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Releases: aditosoftware/adito-nb-git
Releases · aditosoftware/adito-nb-git
Plugin v.1.3.7
- The "Checkout" and "Delete Branch" actions are now disabled for the currently active branch, since performing those actions on the branch doesn't make sense and only leads to an error anyways
- The branches list does not flicker and behave weirdly if the branches are updated while the window showing them is open
- Added an "Abort Merge/Rebase/Cherry Pick" button to the branch menu, the action connected to the button tries to restore the state before a merge/rebase/cherry pick. The button is only visible if the project is in the matching state
- It is now possible to get a diff of the files shown in the "Revert files" dialog and the dialog that appears when e.g. switching branches with active changes
- Fix: When trying to merge a branch that was continued into a branch whose last commit was a merge with the aforementioned branch the Plugin said: "Already merged/up-to-date". The message now only appears in the reverse case (as it should)
- Fix: The merge dialog throws an exception if one of the conflicting files is in the top-most folder of the project
- Fix: In some rare circumstances the Plugin threw an exception when trying to accept the yours or theirs version of a file
Plugin v.1.3.6
- Fix: The Cherry-pick conflict and following commit dialog did not have any changed files listed, even though there were conflicts
Plugin v.1.3.5
- If the name of the local branch and its tracked remote branch do not match, the plugin now queries the user if the tracking relationship should be kept or if the plugin should create a new branch with the name of the local branch on the remote. The local branch would then track that new remote branch.
- Fix: The "Delete Branch" Dialog always returned false as input by the user, so the delete was always cancelled
Plugin v.1.3.4
- Reworked the Merge conflict dialog that shows the conflicting files, the files are colored according to the THEIRS/YOURS change type and both change types are displayed, in case they differ
- Accepting the deleted version of a file in a merge conflict now properly deletes that file instead of leaving it empty
- If two branches, that are already up-to-date in respect to each other, are merged the user gets a notification and no empty merge commit is created
- Fetch now gives a notification if any of its triggered updates fail, but the fetch itself succeeded
- The intialization of the Git repositories now happens in asynchronous fashion, which means less impact of the plugin on the start-up time of the designer if several projects are open. This may lead to a short waiting period until all Git actions are available
- Reworked the dialog that notifies the user of existing local changes when performing a merge, checkout, pull or any other such action. It now offers a third button, "Discard changes", that discards all current changes and then proceeds with the triggered action. The checkbox for "Don't ask me again" was removed
- If the config file has a non-existing gitattributes files stored the location is replaced with the default location of a gitattributes file
- All ScrollPanes in the merge conflict resolution dialog now start at the top
- Restructured the popup menu in the history/log, also removed the duplicate "Reset current branch to here" action
- Merge commits are now displayed in a different color compared to the "normal" commits to better distinguish them
- Further improved the ability of the plugin to keep track of which project is currently selected (affects branch menu in the bottom right as well as actions from the toolbar)
- The buttons offered in the dialogs are now more specific to the dialog (e.g. "Commit" instead of "Ok" in the commit dialog)
- The Git actions in the popup menu of the project tree are enabled correctly once more
- Fix: "Jump to next/previous change" buttons not working in the diff/merge dialogs
- Fix: The HEAD of origin sometimes appearing in the list of remote branches
- Fix: "Revert commit" action not working
- Fix: The initial commit in the log was shown as empty, even though files were committed
Plugin v.1.3.3
- The plugin now offers functionality for creating and applying patches
- The plugin warns the user if no gitattributes file exists or the gitattributes file has basic settings missing. A valid gitattributes file can be created by the plugin
- Changed the way the buttons in the main toolbar decide if they are active or not, now matches the way the branches in the lower right corner work
- The Plugin uses a more robust way to determine the project of the selected Node or TopComponent and has a fallback if that way fails
- The Branch selection Combobox in the log now displays the short name of the Branches, the short name is enough for the user and is easier to read
- Error messages are displayed more prominently once again
- Fix: Toolbar in the "Local changes" window is missing
- Fix: Checking out a remote branch that has the same name as a tag could leave you in a detached HEAD state
Plugin v.1.3.2
- Updating the Status of a Tree now works differently:
- The Tree is only updated if the list of files changed
- The display and removal of the Loading label is much closer bound to the model update, which should fix the Loading label being stuck
- Instead of removing and re-attaching the tree while the loading label is shown, the underlying panel is now a LayeredPane with the label on the upper level. If the tree should be shown, the label is simply set to invisible. This shortens the duration the tree needs to update
- Single commits may be checked out via the Log. This will leave you in a detached HEAD state, be sure to understand what this entails before working with it
- It is now possible to do revert-commits
- The Chunks in the EditorColorizer to the left of the editor now properly vanish when the file is committed
- Added a log message indicating the plugin version and the discovered repository folders on startup, should make finding the causes for bugs easier in the future
- Changed the order of entries in the popup menu of the Log, entries are now more thematically ordered
- The Plugin tracks the repository of the currently active TopComponent or node more reliably
- The config file may now be opened from the Git settings menu. Same goes for the gitignore file
- The Status and the Log no longer update eagerly but in a more lazy fashion. This should be okay for the user and may save lots of processing in several cases.
