefined) { - style = 'static'; - } - if (slidebarLeft === undefined) { - slidebarLeft = true; - } - if (slidebarRight === undefined) { - slidebarRight = true; - } - if (ajax === undefined) { - ajax = false; - ajaxContentID = false; - dontAjax = false; - } - if (ajax) { - if (ajaxContentID === undefined) { // Make sure content id is set. - alert('You must specify a main content id for use with ajax links.'); - } - } - - // Start Slidebars - slidebars.css(); - slidebars.ieDet(); - slidebars.disable(); - slidebars.input(); - if (ajax) { - slidebars.ajaxSetup(); - } - - // Resize functions - $(window).resize(slidebars.resize); - }, - - // -------------- - // Core functions - - css: function() { - // Remove inline styles. - $('#site, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'height': '' - }); - - // Widths - var screenWidth = $(window).width(); // Get width of screen. - - if (screenWidth <= 480) { // Set widths of mobile slidebars. - shift = screenWidth * 0.7; // Set width to shift the screen by. - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'width': shift - }); - } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { // Set widths of tablet slidebars. - shift = screenWidth * 0.5; // Set width to shift the screen by. - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'width': shift - }); - } else { - shift = screenWidth * 0.25; // Set width to shift the screen by. - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ // Set widths of desktop slidebars. - 'width': shift - }); - } - - // Heights - var viewportHeight = $('#viewport').height(), // Get the viewport height. - barHeight = $('#bar').height(), // Get height of bar. - siteHeight = $('#site').height(), // Get height of site. - leftHeight = $('#slidebar-left').height(), // Get height of left slidebar. - rightHeight = $('#slidebar-right').height(), // Get height of right slidebar. - maxHeight = Math.max(siteHeight, leftHeight, rightHeight); // Figure out the tallest element on the screen. - - $('#bar .wrapper').css({ // Set height of bar wrapper. - 'height': barHeight - }); - - $('#site').css({ // Set top margin of the site to the height of the menu bar. - 'margin-top': barHeight - }); - - // Set positioning - if (style === 'static') { // Set static positioning. - $('#site, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ // Set heights to max. - 'height': maxHeight - }); - } else if (style === 'fixed') { // Set fixed positioning. - $('#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'position': 'fixed' - }); - if (siteHeight > viewportHeight) { - $('#site').css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll' - }); - } - if (leftHeight > viewportHeight) { - $('#slidebar-left').css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll' - }); - } - if (rightHeight > viewportHeight) { - $('#slidebar-right').css({ - 'overflow-y': 'scroll' - }); - } - } - }, - disable: function() { - if (!slidebarLeft) { - $('#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control').remove(); - } - if (!slidebarRight) { - $('#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control').remove(); - } - }, - ieDet: function() { // Thanks to James Padolsey for this IE Detection (padolsey.com). - ie = (function() { - var undef, - v = 3, - div = document.createElement('div'), - all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); - while ( - div.innerHTML = '', - all[0] - ); - return v > 4 ? v : undef; - }()); - }, - resize: function() { - slidebars.css(); - if (leftActive) { - slidebars.openLeft(); - } - if (rightActive) { - slidebars.openRight(); - } - }, - - // ------------ - // Ajax Loading - - ajaxSetup: function() { - dontAjax = dontAjax.split(", "); // Convert url patterns not to ajax, from string into array. - - // Create the loading div. - $(ajaxContentID).parent().append('
'); - - // Kick start ajax links. - slidebars.ajaxLinks(); - }, - ajaxLinks: function() { - $('a').on('click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default link behaviour. - - var link; // Define variables. - href = $(this).attr('href'); // Get the url the user is going too. - - // Check if url contains any of the terms not to ajax. - for(var i = 0, len = dontAjax.length; i'); // Create a div to animate to hold degrees. - $('#degress').css({ // Hide it, no one needs to see that. - 'display': 'none' - }); - $('#spinner').css({ // Add transform css to spinnner. - '-ms-transform': 'rotate(0)deg' - }); - - // Loop animation 5 times. - for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - $('#degrees').css( // Reset the degrees. - 'marginTop', '0' - ); - $('#degrees').animate({ - 'marginTop': 359 - }, { - duration: 200, - step: function(now, fx) { - $('#spinner').css({ - '-ms-transform': 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)' - }); - } - }); - } - - } else if (ie <= 8) { // IE 8 doesn't support css transform, so just going to put a loading message out instead. - $('#loading').html('


'); // Slightly supporting theie8countdown.com - } - - $('#loading').fadeIn(100); - - // Load the page. - $(ajaxContentID).load(href + ' ' + ajaxContentID, function() { - // Page has loaded. - - // Update browser address and history. - if (ie === undefined || ie === 10) { // IE 9 and under dont support pushState, and will prevent loading. - history.pushState('', '', href); - } - - // Hide loading animation. - $('#loading').fadeOut(100); - $('#loading').css({'display': 'none'}); - - // Fade in content. - $(ajaxContentID).fadeIn(200); - - // Turn off clicks. - $('a').off('click'); - - // Re call this function, to apply click function to newly loaded page. - slidebars.ajaxLinks(); - }); - }, - - // ---------- - // User Input - - input: function() { - // Slidebar left control - $('.slidebar-left-control').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Prevents clicks occuring after touch events. - if (leftActive) { - slidebars.close(); - } else { - slidebars.openLeft(); - } - }); - - // Slidebar right control - $('.slidebar-right-control').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Prevents clicks occuring after touch events. - if (rightActive) { - slidebars.close(); - } else { - slidebars.openRight(); - } - }); - - // Close slidebars by clicking on site - $('#site').on('touchend click', function(e) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - e.preventDefault(); - slidebars.close(); - } - }); - - // Stop taps and clicks on children of #site bubbling events. - $('#site').children().on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.stopPropagation(); - }); - - // Close slidebars by clicking on link - $('#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a').on('touchend click', function(e) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops the link being processed. - href = $(this).attr('href'); // Set a variable containing the url. - slidebars.close(); // Call the closing function. - } - }); - }, - - // -------------- - // User Functions - - openLeft: function() { - if (slidebarLeft) { // Check to make sure the left slidebar isn't disabled. - $('#slidebar-left').css({ // Make the slidebar visible. - 'visibility': 'visible' - }); - - // Detect browser. - if (ie < 10) { // Animate, for IE versions 9 and under. - $('#site, #bar').animate({ - left: shift + 'px' - }, 400); - } else { // Transform for other browsers & IE 10. - $('#site, #bar').css({ - '-ms-transform': 'translate(' + shift + 'px)', - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(' + shift + 'px)', - 'transform': 'translate(' + shift + 'px)' - }); - } - - leftActive = true; // Set active variable. - } - }, - openRight: function() { - if (slidebarRight) { // Check to make sure the right slidebar isn't disabled. - $('#slidebar-right').css({ // Make the slidebar visible. - 'visibility': 'visible' - }); - - // Detect browser. - if (ie < 10) { // Animate, for IE versions 9 and under. - $('#site, #bar').animate({ - left: '-' + shift + 'px' - }, 400); - } else { // Transform for other browsers & IE 10. - $('#site, #bar').css({ - '-ms-transform': 'translate(-' + shift + 'px)', - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-' + shift + 'px)', - 'transform': 'translate(-' + shift + 'px)' - }); - } - - rightActive = true; // Set active variable. - } - }, - close: function() { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Make sure one of the left or right slidebars are open. - // Detect browser. - if (ie < 10) { // Animate, for IE versions 9 and under. - $('#site, #bar').animate({ - left: '0px' - }, 400); - } else { // Transform for other browsers & IE 10. - $('#site, #bar').css({ - '-ms-transform': 'translate(0)', - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(0)', - 'transform': 'translate(0)' - }); - } - - setTimeout(function() {// Make the slidebars invisible. - $('#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right').css({ - 'visibility': 'hidden' - }); - }, 400); - - leftActive = false; // Set inactive variable. - rightActive = false; // Set inactive variable. - - if (!ajax && href) { // If ajax is false and link is set, go to it. - window.location = href; - href = false; - } - } - }, - disableLeft: function() { - slidebarLeft = false; - if (leftActive) { // Check to see if the left slidebar is open first. - slidebars.close(); // Close it. - setTimeout(slidebars.disable, 400); // Disable it after 400ms. - } else { // Left slidebars is not open. - slidebars.disable(); // Disable it. - } - }, - disableRight: function() { - slidebarRight = false; - if (rightActive) { // Check to see if the right slidebar is open first. - slidebars.close(); // Close it. - setTimeout(slidebars.disable, 400); // Disable it after 400ms. - } else { // Right slidebars is not open. - slidebars.disable(); // Disable. - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8362d49..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.4/scripts/slidebars/0.4/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// --------- -// Slidebars -// 0.4 -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ - -var style,slidebarLeft,slidebarRight,ajax,ajaxContentID,dontAjax,leftActive=false,rightActive=false,href=false,shift,ie;var slidebars={launch:function(a){style=a.style;slidebarLeft=a.slidebarLeft;slidebarRight=a.slidebarRight;ajax=a.ajax;if(ajax){ajaxContentID=a.ajaxContentID;dontAjax=a.dontAjax}if(style===undefined){style="static"}if(slidebarLeft===undefined){slidebarLeft=true}if(slidebarRight===undefined){slidebarRight=true}if(ajax===undefined){ajax=false;ajaxContentID=false;dontAjax=false}if(ajax){if(ajaxContentID===undefined){alert("You must specify a main content id for use with ajax links.")}}slidebars.css();slidebars.ieDet();slidebars.disable();slidebars.input();if(ajax){slidebars.ajaxSetup()}$(window).resize(slidebars.resize)},css:function(){$("#site, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({height:""});var c=$(window).width();if(c<=480){shift=c*0.7;$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({width:shift})}else{if(c<=768){shift=c*0.5;$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({width:shift})}else{shift=c*0.25;$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({width:shift})}}var a=$("#viewport").height(),e=$("#bar").height(),d=$("#site").height(),f=$("#slidebar-left").height(),g=$("#slidebar-right").height(),b=Math.max(d,f,g);$("#bar .wrapper").css({height:e});$("#site").css({"margin-top":e});if(style==="static"){$("#site, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({height:b})}else{if(style==="fixed"){$("#bar, #slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({position:"fixed"});if(d>a){$("#site").css({"overflow-y":"scroll"})}if(f>a){$("#slidebar-left").css({"overflow-y":"scroll"})}if(g>a){$("#slidebar-right").css({"overflow-y":"scroll"})}}}},disable:function(){if(!slidebarLeft){$("#slidebar-left, .slidebar-left-control").remove()}if(!slidebarRight){$("#slidebar-right, .slidebar-right-control").remove()}},ieDet:function(){ie=(function(){var c,a=3,d=document.createElement("div"),b=d.getElementsByTagName("i");while(d.innerHTML="",b[0]){}return a>4?a:c}())},resize:function(){slidebars.css();if(leftActive){slidebars.openLeft()}if(rightActive){slidebars.openRight()}},ajaxSetup:function(){dontAjax=dontAjax.split(", ");$(ajaxContentID).parent().append('
');slidebars.ajaxLinks()},ajaxLinks:function(){$("a").on("click",function(d){d.preventDefault();var c;href=$(this).attr("href");for(var b=0,a=dontAjax.length;b');$("#degress").css({display:"none"});$("#spinner").css({"-ms-transform":"rotate(0)deg"});for(var a=0;a<4;a++){$("#degrees").css("marginTop","0");$("#degrees").animate({marginTop:359},{duration:200,step:function(b,c){$("#spinner").css({"-ms-transform":"rotate("+b+"deg)"})}})}}else{if(ie<=8){$("#loading").html("


