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297 lines (204 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

297 lines (204 loc) · 12.3 KB


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This is used to add a simple and easy to use input elements to any VS Code extension.

These input elements should be used for any multi step inputs.


You can install this dependency normally.

npm install @aditosoftware/vscode-input


Basic Usage

Your project is expected to have any dependency to @aditosoftware/vscode-logging and configure it accordingly.

Before you can start using any multi step inputs, you need to initialize the logging via initializeLogger. This can be done in your activate function of the extension.

import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { Logger } from "@aditosoftware/vscode-logging";
import { initializeLogger } from "@aditosoftware/vscode-input";

export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
  // initialize the logger
  Logger.initializeLogger(context, "NameOfYourExtension");
  // and pass the logger to the input

The basic usage is to define the components that should be used for the multi step input, then call the handleMultiStepInput, which goes through the array of components and show them step by step and then handle the result given by the dialog.

This can be an example call order of the multi step input. You can use this example. The only things you need to do is to fill the components, set the title and handle the result.

async function callMyDialog() {
  // The components that should be shown
  const components = [];

  // The title that should be shown above every input. It will automatically include any step counter
  const title = "Demonstration for inputs";

  // call the multi step input
  const result = await handleMultiStepInput(title, components);

  if (result) {
    // handle the result

Handle the result

The result can be either undefined (when any input was cancelled or a confirmation dialog was not confirmed) or an object of the class DialogValues (when every input has an value).

The attribute uri of the DialogValues will be never filled from this dependency. Instead, you can fill it before calling the dialog as an additional information, if the dialog was called on a file / folder.

The attribute confirmation of the DialogValues will be only filled, when the input type ConfirmationDialog was there. You do not need to read this value, because no confirmation will result in a undefined result.

The attribute inputValues holds all inputs that were made during the dialog. For reading the inputValues, you need the name of any component. All the values will be given as string[], even if the input was just a string.

Custom actions before and after a component

You can make custom action before and after every input.

If you want your step only be shown at specific circumstances, e.g. when a specific previous dialog value was selected, then you can use onBeforeInput in your options. If the function returns false, then this component will be skipped. The step count will be adjusted accordingly. If you have a multi step input with 3 steps, and the second step will be skipped, then the count will be Step 1 of 3 (for the first element) and Step 2 of 2 (for the third element).

If you want to manipulate your input data after an input was made, you can use onAfterInput. This can be for example used, if you get a value from any dialog values normal input that should be used as an uri instead.


All components have one constructor, which takes <ComponentName>Options. These options are explained in the documentation of the corresponding component.

Note: The name attribute needs to be always there. This is used to assign the inputted values in the DialogValues. Therefore, the name need to be unique for every component in a multi step input. However, you can reuse the name among different multi step inputs.

A complete example can be seen in sample.ts.

Confirmation Dialog

Show a confirm dialog. This should be used as a last step of the multi-step-input to confirm any destructive options (e.g. deletion).

The dialog itself will be shown in the foreground and looks OS specific.

new ConfirmationDialog({
    name: "Confirmation",
    message: "My message",
    detail: (dialogValues: DialogValues) => `Detail: ${dialogValues.inputValues.size}`,
    confirmButtonName: "Confirm Delete",

This code will lead the following input:

Windows macOs
dialog on windows dialog on macOs

You can see that in both cases, it is an os specific dialog. The position of the buttons can not be changed and may be different depending on the OS.

Input Box

Let the user enter a text value. The result will be always a string. In the example below you can see how to extract the value from the result.

This input box is highly customable. That means, you have every option from vscode.InputBoxOptions available in the attribute inputBoxOptions, except title.

Example for a multi step input with one input boxes:

const components = [
  // This box has only the placeholder given. This is a required element for any inputs.
  new InputBox({
    name: "userName",
    inputBoxOptions: {
      placeHolder: "Give any user name",

  // place any other inputs here

const result = await handleMultiStepInput("Demonstration for inputs", components);

if (result) {
  // getting the results of the input values
  const userName = result.inputValues.get("userName")?.[0];

  // handle result

This code will lead the following input:

userName input

Here you can see, that a given title was used.

