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Dag Wieers edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 38 revisions


The IPTV Manager design is based on the following requirements:


  • The add-on should not require a service to subscribe to IPTV Manager
  • The interface that add-ons must use should be simple and clean
  • Add-ons may subscribe to VOD services and do not necessarily use XMLTV content internally
  • We need to support add-ons using path-based (/iptv/channels) as well as query strings (?iptv=channels) routing
  • Do not write information to SD cards

Nice to have:

  • Add-ons with static streaming URLs could drop channels in a file and be done with it (poor man's integration)


The first task for the IPTV Manager is to determine which add-on has support for IPTV Manager. One option would be for the add-on to register with the IPTV Manager, but that is cumbersome (when does an add-on do this?). Another option is to advertise this information to IPTV Manager:

Require service.iptv.manager in addon.xml

This is the cleanest option. The add-on advertises it (optionally) requires service.iptv.manager and IPTV Manager simply queries all add-ons if it is listed as a requirement.

NOTE: However at the moment there is no Kodi interface to check for requirements, which means we have to read addon.xml files from add-ons which is in violation of kodidev rules.

Advertise from settings.xml

Another option is to advertise support through the settings.xml as hidden settings. A standard could state:

  • iptv.enabled -- When this exists, IPTV Manager is supported by the add-on
  • iptv.channels_url -- The add-on advertises the URL to request for channels
  • iptv.epg_url -- The add-on advertises the URL to request for EPG data

IPTV Manager would scan each add-on's settings for iptv.enabled and act on it. Possibly caching this information so it doesn't have to scan very often.

Advertise using iptv.json in add-on directory

We could also scan add-on directories for a standardized iptv.json file in the add-on directory. This file could advertise other information like:

    "version": 1,
    "channels_url": "plugin://$FILE",
    "epg_url": "plugin://$FILE"

NOTE: Since this means we also have to scan add-on directories, this would also be in violation of kodidev rules.

The upside here is that for simple add-ons the add-on could expose other information as well, like the channel list:

    "version": 1,
    "channels": [
            "id": "",
            "name": "Channel One",
            "logo": "resources/logos/channel-one.png",
            "stream": "plugin://"
            "id": "",
            "name": "Channel Two",
            "logo": "",
            "stream": ""
            "id": "",
            "name": "Radio One",
            "logo": "resources/logos/radio-one.png",
            "stream": "plugin://",
            "radio": true

Inter-addon communication

One problem in Kodi currently is communication between a service and an add-on that may not have a running service.


One option is to call an add-on by an exposed script.

Unfortunately this interface does not allow for returning information to the requester. So this is only useful to initiate something, but is no message-passing mechanism.

Arguments can be provided with this call but are limited to sys.argv data limits and may require serialization for sending python datastructures.

Usable for service → add-on communication


Typically add-ons are being called through the RunPlugin interface which accepts a plugin://-type URL.

Unfortunately this interface does not allow for returning information to the requester. So this is only useful to initiate something, but is no message-passing mechanism.

Arguments can be provided with this call but are limited to sys.argv data limits and may require serialization for sending python datastructures.

Usable for service → add-on communication


Unlike RunScript and RunAddon, JSON-RPC is a mechanism that supports returning information to the requester. Unfortunately, JSON-RPC requires the receiver to have a service running, and therefore is not a suitable candidate for calling an add-on as it would require add-ons to have a service running. We do not want to impose this complexity on add-on developers.

JSON-RPC could be a mechanism for an add-on to return information to the IPTV Manager service.

Usable for add-on → service communication

Named pipes

If we have a mechanism to tell the add-on to subscribe to a named pipe, we could have the add-on send information over a named pipe back to the IPTV Service.

The advantages of named pipes are that they do not require disk-based access and have no imposed data limit, which are important features.

The downside is that they only work on Unix, so this is not acceptable as a solution.

File-based communication

Another option we have is to write data to a tmpfs based file-system. We need to avoid doing writes to an SD card, and most (if not all) systems with SD cards make use of tmpfs for /tmp which makes the a possible candidate.

There is no data limit and service can communicate the location via another mechanism.

Usable for add-on → service communication

HTTP-based communication

Another option is that the IPTV Manager starts an HTTP-webserver in order for add-ons to communicate data back.

There is no data limit and the service can communicate the location via another mechanism. The only concern we have that it complicates the service with another mechanism that should not be needed for inter-addon communication.

Usable for add-on → service communication

Possible solutions for inter-addon communication

Communication from service to add-on

  • RunPlugin -- preferred
  • RunScript

Communication back from add-on to service

  • File-based -- preferred, but may violate kodidev rules for Kodi add-ons
  • HTTP-based

Data formats


This information that needs to be exchanged is pretty limited.

JSON (custom) -- preferred

  • Easy for add-ons to integrate in Python
  • Extensible


  • Known standard
  • Used by iptvsimple natively
  • Requires parsing in IPTV Manager


JSON (custom) -- preferred

  • Easy for add-ons to integrate in Python
  • Extensible


  • Known standard
  • Used by iptvsimple natively
  • Requires parsing in IPTV Manager
  • Some add-ons may have this information already in XMLTV format

JSON (XMLTV-based using badgerfish or abdera) -- preferred

  • Maps to XMLTV, which is used by iptvsimple natively
  • Known standard
  • Cumbersome as integration
  "tv": {
    "@source-info": "",
    "@source-info-name": "Schedules Direct",
    "$": [
        "channel": {
          "@id": "",
          "display-name": "Eén",
          "icon": {
            "src": ""
      }, {
        "channel": {
          "@id": "",
          "display-name": "Canvas",
          "icon": {
            "src": ""
      }, {
        "programme": {
          "@start": "20080715003000 -0600",
          "@stop": "20080715010000 -0600",
          "@channel": "",
          "$": [
              "title": {
                "@lang": "en",
                "$": "Now on PBS"
              "desc": {
                "@lang": "en",
                "$": "Jordan's Queen Rania has made job creation a priority to help curb the staggering unemployment rates among youths in the Middle East.",
              "date": "20080711"
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