")}}$("#loading").fadeIn(100);$(ajaxContentID).load(href+" "+ajaxContentID,function(){if(ie===undefined||ie===10){history.pushState("","",href)}$("#loading").fadeOut(100);$("#loading").css({display:"none"});$(ajaxContentID).fadeIn(200);$("a").off("click");slidebars.ajaxLinks()})},input:function(){$(".slidebar-left-control").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();if(leftActive){slidebars.close()}else{slidebars.openLeft()}});$(".slidebar-right-control").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();if(rightActive){slidebars.close()}else{slidebars.openRight()}});$("#site").on("touchend click",function(a){if(leftActive||rightActive){a.preventDefault();slidebars.close()}});$("#site").children().on("touchend click",function(a){a.stopPropagation()});$("#slidebar-left a, #slidebar-right a").on("touchend click",function(a){if(leftActive||rightActive){a.preventDefault();href=$(this).attr("href");slidebars.close()}})},openLeft:function(){if(slidebarLeft){$("#slidebar-left").css({visibility:"visible"});if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:shift+"px"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar").css({"-ms-transform":"translate("+shift+"px)","-webkit-transform":"translate("+shift+"px)",transform:"translate("+shift+"px)"})}leftActive=true}},openRight:function(){if(slidebarRight){$("#slidebar-right").css({visibility:"visible"});if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:"-"+shift+"px"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar").css({"-ms-transform":"translate(-"+shift+"px)","-webkit-transform":"translate(-"+shift+"px)",transform:"translate(-"+shift+"px)"})}rightActive=true}},close:function(){if(leftActive||rightActive){if(ie<10){$("#site, #bar").animate({left:"0px"},400)}else{$("#site, #bar").css({"-ms-transform":"translate(0)","-webkit-transform":"translate(0)",transform:"translate(0)"})}setTimeout(function(){$("#slidebar-left, #slidebar-right").css({visibility:"hidden"})},400);leftActive=false;rightActive=false;if(!ajax&&href){window.location=href;href=false}}},disableLeft:function(){slidebarLeft=false;if(leftActive){slidebars.close();setTimeout(slidebars.disable,400)}else{slidebars.disable()}},disableRight:function(){slidebarRight=false;if(rightActive){slidebars.close();setTimeout(slidebars.disable,400)}else{slidebars.disable()}}}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.4/style.css b/Revisions/0.4/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index 0bc6535..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.4/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -/* --------- - * Slidebars - * 0.4 - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & JS Error - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - * 003 - Bar & Buttons - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -/* ---------------- - * 001 - Html, Body - */ - -html { - -} - -body { - -} - -/* -------------------- - * 002 - Site & Wrapper - */ - -#site { - background-color: #fff; /* Main page background colour. */ - box-shadow: 0 0 30px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Shadow cast onto the slidebars when opened. */ -} - -.wrapper { - max-width: 100%; /* Can be any pixel width, or use 100% to have a full width page on any sized screen. */ -} - -/* --------- - * 003 - Bar - */ - -#bar { - height: 50px; /* Set the height of the menu bar */ - background-color: #FF3971; /* Background colour of the bar. */ - box-shadow: /* Shadow beneath the bar and edge highlights. */ - /* Layered single pixel shadows to create a one sided shadow effect. */ - 0 5px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01), - 0 4px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02), - 0 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), - 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Left highlight */ - 1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Right highlight */ - -1px 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset, - /* Bottom lowlight */ - 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset; - - /* Glass gradient overlay. */ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.02) 51%); /* Webkit syntax. */ - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 51%); /* Final syntax. */ - background-size: 100%; - background-repeat: no-repeat; -} - -#bar .slidebar-left-control, #bar .slidebar-right-control { - /* These are the buttons located in the top bar, they are prefixed with #bar, so if you wish to open the slidebars from a different location also using these classes, you may do so without this styling. */ - border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* Button border colour. */ - box-shadow: - /* Drop shadow */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), - /* Top highlight */ - 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset; - padding: 5px; /* Distance between the navicon and the button border. */ - border-radius: 3px; /* Button curved corners. */ -} - -.navicon, .navicon:before, .navicon:after { - background-color: #fff; /* The colour of the navicon lines. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Slidebars - */ - -#slidebar-left { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar left background colour. */ -} - -#slidebar-right { - background-color: #373737; /* Slidebar right background colour. */ -} - -/* ----------------- - * 005 - Ajax Loader - */ - -#spinner { - border-color: rgba(255, 57, 113, 0.2); /* Spinner circle colour. */ -} - -#spinner:before { - border-top-color: rgba(250, 75, 124, 0.95); /* Spinner part colour. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100644 index 2b7c195..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.5 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Html, Body & Site - * 002 - Slidebars - * 003 - Media Queries - * 004 - Animation - * - * ----------------------- - * 001 - Html, Body & Site - */ - -html, body { - height: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal page scrolling. */ -} - -html, body, .sb-site { - /* Set full screen size and remove margins and paddings. */ - width: 100%; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -.sb-site { - min-height: 100%; - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above the slidebars. */ - background-color: #fff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ - box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); /* Fixes some translation issues. */ -} - -html, body, .sb-site, .sb-slidebar { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -/* --------------- - * 002 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens (< 480). */ - height: 100%; - overflow-y: scroll; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */ - background-color: #191919; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; -} - -.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close { - cursor: pointer; -} - -/* ------------------- - * 003 - Media Queries - */ - -@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 991px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 50%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 35%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */ - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -.sb-slide { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; /* Webkit syntax */ - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; /* Firefox syntax */ - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; /* Opera syntax */ - transition: transform 400ms ease; /* Final syntax */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100644 index c5e807a..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -// ------------------------------------------------------------- -// Slidebars 0.5 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Checks & Global Variables -// 002 - IE Detection -// 003 - Operations -// 004 - API -// 005 - Window Resizes -// 006 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function() { - - // ------------------------------- - // 002 - Checks & Global Variables - - // Slidebars Initialisation - this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - - // Site Container - if($('.sb-site').length) { // Check to see if site container exists. - // .sb-site does exist. - $('.sb-site').addClass('sb-slide'); // Add moving class. - - if (!$('.sb-site').parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $('.sb-site').appendTo('body'); - } - } else { - // .sb-site doesn't exist, create it. - $('body').children().wrapAll('
'); - } - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check the left Slidebar exists. - var left = true, // Set variable. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$('.sb-left').parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $('.sb-left').appendTo('body'); - } - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check the right Slidebar exists. - var right = true, // Set variable. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$('.sb-right').parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $('.sb-right').appendTo('body'); - } - } - - // ------------------------------------------ - // 002 - Detect IE (Thanks to James Padolsey) - - var ie = (function() { - var undef, - v = 3, - div = document.createElement('div'), - all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); - - while ( - div.innerHTML = '', - all[0] - ); - - return v > 4 ? v : undef; - }()); - - // ---------------- - // 003 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && left && rightActive || side === 'right' && right && leftActive) { - // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(openSlidebar, 400); - } else { - // Its not open, continue. - openSlidebar(); - } - - function openSlidebar() { - if (side === 'left' && left) { // Open left Slidebar and make sure the left Slidebar is in use. - - leftActive = true; // Set active variables. - var leftWidth = $('.sb-left').css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - - $('.sb-left').css({'visibility': 'visible'}); // Make the slidebar visible. - - // Animation type by browser. - if (ie < 10) { // jQuery .animate() for IE9 <. - $('.sb-slide').animate({ - left: leftWidth - }, 400); - } else { // CSS Transform for other browsers & IE10+. - $('.sb-slide').css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - '-o-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - 'transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')' - }); - } // End if ie. - - } else if (side === 'right' && right) { // Open right Slidebar and make sure the right Slidebar is in use. - - rightActive = true; // Set active variables. - var rightWidth = $('.sb-right').css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - - $('.sb-right').css({'visibility': 'visible'}); // Make the slidebar visible. - - // Animation type by browser. - if (ie < 10) { // jQuery .animate() for IE9 <. - $('.sb-slide').animate({ - left: '-' + rightWidth - }, 400); - } else { // CSS Transform for other browsers & IE10+. - $('.sb-slide').css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - '-o-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - 'transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')' - }); - } // End if ie. - - } // End if side = left/right. - - // Enable closing by sb-site. - if (side === 'left' && leftActive || side === 'right' && rightActive) { // If a Slidebar was opened. - $('.sb-site').off('touchend click'); // Turn off click close incase this was called by a window resize. - setTimeout(function() { - $('.sb-site').one('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - close(); - }); - }, 400); - } - } // End continue(); - - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - - $('.sb-site').off('touchend click'); // Turn off closing by .sb-site. - - // Animation type by browser. - if (ie < 10) { // jQuery .animate() for IE9 <. - $('.sb-slide').animate({ - left: '0px' - }, 400); - } else { // CSS Transform for other browsers & IE10+. - $('.sb-slide').css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(0px)', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(0px)', - '-o-transform': 'translate(0px)', - 'transform': 'translate(0px)' - }); - } // End if ie. - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('.sb-left, .sb-right').css({'visibility': 'hidden'}); // Hide the Slidebars. - - if (link) { // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - window.location = link; - } - }, 400); - - } - - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - - if (side == 'left' && left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - // Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } else if (!leftActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('left'); - } - } else if (side === 'right' && right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - // Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } else if (!rightActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('right'); - } - } - - } - - // --------- - // 004 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 005 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 006 - User Input - - // Slidebar Toggle Left - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('left'); - }); - - // Slidebar Toggle Right - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('right'); - }); - - // Slidebar Left Open - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!leftActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('left'); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Right Open - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!rightActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('right'); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - // A Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stop click events taking place after touchend and prevent default link behaviour. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link. - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index 22a9a60..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.5 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ */ -html,body{height:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html,body,.sb-site{width:100%;margin:0;padding:0}.sb-site{min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff;box-shadow:0 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0)}html,body,.sb-site,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.sb-slidebar{width:70%;height:100%;overflow-y:scroll;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#191919}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}.sb-toggle-left,.sb-toggle-right,.sb-open-left,.sb-open-right,.sb-close{cursor:pointer}@media(min-width:481px) and (max-width:991px){.sb-slidebar{width:50%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:35%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}.sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index ec03184..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.5/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.5 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(){function b(f){function b(){if("left"===f&&h){d=!0;var c=a(".sb-left").css("width");a(".sb-left").css({visibility:"visible"});10>k?a(".sb-slide").animate({left:c},400):a(".sb-slide").css({"-webkit-transform":"translate("+c+")","-moz-transform":"translate("+c+")","-o-transform":"translate("+c+")",transform:"translate("+c+")"})}else"right"===f&&l&&(e=!0,c=a(".sb-right").css("width"),a(".sb-right").css({visibility:"visible"}),10>k?a(".sb-slide").animate({left:"-"+c}, 400):a(".sb-slide").css({"-webkit-transform":"translate(-"+c+")","-moz-transform":"translate(-"+c+")","-o-transform":"translate(-"+c+")",transform:"translate(-"+c+")"}));if("left"===f&&d||"right"===f&&e)a(".sb-site").off("touchend click"),setTimeout(function(){a(".sb-site").one("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();g()})},400)}"left"===f&&h&&e||"right"===f&&l&&d?(g(),setTimeout(b,400)):b()}function g(f){if(d||e)e=d=!1,a(".sb-site").off("touchend click"),10>k?a(".sb-slide").animate({left:"0px"}, 400):a(".sb-slide").css({"-webkit-transform":"translate(0px)","-moz-transform":"translate(0px)","-o-transform":"translate(0px)",transform:"translate(0px)"}),setTimeout(function(){a(".sb-left, .sb-right").css({visibility:"hidden"});f&&(window.location=f)},400)}function m(a){"left"==a&&h?d?g():d||b("left"):"right"===a&&l&&(e?g():e||b("right"))}this.init=!0;a(".sb-site").length?(a(".sb-site").addClass("sb-slide"),a(".sb-site").parent().is("body")||a(".sb-site").appendTo("body")):a("body").children().wrapAll('
'); if(a(".sb-left").length){var h=!0,d=!1;a(".sb-left").parent().is("body")||a(".sb-left").appendTo("body")}if(a(".sb-right").length){var l=!0,e=!1;a(".sb-right").parent().is("body")||a(".sb-right").appendTo("body")}var k=function(){for(var a=3,b=document.createElement("div"),c=b.getElementsByTagName("i");b.innerHTML="\x3c!--[if gt IE "+ ++a+"]>'); - } - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $site.appendTo('body'); - } - $site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $left.appendTo('body'); - } - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $right.appendTo('body'); - } - } - - // Set Minimum Height - var setMinHeight = false; - function minHeight() { - setMinHeight = true; // Set to true so if resize event is fired, the min-height will be re-calculated. - // Set the minimum height to avoid showing background on short sites. - $site.css({ - 'min-height': $('html').css('height') - }); - } - - // ----------------------- - // 002 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, - supportTransition = false, - supportTransform = false; - - // CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') { - supportTransition = true; - } - - // CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') { - supportTransform = true; - } - - // ----------------- - // 003 - User Agents - - // Get User Agent String - var ua = navigator.userAgent; - - // Detect iPhone, iPad, iPod - if (ua.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/)) { - minHeight(); - $('html').addClass('sb-ios'); - } else - - // Detect Android - if (ua.match(/Android/)) {// The user agent is Android. - minHeight(); - var android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android. - var androidVersion = android * 100; // Multiple by 100 to move decimal point. - androidVersion = parseInt(androidVersion); // Remove decimal point. - $('html').addClass('sb-android sb-android-' + androidVersion); // Add class to body. - } - - // --------------- - // 004 - Animation - - var animation; - - // Set animation type. - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { - if (android < 4.4) { - animation = 'jquery'; // Android issues translating elements with positioned fixed. - } else { - animation = 'translate'; - } - } else { - animation = 'jquery'; - } - - // Cache all elements to animate. - var $slide = $('.sb-slide'); - - // ---------------- - // 003 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { - // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(openSlidebar, 400); - } else { - // Its not open, continue. - openSlidebar(); - } - - function openSlidebar() { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // Open left Slidebar and make sure the left Slidebar is in use. - - leftActive = true; // Set active variables. - var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - - $left.addClass('sb-visible'); // Make the slidebar visible. - - // Animation - if (animation == 'translate') { - $slide.css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - '-o-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - 'transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')' - }); - } else if (animation == 'jquery') { - $slide.animate({ - left: leftWidth - }, 400); - } - - setTimeout(function() { - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - }, 400); - - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // Open right Slidebar and make sure the right Slidebar is in use. - - rightActive = true; // Set active variables. - var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - - $right.addClass('sb-visible'); // Make the slidebar visible. - - // Animation - if (animation == 'translate') { - $slide.css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - '-o-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - 'transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')' - }); - } else if (animation == 'jquery') { - $slide.animate({ - left: '-' + rightWidth - }, 400); - } - - setTimeout(function() { - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - }, 400); - - } // End if side = left/right. - - // Enable closing by sb-site. - if (side === 'left' && leftActive || side === 'right' && rightActive) { // If a Slidebar was opened. - $site.off('touchend click'); // Turn off click close incase this was called by a window resize. - setTimeout(function() { - $site.one('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - close(); - }); - }, 400); - } - } // End continue(); - - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - - $site.off('touchend click'); // Turn off closing by .sb-site. - - // Animation - if (animation == 'translate') { - $slide.css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(0px)', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(0px)', - '-o-transform': 'translate(0px)', - 'transform': 'translate(0px)' - }); - } else if (animation == 'jquery') { - $slide.animate({ - left: '0px' - }, 400); - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - // Hide the Slidebars. - if ($left) { - $left.removeClass('sb-visible'); - } - - if ($right) { - $right.removeClass('sb-visible'); - } - - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - - if (link) { // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - window.location = link; - } - }, 400); - - } - - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - - if (side == 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - // Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } else if (!leftActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('left'); - } - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - // Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } else if (!rightActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('right'); - } - } - - } - - // --------- - // 004 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 005 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - if (setMinHeight) { - minHeight(); - } - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 006 - User Input - - // Slidebar Toggle Left - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('left'); - }); - - // Slidebar Toggle Right - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('right'); - }); - - // Slidebar Left Open - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!leftActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('left'); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Right Open - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!rightActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('right'); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - // A Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stop click events taking place after touchend and prevent default link behaviour. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link. - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.6/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.6/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index 0590c46..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.6/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.6 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;height:100%}body{overflow-x:hidden}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;box-shadow:0 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0);background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{width:35%;height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}.sb-visible{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px) and (max-width:991px){.sb-slidebar{width:50%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:35%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}.sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}html.sb-ios{overflow-x:hidden}html.sb-ios body{height:auto;min-height:100%}html.sb-android{overflow-x:hidden}html.sb-android body{height:auto;min-height:100%}html[class*="sb-android-2"] .sb-slidebar{position:absolute} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.6/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.6/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index d2adefa..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.6/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.6 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -;(function(b){b.slidebars=function(){function q(){s=!0;k.css({"min-height":b("html").css("height")})}function l(a){function c(){if("left"===a&&g){e=!0;var d=g.css("width");g.addClass("sb-visible");"translate"==m?p.css({"-webkit-transform":"translate("+d+")","-moz-transform":"translate("+d+")","-o-transform":"translate("+d+")",transform:"translate("+d+")"}):"jquery"==m&&p.animate({left:d},400);setTimeout(function(){b("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-left")},400)}else"right"===a&&h&&(f=!0,d=h.css("width"), h.addClass("sb-visible"),"translate"==m?p.css({"-webkit-transform":"translate(-"+d+")","-moz-transform":"translate(-"+d+")","-o-transform":"translate(-"+d+")",transform:"translate(-"+d+")"}):"jquery"==m&&p.animate({left:"-"+d},400),setTimeout(function(){b("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-right")},400));if("left"===a&&e||"right"===a&&f)k.off("touchend click"),setTimeout(function(){k.one("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();n()})},400)}"left"===a&&g&&f||"right"===a&&h&&e?(n(),setTimeout(c, 400)):c()}function n(a){if(e||f)f=e=!1,k.off("touchend click"),"translate"==m?p.css({"-webkit-transform":"translate(0px)","-moz-transform":"translate(0px)","-o-transform":"translate(0px)",transform:"translate(0px)"}):"jquery"==m&&p.animate({left:"0px"},400),setTimeout(function(){g&&g.removeClass("sb-visible");h&&h.removeClass("sb-visible");b("html").removeClass("sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right");a&&(window.location=a)},400)}function r(a){"left"==a&&g?e?n():e||l("left"):"right"===a&&h&&(f? n():f||l("right"))}this.init=!0;b("#sb-site").length||b("body").children().wrapAll('
