Yet another Fortran logger, this one is light weight and goes with formating
Few examples here:
In order to make flogger work, one has to load module, initilize constructor and set logging level. Verbosity level in this example is set to 11 (messages with VERBOSITY_LOW
will be printed)
use logging
type(Logger) :: l
l = Logger()
call l%setlvl(11)
logg method has three arguments. First one specifies verbosity level. In princpile that can be done via enum. Second the message and the third one is the rank so only rank.eq.0 will show the message. For serial codes this is unnecessary and it should be always zero.
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "Hello this is a cool software suite!", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "====================================", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "It is for logging and formating outputs,&
& here are some examples:", 0)
This package makes formating a little bit easier. Appending operator now works for any kind of basic variable.
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "This flag is " // .TRUE., 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "This flag is " // .FALSE., 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "Hello I am " // animal, 0) ! animal is Girafe
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "I have " // 5 // " friends", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "", 0)
This code will produce following output:
This flag is True
This flag is False
Hello I am Girafe
I have 5 friends
One can format output by specifying **'fmt'
. fmt
should have the same format as one would use in write (5,'fmt')
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "The total run time is "// 5.1234567&
& // " seconds", 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "Your bank balance is "&
& // 5.123456789 ** 'f8.2'&
& // " sestertii", 0)
One can specify special formats like here for eV and Ang. By adding extra @ letter one can trim the output
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "Hydrogen ionization energy is "&
& // 0.5 ** '!H2eV!f8.3', 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "My favorite bond length is "&
& // 2.91 ** '!B2Ang!f8.3', 0)
call l%logg("VERBOSITY_LOW", "My second favorite bond length is "&
& // 0.7 ** '[email protected]', 0)
Producing following output
Hydrogen ionization energy is 13.606 eV
My favorite bond length is 1.540 Ang
My second favorite bond length is 0.370 Ang