As of version 0.13, binary releases for osx and linux are published on the releases page. You can use this shell script to download, cache and then run the compiler:
# script that downloads and caches the adl compiler if necessary, and then
# runs it.
set -e
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
echo "Unable to download ADL for platform"
exit 1
if [ ! -d "$cachedir/$adlversion" ]; then
echo "fetching $release ..."
mkdir -p $downloads
(cd $downloads; wget -q $release || (echo "download failed"; exit 1))
mkdir -p $cachedir/$adlversion
(cd $cachedir/$adlversion; unzip -q $downloads/$(basename $release))
exec $cachedir/$adlversion/bin/adlc "$@"
The build process relies on stack.
After checking out the git repository (as $REPO
), run the following:
cd $REPO/haskell
stack build --fast adl-compiler
stack install
Then, you should be able to run the compiler installed into your home directory:
$ ~/.local/bin/adlc --help
Usage: adlc verify [OPTION..] <modulePath>...
adlc ast [OPTION..] <modulePath>...
adlc haskell [OPTION..] <modulePath>...
adlc cpp [OPTION..] <modulePath>...
adlc java [OPTION..] <modulePath>...
$ ~/.local/bin/adlc java --help
unrecognized option `--help'
Usage: adlc java [OPTION...] files...
-I DIR --searchdir=DIR Add the specifed directory to the ADL searchpath
-O DIR --outputdir=DIR Set the directory where generated code is written
--custom-types=FILE Read custom type mapping from the specified file
--no-overwrite Don't update files that haven't changed
--package=PACKAGE The java package into which the generated ADL code will be placed
--rtpackage=PACKAGE The java package where the ADL runtime is located
--include-rt Generate the runtime code
--parcelable Generated java code will include android parcellable implementations
--json Generated java code will include gson json serialization
--hungarian-naming Use hungarian naming conventions
--max-line-length=PACKAGE The maximum length of the generated code lines
--header-comment=PACKAGE A comment to be placed at the start of each java file
cd $REPO/haskell