');var k=b("#sb-site");k.parent().is("body")||k.appendTo("body");k.addClass("sb-slide");if(b(".sb-left").length){var g=b(".sb-left"),e=!1;g.parent().is("body")||g.appendTo("body")}if(b(".sb-right").length){var h=b(".sb-right"),f=!1;h.parent().is("body")||h.appendTo("body")}var s=!1,c=document.createElement("div").style,t=!1,u=!1;if(""===c.MozTransition||""===c.WebkitTransition||""===c.OTransition|| ""===c.transition)t=!0;if(""===c.MozTransform||""===c.WebkitTransform||""===c.OTransform||""===c.transform)u=!0;c=navigator.userAgent;if(c.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/))q(),b("html").addClass("sb-ios");else if(c.match(/Android/)){q();var v=parseFloat(c.slice(c.indexOf("Android")+8)),c=parseInt(100*v);b("html").addClass("sb-android sb-android-"+c)}var m;m=t&&u?4.4>v?"jquery":"translate":"jquery";var p=b(".sb-slide");this.open=l;this.close=n;this.toggle=r;b(window).resize(function(){s&&q();e?l("left"): f&&l("right")});b(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();r("left")});b(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();r("right")});b(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();e||l("left")});b(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();f||l("right")});b(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();(e||f)&&n()});b(".sb-slidebar a").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault(); n(b(this).attr("href"))})}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100755 index 91707ec..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -/* ----------------------------------- - * Slidebars - * Version 0.7.1 - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * Released under MIT License - * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - * 002 - Site - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Animation - * - * ---------------------------- - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - */ - -html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, body { - width: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; -} - -html { - height: 100%; -} - -body { - min-height: 100%; -} - -/* ---------- - * 002 - Site - */ - -#sb-site { - width: 100%; - min-height: 100%; /* Initially set here but accurate height is set by slidebars.js */ - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */ - /*box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); Fixes some translation issues. */ - background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - width: 35%; /* Slidebar width for older browsers that don't support media queries. */ - height: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */ - background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -html.sb-android .sb-slidebar { /* Unfix Slidebars for Android Browser < 3 */ - height: auto; - position: absolute; -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; -} - -html.sb-active-left .sb-left { - visibility: visible; -} - -html.sb-active-right .sb-right { - visibility: visible; -} - -/* Media queries to set Slidebar widths. */ -@media (max-width: 480px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 991px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 50%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 35%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */ - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -html.sb-anim-type-translate .sb-slide, html.sb-anim-type-side .sb-slide { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left; /* Add 'left' for Android < 4.4 */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100755 index f4a9c91..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,271 +0,0 @@ -// ----------------------------------- -// Slidebars -// Version 0.7.1 -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Released under MIT License -// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Options -// 002 - Feature Detection -// 003 - User Agents -// 004 - Initialisation -// 005 - Animation -// 006 - Operations -// 007 - API -// 008 - Window Resizes -// 009 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function(options) { - - // ---------------------- - // 001 - Default Settings - - var settings = $.extend({ - siteClose: true // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site. - }, options); - - // ----------------------- - // 001 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, - supportTransition = false, - supportTransform = false; - - // CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true; - - // CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true; - - // ----------------- - // 002 - User Agents - - // Get User Agent String - var ua = navigator.userAgent, - android = false; - - // Detect Android - if (ua.match(/Android/)) {// The user agent is Android. - android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android. - if (android < 3) $('html').addClass('sb-android'); // Add 'sb-android' helper class for unfixing elements. - } - - // -------------------- - // 003 - Initialisation - - this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - - // Site Container - if (!$('#sb-site').length) { // Check if user has wrapped their content with an id of sb-site. - // .sb-site doesn't exist, create it. - $('body').children().wrapAll('
'); - } - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - $site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - // Set Minimum Height - function setMinHeights() { - var htmlHeight = $('html').css('height'); - $site.css({ - 'min-height': htmlHeight - }); - if (android && android < 3) { - $('.sb-slidebar').css({ - 'min-height': htmlHeight - }); - } - } - setMinHeights(); - - // --------------- - // 004 - Animation - - var animation, // Animation type. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate. - - // Set animation type. - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // CSS Transitions - animation = 'translate'; - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - if (settings.animType) animation = settings.animType; // Force animation type, for testing purposes only. - - $('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class. - - // Animate Mixin - var animate = function(selector, amount, side) { - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css({ - 'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')' - }); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - selector.css(side, amount); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); - } - }; - - // ---------------- - // 003 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { - // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { - // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // Open left Slidebar and make sure the left Slidebar is in use. - leftActive = true; // Set active variables. - var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // Open right Slidebar and make sure the right Slidebar is in use. - rightActive = true; // Set active variables. - var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left');// Animation - } // End if side = left/right. - - // Enable closing by sb-site. - if (settings.siteClose && (side === 'left' && leftActive || side === 'right' && rightActive)) { // If a Slidebar was opened. - $site.off('touchend click'); // Turn off click close incase this was called by a window resize. - setTimeout(function() { - $site.one('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - close(); - }); - }, 400); - } - } // End proceed - - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - $site.off('touchend click'); // Turn off closing by .sb-site. - animate($slide, '0px', 'left');// Animation - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side == 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 004 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 005 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum height of the site. - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 006 - User Input - - // Slidebar Toggle Left - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('left'); - }); - - // Slidebar Toggle Right - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('right'); - }); - - // Slidebar Left Open - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!leftActive) open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - }); - - // Slidebar Right Open - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!rightActive) open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - }); - - // Slidebar Close - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // A Slidebar is open, close it. - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stop click events taking place after touchend and prevent default link behaviour. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link. - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index 4a9bfb2..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.7.1 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{width:35%;height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}html.sb-android .sb-slidebar{height:auto;position:absolute}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-active-left .sb-left{visibility:visible}html.sb-active-right .sb-right{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px) and (max-width:991px){.sb-slidebar{width:50%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:35%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}html.sb-anim-type-translate .sb-slide,html.sb-anim-type-side .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index d464059..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7.1/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.7.1 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var s=a.extend({siteClose:true},b);var q=document.createElement("div").style,o=false,i=false;if(q.MozTransition===""||q.WebkitTransition===""||q.OTransition===""||q.transition===""){o=true}if(q.MozTransform===""||q.WebkitTransform===""||q.OTransform===""||q.transform===""){i=true}var n=navigator.userAgent,u=false;if(n.match(/Android/)){u=parseFloat(n.slice(n.indexOf("Android")+8));if(u<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}this.init=true;if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var m=a("#sb-site");if(!m.parent().is("body")){m.appendTo("body")}m.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var f=a(".sb-right"),g=false;if(!f.parent().is("body")){f.appendTo("body")}}function p(){var v=a("html").css("height");m.css({"min-height":v});if(u&&u<3){a(".sb-slidebar").css({"min-height":v})}}p();var r,k=a(".sb-slide");if(o&&i){r="translate";if(u&&u<4.4){r="side"}}else{r="jQuery"}if(s.animType){r=s.animType}a("html").addClass("sb-anim-type-"+r);var c=function(v,y,x){if(r==="translate"){v.css({transform:"translate("+y+")"})}else{if(r==="side"){v.css(x,y)}else{if(r==="jQuery"){var w={};w[x]=y;v.stop().animate(w,400)}}}};function h(v){if(v==="left"&&d&&g||v==="right"&&f&&e){j();setTimeout(w,400)}else{w()}function w(){if(v==="left"&&d){e=true;var x=d.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-left");c(k,x,"left")}else{if(v==="right"&&f){g=true;var y=f.css("width");a("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-right");c(k,"-"+y,"left")}}if(s.siteClose&&(v==="left"&&e||v==="right"&&g)){m.off("touchend click");setTimeout(function(){m.one("touchend click",function(z){z.preventDefault();j()})},400)}}}function j(v){if(e||g){e=false;g=false;m.off("touchend click");c(k,"0px","left");setTimeout(function(){a("html").removeClass("sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right");if(v){window.location=v}},400)}}function l(v){if(v=="left"&&d){if(e){j()}else{if(!e){h("left")}}}else{if(v==="right"&&f){if(g){j()}else{if(!g){h("right")}}}}}this.open=h;this.close=j;this.toggle=l;function t(){p();if(e){h("left")}else{if(g){h("right")}}}a(window).resize(t);a(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(v){v.preventDefault();l("left")});a(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(v){v.preventDefault();l("right")});a(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(v){v.preventDefault();if(!e){h("left")}});a(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(v){v.preventDefault();if(!g){h("right")}});a(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(v){v.preventDefault();if(e||g){j()}});a(".sb-slidebar a").not(".sb-disable-close").on("touchend click",function(v){v.preventDefault();j(a(this).attr("href"))})}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100755 index 1159697..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -/* ----------------------------------- - * Slidebars - * Version 0.7 - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * Released under MIT License - * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - * 002 - Site - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Animation - * - * ---------------------------- - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - */ - -html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, body { - width: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; -} - -html { - height: 100%; -} - -body { - min-height: 100%; -} - -/* ---------- - * 002 - Site - */ - -#sb-site { - width: 100%; - min-height: 100%; /* Initially set here but accurate height is set by slidebars.js */ - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */ - box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); /* Fixes some translation issues. */ - background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - width: 35%; /* Slidebar width for older browsers that don't support media queries. */ - height: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */ - background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; -} - -.sb-visible { - visibility: visible; -} - -/* Media queries to set Slidebar widths. */ -@media (max-width: 480px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 991px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 50%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 35%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */ - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -.sb-slide { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left; /* Add 'left' for Android < 4.4 */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100755 index 6352963..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,358 +0,0 @@ -// ----------------------------------- -// Slidebars -// Version 0.7 -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Released under MIT License -// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Feature Detection -// 002 - User Agents -// 003 - Initialisation -// 004 - Animation -// 005 - Operations -// 006 - API -// 007 - Window Resizes -// 008 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function() { - - // ----------------------- - // 001 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, - supportTransition = false, - supportTransform = false; - - // CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') { - supportTransition = true; - } - - // CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') { - supportTransform = true; - } - - // ----------------- - // 002 - User Agents - - // Get User Agent String - var ua = navigator.userAgent, - android = false; - - // Detect Android - if (ua.match(/Android/)) {// The user agent is Android. - android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android. - } - - // -------------------- - // 003 - Initialisation - - this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - - // Site Container - if (!$('#sb-site').length) { // Check if user has wrapped their content with an id of sb-site. - // .sb-site doesn't exist, create it. - $('body').children().wrapAll('
'); - } - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $site.appendTo('body'); - } - - $site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $left.appendTo('body'); - } - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) { // Check its location and move if necessary. - $right.appendTo('body'); - } - } - - // Set Minimum Height - function setMinHeights() { - var htmlHeight = $('html').css('height'); - $site.css({ - 'min-height': htmlHeight - }); - if (android && android < 3) { - $('.sb-slidebar').css({ - 'min-height': htmlHeight, - 'height': 'auto', - 'position': 'absolute' - }); - } - } - setMinHeights(); - - // --------------- - // 004 - Animation - - var animation, // Animation type. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate. - - // Set animation type. - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // CSS Transitions - if (android && android < 4.4) { - animation = 'left'; - } else { - animation = 'translate'; - } - } else { - animation = 'jquery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions or Android for issues with translating elements with positioned fixed. - } - - // ---------------- - // 003 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { - // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(openSlidebar, 400); - } else { - // Its not open, continue. - openSlidebar(); - } - - function openSlidebar() { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // Open left Slidebar and make sure the left Slidebar is in use. - - leftActive = true; // Set active variables. - var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - - $left.addClass('sb-visible'); // Make the slidebar visible. - - // Animation - if (animation == 'translate') { - $slide.css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - '-o-transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')', - 'transform': 'translate(' + leftWidth + ')' - }); - } else if (animation == 'left') { - $slide.css({ - 'left': leftWidth - }); - } else if (animation == 'jquery') { - $slide.animate({ - left: leftWidth - }, 400); - } - - setTimeout(function() { - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - }, 400); - - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // Open right Slidebar and make sure the right Slidebar is in use. - - rightActive = true; // Set active variables. - var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - - $right.addClass('sb-visible'); // Make the slidebar visible. - - // Animation - if (animation == 'translate') { - $slide.css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - '-o-transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')', - 'transform': 'translate(-' + rightWidth + ')' - }); - } else if (animation == 'left') { - $slide.css({ - 'left': '-' + rightWidth - }); - } else if (animation == 'jquery') { - $slide.animate({ - left: '-' + rightWidth - }, 400); - } - - setTimeout(function() { - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - }, 400); - - } // End if side = left/right. - - // Enable closing by sb-site. - if (side === 'left' && leftActive || side === 'right' && rightActive) { // If a Slidebar was opened. - $site.off('touchend click'); // Turn off click close incase this was called by a window resize. - setTimeout(function() { - $site.one('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - close(); - }); - }, 400); - } - } // End continue(); - - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - - $site.off('touchend click'); // Turn off closing by .sb-site. - - // Animation - if (animation == 'translate') { - $slide.css({ - '-webkit-transform': 'translate(0px)', - '-moz-transform': 'translate(0px)', - '-o-transform': 'translate(0px)', - 'transform': 'translate(0px)' - }); - } else if (animation == 'left') { - $slide.css({ - 'left': '0px' - }); - } else if (animation == 'jquery') { - $slide.animate({ - left: '0px' - }, 400); - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - // Hide the Slidebars. - if ($left) { - $left.removeClass('sb-visible'); - } - - if ($right) { - $right.removeClass('sb-visible'); - } - - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - - if (link) { // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - window.location = link; - } - }, 400); - - } - - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - - if (side == 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - // Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } else if (!leftActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('left'); - } - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - // Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } else if (!rightActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('right'); - } - } - - } - - // --------- - // 004 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 005 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum height of the site. - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 006 - User Input - - // Slidebar Toggle Left - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('left'); - }); - - // Slidebar Toggle Right - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - toggle('right'); - }); - - // Slidebar Left Open - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!leftActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('left'); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Right Open - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (!rightActive) { - // Slidebar is closed, open it. - open('right'); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stops click events taking place after touchend. - if (leftActive || rightActive) { - // A Slidebar is open, close it. - close(); - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').on('touchend click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); // Stop click events taking place after touchend and prevent default link behaviour. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link. - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index 7d171ca..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.7 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;box-shadow:0 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0);background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{width:35%;height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}.sb-visible{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px) and (max-width:991px){.sb-slidebar{width:50%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:35%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}.sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 2657999..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.7/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.7 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -;(function(b){b.slidebars=function(){function s(){var a=b("html").css("height");m.css({"min-height":a});q&&3>q&&b(".sb-slidebar").css({"min-height":a,height:"auto",position:"absolute"})}function n(a){function c(){if("left"===a&&h){e=!0;var d=h.css("width");h.addClass("sb-visible");"translate"==f?k.css({"-webkit-transform":"translate("+d+")","-moz-transform":"translate("+d+")","-o-transform":"translate("+d+")",transform:"translate("+d+")"}):"left"==f?k.css({left:d}):"jquery"==f&&k.animate({left:d}, 400);setTimeout(function(){b("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-left")},400)}else"right"===a&&l&&(g=!0,d=l.css("width"),l.addClass("sb-visible"),"translate"==f?k.css({"-webkit-transform":"translate(-"+d+")","-moz-transform":"translate(-"+d+")","-o-transform":"translate(-"+d+")",transform:"translate(-"+d+")"}):"left"==f?k.css({left:"-"+d}):"jquery"==f&&k.animate({left:"-"+d},400),setTimeout(function(){b("html").addClass("sb-active sb-active-right")},400));if("left"===a&&e||"right"===a&&g)m.off("touchend click"), setTimeout(function(){m.one("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();p()})},400)}"left"===a&&h&&g||"right"===a&&l&&e?(p(),setTimeout(c,400)):c()}function p(a){if(e||g)g=e=!1,m.off("touchend click"),"translate"==f?k.css({"-webkit-transform":"translate(0px)","-moz-transform":"translate(0px)","-o-transform":"translate(0px)",transform:"translate(0px)"}):"left"==f?k.css({left:"0px"}):"jquery"==f&&k.animate({left:"0px"},400),setTimeout(function(){h&&h.removeClass("sb-visible");l&&l.removeClass("sb-visible"); b("html").removeClass("sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right");a&&(window.location=a)},400)}function r(a){"left"==a&&h?e?p():e||n("left"):"right"===a&&l&&(g?p():g||n("right"))}var c=document.createElement("div").style,t=!1,u=!1;if(""===c.MozTransition||""===c.WebkitTransition||""===c.OTransition||""===c.transition)t=!0;if(""===c.MozTransform||""===c.WebkitTransform||""===c.OTransform||""===c.transform)u=!0;var c=navigator.userAgent,q=!1;c.match(/Android/)&&(q=parseFloat(c.slice(c.indexOf("Android")+ 8)));this.init=!0;b("#sb-site").length||b("body").children().wrapAll('
