- This is an update of the package. Precedent version (v2.2.0)
i - Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: https://ciampittilab.shinyapps.io/soiltestcorr
This URL is a Shinyapp that helps users with no R background to use the package. It is a legit URL. This note only appeared for the check_win_devel(), and does not seem to represent a problem.
Duration: 2m 25.9s
0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔
R CMD check succeeded
Build log: https://win-builder.r-project.org/06AFK4MwJ031
1 🖥 linux R-* (any version) … 2 🖥 macos R-* (any version) … 3 🖥 macos-arm64 R-* (any version) … 4 🖥 windows R-* (any version) …
Info --> https://github.com/adriancorrendo/soiltestcorr/actions/runs/9732913557