From 030736da3ca655f7604628a4a68c6478308fcaf2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ilitteri Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 18:18:42 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] [create-pull-request] automated change --- infra/terraform/modules/zk_stack/ | 17 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+) diff --git a/infra/terraform/modules/zk_stack/ b/infra/terraform/modules/zk_stack/ index 1641f55..4a4011e 100644 --- a/infra/terraform/modules/zk_stack/ +++ b/infra/terraform/modules/zk_stack/ @@ -42,14 +42,21 @@ | [google_compute_global_address.explorer-app]( | resource | | [google_compute_global_address.external-node]( | resource | | [google_compute_global_address.grafana]( | resource | +| [google_compute_global_address.peering_default_ip_range]( | resource | | [google_compute_global_address.portal]( | resource | | [google_compute_global_address.server]( | resource | | [google_compute_network.gke-cluster-network]( | resource | +| [google_compute_network_peering_routes_config.dbs_peering_routes]( | resource | | [google_compute_subnetwork.gke-cluster-subnetwork]( | resource | | [google_kms_crypto_key.k8s-secrets-encryption-key]( | resource | | [google_kms_key_ring.k8s-secrets-encryption-keyring]( | resource | | [google_project_iam_binding.external-secrets-sa-token-creator]( | resource | | [google_project_iam_binding.external-secrets-secret-accessor]( | resource | +| [google_service_networking_connection.databases]( | resource | +| [google_sql_database_instance.general]( | resource | +| [google_sql_database_instance.prover]( | resource | +| [google_sql_user.general]( | resource | +| [google_sql_user.prover]( | resource | | [google_storage_bucket.object-store-dev]( | resource | | [google_storage_bucket.prover-object-store-dev]( | resource | | [google_storage_bucket.prover-setup-data]( | resource | @@ -84,12 +91,16 @@ | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| | [aws\_dns\_zone](#input\_aws\_dns\_zone) | AWS Hosted Zone name to host all the DNSs, i.e.: "" | `string` | n/a | yes | +| [cluster\_locations](#input\_cluster\_locations) | List of GCP zones (inside the region you specified) where the cluster will be | `list` | n/a | yes | | [cluster\_name](#input\_cluster\_name) | Name to give to the GKE cluster | `string` | n/a | yes | | [cpu\_machine\_type](#input\_cpu\_machine\_type) | GCP machine type for the CPU nodes of the GKE cluster | `string` | `"c3-highmem-22"` | no | | [cpu\_nodes\_disk\_size\_gb](#input\_cpu\_nodes\_disk\_size\_gb) | Size in GiB for the CPU nodes' disks | `number` | `100` | no | | [cpu\_nodes\_locations](#input\_cpu\_nodes\_locations) | Comma-separated zones for the CPU nodes inside the region you chose. For instance: "us-central1-a,us-central1-b" | `string` | `"us-central1-a"` | no | | [cpu\_nodes\_per\_zone](#input\_cpu\_nodes\_per\_zone) | Number of CPU nodes to deploy per zone (related to cpu\_nodes\_locations) | `number` | `1` | no | +| [db\_disk\_size\_gb](#input\_db\_disk\_size\_gb) | Cloud SQL General DB disk size in GiB | `string` | `"100"` | no | +| [db\_size](#input\_db\_size) | Cloud SQL General DB size/type | `string` | `"db-custom-4-15360"` | no | | [en\_grafana\_ip\_name](#input\_en\_grafana\_ip\_name) | Name for the GCP Global IP for the external node's grafana | `string` | `"en01-grafana-ip"` | no | +| [encryption\_key\_prevent\_destroy](#input\_encryption\_key\_prevent\_destroy) | Whether to prevent destroying the GCP KMS decrpytion key for Kubernetes data | `bool` | `true` | no | | [explorer\_api\_ip\_name](#input\_explorer\_api\_ip\_name) | Name for the GCP Global IP for the explorer api | `string` | `"explorer-api-ip"` | no | | [explorer\_api\_sepolia\_dns](#input\_explorer\_api\_sepolia\_dns) | DNS which will point to the explorer api, as a suffix to the main DNS zone. For example, "my-app" would render to `` | `string` | n/a | yes | | [explorer\_app\_ip\_name](#input\_explorer\_app\_ip\_name) | Name for the GCP Global IP for the explorer app | `string` | `"explorer-app-ip"` | no | @@ -109,13 +120,19 @@ | [portal\_ip\_name](#input\_portal\_ip\_name) | Name for the GCP Global IP for the portal | `string` | `"portal-ip"` | no | | [portal\_sepolia\_dns](#input\_portal\_sepolia\_dns) | DNS which will point to the portal, as a suffix to the main DNS zone. For example, "my-app" would render to `` | `string` | n/a | yes | | [project\_id](#input\_project\_id) | ID of the GCP Project to deploy all the infrastructure | `string` | n/a | yes | +| [prover\_db\_disk\_size\_gb](#input\_prover\_db\_disk\_size\_gb) | Cloud SQL Prover DB disk size in GiB | `string` | `"100"` | no | +| [prover\_db\_size](#input\_prover\_db\_size) | Cloud SQL Prover DB size/type | `string` | `"db-custom-4-15360"` | no | | [prover\_object\_store\_bucket\_name](#input\_prover\_object\_store\_bucket\_name) | GCS Bucket name for the prover object store bucket | `string` | `"prover-object-store-dev"` | no | | [prover\_setup\_data\_bucket\_name](#input\_prover\_setup\_data\_bucket\_name) | GCS Bucket name for the prover setup data bucket | `string` | `"prover-setup-data"` | no | +| [prover\_sql\_password](#input\_prover\_sql\_password) | Cloud SQL Prover DB password | `string` | n/a | yes | +| [prover\_sql\_user](#input\_prover\_sql\_user) | Cloud SQL Prover DB username | `string` | n/a | yes | | [public\_object\_store\_bucket\_name](#input\_public\_object\_store\_bucket\_name) | GCS Bucket name for the public object store bucket | `string` | `"public-object-store-dev"` | no | | [region](#input\_region) | GCP region in which to deploy the cluster. Note: it needs to have GPU availability (G2 instances). More info: | `string` | n/a | yes | | [rpc\_sepolia\_dns](#input\_rpc\_sepolia\_dns) | DNS which will point to the rpc (server), as a suffix to the main DNS zone. For example, "my-app" would render to `` | `string` | n/a | yes | | [server\_ip\_name](#input\_server\_ip\_name) | Name for the GCP Global IP for the server | `string` | `"server-ip"` | no | | [snapshots\_object\_store\_bucket\_name](#input\_snapshots\_object\_store\_bucket\_name) | GCS Bucket name for the snapshots object store bucket | `string` | `"snapshots-object-store-dev"` | no | +| [sql\_password](#input\_sql\_password) | Cloud SQL General DB password | `string` | n/a | yes | +| [sql\_user](#input\_sql\_user) | Cloud SQL General DB username | `string` | n/a | yes | ## Outputs