');var m=b("#sb-site");m.parent().is("body")||m.appendTo("body");m.addClass("sb-slide");if(b(".sb-left").length){var h=b(".sb-left"),e=!1;h.parent().is("body")||h.appendTo("body")}if(b(".sb-right").length){var l=b(".sb-right"),g=!1;l.parent().is("body")||l.appendTo("body")}s();var f,k=b(".sb-slide");f=t&&u?q&&4.4>q?"left":"translate":"jquery";this.open=n;this.close=p;this.toggle=r;b(window).resize(function(){s(); e?n("left"):g&&n("right")});b(".sb-toggle-left").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();r("left")});b(".sb-toggle-right").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();r("right")});b(".sb-open-left").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();e||n("left")});b(".sb-open-right").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();g||n("right")});b(".sb-close").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault();(e||g)&&p()});b(".sb-slidebar a").on("touchend click",function(a){a.preventDefault(); p(b(this).attr("href"))})}})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.css b/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.css deleted file mode 100755 index 0cb86ce..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -/* ----------------------------------- - * Slidebars - * Version 0.8.1 - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ - * - * Written by Adam Smith - * http://www.adchsm.me/ - * - * Released under MIT License - * http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt - * - * ------------------- - * Slidebars CSS Index - * - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - * 002 - Site - * 003 - Slidebars - * 004 - Animation - * - * ---------------------------- - * 001 - Box Model, Html & Body - */ - -html, body, #sb-site, .sb-slidebar { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} - -html, body { - width: 100%; - overflow-x: hidden; /* Stops horizontal scrolling. */ -} - -html { - min-height: 100%; -} - -body { - height: 100%; -} - -/* ---------- - * 002 - Site - */ - -#sb-site { - width: 100%; - min-height: 100%; /* Initially set here but accurate height is set by slidebars.js */ - position: relative; - z-index: 1; /* Site sits above Slidebars */ - background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -/* --------------- - * 003 - Slidebars - */ - -.sb-slidebar { - height: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling on Slidebars when needed. */ - position: fixed; - top: 0; - z-index: 0; /* Slidebars sit behind sb-site. */ - visibility: hidden; /* Initially hide the Slidebars. */ - background-color: #222222; /* Default Slidebars background colour, overwrite this with your own css. */ -} - -.sb-static { /* Makes Slidebars scroll naturally with the site, and unfixes them for Android Browser 2.X. */ - position: absolute; -} - -.sb-left { - left: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the left. */ -} - -.sb-right { - right: 0; /* Sets Slidebar to the right. */ -} - -html.sb-active-left .sb-left, -html.sb-active-right .sb-right { - visibility: visible; /* Makes Slidebars visibile when open. */ -} - -/* Slidebar Widths */ - -.sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; /* Browsers that don't support media queries. */ -} - -.sb-width-custom { - /* To set a custom width, add this class to your Slidebar and pass a px or % value as a data attribute 'data-sb-width'. */ -} - -@media (max-width: 480px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 70%; /* Slidebar width on extra small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 481px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 55%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 40%; /* Slidebar width on small screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 992px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 30%; /* Slidebar width on medium screens. */ - } -} - -@media (min-width: 1200px) { - .sb-slidebar { - width: 20%; /* Slidebar width on large screens. */ - } -} - -/* --------------- - * 004 - Animation - */ - -html.sb-anim-type-translate .sb-slide, html.sb-anim-type-side .sb-slide { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms ease; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms ease; - -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms ease; - transition: transform 400ms ease; - -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, left; /* Add 'left' for Android < 4.4 */ - -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering. */ -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.js b/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.js deleted file mode 100755 index cb63f19..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -// ----------------------------------- -// Slidebars -// Version 0.8.1 -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ -// -// Written by Adam Smith -// http://www.adchsm.me/ -// -// Released under MIT License -// http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -// -// --------------------- -// Index of Slidebars.js -// -// 001 - Default Settings -// 002 - Feature Detection -// 003 - User Agents -// 004 - Setup -// 005 - Animation -// 006 - Operations -// 007 - API -// 008 - Window Resizes -// 009 - User Input - -;(function($) { - - $.slidebars = function(options) { - - // ---------------------- - // 001 - Default Settings - - var settings = $.extend({ - siteClose: true, // true or false - Enable closing of Slidebars by clicking on #sb-site. - disableOver: false, // integer or false - Hide Slidebars over a specific width. - hideControlClasses: false // true or false - Hide controls at same width as disableOver. - }, options); - - // ----------------------- - // 002 - Feature Detection - - var test = document.createElement('div').style, // Create element to test on. - supportTransition = false, // Variable for testing transitions. - supportTransform = false; // variable for testing transforms. - - // Test for CSS Transitions - if (test.MozTransition === '' || test.WebkitTransition === '' || test.OTransition === '' || test.transition === '') supportTransition = true; - - // Test for CSS Transforms - if (test.MozTransform === '' || test.WebkitTransform === '' || test.OTransform === '' || test.transform === '') supportTransform = true; - - // ----------------- - // 003 - User Agents - - var ua = navigator.userAgent, // Get user agent string. - android = false; // Variable for storing android version. - - if (ua.match(/Android/)) { // Detect for Android in user agent string. - android = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf('Android')+8)); // Get version of Android. - if (android < 3) $('html').addClass('sb-android'); // Add 'sb-android' helper class for unfixing elements. - } - - // ----------- - // 004 - Setup - - // Site Container - if (!$('#sb-site').length) $('body').children().wrapAll('
'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't. - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - $site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - if (android && android < 3) $left.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android. - if ($left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - if (android && android < 3) $right.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android. - if ($right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - - // Set Minimum Heights - function setMinHeights() { - var minHeight = $('html').css('height'); // Get minimum height of the page. - $site.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the site. - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-static')) $left.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the left Slidebar. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-static')) $right.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the right Slidebar. - } - setMinHeights(); // Set them - - // Control Classes - var $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'); - - // Initialise - function initialise() { - var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the window width. - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.show(); - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - this.init = false; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.hide(); // Hide controls - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation, // Animation type. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate. - - // Set Animation Type - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports CSS Transitions - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browser that support transform and tranisions. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - $('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class. - - // Animate Mixin - function animate (selector, amount, side) { - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css({ - 'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')' - }); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - selector.css(side, amount); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); - } - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (this.init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (this.init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - animate($slide, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 008 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum heights. - initialise(); // Check new screen sizes to see if Slidebars should still operate. - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 009 - User Input - - function input(event) { // Stop default behaviour and event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); - event.stopPropagation(); - } - - // Slidebar Toggle Left - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - toggle('left'); // Toggle left Slidebar. - }); - - // Slidebar Toggle Right - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - toggle('right'); // Toggle right Slidebar. - }); - - // Slidebar Left Open - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - if (!leftActive) open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - }); - - // Slidebar Right Open - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - if (!rightActive) open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - }); - - // Slidebar Close - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // A Slidebar is open, close it. - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed is a Slidebar is active. - input(event); - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link. - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed if the left or the right Slidebar is active. - input(event); // If active, stop the click bubbling. - close(); // Close the Slidebar. - } - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index 79928a8..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.8.1 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{min-height:100%}body{height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;width:30%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-active-left .sb-left,html.sb-active-right .sb-right{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}html.sb-anim-type-translate .sb-slide,html.sb-anim-type-side .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 76d9c93..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8.1/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.8.1 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var v=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var s=document.createElement("div").style,q=false,j=false;if(s.MozTransition===""||s.WebkitTransition===""||s.OTransition===""||s.transition===""){q=true}if(s.MozTransform===""||s.WebkitTransform===""||s.OTransform===""||s.transform===""){j=true}var p=navigator.userAgent,x=false;if(p.match(/Android/)){x=parseFloat(p.slice(p.indexOf("Android")+8));if(x<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var o=a("#sb-site");if(!o.parent().is("body")){o.appendTo("body")}o.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){d.addClass("sb-static")}if(d.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){d.css("width",d.attr("data-sb-width"))}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var g=a(".sb-right"),i=false;if(!g.parent().is("body")){g.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){g.addClass("sb-static")}if(g.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){g.css("width",g.attr("data-sb-width"))}}function r(){var y=a("html").css("height");o.css("minHeight",y);if(d&&d.hasClass("sb-static")){d.css("minHeight",y)}if(g&&g.hasClass("sb-static")){g.css("minHeight",y)}}r();var u=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close");function n(){var y=a(window).width();if(!v.disableOver||(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver>=y)){this.init=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){u.show()}}else{if(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't. - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - $site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - if (android && android < 3) $left.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android. - if ($left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - if (android && android < 3) $right.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android. - if ($right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - - // Set Minimum Heights - function setMinHeights() { - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove any min-height set. - if ($left) $left.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove any min-height set. - if ($right) $right.css('minHeight', ''); // Remove any min-height set. - var minHeight = $('html').css('height'); // Get minimum height of the page. - $site.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the site. - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-static')) $left.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the left Slidebar. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-static')) $right.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the right Slidebar. - } - setMinHeights(); // Set them. - - // Control Classes - var $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'); - - // Initialise - function initialise() { - var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the window width. - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.show(); - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - this.init = false; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.hide(); // Hide controls - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation, // Animation type. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate. - - // Set Animation Type - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - $('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class. - - // Animate Mixin - function animate (selector, amount, side) { - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css({ - 'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')' - }); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - selector.css(side, amount); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); - } - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (this.init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (this.init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - animate($slide, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 008 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum heights. - initialise(); // Check new screen sizes to see if Slidebars should still operate. - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 009 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle Left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - if ($left && leftActive !== true) { // If using left Slidebar and its closed. - open('left'); // Its closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Its open, close it. - } - }); - - // Toggle Right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - if ($right && rightActive !== true) { // If using right Slidebar and its closed. - open('right'); // Its closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Its open, close it. - } - }); - - // Open Left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - if ($left && leftActive !== true) open('left'); // If using left Slidebar and its closed. - }); - - // Open Right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - if ($right && rightActive !== true) open('right'); // If using right Slidebar and its closed. - }); - - // Close a Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // If left or right Slidebar is open, close it. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - if (leftActive || rightActive) close( $(this).attr('href') ); // If left or right Slidebar is open, close it and pass link. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8.2/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.8.2/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index f1a283b..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8.2/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.8.2 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{min-height:100%}body{height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-static{position:absolute;height:auto}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-active-left .sb-left,html.sb-active-right .sb-right{visibility:visible}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}html.sb-anim-type-translate .sb-slide,html.sb-anim-type-side .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8.2/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.8.2/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index bc4564d..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8.2/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.8.2 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var v=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var s=document.createElement("div").style,q=false,i=false;if(s.MozTransition===""||s.WebkitTransition===""||s.OTransition===""||s.transition===""){q=true}if(s.MozTransform===""||s.WebkitTransform===""||s.OTransform===""||s.transform===""){i=true}var p=navigator.userAgent,x=false;if(p.match(/Android/)){x=parseFloat(p.slice(p.indexOf("Android")+8));if(x<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var o=a("#sb-site");if(!o.parent().is("body")){o.appendTo("body")}o.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){d.addClass("sb-static")}if(d.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){d.css("width",d.attr("data-sb-width"))}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var f=a(".sb-right"),h=false;if(!f.parent().is("body")){f.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){f.addClass("sb-static")}if(f.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){f.css("width",f.attr("data-sb-width"))}}function r(){o.css("minHeight","");if(d){d.css("minHeight","")}if(f){f.css("minHeight","")}var y=a("html").css("height");o.css("minHeight",y);if(d&&d.hasClass("sb-static")){d.css("minHeight",y)}if(f&&f.hasClass("sb-static")){f.css("minHeight",y)}}r();var u=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close");function m(){var y=a(window).width();if(!v.disableOver||(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver>=y)){this.init=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){u.show()}}else{if(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't. - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - $site.addClass('sb-slide'); // Add animation class. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - if (android && android < 3) $left.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android. - if ($left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - if (android && android < 3) $right.addClass('sb-static'); // Add static class for older versions of Android. - if ($right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - - // Set Minimum Heights - function setMinHeights() { - var minHeight = $('html').css('height'); // Get minimum height of the page. - $site.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the site. - if ($left.hasClass('sb-static')) $left.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the left Slidebar. - if ($right.hasClass('sb-static')) $right.css('minHeight', minHeight); // Set minimum height to the right Slidebar. - } - setMinHeights(); // Set them - - // Control Classes - var $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'); - - // Initialise - function initialise() { - var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the window width. - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - this.init = true; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.show(); - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - this.init = false; // User check, returns true if Slidebars has been initiated. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.hide(); // Hide controls - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation, // Animation type. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache all elements to animate. - - // Set Animation Type - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports CSS Transitions - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browser that support transform and tranisions. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - $('html').addClass('sb-anim-type-' + animation); // Add animation type class. - - // Animate Mixin - function animate (selector, amount, side) { - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css({ - 'transform': 'translate(' + amount + ')' - }); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - selector.css(side, amount); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); - } - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (this.init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - var leftWidth = $left.css('width'); // Get the width of the left Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, leftWidth, 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (this.init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - var rightWidth = $right.css('width'); // Get the width of the right Slidebar. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - animate($slide, '-' + rightWidth, 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - leftActive = false; // Set active variable. - rightActive = false; // Set active variable. - animate($slide, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (leftActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } else if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (rightActive) { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } else if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - - // -------------------- - // 008 - Window Resizes - - function resize() { - setMinHeights(); // Reset the minimum heights. - initialise(); // Check new screen sizes to see if Slidebars should still operate. - if (leftActive) { // Left Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('left'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } else if (rightActive) { // Right Slidebar is open whilst the window is resized. - open('right'); // Running the open method will ensure the slidebar is the correct width for new screen size. - } - } - $(window).resize(resize); - - // ---------------- - // 009 - User Input - - function input(event) { // Stop default behaviour and event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); - event.stopPropagation(); - } - - // Slidebar Toggle Left - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - toggle('left'); // Toggle left Slidebar. - }); - - // Slidebar Toggle Right - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - toggle('right'); // Toggle right Slidebar. - }); - - // Slidebar Left Open - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - if (!leftActive) open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - }); - - // Slidebar Right Open - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - if (!rightActive) open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - }); - - // Slidebar Close - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - input(event); - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // A Slidebar is open, close it. - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed is a Slidebar is active. - input(event); - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Call closing method and pass link. - } - }); - - // Slidebar Close via Site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // Only proceed if the left or the right Slidebar is active. - input(event); // If active, stop the click bubbling. - close(); // Close the Slidebar. - } - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.8/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index 8c09186..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.8 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{min-height:100%}body{height:100%}#sb-site{width:100%;min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;width:30%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-active-left .sb-left,html.sb-active-right .sb-right{visibility:visible}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}}html.sb-anim-type-translate .sb-slide,html.sb-anim-type-side .sb-slide{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.8/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.8/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 00db926..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.8/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.8 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var v=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var s=document.createElement("div").style,q=false,j=false;if(s.MozTransition===""||s.WebkitTransition===""||s.OTransition===""||s.transition===""){q=true}if(s.MozTransform===""||s.WebkitTransform===""||s.OTransform===""||s.transform===""){j=true}var p=navigator.userAgent,x=false;if(p.match(/Android/)){x=parseFloat(p.slice(p.indexOf("Android")+8));if(x<3){a("html").addClass("sb-android")}}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var o=a("#sb-site");if(!o.parent().is("body")){o.appendTo("body")}o.addClass("sb-slide");if(a(".sb-left").length){var d=a(".sb-left"),e=false;if(!d.parent().is("body")){d.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){d.addClass("sb-static")}if(d.