Eagerly in this case meant as soon as any file was changed, and every 500ms if any FileChangeEvent occurred during those 500ms. Now only updates 500ms after the last FileChangeEvent occurred - If a file that belongs to a node in the project tree is changed, that node is now always marked as changed as well (e.g. only maildbrige.js is changed -> maildbrige.aod was not marked)
- Zooming in the editor now also triggers a recalculation of the Chunks marking the changed parts of a file in a diff/merge
- Horizontal Scrolling in a diff or merge works properly now, no sudden jumps happen any longer and the scroll direction is the same in both/all three panes
- Fix: Only one deleted file is displayed if several exist (Result of their hashCode being the same)
- Fix: An update with no nodes leaves the Tree as-is and does not remove the existing nodes
- Fix: Deleted Folders are displayed as white file Icons
- Fix: Loading some Icons of the manual conflict resolution dialog failed
Plugin v.1.3.1
- Fixed several listeners or Observables not being discarded properly which could lead to memory leaks
- Icons are now loaded in a way that respects the theme set by the user
- The RepositoryState can now be queried if certain actions are currently available (e.g. commit or create a branch)
- Checkout/Commit/Amend and Reset are only active if the current RepositoryState permits it
- All nodes in a tree displaying changed files have an icon now, even if they were deleted, based on their type of file. There also exists a last-resort "failed to load" icon
- The tree in the StatusWindow now also has a "Loading..." message while it calculates the tree/loads the icons for its leaves
- Added an implementation of the IDiffService defined in Version 1.0.17 of nb-adito-interface
- The New Branch Actions are only available if an active repository is available
- Fix: If one version existed of only a single "\n" accepting that change would lead to an ArrayOutOfBoundsException
- Fix: Showing the diff of a non-merge commit in the Log would yield an error
Plugin v.1.3.0
- Lots of performance improvements that make both the creation and display of diff and merge dialogs a lot faster/smoother:
- The loading and detection of the content and encoding for a diff of a file is now done in a lazy way. This improves the loading time by a magnitude or more when diff'ing a large amount of files
- In the diff and merge views only visible highlights are drawn and calculated. This makes those views a lot more fluent
- All computations regarding the position of the viewPort and calculations dependent on it are done in a RXJava Thread instead of the EDT. This makes scrolling in the diff and merge views smoother
- The Model responsible for scrolling the diff and merge views now only sends a maximum of 60 events a second to avoid unnecessary processing power when scrolling fast. No scroll events coming from the mouse are discarded, instead they are aggregated over the timespan of 1/60th of a second
- Additional Remote Repositories can now be added in the Git Settings Dialog. Fetch now fetches from all Remote Repositories in the Git Config.
- The plugin now automatically saves all unsaved files before actions such as Commit or Pull
- The way two panels are coupled in the diff or merge views now works in a different way that is more resource-friendly
- The panel responsible for drawing the lineNumbers has the number of times it may be repainted capped at 60 times a second. This makes it still seem fluent, but doesn't unnecessarily draw processing power
- Logging the detected encoding of a file is now only done when writing the file to disk
- Pulled JGit Version up to
- Pulled Guava version up to 28.0-jre
- Brought the maven plugins up to a more recent version
- Each tree now has its view changed independently from one another
- If the user is already on the parent branch of a merge, that branch is not checked out again
- Fix: Diff'ing a missing or deleted file throws IllegalArgumentException
- Fix: EditorColorizer throwing an Exception if a file without assigned project is opened
- Fix: IFileDiff.isSameFile sometimes returned true for some IFileDiffs that shouldn't be considered equal
- Fix: If the two sides of a diff have different line endings, accepting a chunk could lead to too many/few characters removed
- Fix: Selecting all files including the root node when doing an action such as Revert, the selected files contained multiple instances of one file
- Fix: It is now possible to get the changes of the first commit of a file/the first commit in general
- Fix: NullPointerException if diff'ing a file where no changes can be accepted
Plugin v.1.2.3
- Fixed an issue with conflicts in a merge (and potentially other places) caused by the new rename detection
Plugin v.1.2.2
- Added an Action to the mergePanel that allows the user to accept all non-conflicting changes
- A successfull Pull Notification has a link that leads to an overview of the changed files
- All Trees that show changed files now have two different views: Flat (all leafs are children of the root) and Hierarchical (folders in-between root and leaves). Switching is done via toolbar
- AUTO_CRLF setting is checked on windows, and there is a warning if it is disabled
- Conflicts with renamed files during a merge are now handled properly
- The exception that came after a failed push due to a Transport problem is replaced by a Notification telling the user what went wrong and contains a reference to the IDE log
- DiffDialog now longer has a table to choose the file to display from. Instead a tree is used
- Deleted files could cause problems in the view of the status/changed files
- Fixed a NPE if the user searched for commits of a non-existent user
- Fixed some problems with the reduce algorithm collapsing the folders in the tree of the changed files
- Fixed the trees showing deleted files as named /dev/null