- Guest Routes
- Admin Routes
- Doctor Routes
- Appointment Routes
- Package Routes
- Payment Routes
- Prescription Routes
- Test Routes
POST /login
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. Username to login with |
Password |
string |
Required. Password to login with |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Email |
string |
Required. The Email of the user to send OTP to |
POST /validateOTP
Parameter | Type | Description |
Email |
string |
Required. The Email of the user the OTP was sent to |
otp |
string |
Required. The otp to validate |
POST /addPatient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. The username of the patient |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the patient |
Password |
string |
Required. The password of the patient |
Email |
string |
Required. The email of the patient |
MobileNum |
string |
Required. The mobile number of the patient |
DateOfBirth |
string |
Required. The date of birth of the patient |
Gender |
string |
Required. The gender of the patient ["M", "F"] |
EmergencyContactNumber |
string |
Required. The emergency contact number of the patient |
EmergencyContactName |
string |
Required. The emergency contact name of the patient |
EmergencyContactRelation |
string |
Required. The relationship between the patient and the emergency contact |
POST /addRequest
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
Password |
string |
Required. The password of the doctor |
Email |
string |
Required. The email of the doctor |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the doctor |
DateOfBirth |
string |
Required. The date of birth of the doctor |
HourlyRate |
number |
Required. The hourly rate of the doctor |
Affiliation |
string |
Required. The affiliation of the doctor |
EducationalBackground |
string |
Required. The educational background of the doctor |
Speciality |
string |
Required. The speciality of the doctor |
PATCH /resetPass/
Parameter | Type | Description |
Email |
string |
Required. The Email of the user to reset the password of |
Password |
string |
Required. The new Password |
GET /getNotifs
No parameters required.
PUT /updateRequest/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. ID of the request |
request |
object |
Required The new request |
PATCH /updateEmail
Parameter | Type | Description |
Email |
string |
Required. The new Email |
PATCH /updatePass/
Parameter | Type | Description |
OldPassword |
string |
Required. The old password |
NewPassword |
string |
Required. The new password |
GET /admins
No parameters required.
GET /admins/requests
No parameters required.
POST /admins/addAdmin
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. Username of the admin |
Password |
string |
Required. Password of the admin |
Email |
string |
Required. Email of the admin |
GET /admins/getRequest
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. Username of the requesting doctor |
GET /admins/getRequestFile/:filename
Parameter | Type | Description |
filename |
string |
Required. Filename of the requesting doctor's file |
POST /admins/acceptRequest
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. Username of the requesting doctor |
PUT /admins/rejectRequest
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. Username of the requesting doctor |
DELETE /admins/deleteUser
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. Username of the user to be deleted |
POST /doctors/createDoctor
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the doctor |
DateOfBirth |
date |
Required. The date of birth of the doctor |
HourlyRate |
number |
Required. The hourly rate of the doctor |
Affiliation |
string |
Required. The affiliation of the doctor |
EducationalBackground |
string |
Required. The educational background of the doctor |
PATCH /doctors/updateDoctor
Parameter | Type | Description |
HourlyRate |
number |
Required. The new hourly rate of the doctor |
Affiliation |
string |
Required. The new affiliation of the doctor |
GET /doctors/getDoctorByid/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the doctor |
GET /doctors/getDoctorByUsername/:username
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
GET /doctors/filter2
Parameter | Type | Description |
Speciality |
string |
Required. The speciality of the doctor |
date |
date |
Required. The date you're looking for an appointment on |
hour |
number |
Required. The hour you're looking for an appointment on |
POST /doctors/addDoctor
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the doctor |
DateOfBirth |
date |
Required. The date of birth of the doctor |
HourlyRate |
number |
Required. The hourly rate of the doctor |
Affiliation |
string |
Required. The affiliation of the doctor |
EducationalBackground |
string |
Required. The educational background of the doctor |
GET /doctors/getAllDoctors
No parameters required.
DELETE /doctors/deleteDoctor/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the doctor |
GET /doctors/getDoctor/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the doctor |
GET /doctors/viewPatientInfoAndHealthRecords
Parameter | Type | Description |
PatientUsername |
string |
Required. The username of the patient |
POST /doctors/followupAppointment
No parameters required.
POST /doctors/payDoctor
No parameters required.
GET /doctors/filterDoctorSlotEdition
No parameters required.
POST /doctors/addMySlotsDoc
No parameters required.
PATCH /doctors/updateMySlotsDoc/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the slot |
DELETE /doctors/deleteMySlotsDoc/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the slot |
GET /doctors/viewUpcomingAppointmentsDoc
No parameters required.
GET /doctors/viewPastAppoitmentsDoc
No parameters required.
GET /doctors/viewAllAvailableSlots/:username
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
GET /doctors/viewMySlotsDoc
No parameters required.
GET /doctors/validateBookingDate
No parameters required.