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){d.css("width",d.attr("data-sb-width"))}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var g=a(".sb-right"),i=false;if(!g.parent().is("body")){g.appendTo("body")}if(x&&x<3){g.addClass("sb-static")}if(g.hasClass("sb-width-custom")){g.css("width",g.attr("data-sb-width"))}}function r(){var y=a("html").css("height");o.css("minHeight",y);if(d.hasClass("sb-static")){d.css("minHeight",y)}if(g.hasClass("sb-static")){g.css("minHeight",y)}}r();var u=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close");function n(){var y=a(window).width();if(!v.disableOver||(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver>=y)){this.init=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(v.hideControlClasses){u.show()}}else{if(typeof v.disableOver==="number"&&v.disableOver'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't. - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - $left.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - $right.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - var init = false, - windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. - $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. - - // Initailise Slidebars - function initialise() { - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // Inline CSS - function css() { - // Set minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', $('body').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the body. - - // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. - if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); - if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); - - // Custom Slidebar Widths - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - css(); - - // Resize Functions - $(window).resize(function() { - var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. - if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Window was actually resized. - windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. - initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. - css(); // Reset minimum heights and negative margins. - if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - } - }); - // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation; // Animation type. - - // Set Animation Type - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - // Animate Mixin - function animate(object, amount, side) { - // Choose selectors depending on animation style. - var selector; - - if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) { - selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. - } else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) { - selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. - } else { - selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. - } - - // Apply Animation - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. - selector.css(side, amount); - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. - } - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - $left.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - $right.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - if (leftActive) { - animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - leftActive = false; - } - if (rightActive) { - animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation - rightActive = false; - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); - if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - this.init = function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. - return init; - }; - this.active = function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. - if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; - if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; - }; - - // ---------------- - // 008 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle Left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. - }); - - // Toggle Right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. - }); - - // Open Left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. - }); - - // Open Right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. - }); - - // Close a Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close either Slidebar. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Close the Slidebar and pass link. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.9.2/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.9.2/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100644 index d35c8a0..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.9.2/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.9 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;position:relative}#sb-site{width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-static .sb-slidebar,.sb-slidebar.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-slidebar.sb-active{visibility:visible}.sb-slidebar.sb-style-overlay{z-index:9999}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}.sb-slide,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.9.2/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.9.2/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 207ebdf..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.9.2/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.9 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var x=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var v=document.createElement("div").style,t=false,k=false;if(v.MozTransition===""||v.WebkitTransition===""||v.OTransition===""||v.transition===""){t=true}if(v.MozTransform===""||v.WebkitTransform===""||v.OTransform===""||v.transform===""){k=true}var s=navigator.userAgent,y=false,c=false;if(/Android/.test(s)){y=s.substr(s.indexOf("Android")+8,3)}else{if(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(s)){c=s.substr(s.indexOf("OS ")+3,3).replace("_",".")}}if(y&&y<3||c&&c<5){a("html").addClass("sb-static")}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var q=a("#sb-site");if(!q.parent().is("body")){q.appendTo("body")}if(a(".sb-left").length){var e=a(".sb-left"),g=false;e.addClass("sb-slidebar");if(!e.parent().is("body")){e.appendTo("body")}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var h=a(".sb-right"),j=false;h.addClass("sb-slidebar");if(!h.parent().is("body")){h.appendTo("body")}}var r=false,z=a(window).width(),w=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close"),m=a(".sb-slide");function o(){if(!x.disableOver||(typeof x.disableOver==="number"&&x.disableOver>=z)){r=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(x.hideControlClasses){w.removeClass("sb-hide")}}else{if(typeof x.disableOver==="number"&&x.disableOver'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't. - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - $left.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - $right.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - var init = false, - windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. - $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. - - // Initailise Slidebars - function initialise() { - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // Inline CSS - function css() { - // Set minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', $('body').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the body. - - // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. - if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); - if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); - - // Custom Slidebar Widths - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - css(); - - // Resize Functions - $(window).resize(function() { - var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. - if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Window was actually resized. - windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. - initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. - css(); // Reset minimum heights and negative margins. - if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - } - }); - // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation; // Animation type. - - // Set Animation Type - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - // Animate Mixin - function animate(object, amount, side) { - // Choose selectors depending on animation style. - var selector; - - if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) { - selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. - } else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) { - selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. - } else { - selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. - } - - // Apply Animation - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. - selector.css(side, amount); - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. - } - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - $left.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - $right.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - if (leftActive) { - animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - leftActive = false; - } - if (rightActive) { - animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation - rightActive = false; - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); - if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - this.init = function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. - return init; - }; - this.active = function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. - if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; - if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; - }; - - // ---------------- - // 008 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle Left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. - }); - - // Toggle Right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. - }); - - // Open Left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. - }); - - // Open Right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. - }); - - // Close a Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close either Slidebar. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Close the Slidebar and pass link. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.9.4/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.9.4/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index 3b64114..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.9.4/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.9.4 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;position:relative}#sb-site{width:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-static .sb-slidebar,.sb-slidebar.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-slidebar.sb-active{visibility:visible}.sb-slidebar.sb-style-overlay{z-index:9999}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}.sb-slide,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.9.4/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.9.4/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 8bab0bc..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.9.4/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.9.4 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var x=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var v=document.createElement("div").style,t=false,k=false;if(v.MozTransition===""||v.WebkitTransition===""||v.OTransition===""||v.transition===""){t=true}if(v.MozTransform===""||v.WebkitTransform===""||v.OTransform===""||v.transform===""){k=true}var s=navigator.userAgent,y=false,c=false;if(/Android/.test(s)){y=s.substr(s.indexOf("Android")+8,3)}else{if(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(s)){c=s.substr(s.indexOf("OS ")+3,3).replace("_",".")}}if(y&&y<3||c&&c<5){a("html").addClass("sb-static")}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var q=a("#sb-site");if(!q.parent().is("body")){q.appendTo("body")}if(a(".sb-left").length){var e=a(".sb-left"),g=false;e.addClass("sb-slidebar");if(!e.parent().is("body")){e.appendTo("body")}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var h=a(".sb-right"),j=false;h.addClass("sb-slidebar");if(!h.parent().is("body")){h.appendTo("body")}}var r=false,z=a(window).width(),w=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close"),m=a(".sb-slide");function o(){if(!x.disableOver||(typeof x.disableOver==="number"&&x.disableOver>=z)){r=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(x.hideControlClasses){w.removeClass("sb-hide")}}else{if(typeof x.disableOver==="number"&&x.disableOver'); // Check if content is wrapped with sb-site, wrap if it isn't. - var $site = $('#sb-site'); // Cache the selector. - if (!$site.parent().is('body')) $site.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - - // Left Slidebar - if ($('.sb-left').length) { // Check if the left Slidebar exists. - var $left = $('.sb-left'), // Cache the selector. - leftActive = false; // Used to check whether the left Slidebar is open or closed. - $left.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class. - if (!$left.parent().is('body')) $left.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - // Right Slidebar - if ($('.sb-right').length) { // Check if the right Slidebar exists. - var $right = $('.sb-right'), // Cache the selector. - rightActive = false; // Used to check whether the right Slidebar is open or closed. - $right.addClass('sb-slidebar'); // Make sure the Slidebar has the base class. - if (!$right.parent().is('body')) $right.appendTo('body'); // Check its location and move if necessary. - } - - var init = false, - windowWidth = $(window).width(), // Get width of window. - $controls = $('.sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close'), // Cache the control classes. - $slide = $('.sb-slide'); // Cache users elements to animate. - - // Initailise Slidebars - function initialise() { - if (!settings.disableOver || (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver >= windowWidth)) { // False or larger than window size. - init = true; // true enabled Slidebars to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-init'); // Add helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.removeClass('sb-hide'); // Remove class just incase Slidebars was originally disabled. - } else if (typeof settings.disableOver === 'number' && settings.disableOver < windowWidth) { // Less than window size. - init = false; // false stop Slidebars from opening. - $('html').removeClass('sb-init'); // Remove helper class. - if (settings.hideControlClasses) $controls.addClass('sb-hide'); // Hide controls - if (leftActive || rightActive) close(); // Close Slidebars if open. - } - } - initialise(); - - // Inline CSS - function css() { - // Set minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', ''); // Reset minimum height. - $site.css('minHeight', $('body').height() + 'px'); // Set minimum height of the site to the minimum height of the body. - - // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations. - if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width')); - if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width')); - - // Custom Slidebar Widths - if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width. - } - css(); - - // Resize Functions - $(window).resize(function() { - var resizedWindowWidth = $(window).width(); // Get resized window width. - if (windowWidth !== resizedWindowWidth) { // Window was actually resized. - windowWidth = resizedWindowWidth; // Set the new window width. - initialise(); // Call initalise to see if Slidebars should still be running. - css(); // Reset minimum heights and negative margins. - if (leftActive) open('left'); // If left Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - if (rightActive) open('right'); // If right Slidebar is open, calling open will ensure it is the correct size. - } - }); - // I may include a height check along side a width check here in future. - - // --------------- - // 005 - Animation - - var animation; // Animation type. - - // Set Animation Type - if (supportTransition && supportTransform) { // Browser supports css transitions and transforms. - animation = 'translate'; // Translate for browsers that support it. - if (android && android < 4.4) animation = 'side'; // Android supports both, but can't translate any fixed positions, so use left instead. - } else { - animation = 'jQuery'; // Browsers that don't support css transitions and transitions. - } - - // Animate Mixin - function animate(object, amount, side) { - // Choose selectors depending on animation style. - var selector; - - if (object.hasClass('sb-style-push')) { - selector = $site.add(object).add($slide); // Push - Animate site, Slidebar and user elements. - } else if (object.hasClass('sb-style-overlay')) { - selector = object; // Overlay - Animate Slidebar only. - } else { - selector = $site.add($slide); // Reveal - Animate site and user elements. - } - - // Apply Animation - if (animation === 'translate') { - selector.css('transform', 'translate(' + amount + ')'); - } else if (animation === 'side') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for side animations. - selector.css(side, amount); - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); - } else if (animation === 'jQuery') { - if (amount[0] === '-') amount = amount.substr(1); // Remove the '-' from the passed amount for jQuery animations. - var properties = {}; - properties[side] = amount; - selector.stop().animate(properties, 400); // Stop any current jQuery animation before starting another. - setTimeout(function() { - if (amount === '0px') { - selector.removeAttr('style'); - css(); - } - }, 400); // If closed, remove the inline styling on completion of the animation. - } - } - - // ---------------- - // 006 - Operations - - // Open a Slidebar - function open(side) { - // Check to see if opposite Slidebar is open. - if (side === 'left' && $left && rightActive || side === 'right' && $right && leftActive) { // It's open, close it, then continue. - close(); - setTimeout(proceed, 400); - } else { // Its not open, continue. - proceed(); - } - - // Open - function proceed() { - if (init && side === 'left' && $left) { // Slidebars is initiated, left is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-left'); // Add active classes. - $left.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($left, $left.css('width'), 'left'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { leftActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } else if (init && side === 'right' && $right) { // Slidebars is initiated, right is in use and called to open. - $('html').addClass('sb-active sb-active-right'); // Add active classes. - $right.addClass('sb-active'); - animate($right, '-' + $right.css('width'), 'right'); // Animation - setTimeout(function() { rightActive = true; }, 400); // Set active variables. - } - } - } - - // Close either Slidebar - function close(link) { - if (leftActive || rightActive) { // If a Slidebar is open. - if (leftActive) { - animate($left, '0px', 'left'); // Animation - leftActive = false; - } - if (rightActive) { - animate($right, '0px', 'right'); // Animation - rightActive = false; - } - - setTimeout(function() { // Wait for closing animation to finish. - $('html').removeClass('sb-active sb-active-left sb-active-right'); // Remove active classes. - if ($left) $left.removeClass('sb-active'); - if ($right) $right.removeClass('sb-active'); - if (link) window.location = link; // If a link has been passed to the function, go to it. - }, 400); - } - } - - // Toggle either Slidebar - function toggle(side) { - if (side === 'left' && $left) { // If left Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!leftActive) { - open('left'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - if (side === 'right' && $right) { // If right Slidebar is called and in use. - if (!rightActive) { - open('right'); // Slidebar is closed, open it. - } else { - close(); // Slidebar is open, close it. - } - } - } - - // --------- - // 007 - API - - this.open = open; // Maps user variable name to the open method. - this.close = close; // Maps user variable name to the close method. - this.toggle = toggle; // Maps user variable name to the toggle method. - this.init = function() { // Returns true or false whether Slidebars are running or not. - return init; - }; - this.active = function(side) { // Returns true or false whether Slidebar is open or closed. - if (side === 'left' && $left) return leftActive; - if (side === 'right' && $right) return rightActive; - }; - - // ---------------- - // 008 - User Input - - function eventHandler(event, selector) { - event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. - event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour - if (event.type === 'touchend') selector.off('click'); // If event type was touch turn off clicks to prevent phantom clicks. - } - - // Toggle Left Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('left'); // Toggle the left Slidbar. - }); - - // Toggle Right Slidebar - $('.sb-toggle-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - toggle('right'); // Toggle the right Slidbar. - }); - - // Open Left Slidebar - $('.sb-open-left').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('left'); // Open the left Slidebar. - }); - - // Open Right Slidebar - $('.sb-open-right').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - open('right'); // Open the right Slidebar. - }); - - // Close a Slidebar - $('.sb-close').on('touchend click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close either Slidebar. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Link - $('.sb-slidebar a').not('.sb-disable-close').on('click', function(event) { - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close( $(this).attr('href') ); // Close the Slidebar and pass link. - }); - - // Close Slidebar via Site - $site.on('touchend click', function(event) { - if (settings.siteClose && (leftActive || rightActive)) { // If settings permit closing by site and left or right Slidebar is open. - eventHandler(event, $(this)); // Handle the event. - close(); // Close it. - } - }); - - }; // End slidebars function. - -}) (jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.9/slidebars.min.css b/Revisions/0.9/slidebars.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index d35c8a0..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.9/slidebars.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/* Slidebars 0.9 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt */ -html,body,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{margin:0;padding:0;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}html,body{width:100%;overflow-x:hidden}html{height:100%}body{min-height:100%;position:relative}#sb-site{width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1;background-color:#fff}.sb-slidebar{height:100%;overflow-y:auto;position:fixed;top:0;z-index:0;visibility:hidden;background-color:#222}.sb-left{left:0}.sb-right{right:0}html.sb-static .sb-slidebar,.sb-slidebar.sb-static{position:absolute}.sb-slidebar.sb-active{visibility:visible}.sb-slidebar.sb-style-overlay{z-index:9999}.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}@media(max-width:480px){.sb-slidebar{width:70%}.sb-width-thin{width:55%}.sb-width-wide{width:85%}}@media(min-width:481px){.sb-slidebar{width:55%}.sb-width-thin{width:40%}.sb-width-wide{width:70%}}@media(min-width:768px){.sb-slidebar{width:40%}.sb-width-thin{width:25%}.sb-width-wide{width:55%}}@media(min-width:992px){.sb-slidebar{width:30%}.sb-width-thin{width:15%}.sb-width-wide{width:45%}}@media(min-width:1200px){.sb-slidebar{width:20%}.sb-width-thin{width:5%}.sb-width-wide{width:35%}}.sb-slide,#sb-site,.sb-slidebar{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 400ms ease;-moz-transition:-moz-transform 400ms ease;-o-transition:-o-transform 400ms ease;transition:transform 400ms ease;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform,left,right;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden}.sb-hide{display:none} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Revisions/0.9/slidebars.min.js b/Revisions/0.9/slidebars.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 207ebdf..0000000 --- a/Revisions/0.9/slidebars.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -// Slidebars 0.9 - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/ Written by Adam Smith - http://www.adchsm.me/ Released under MIT License - http://plugins.adchsm.me/slidebars/license.txt -;(function(a){a.slidebars=function(b){var x=a.extend({siteClose:true,disableOver:false,hideControlClasses:false},b);var v=document.createElement("div").style,t=false,k=false;if(v.MozTransition===""||v.WebkitTransition===""||v.OTransition===""||v.transition===""){t=true}if(v.MozTransform===""||v.WebkitTransform===""||v.OTransform===""||v.transform===""){k=true}var s=navigator.userAgent,y=false,c=false;if(/Android/.test(s)){y=s.substr(s.indexOf("Android")+8,3)}else{if(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/.test(s)){c=s.substr(s.indexOf("OS ")+3,3).replace("_",".")}}if(y&&y<3||c&&c<5){a("html").addClass("sb-static")}if(!a("#sb-site").length){a("body").children().wrapAll('
')}var q=a("#sb-site");if(!q.parent().is("body")){q.appendTo("body")}if(a(".sb-left").length){var e=a(".sb-left"),g=false;e.addClass("sb-slidebar");if(!e.parent().is("body")){e.appendTo("body")}}if(a(".sb-right").length){var h=a(".sb-right"),j=false;h.addClass("sb-slidebar");if(!h.parent().is("body")){h.appendTo("body")}}var r=false,z=a(window).width(),w=a(".sb-toggle-left, .sb-toggle-right, .sb-open-left, .sb-open-right, .sb-close"),m=a(".sb-slide");function o(){if(!x.disableOver||(typeof x.disableOver==="number"&&x.disableOver>=z)){r=true;a("html").addClass("sb-init");if(x.hideControlClasses){w.removeClass("sb-hide")}}else{if(typeof x.disableOver==="number"&&x.disableOver - - -

