Configuration for neovim with lazy and nfnl and a ton of plugins. The original version of this configuration used Packer and Aniseed, but I decided to move to lazy as it is more modern and the future of Packer was incert. The change from Anissed to nfnl follows Olical's decision on working on nfnl, and because why not...
This is a work in progress repo, there are many flaws and bugs, but I'm working on it.
- Olical's dotfiles
- RafaelDelboni's Cajus-nfnl
- Migrate formatters to Guard
- Organize lsp related keybindings
- Metals
- Gitsigns
- NvimTree
- Open on Git
- Bufferline
- Telekasten and Neorg
- Rearrange Language related plugins into a single file/folder
- Die organizing whichkey or check alternatives