Loading Quick Pick

This component is similar to Quick Pick, but adds a better loading handling. You should use this component, if you want a quick pick with loading and reloading abilities. This should be also used, if your load method takes a while.

Since LoadingQuickPick extends Quick Pick, some options are the same and not described here.

Additionally, you can give an additional reloadItems function to reload your items. If you do not give a separate function, then generateItems will be used to reload the items.

During the loading, a placeholder for the loading will be visible. For your reload button, you can customize the tooltip with the reloadTooltip.

new LoadingQuickPick({
  name: "foodPreferenceLoading",
  placeHolder: "Select your food preference",

  generateItems: () => [
    { label: "Meat", description: "Eat any kind of meat" },
    { label: "Fish", description: "Eat any kind of fish" },
    { label: "Vegetarian", description: "Eat no meat and fish, but animal products like milk" },
    { label: "Vegan", description: "Eat no animal products" },
  // long running function to reload the items
  reloadItems: async () => {
    const foodPreferences: string[] = await queryWebsiteForFoodPreferences();

    return => {
      const item: vscode.QuickPickItem = {
        label: pPreference,
      return item;
  reloadTooltip: "Reload food preferences",

This will produce the following input:

loading quick pick

You can see here the custom reload tooltip. During the loading, you can see the loading spinner (above the first option and below the input) as well as the loading placeholder. After the loading, it will change back to your given placeholder.

Open Dialog

Shows an OS specific file chooser to select any number of files and folders.

You can give any options to the open dialog of vscode by using the openDialogOptions except title. The title that will be shown is the title given in handleMultiStepInputs.

NOTE: The title will not be visible on macOS. Therefore, openLabel should contain information what the user should input in this dialog.

const inputs = [
  new OpenDialog({
    name: "chooseAnyFile",
    openDialogOptions: { openLabel: "Select any file" },

  new OpenDialog({
    name: "chooseTextFile",
    openDialogOptions: {
      openLabel: "Select any text file",
      filters: {
        Text: ["txt"],

Open dialog for chooseAnyFile

You can see here that you can choose any file you want. On Windows, you can see the title Demonstration for inputs (Step 3 of 6) which can not be seen on macOs.


open dialog with all file types on windows


open dialog with all file types on macOS

Open dialog for chooseTextFile

You can see here that the dialog is restricted to txt files. On Windows, you can see the title Demonstration for inputs (Step 4 of 6) which can not be seen on macOs.


open dialog with txt file types on windows


open dialog with txt file types on macOS

Quick Pick

Any drop down for selecting one or multiple values.

To set the items, you need to use the generateItems attribute. Here you can give either a sync or async function to load any data. These function can either return <vscode.QuickPickItem[] or QuickPickItems, which can be used to set a custom additional placeholder after the loading.

If you want a quick pick with loading, you should use Loading Quick Pick.

A basic quick pick can look as following:

new QuickPick({
  name: "foodPreference",
  placeHolder: "Select your food preference",
  generateItems: () => [
    { label: "Meat", description: "Eat any kind of meat" },
    { label: "Fish", description: "Eat any kind of fish" },
    { label: "Vegetarian", description: "Eat no meat and fish, but animal products like milk" },
    { label: "Vegan", description: "Eat no animal products" },

This code will lead the following input:

quick pick

Own Components

You can write your own components by either extending InputBase or any of the existing classes.

Here is a checklist of what needs to be considered when making a new input:

  • Extend the corresponding options in order to pass only one argument in the constructor.
  • Make your overwritten showDialog function async
  • Reduce the return arguments from showDialog from the given Promise<string | boolean | string[] | undefined> to a smaller range, e.g. Promise<string | undefined>
  • Do not set any custom title. Instead, use the passed title in showDialog. This already contains a step counter.
  • If your component supports a back button (when depending on vscode.InputBox or vscode.QuickPick), show it when the flag showBackButton is set:
    if (showBackButton) {
      quickPick.buttons = [vscode.QuickInputButtons.Back];
    Don't forget to handle the back button by resolving InputAction.BACK:
    quickPick.onDidTriggerButton((button) => {
      if (button === vscode.QuickInputButtons.Back) {

Contribution Notes

  • Never use Logger.getLogger(). Use logger from the file handleMultiStepInput.ts instead. Otherwise the logging will not work.