This Page has Moved!

- -

These add-ons have now incorporated into the Slidebars Theme.

- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/bootstrap-customize-id.txt b/Site/1.0/bootstrap-customize-id.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4926077..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/bootstrap-customize-id.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -http://getbootstrap.com/customize/?id=8575112 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/compatibility.php b/Site/1.0/compatibility.php deleted file mode 100644 index 63f847f..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/compatibility.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1628 +0,0 @@ - - -


- -

Slidebars 0.10 is compatible with nearly all modern browsers most and older ones.


jQuery (version 1.8+) is required. If you can help with testing or find any errors, thats great! Please let me know what you find.


Jump to:

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- -

Internet Explorer

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 11 & Desktop - - Fully compatible -
- 10 & Desktop - - Fully compatible. -
- 9 - - Fully compatible. -
- 8 - - Fully Compatible, you may need a polyfill if you require media queries, although its not required. See Respond.js by Scott Jehl. Site locking feature is not available. -
- 7 - - Partially compatible, a polyfill is required for box-sizing, and media queries if desired. Site locking feature is not available. -
- 6 - - Not compatible -
- -


- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 31 Aurora - - Fully compatible -
- 30 - - Fully compatible -
- 29 - - Fully compatible -
- 28 - - Fully compatible -
- 27 - - Fully compatible -
- 26 - - Fully compatible -
- 25 - - Fully compatible -
- 24 - - Fully compatible -
- 23 - - Fully compatible -
- 22 - - Fully compatible -
- 21 - - Fully compatible -
- 20 - - Fully compatible -
- 19 - - Fully compatible -
- 18 - - Fully compatible -
- 17 - - Fully compatible -
- 16 - - Fully compatible -
- 15 - - Fully compatible -
- 14 - - Fully compatible -
- 13 - - Fully compatible -
- 12 - - Fully compatible -
- 11 - - Fully compatible -
- 10 - - Fully compatible -
- 9 - - Fully compatible -
- 8 - - Fully compatible -
- 7 - - Fully compatible -
- 6 - - Fully compatible -
- 5 - - Fully compatible -
- 4 - - Fully compatible -
- 3.6 - - Fully compatible -
- 3 - - Fully compatible -
- -


- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 37 Dev - - Fully compatible -
- 36 Beta - - Fully compatible -
- 35 - - Fully compatible -
- 34 - - Fully compatible -
- 33 - - Fully compatible -
- 32 - - Fully compatible -
- 31 - - Fully compatible -
- 30 - - Fully compatible -
- 29 - - Fully compatible -
- 28 - - Fully compatible -
- 27 - - Fully compatible -
- 26 - - Fully compatible -
- 25 - - Fully compatible -
- 24 - - Fully compatible -
- 23 - - Fully compatible -
- 22 - - Fully compatible -
- 21 - - Fully compatible -
- 20 - - Fully compatible -
- 19 - - Fully compatible -
- 18 - - Fully compatible -
- 17 - - Fully compatible -
- 16 - - Fully compatible -
- 15 - - Fully compatible -
- 14 - - Fully compatible -
- -


- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 7 - - Fully compatible -
- 6.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 6 - - Fully compatible -
- 5.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 5 - - Fully compatible -
- 4 - - Fully compatible -
- -


- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 22 - - Fully compatible -
- 21 - - Fully compatible -
- 20 - - Fully compatible -
- 19 Next - - Fully compatible -
- 18 - - Fully compatible -
- 17 - - Fully compatible -
- 16 - - Fully compatible -
- 15 - - Fully compatible -
- 12.16 - - Fully compatible -
- 12.15 - - Fully compatible -
- 12.14 - - Fully compatible -
- 12.10 - - Fully compatible -
- 11.6 - - Fully compatible. Site locking feature is not available. -
- 11.5 - - Fully compatible. Site locking feature is not available. -
- 11.1 - - Fully compatible. Site locking feature is not available. -
- 10.6 - - Fully compatible. Site locking feature is not available. -
- -

iOS Safari

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 7.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 7 - - Fully compatible -
- 6.0 - 6.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 5.0 - 5.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 4.2 - 4.3 - - Compatible, Slidebars not fixed to screen. -
- 4.0 - 4.1 - - Compatible, Slidebars not fixed to screen. -
- 3.0 - - Compatible, Slidebars not fixed to screen. -
- -

Opera Mini


When using Opera Mini, JavaScript is processed by a proxy server, and simply rendered on the page. Slidebars is functional on Opera Mini, but has no animation.

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 7.0 - - Functional, no animation or fixed Slidebars. -
- 6.0 - 6.1 - - Untested -
- 5.0 - 5.1 - - Untested -
- 4.2 - 4.3 - - Untested -
- 4.0 - 4.1 - - Untested -
- 3.2 - - Untested -
- -

Android Browser

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 4.4 - - Fully compatible -
- 4.3 - - Fully compatible -
- 4.2 - - Fully compatible -
- 4.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 4.0 - - Fully compatible -
- 3.0 - - Untested -
- 2.3 - - Compatible, Slidebars not fixed to screen. -
- 2.2 - - Compatible, Slidebars not fixed to screen. -
- 2.1 - - Compatible, Slidebars not fixed to screen. -
- -

BlackBerry Browser

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 10.2 - - Fully compatible -
- 10.1 - - Fully compatible -
- 10.0 - - Fully compatible -
- -

BlackBerry PlayBook

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 2.1 - - Fully compatible -
- -

Opera Mobile

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 12.1 - - Partially compatible, issues with heights & overflow-x/overflow-y. -
- 12 - - Untested -
- 11.5 - - Untested -
- 11.1 - - Untested -
- 11 - - Untested -
- 10 - - Untested -
- -

Firefox for Android

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 26 - - Fully compatible -
- -

Chrome for Android

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 30 - - Untested -
- -

Chrome for iOS

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 35 - - Fully compatible -
- 34 - - Fully compatible -
- 33 - - Fully compatible -
- 32 - - Fully compatible -
- 31 - - Fully compatible -
- -

IE Mobile

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 10 - - Untested -
- -

Firefox OS

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 1.1 - - Fully compatible -
- -


- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 7.5.1 - - Fully compatible -
- -

PlayStation 4 Browser

- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Version - - Compatibility -
- 1.6 - - Fully compatible -
- - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/contact.php b/Site/1.0/contact.php deleted file mode 100644 index a57ac44..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/contact.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ - - - -


- -

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion give me a shout.


You can email me at adam@adchsm.me. If you find any issues, please report them on Github. For updates, you can follow me on Twitter, or sign up to my mailing list.

- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.7.1/Slidebars.zip b/Site/1.0/downloads/0.7.1/Slidebars.zip deleted file mode 100644 index 0290684..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.7.1/Slidebars.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.7/Slidebars.zip b/Site/1.0/downloads/0.7/Slidebars.zip deleted file mode 100644 index 33a5e90..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.7/Slidebars.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8.1/Slidebars.zip b/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8.1/Slidebars.zip deleted file mode 100644 index f05a42b..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8.1/Slidebars.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8.2/Slidebars.zip b/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8.2/Slidebars.zip deleted file mode 100644 index 54239eb..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8.2/Slidebars.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8/Slidebars.zip b/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8/Slidebars.zip deleted file mode 100644 index 166f7d5..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.8/Slidebars.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.9/Slidebars.zip b/Site/1.0/downloads/0.9/Slidebars.zip deleted file mode 100644 index fc96f6a..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/downloads/0.9/Slidebars.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/footer.php b/Site/1.0/footer.php deleted file mode 100644 index 56a2d1f..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/footer.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -
- -
- - - - - -
- -
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/functions.php b/Site/1.0/functions.php deleted file mode 100644 index b2feb14..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/functions.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/header.php b/Site/1.0/header.php deleted file mode 100644 index b5f64b1..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/header.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - <?php echo $title; ?> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - -
- Meet Bisma -

Meet Bisma


A beautiful, modern WordPress theme.


My premium WordPress theme featuring Slidebars is now available. I set out to create a clean, focused theme that provides a consistent experience for users across all platforms and devices. Bisma prioritizes your content, equipping your website with a superior level of readability and usability.


Purchase Bisma Preview Bisma

- - -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/glyphicon-download.png b/Site/1.0/images/glyphicon-download.png deleted file mode 100644 index e8cdf4d..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/glyphicon-download.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/114.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/114.png deleted file mode 100644 index 5198c1a..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/114.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/120.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/120.png deleted file mode 100644 index c6954c9..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/120.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/144.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/144.png deleted file mode 100644 index ed8f640..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/144.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/152.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/152.png deleted file mode 100644 index cc15700..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/152.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/16.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/16.png deleted file mode 100644 index a8b08a9..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/16.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/32.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/32.png deleted file mode 100644 index 7746ae5..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/32.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/48.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/48.png deleted file mode 100644 index 7a5d968..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/48.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/57.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/57.png deleted file mode 100644 index f083b4b..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/57.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/64.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/64.png deleted file mode 100644 index 77b8943..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/64.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/72.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/72.png deleted file mode 100644 index 49a22e9..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/72.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/icons/76.png b/Site/1.0/images/icons/76.png deleted file mode 100644 index d68925e..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/icons/76.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/manhattan-banner.jpg b/Site/1.0/images/manhattan-banner.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 295a1e9..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/manhattan-banner.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/me@2x.jpg b/Site/1.0/images/me@2x.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index aa43288..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/me@2x.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/meet-bisma.png b/Site/1.0/images/meet-bisma.png deleted file mode 100644 index 04a80dc..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/meet-bisma.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/slidebars-logo-white@2x.png b/Site/1.0/images/slidebars-logo-white@2x.png deleted file mode 100644 index 652e8f3..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/slidebars-logo-white@2x.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/slidebars-logo@2x.png b/Site/1.0/images/slidebars-logo@2x.png deleted file mode 100644 index a0afaf8..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/slidebars-logo@2x.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/1004.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/1004.png deleted file mode 100644 index 585d4b4..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/1004.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/1096.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/1096.png deleted file mode 100644 index 066da39..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/1096.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/1496.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/1496.png deleted file mode 100644 index 6af70b1..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/1496.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/2008.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/2008.png deleted file mode 100644 index b5a491c..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/2008.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/460.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/460.png deleted file mode 100644 index d01987c..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/460.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/748.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/748.png deleted file mode 100644 index 180dc57..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/748.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/startup/920.png b/Site/1.0/images/startup/920.png deleted file mode 100644 index 736aa49..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/startup/920.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/images/twitter-card@2x.png b/Site/1.0/images/twitter-card@2x.png deleted file mode 100644 index 6486fec..0000000 Binary files a/Site/1.0/images/twitter-card@2x.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Site/1.0/index.php b/Site/1.0/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index 4b63899..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/index.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ - - - -



Slidebars is a jQuery plugin for quickly and easily implementing app style off-canvas menus and sidebars into your website.


Slidebars was born from a reoccurring need to create off-canvas sliding mobile menus for responsive design. It's ultra-light at 1555 bytes (js) & 660 bytes (css) when gzipped, uses hardware accelerated transitions where possible for quick and smooth animation, falling back to jQuery .animate() on un-supporting browsers.


Slidebars aren't just for handheld devices, they can be used for implementing revealing content on sites and screens of all sizes. Try it now: open a Slidebar and resize your window to see how they behave.


You can also add this site to your home screen, try it and see how it can make your web apps feel native.


Slidebars also handles orientation changes and resizes flawlessly.

- - -


- -

Slidebars version 0.10.3 released May 7, 2015.

- -

The original and minified versions are included in the download, along with basic templates, examples for mobile only, API usage, custom widths and animation styles. Be sure to read up the usage documentation/Italiano/日本手順.


