This application is a tech stack demonestrator with a very limited CRUD operation for managing a hypothetical laptop inventory
- Java 1.8
- Gradle 5.5.1+
1.Clone the repository to you local env
git clone
2.Run the application with the following command. The application will start at http://localhost:8080
gradle bootRun
3.You can access the Apis from swagger or Postman. The following is Swager-ui url.
4.Swagger ui can be accessed with out login but executing the API requires a JWT authentication. To login use the login
point from auth-controller
. Use an already existing credential username : user2 , password: 123123
. You can
also create your own login signup
end point of auth-controller
5.Use the JWT token from the login endpoint, add the token to the authorization header of
any request in laptop-controller
end points by clicking a lock key icon.
6.Actuator end-point is found under /actuator
. Authentication not required to access actuator.
- Method
resource authorization flyway
data migration- Redis cache
- I18n