GET /doctors/getPaymentAmount
No parameters required.
GET /doctors/getDoctorInfo
No parameters required.
POST /patients/createPatient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. The username of the patient |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the patient |
DateOfBirth |
date |
Required. The date of birth of the patient |
MedicalHistory |
string |
Required. The medical history of the patient |
PATCH /patients/updatePatient
Parameter | Type | Description |
MedicalHistory |
string |
Required. The updated medical history of the patient |
GET /patients/getPatientByid/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the patient |
GET /patients/getPatientByUsername/:username
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. The username of the patient |
POST /patients/addPatient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Username |
string |
Required. The username of the patient |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the patient |
DateOfBirth |
date |
Required. The date of birth of the patient |
MedicalHistory |
string |
Required. The medical history of the patient |
GET /patients/getAllPatients
No parameters required.
DELETE /patients/deletePatient/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the patient |
GET /patients/getPatient/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the patient |
GET /patients/viewDoctorInfoAndHealthRecords
Parameter | Type | Description |
DoctorUsername |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
POST /patients/bookAppointment
Parameter | Type | Description |
DoctorUsername |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
Date |
date |
Required. The date of the appointment |
Time |
time |
Required. The time of the appointment |
POST /patients/payDoctor
Parameter | Type | Description |
DoctorUsername |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
Amount |
number |
Required. The amount to be paid |
GET /patients/viewUpcomingAppointments
No parameters required.
GET /patients/viewPastAppointments
No parameters required.
GET /patients/viewAllAvailableSlots/:username
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. The username of the doctor |
GET /patients/validateBookingDate
No parameters required.
GET /patients/getPaymentAmount
No parameters required.
GET /patients/getPatientInfo
No parameters required.
GET /appointments
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/findPatients
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/getAllAppointmentsPat
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/upcoming
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/searchpatient
Parameter | Type | Description |
PatientUsername |
string |
Required. The username of the patient |
GET /appointments/getAppointmentsDoc
No parameters required.
POST /appointments/rescheduleAppointmentPatient
No parameters required.
POST /appointments/rescheduleAppointmentfamilymember
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/getAppointmentsPat
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/getAppointmentsfamilymembers
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/filterAppointmentsByStatusDoc
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/filterAppointmentsByStatusPat
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/filterAppointmentsByDateDoc
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/filterAppointmentsByDatePat
No parameters required.
GET /appointments/testAppRef
No parameters required.
POST /appointments/createAppointment
No parameters required.
POST /appointments/rescheduleForPatient
No parameters required.
PATCH /appointments/cancelAppFam
No parameters required.
PATCH /appointments/cancelAppointment
No parameters required.
GET /packages
No parameters required.
GET /packages/:Name
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the package |
POST /addPackage
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name |
string |
Required. The name of the package |
Price |
number |
Required. The price of the package |
Session_Discount |
number |
Required. The session discount of the package |
Medicine_Discount |
number |
Required. The medicine discount of the package |
Family_Discount |
number |
Required. The family discount of the package |
DELETE /deletePackage/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the package |
PATCH /updatePackage/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. The ID of the package |
POST /cardPayment
No parameters required.
POST /walletPayment
No parameters required.
POST /subscr
No parameters required.
POST /addPrescription
No parameters required.
POST /addMedToPrescription
No parameters required.
POST /deleteMedFromPrescription
No parameters required.
POST /updateDescription
No parameters required.
POST /orderPrescription
No parameters required.
GET /getPrescriptionAPP
No parameters required.
POST /updateDosage
No parameters required.
GET /checkForPrescription
No parameters required.
GET /getPrescriptionMeds
No parameters required.
GET /tests
No parameters required.
POST /tests/acceptDoc
No parameters required.
GET /tests/Users
No parameters required.
GET /tests/Admins
No parameters required.
GET /tests/Doctors
No parameters required.
GET /tests/Patients
No parameters required.
GET /tests/Appointments
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createNotif
No parameters required.
GET /tests/Requests
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createUser
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createPatient
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createDoctor
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createAppointment
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createRandomAppointment
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createPrescription
No parameters required.
GET /tests/getDocSlot
No parameters required.
GET /tests/testDocSlotRef
No parameters required.
GET /tests/testAppointRef
No parameters required.
POST /tests/createDocSlot
No parameters required.
GET /tests/filterDoctorSlotEdition
No parameters required.
POST /tests/addMySlotsDoc
No parameters required.
PUT /tests/updateMySlotsDoc
No parameters required.
DELETE /tests/deleteMySlotsDoc
No parameters required.
GET /tests/viewUpcomingAppointmentsDoc
No parameters required.
GET /tests/viewPastAppoitmentsDoc
No parameters required.
GET /tests/viewAllAvailableSlots
No parameters required.
GET /tests/viewUpcomingAppointmentsPat
No parameters required.
GET /tests/viewPastAppoitmentsPat
No parameters required.