Slidebars is released under the MIT license. It's free to use and abuse on any project, personal or commercial. If you use it please let me know, I'd love to see.

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Download View on GitHub

- -

You can also install via Bower

$ bower install Slidebars
- -

If you're feeling generous, you could always tweet about #Slidebars, share or link to this page.

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- - - - -

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Whats New


0.10.3 Released May 7, 2015 Download 0.10.3

  • Fixes an issue with with jQuery .animate() animation methods.
  • -
- -

0.10.2 Released July 3, 2014

  • Fixes an issue with scrolling locking when Slidebars are closed (thanks to Jay Padua).
  • -
- -

0.10.1 Released June 27, 2014

  • Re-written close control class.
  • -
  • Fixes an issue with scrolling Slidebar menu items on touch devices.
  • -
  • Improved support for scroll locking on iOS.
  • -
- -

0.10 Released June 24, 2014

  • Links in Slidebars no longer close the containing Slidebar before following the link. Instead add class .sb-close to the <a>, or the parent of <a> to close first.
  • -
  • Class .sb-disable-close has been depreciated, see above.
  • -
  • API rework. All API methods are now prefixed with .slidebars. For example yourVariable.slidebars.open('left');.
  • -
  • New API method .destroy(side). Removes Slidebar from the DOM.
  • -
  • New option scrollLock set to true or false, default: false. Prevents site scrolling when a Slidebar is open. Alternatively you may also add class sb-scroll-lock the <html>.
  • -
  • You may now use class .sb-site-container instead of #sb-site. -
  • The script no longer checks positions of site container and Slidebar elements, or moves them if located incorrectly.
  • -
  • .NET compatible.
  • -
  • New modifier class .sb-momentum-scrolling for Slidebar elements that uses -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;.
  • -
  • Fixes an issue with minimum heights for site container.
  • -
  • Minimum heights are no longer set for screen sizes larger than disableOver (if provided).
  • -
  • Fixes issues with push and overlay styles on iOS 7.
  • -
  • Inactive Slidebars now use display: none; instead of visibility: hidden; to allow for native scrolling as above.
  • -
  • Inline styling removed after closing animation.
  • -
  • Fixes a bug with incorrect negative margins when using custom widths and push/overlay styles.
  • -
  • Fixes a bug where animation snapped open on Android < 4.3
  • -
- -

Version History

- -

0.9.4 Released April 1, 2014


Fixes an issue which affected site locking and scrolling difficulty.

- -

0.9.1, 0.9.2, 0.9.3


jQuery Plugin Registry and Bower fixes.

- -

0.9 Released March 10, 2014


Version 0.9 features new animation styles, improved support for iOS < 5, increased API functions, and a few other bug fixes.

  • New push animation style, add modifier class .sb-style-push to a Slidebar.
  • -
  • New overlay animation style, add modifier class .sb-style-overlay to a Slidebar. See example.
  • -
  • New thin width, add modifier class .sb-width-thin to a Slidebar.
  • -
  • New wide width, add modifier class .sb-width-wide to a Slidebar.
  • -
  • Static Slidebars support for older versions of iOS which do not support position: fixed;
  • -
  • More API functions, return when Slidebars has been initiated, and if either Slidebar is open or closed.
  • -
  • Re-written window resize events.
  • -
  • Improved static Slidebars.
  • -
  • Improved inline min-height styling, to avoid additional spacing under site.
  • -
  • Fixed a bug where control classes couldn't be hidden using CSS.
  • -
  • Helper class html.sb-android has been depreciated, see below.
  • -
  • New helper class html.sb-static has been added, use this to un-fix your fixed elements for use on Android < 3 and iOS < 5.
  • -

With regret the Slidebars theme has been dropped from version 0.9. Slidebars wasn't ever really supposed to be about components, just a reliable cross-browser plugin for drawer/sliding functionality.

- - -

0.8.2 Released February 24, 2014


Event handling has been re-written in this update for better Android support. Also fixed an error where unnecessary space was added below the site content on a window resize.

- -

0.8.1 Released February 17, 2014


Immediate update which fixes an error which caused Slidebars to fail when only one Slidebar was being used.

- -

0.8 Released February 17, 2014


Just over a month after its initial release, Slidebars has had so much positive reception. It has been downloaded nearly 3,000 times, been listed as featured plugin on over 25 sites, starred on Github over 50 times, and forked 17 times. On this site, visitors have opened the Slidebars over 90,000 times!


If your using Slidebars, and would like to be featured on this site, please let me know. I'm assembling a list of Slidebars out in wild.


Version 0.8 has some great new features, and fully retains its compatibility.

  • Links in Slidebars no longer close the containing Slidebar before following the link. Instead add class .sb-close to the <a> , or the parent of <a> to close first.
  • -
  • API rework. All API methods are now prefixed with .slidebars . For example yourVariable.slidebars.open('left'); .
  • -
  • New API method .destroy(side) . Removes Slidebar from the DOM.
  • -
  • New option siteLock set to true or false, default: false. Locks site to prevent site scrolling when Slidebar is open. Alternatively you may also add class sb-lock the <html> .
  • -
  • You may now use class .sb-site-container instead of #sb-site .
  • -
  • The script no longer checks positions of site and Slidebar elements, or moves them if located incorrectly.
  • -
  • .NET compatible.
  • -
  • New modifier class .sb-momentum-scrolling for Slidebar elements that uses -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; .
  • -
  • Fixes an issue with minimum heights for site container.
  • -
  • Minimum heights are no longer set for screen sizes larger than disableOver (if provided).
  • -
  • Fixes issues with push and overlay styles on iOS 7.
  • -
  • Inactive Slidebars now use display: none; instead of visibility: hidden; to allow for native scrolling as above.
  • -
  • Inline styling removed after closing animation.
  • -
  • Fixes a bug with incorrect negative margins when using custom widths and push/overlay styles.
  • -
  • Fixes a bug where animation snapped open on Android < 4.3.
  • -
- -

0.7.1 Released January 21, 2014

- - -

0.7 Released January 13, 2014

  • First public release.
  • -
- - -

Future Development


Below is a list of future development plans for the plugin. There are currently no expected dates. If you'd like to notified of when this plugin is updated, you can sign up to my mailing list.

  • WordPress Plugin
  • -
  • Top & bottom Slidebars
  • -
  • Swipe and drag control
  • -
  • Further API development
  • -
  • Clean up and further optimise code
  • -
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/issues.php b/Site/1.0/issues.php deleted file mode 100644 index 57f3407..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/issues.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ - - - -


- -

If you find any issues, please report them on Github.

- -

Fixed Positions


Slidebars uses CSS transitions and transformations for its animation. There is a known issue about transforming elements that contain children with position: fixed;. You can over come this by following this guide.

- -



Modal.js (also included with Bootstrap) doesn't display correctly when sitting inside a parent with position: relative;. Here is a css snippet to make modals work with Slidebars.

- -

Squashed Content in Navbar


For those using Slidebars with Bootstrap, or any other framework that offers a full width navigation bar. You may be experiencing issues with squashed content in your navbar when using Android. This can easily be fixed with a css snippet.

- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/issues/fixed-position.php b/Site/1.0/issues/fixed-position.php deleted file mode 100644 index b8af498..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/issues/fixed-position.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ - - - -

Issue - Moving Fixed Positioned Elements

- -

Slidebars uses CSS transitions and transformations for its animation. There is a known issue when transforming elements that contain children with position:fixed;. A current solution is to put your fixed elements outside of your #sb-site element, and as a direct child of the <body>. Then by giving this element the class .sb-slide, it will also be animated along with the site container.

- -

iOS < 5 and Android < 3 don't support position: fixed;. A helper class html.sb-static is added for these versions, and can be used to unfix your design.

- -



Here is a modified version of our basic template, which includes a new element called 'navbar' - a navigation bar that sits at the top of the page, which we have added the class .sb-slide.

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<!doctype html>
<title>Slidebars Basic Template</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

<!-- Slidebars CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/slidebars.min.css">

<div id="sb-site">
<!-- Your main site content. -->

<div class="navbar sb-slide">
<!-- Your navigation here. -->

<div class="sb-slidebar sb-left">
<!-- Your left Slidebar content. -->

<div class="sb-slidebar sb-right">
<!-- Your right Slidebar content. -->

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Slidebars -->
<script src="path/to/slidebars.min.js"></script>
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
}) (jQuery);
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/issues/index.php b/Site/1.0/issues/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index 41f4c6d..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/issues/index.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/issues/modal.php b/Site/1.0/issues/modal.php deleted file mode 100644 index 7b0fa3b..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/issues/modal.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/issues/squashed-content.php b/Site/1.0/issues/squashed-content.php deleted file mode 100644 index ff53fb0..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/issues/squashed-content.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ - - -

Issue - Squashed Content

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If you are implementing Slidebars alongside a framework such as Bootstrap, you may come across an error with squashed navbar content on Android.

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As Android < 4.4 can't translate elements with postioned: fixed;, Slidebars uses left to animate.

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The Bootstrap framework has the following styling for their .navbar:

.navbar {
left: 0;
right: 0;
- -

When a Slidebar is opened, the styling would look something like:

.navbar {
left: 240px;
right: 0;
- -

As you can imagine, the content within the navbar would be squashed. A solution is to over-right the frameworks default styling with:

