1.0.5 (2023-11-07)
- adds type forms (10c9c54)
1.0.4 (2023-10-31)
- changes the width of button (c208733)
1.0.3 (2023-10-31)
- adds confirmable decorator and remove modal (e0737e3)
1.0.2 (2023-10-31)
- adds confirmable on the method on grids (5bc8e7d)
1.0.1 (2023-10-31)
- changes readme to test pipeline (287779e)
- adds 'data' after the response to get corrects value (c32bae1)
- adds component button (e9718a8)
- adds global error handler (08f1d18)
- adds imports from in the main (840e9a8)
- adds select to setor and will need to improve more (37e5e0b)
- adds signal to nullable property (adc9967)
- changes again (e3792f8)
- changes angular.json (c9ee6b7)
- changes angular.json (a4edef7)
- changes equipamento, paginacao and patrimonio (06cca82)
- changes name of site and favicon (d984849)
- changes somethings in dashboard (0656116)
- changes the order to execute some methods (8799982)
- changes the way how I am convert class (92a73a0)
- changes url back end (36bc053)
- correct some components (5f40d2d)
- finalizes componentization of the clean button (38a2e95)
- finalizes correction of bugs (e84c142)
- finalizes more components (1abb422)
- find bug to get permissions (18671b4)
- fixs the bug on lembrarMe (174280a)
- implements the service with method to get values (f528f95)
- initial commit (6441f54)
- removes dist not used (3e82307)
- removes dist not used | ab#57 (a4a8b6e)
- removes if (ce0a26a)
- removes preload routes (5519728)
- removes reference about angular social (28e1cc3)
- removes route configuration (b27c166)
- returns configuration about routes (32c2b7f)
- test AB#57 (1b9e0b6)
- test ci (b042673)
- upgrade @auth0/angular-jwt from 5.0.2 to 5.1.2 (6c6af77)
- upgrade @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from 6.2.0 to 6.4.0 (cb85790)
- upgrade ngx-toastr from 15.0.0 to 15.2.2 (f73ec3d)
- upgrade rxjs from 7.5.6 to 7.8.0 (d2b7ced)
- upgrade tslib from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (a8135c4)
- using locationStrategy (3ef0124)
- adds dialog decorator (6774ed5)
- adds implementation of select (f14aecd)
- adds more features (1664246)
- adds pagination on equipamento and fabricante (9363b53)
- adds pagination on listagem-categoria.component.ts ab#60 (30fe1fb)
- changes a lot of things (c389e26)
- finalizes pagination on categoriaEmpresa ab#61 (cb04e63)
- finalizes wi ac#72 (02dfbd6)
- improve more the componente select (0559ac5)
- changes type of image and adds meta description (a2c0efe)