- The application is a simple calculator that supports the following operations: Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*) and Division (/)
- Calculator supports multi operand expressions and follows
rule for operator precedence. In this case, division and multiplication has precedence over addition and subtraction. - The application reads input from a single line and prints the result back to console.
- Decimal numbers are supported
- Divisions are rounded with a scale of 2 decimals.
Rounding method is ROUND_HALF_EVEN as it minimizes the cumulative error.
- ROUND_HALF_EVEN means: Round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbor
- In case of invalid expressions, the application will warn the user and wait for a new input
It's a Java project that requires Jdk 11 or higher
Run the following script in root directory in order to build with Maven:
mvn clean install
Run the following if Maven is not installed
./mvnw clean install
or in Windows
./mvnw.cmd clean install
Once the build is completed, you can run with one of the following commands:
java -jar target/calculator-1.0.jar
docker run -it alidemirsoy/calculator