.navbar {
width: 100%
left: auto;
right: auto;
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/license.txt b/Site/1.0/license.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 86b6760..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/license.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2014 Adam Smith - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/scripts/bootstrap/config.json b/Site/1.0/scripts/bootstrap/config.json deleted file mode 100755 index 4e51d3a..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/scripts/bootstrap/config.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -{ - "vars": { - "@brand-primary": "#FF3971", - "@link-hover-color": "darken(@link-color, 10%)", - "@font-family-sans-serif": "'Open Sans', sans-serif", - "@headings-font-weight": "600", - "@headings-color": "#242424", - "@navbar-default-bg": "#FF3971", - "@navbar-default-link-color": "#fff", - "@navbar-default-link-hover-color": "darken(@navbar-default-link-color, 15%)", - "@navbar-default-link-active-color": "@navbar-default-link-color" - }, - "css": [ - "type.less", - "code.less", - "grid.less", - "tables.less", - "forms.less", - "buttons.less", - "button-groups.less", - "input-groups.less", - "navs.less", - "navbar.less", - "alerts.less", - "tooltip.less", - "popovers.less", - "modals.less", - "utilities.less", - "responsive-utilities.less", - "component-animations.less" - ], - "js": [ - "button.js", - "modal.js", - "tooltip.js", - "popover.js", - "transition.js" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Site/1.0/scripts/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css b/Site/1.0/scripts/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css deleted file mode 100755 index 3794bf3..0000000 --- a/Site/1.0/scripts/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4190 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * Bootstrap v3.0.3 - * - * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc - * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Designed and built with all the love in the world @twitter by @mdo and @fat. - */ - -/*! normalize.css v2.1.3 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */ -article, -aside, -details, -figcaption, -figure, -footer, -header, -hgroup, -main, -nav, -section, -summary { - display: block; -} -audio, -canvas, -video { - display: inline-block; -} -audio:not([controls]) { - display: none; - height: 0; -} -[hidden], -template { - display: none; -} -html { - font-family: sans-serif; - -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; - -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -} -body { - margin: 0; -} -a { - background: transparent; -} -a:focus { - outline: thin dotted; -} -a:active, -a:hover { - outline: 0; -} -h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin: 0.67em 0; -} -abbr[title] { - border-bottom: 1px dotted; -} -b, -strong { - font-weight: bold; -} -dfn { - font-style: italic; -} -hr { - -moz-box-sizing: content-box; - box-sizing: content-box; - height: 0; -} -mark { - background: #ff0; - color: #000; -} -code, -kbd, -pre, -samp { - font-family: monospace, serif; - font-size: 1em; -} -pre { - white-space: pre-wrap; -} -q { - quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"; -} -small { - font-size: 80%; -} -sub, -sup { - font-size: 75%; - line-height: 0; - position: relative; - vertical-align: baseline; -} -sup { - top: -0.5em; -} -sub { - bottom: -0.25em; -} -img { - border: 0; -} -svg:not(:root) { - overflow: hidden; -} -figure { - margin: 0; -} -fieldset { - border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; - margin: 0 2px; - padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; -} -legend { - border: 0; - padding: 0; -} -button, -input, -select, -textarea { - font-family: inherit; - font-size: 100%; - margin: 0; -} -button, -input { - line-height: normal; -} -button, -select { - text-transform: none; -} -button, -html input[type="button"], -input[type="reset"], -input[type="submit"] { - -webkit-appearance: button; - cursor: pointer; -} -button[disabled], -html input[disabled] { - cursor: default; -} -input[type="checkbox"], -input[type="radio"] { - box-sizing: border-box; - padding: 0; -} -input[type="search"] { - -webkit-appearance: textfield; - -moz-box-sizing: content-box; - -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; - box-sizing: content-box; -} -input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, -input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { - -webkit-appearance: none; -} -button::-moz-focus-inner, -input::-moz-focus-inner { - border: 0; - padding: 0; -} -textarea { - overflow: auto; - vertical-align: top; -} -table { - border-collapse: collapse; - border-spacing: 0; -} -*, -*:before, -*:after { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; -} -html { - font-size: 62.5%; - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); -} -body { - font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; - font-size: 14px; - line-height: 1.428571429; - color: #333333; - background-color: #ffffff; -} -input, -button, -select, -textarea { - font-family: inherit; - font-size: inherit; - line-height: inherit; -} -a { - color: #ff3971; - text-decoration: none; -} -a:hover, -a:focus { - color: #ff064c; - text-decoration: underline; -} -a:focus { - outline: thin dotted; - outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; - outline-offset: -2px; -} -img { - vertical-align: middle; -} -.img-responsive { - display: block; - max-width: 100%; - height: auto; -} -.img-rounded { - border-radius: 6px; -} -.img-thumbnail { - padding: 4px; - line-height: 1.428571429; - background-color: #ffffff; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; - border-radius: 4px; - -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; - transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; - display: inline-block; - max-width: 100%; - height: auto; -} -.img-circle { - border-radius: 50%; -} -hr { - margin-top: 20px; - margin-bottom: 20px; - border: 0; - border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee; -} -.sr-only { - position: absolute; - width: 1px; - height: 1px; - margin: -1px; - padding: 0; - overflow: hidden; - clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); - border: 0; -} -h1, -h2, -h3, -h4, -h5, -h6, -.h1, -.h2, -.h3, -.h4, -.h5, -.h6 { - font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; - font-weight: 600; - line-height: 1.1; - color: #242424; -} -h1 small, -h2 small, -h3 small, -h4 small, -h5 small, -h6 small, -.h1 small, -.h2 small, -.h3 small, -.h4 small, -.h5 small, -.h6 small, -h1 .small, -h2 .small, -h3 .small, -h4 .small, -h5 .small, -h6 .small, -.h1 .small, -.h2 .small, -.h3 .small, -.h4 .small, -.h5 .small, -.h6 .small { - font-weight: normal; - line-height: 1; - color: #999999; -} -h1, -h2, -h3 { - margin-top: 20px; - margin-bottom: 10px; -} -h1 small, -h2 small, -h3 small, -h1 .small, -h2 .small, -h3 .small { - font-size: 65%; -} -h4, -h5, -h6 { - margin-top: 10px; - margin-bottom: 10px; -} -h4 small, -h5 small, -h6 small, -h4 .small, -h5 .small, -h6 .small { - font-size: 75%; -} -h1, -.h1 { - font-size: 36px; -} -h2, -.h2 { - font-size: 30px; -} -h3, -.h3 { - font-size: 24px; -} -h4, -.h4 { - font-size: 18px; -} -h5, -.h5 { - font-size: 14px; -} -h6, -.h6 { - font-size: 12px; -} -p { - margin: 0 0 10px; -} -.lead { - margin-bottom: 20px; - font-size: 16px; - font-weight: 200; - line-height: 1.4; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .lead { - font-size: 21px; - } -} -small, -.small { - font-size: 85%; -} -cite { - font-style: normal; -} -.text-muted { - color: #999999; -} -.text-primary { - color: #ff3971; -} -.text-primary:hover { - color: #ff064c; -} -.text-warning { - color: #8a6d3b; -} -.text-warning:hover { - color: #66512c; -} -.text-danger { - color: #a94442; -} -.text-danger:hover { - color: #843534; -} -.text-success { - color: #3c763d; -} -.text-success:hover { - color: #2b542c; -} -.text-info { - color: #31708f; -} -.text-info:hover { - color: #245269; -} -.text-left { - text-align: left; -} -.text-right { - text-align: right; -} -.text-center { - text-align: center; -} -.page-header { - padding-bottom: 9px; - margin: 40px 0 20px; - border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee; -} -ul, -ol { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 10px; -} -ul ul, -ol ul, -ul ol, -ol ol { - margin-bottom: 0; -} -.list-unstyled { - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; -} -.list-inline { - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; -} -.list-inline > li { - display: inline-block; - padding-left: 5px; - padding-right: 5px; -} -.list-inline > li:first-child { - padding-left: 0; -} -dl { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 20px; -} -dt, -dd { - line-height: 1.428571429; -} -dt { - font-weight: bold; -} -dd { - margin-left: 0; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .dl-horizontal dt { - float: left; - width: 160px; - clear: left; - text-align: right; - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - white-space: nowrap; - } - .dl-horizontal dd { - margin-left: 180px; - } - .dl-horizontal dd:before, - .dl-horizontal dd:after { - content: " "; - display: table; - } - .dl-horizontal dd:after { - clear: both; - } - .dl-horizontal dd:before, - .dl-horizontal dd:after { - content: " "; - display: table; - } - .dl-horizontal dd:after { - clear: both; - } -} -abbr[title], -abbr[data-original-title] { - cursor: help; - border-bottom: 1px dotted #999999; -} -.initialism { - font-size: 90%; - text-transform: uppercase; -} -blockquote { - padding: 10px 20px; - margin: 0 0 20px; - border-left: 5px solid #eeeeee; -} -blockquote p { - font-size: 17.5px; - font-weight: 300; - line-height: 1.25; -} -blockquote p:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; -} -blockquote small, -blockquote .small { - display: block; - line-height: 1.428571429; - color: #999999; -} -blockquote small:before, -blockquote .small:before { - content: '\2014 \00A0'; -} -blockquote.pull-right { - padding-right: 15px; - padding-left: 0; - border-right: 5px solid #eeeeee; - border-left: 0; -} -blockquote.pull-right p, -blockquote.pull-right small, -blockquote.pull-right .small { - text-align: right; -} -blockquote.pull-right small:before, -blockquote.pull-right .small:before { - content: ''; -} -blockquote.pull-right small:after, -blockquote.pull-right .small:after { - content: '\00A0 \2014'; -} -blockquote:before, -blockquote:after { - content: ""; -} -address { - margin-bottom: 20px; - font-style: normal; - line-height: 1.428571429; -} -code, -kbd, -pre, -samp { - font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; -} -code { - padding: 2px 4px; - font-size: 90%; - color: #c7254e; - background-color: #f9f2f4; - white-space: nowrap; - border-radius: 4px; -} -pre { - display: block; - padding: 9.5px; - margin: 0 0 10px; - font-size: 13px; - line-height: 1.428571429; - word-break: break-all; - word-wrap: break-word; - color: #333333; - background-color: #f5f5f5; - border: 1px solid #cccccc; - border-radius: 4px; -} -pre code { - padding: 0; - font-size: inherit; - color: inherit; - white-space: pre-wrap; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 0; -} -.pre-scrollable { - max-height: 340px; - overflow-y: scroll; -} -.container { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: auto; - padding-left: 15px; - padding-right: 15px; -} -.container:before, -.container:after { - content: " "; - display: table; -} -.container:after { - clear: both; -} -.container:before, -.container:after { - content: " "; - display: table; -} -.container:after { - clear: both; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - 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1px; - padding-left: 15px; - padding-right: 15px; -} -.col-xs-1, .col-xs-2, .col-xs-3, .col-xs-4, .col-xs-5, .col-xs-6, .col-xs-7, .col-xs-8, .col-xs-9, .col-xs-10, .col-xs-11, .col-xs-12 { - float: left; -} -.col-xs-12 { - width: 100%; -} -.col-xs-11 { - width: 91.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-10 { - width: 83.33333333333334%; -} -.col-xs-9 { - width: 75%; -} -.col-xs-8 { - width: 66.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-7 { - width: 58.333333333333336%; -} -.col-xs-6 { - width: 50%; -} -.col-xs-5 { - width: 41.66666666666667%; -} -.col-xs-4 { - width: 33.33333333333333%; -} -.col-xs-3 { - width: 25%; -} -.col-xs-2 { - width: 16.666666666666664%; -} -.col-xs-1 { - width: 8.333333333333332%; -} -.col-xs-pull-12 { - right: 100%; -} -.col-xs-pull-11 { - right: 91.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-pull-10 { - right: 83.33333333333334%; -} -.col-xs-pull-9 { - right: 75%; -} -.col-xs-pull-8 { - right: 66.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-pull-7 { - right: 58.333333333333336%; -} -.col-xs-pull-6 { - right: 50%; -} -.col-xs-pull-5 { - right: 41.66666666666667%; -} -.col-xs-pull-4 { - right: 33.33333333333333%; -} -.col-xs-pull-3 { - right: 25%; -} -.col-xs-pull-2 { - right: 16.666666666666664%; -} -.col-xs-pull-1 { - right: 8.333333333333332%; -} -.col-xs-pull-0 { - right: 0%; -} -.col-xs-push-12 { - left: 100%; -} -.col-xs-push-11 { - left: 91.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-push-10 { - left: 83.33333333333334%; -} -.col-xs-push-9 { - left: 75%; -} -.col-xs-push-8 { - left: 66.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-push-7 { - left: 58.333333333333336%; -} -.col-xs-push-6 { - left: 50%; -} -.col-xs-push-5 { - left: 41.66666666666667%; -} -.col-xs-push-4 { - left: 33.33333333333333%; -} -.col-xs-push-3 { - left: 25%; -} -.col-xs-push-2 { - left: 16.666666666666664%; -} -.col-xs-push-1 { - left: 8.333333333333332%; -} -.col-xs-push-0 { - left: 0%; -} -.col-xs-offset-12 { - margin-left: 100%; -} -.col-xs-offset-11 { - margin-left: 91.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-offset-10 { - margin-left: 83.33333333333334%; -} -.col-xs-offset-9 { - margin-left: 75%; -} -.col-xs-offset-8 { - margin-left: 66.66666666666666%; -} -.col-xs-offset-7 { - margin-left: 58.333333333333336%; -} -.col-xs-offset-6 { - margin-left: 50%; -} -.col-xs-offset-5 { - margin-left: 41.66666666666667%; -} -.col-xs-offset-4 { - margin-left: 33.33333333333333%; -} -.col-xs-offset-3 { - margin-left: 25%; -} -.col-xs-offset-2 { - margin-left: 16.666666666666664%; -} -.col-xs-offset-1 { - margin-left: 8.333333333333332%; -} -.col-xs-offset-0 { - margin-left: 0%; -} -@media (min-width: 768px) { - .col-sm-1, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11, .col-sm-12 { - float: left; - } - .col-sm-12 { - width: 100%; - } - .col-sm-11 { - width: 91.66666666666666%; - } - .col-sm-10 { - width: 83.33333333333334%; - } - .col-sm-9 { - width: 75%; - } - .col-sm-8 { - width: 66.66666666666666%; - } - .col-sm-7 { - width: 58.333333333333336%; - } - .col-sm-6 { - width: 50%; - } - 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} - .col-sm-push-8 { - left: 66.66666666666666%; - } - .col-sm-push-7 { - left: 58.333333333333336%; - } - .col-sm-push-6 { - left: 50%; - } - .col-sm-push-5 { - left: 41.66666666666667%; - } - .col-sm-push-4 { - left: 33.33333333333333%; - } - .col-sm-push-3 { - left: 25%; - } - .col-sm-push-2 { - left: 16.666666666666664%; - } - .col-sm-push-1 { - left: 8.333333333333332%; - } - .col-sm-push-0 { - left: 0%; - } - .col-sm-offset-12 { - margin-left: 100%; - } - .col-sm-offset-11 { - margin-left: 91.66666666666666%; - } - .col-sm-offset-10 { - margin-left: 83.33333333333334%; - } - .col-sm-offset-9 { - margin-left: 75%; - } - .col-sm-offset-8 { - margin-left: 66.66666666666666%; - } - .col-sm-offset-7 { - margin-left: 58.333333333333336%; - } - .col-sm-offset-6 { - margin-left: 50%; - } - .col-sm-offset-5 { - margin-left: 41.66666666666667%; - } - .col-sm-offset-4 { - margin-left: 33.33333333333333%; - } - .col-sm-offset-3 { - margin-left: 25%; - } - .col-sm-offset-2 { - margin-left: 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> td, -.table > tbody > .warning > td, -.table > tfoot > .warning > td, -.table > thead > .warning > th, -.table > tbody > .warning > th, -.table > tfoot > .warning > th { - background-color: #fcf8e3; -} -.table-hover > tbody > tr > .warning:hover, -.table-hover > tbody > .warning:hover > td, -.table-hover > tbody > .warning:hover > th { - background-color: #faf2cc; -} -@media (max-width: 767px) { - .table-responsive { - width: 100%; - margin-bottom: 15px; - overflow-y: hidden; - overflow-x: scroll; - -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar; - border: 1px solid #dddddd; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; - } - .table-responsive > .table { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > th, - .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > th, - .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > th, - .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > td, - .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > td, - .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > td { - white-space: nowrap; - } - 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http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#buttons - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - * ======================================================================== */ - - -+function ($) { "use strict"; - - // BUTTON PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION - // ============================== - - var Button = function (element, options) { - this.$element = $(element) - this.options = $.extend({}, Button.DEFAULTS, options) - } - - Button.DEFAULTS = { - loadingText: 'loading...' - } - - Button.prototype.setState = function (state) { - var d = 'disabled' - var $el = this.$element - var val = $el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html' - var data = $el.data() - - state = state + 'Text' - - if (!data.resetText) $el.data('resetText', $el[val]()) - - $el[val](data[state] || this.options[state]) - - // push to event loop to allow forms to submit - setTimeout(function () { - state == 'loadingText' ? - $el.addClass(d).attr(d, d) : - $el.removeClass(d).removeAttr(d); - }, 0) - } - - Button.prototype.toggle = function () { - var $parent = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]') - var changed = true - - if ($parent.length) { - var $input = this.$element.find('input') - if ($input.prop('type') === 'radio') { - // see if clicking on current one - if ($input.prop('checked') && this.$element.hasClass('active')) - changed = false - else - $parent.find('.active').removeClass('active') - } - if (changed) $input.prop('checked', !this.$element.hasClass('active')).trigger('change') - } - - if (changed) this.$element.toggleClass('active') - } - - - // BUTTON PLUGIN DEFINITION - // ======================== - - var old = $.fn.button - - $.fn.button = function (option) { - return this.each(function () { - var $this = $(this) - var data = $this.data('bs.button') - var options = typeof option == 'object' && option - - if (!data) $this.data('bs.button', (data = new Button(this, options))) - - if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle() - else if (option) data.setState(option) - }) - } - - $.fn.button.Constructor = Button - - - // BUTTON NO CONFLICT - // ================== - - $.fn.button.noConflict = function () { - $.fn.button = old - return this - } - - - // BUTTON DATA-API - // =============== - - $(document).on('click.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^=button]', function (e) { - var $btn = $(e.target) - if (!$btn.hasClass('btn')) $btn = $btn.closest('.btn') - $btn.button('toggle') - e.preventDefault() - }) - -}(jQuery); - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: modal.js v3.0.3 - * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - * ======================================================================== */ - - -+function ($) { "use strict"; - - // MODAL CLASS DEFINITION - // ====================== - - var Modal = function (element, options) { - this.options = options - this.$element = $(element) - this.$backdrop = - this.isShown = null - - if (this.options.remote) this.$element.load(this.options.remote) - } - - Modal.DEFAULTS = { - backdrop: true - , keyboard: true - , show: true - } - - Modal.prototype.toggle = function (_relatedTarget) { - return this[!this.isShown ? 'show' : 'hide'](_relatedTarget) - } - - Modal.prototype.show = function (_relatedTarget) { - var that = this - var e = $.Event('show.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget }) - - this.$element.trigger(e) - - if (this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return - - this.isShown = true - - this.escape() - - this.$element.on('click.dismiss.modal', '[data-dismiss="modal"]', $.proxy(this.hide, this)) - - this.backdrop(function () { - var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade') - - if (!that.$element.parent().length) { - that.$element.appendTo(document.body) // don't move modals dom position - } - - that.$element.show() - - if (transition) { - that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow - } - - that.$element - .addClass('in') - .attr('aria-hidden', false) - - that.enforceFocus() - - var e = $.Event('shown.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget }) - - transition ? - that.$element.find('.modal-dialog') // wait for modal to slide in - .one($.support.transition.end, function () { - that.$element.focus().trigger(e) - }) - .emulateTransitionEnd(300) : - that.$element.focus().trigger(e) - }) - } - - Modal.prototype.hide = function (e) { - if (e) e.preventDefault() - - e = $.Event('hide.bs.modal') - - this.$element.trigger(e) - - if (!this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return - - this.isShown = false - - this.escape() - - $(document).off('focusin.bs.modal') - - this.$element - .removeClass('in') - .attr('aria-hidden', true) - .off('click.dismiss.modal') - - $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? - this.$element - .one($.support.transition.end, $.proxy(this.hideModal, this)) - .emulateTransitionEnd(300) : - this.hideModal() - } - - Modal.prototype.enforceFocus = function () { - $(document) - .off('focusin.bs.modal') // guard against infinite focus loop - .on('focusin.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) { - if (this.$element[0] !== e.target && !this.$element.has(e.target).length) { - this.$element.focus() - } - }, this)) - } - - Modal.prototype.escape = function () { - if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) { - this.$element.on('keyup.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) { - e.which == 27 && this.hide() - }, this)) - } else if (!this.isShown) { - this.$element.off('keyup.dismiss.bs.modal') - } - } - - Modal.prototype.hideModal = function () { - var that = this - this.$element.hide() - this.backdrop(function () { - that.removeBackdrop() - that.$element.trigger('hidden.bs.modal') - }) - } - - Modal.prototype.removeBackdrop = function () { - this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove() - this.$backdrop = null - } - - Modal.prototype.backdrop = function (callback) { - var that = this - var animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : '' - - if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) { - var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate - - this.$backdrop = $('