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Db3 replaces SQL queries in your code with simple, clean and readable calls. Its aim is to provide shorthand methods for basic and most used SQL patterns, rather than trying to cover the whole SQL specification. It may be useful for those who doesn't know or doesn't want to use SQL, but still interested in using mysql as backend db. Db3 is based on excellent node-mysql lib. For PHP alternative check out the Medoo project.


npm install db3


var db3 = require('db3')
var db = db3.connect({host: '', user: 'bob', password: 'secret', database : 'test'})

connection options object passed directly to mysql.createPool


db.end(err => {
  console.log('all connections closed gracefully')

Creating table

SQL: create table ...

//db.createTable(table, fields, callback)
create table `person` (
  id bigint primary key auto_increment,
  name text,
  gender text
db.createTable('person', ['id', 'name', 'gender'], (err, data) => {
  console.log('created table `person` with field `id`, `name`, `gender`')

all fields will be of text type, except id (will be 'bigint primary key auto_increment') and fields matching /Id$/, like userId (will become bigint)

Droping table

SQL: drop table ...

//db.dropTable(table, callback)
//drop table `person`;
db.dropTable('person', () => {
  console.log('table `person` dropped')

Truncating table

SQL: truncate table ...

//db.truncateTable(table, callback)
//truncate table `person`;
db.truncateTable('person', () => {
  console.log('table `person` truncated')

Copying table

SQL: create table ... like ... insert

//db.copyTable(from, to, callback)
//create table `personCopy` like `person`; insert `personCopy` select * from `person`;
db.copyTable('person', 'personCopy', () => {
  console.log('copied table `person` and all its data to table `personCopy`')

Renaming table

SQL: rename table ...

//db.renameTable(from, to, callback)
//rename table `person` to `nosrep`;
db.renameTable('person', 'nosrep', () => {
  console.log('renamed table `person` and all its data to table `nosrep`')

Checking if table exists

//db.tableExists(table, callback)
db.tableExists('person', (err, exists) => {
  if (exists)
    console.log('table `person` exists')
    console.log('table `person` does not exist')


SQL: insert ...

//db.insert(table, data, callback)
//insert `person` set `name` = 'Bob';
db.insert('person', {name: 'Bob'}, (err, data) => {
  console.log('inserted row into table `person` with id ' + data.insertId + ' and `name` set to "Bob"')


SQL: update ...

//db.update(table, condition, data, callback)
//update `person` set `name` = 'Bob' where `name` = 'Alice';
db.update('person', {name: 'Bob'}, {name: 'Alice'}, (err, data) => {
  console.log('updated table `person`: ' + data.changedRows + ' rows named "Bob" changed name to "Alice"')


SQL: delete from ...

//db.delete(table, condition, callback)
//delete from `person` where `name` = 'Alice';
db.delete('person', {name: 'Alice'}, (err, data) => {
  console.log('deleted ' + data.affectedRows + ' rows named "Alice" from table `person`')


SQL: insert ... on duplicate key update ...

//, data, callback)
//insert `person` set `id` = 1, `name` = 'Bob' on duplicate key update `id` = 1, `name` = 'Bob';'person', {id: 1, name: 'Bob'}, (err, data) => {
  console.log('saved row with id ' + data.insertId + ' with name set to "Bob" into table `person`')
//, data, field, callback)
//insert `person` set `id` = 1, `name` = 'Bob', gender = 'male' on duplicate key update `gender` = 'male';'person', {id: 1, name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'}, 'gender', (err, data) => {
  console.log('saved row with id ' + data.insertId + ' and gender set to "male" into table `person`')


//, condition, field, callback)
//select `name`, `gender` from `person` where `name` = 'Bob';'person', {name: 'Bob'}, ['name', 'gender'], (err, data) => {
  console.log('selected name, gender fields from table `person`, where `name` = "Bob"')
  //[{name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'}, {name: 'Bob', gender: 'female'}, ...]
//if condition value is an array, its converted to in () statement
//select * from `person` where `name` in ('Bob', 'Alice');'person', {name: ['Bob', 'Alice']}, (err, data) => {
  console.log('selected all fields table `person`, where `name` is "Bob" or "Alice"')
  //[{id: 1, name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'}, {id: 2, name: 'Alice', gender: 'female'}]
//if condition is number or string or array, then its treated as condition on id field
//select * from `person` where `id` = 1;'person', 1, (err, data) => {
  console.log('selected all fields from table `person`, where `id` = 1')
  //{id: 1, name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'}
  //if id is set then row object is being returned, instead of array
//select * from `person` where id in (1, 2);'person', [1, 2], (err, data) => {
  console.log('selected all fields from table `person`, where `id` is 1 or 2')
  //[{id: 1, name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'}, {id: 2, name: 'Alice', gender: 'female'}]
//select `name` from `person` where gender = 'male';'person', {gender: 'male'}, 'name', (err, data) => {
  console.log('selected `name` of all male persons')
  //['Bob', 'Bill', 'Bob', ...]
  //if field is string then returned array contains this field value instead of row object
//select `name` from `person` where id = 1;'person', 1, 'name', (err, data) => {
  console.log('selected `name` of person with `id` = 1')
  //if id is set and field is string then the field value returned, instead of array

Aggregate functions

Supported functions: count, min, max, avg, sum

//db[functionName](table, condition, field, callback)
//select count(*) from `person` where `name` = 'Bob';
db.count('person', {name: 'Bob'}, (err, count) => {
  console.log('there are ' + count + ' persons named "Bob"')  
//select min(id) from `person` where `name` = 'Bob';
db.min('person', {name: 'Bob'}, (err, min) => {
  console.log('first "Bob" has id ' + min)  
//select name, avg(age) from `person` where `name` = 'Bob';
db.avg('person', {name: 'Bob'}, ['age'], (err, avg) => {
  console.log('Bob average age is ' + avg)  
//select name, sum(income) from `person` where `city` = 'Hong Kong' group by name;
db.sum('person', {city: 'Hong Kong', year: '2015'}, ['name', 'income'], (err, data) => {
  console.log('total income of HK citizens by name for 2015')  
  //[{name: 'Yun', sum: someNumber}, {name: 'Tony', sum: someNumber}, {name: 'Donnie', sum: someNumber}, ...]

SQL query

Proxied to the underlying node-mysql lib, but with swapped 'err' and 'data' arguments (more info here)

db.query('select ??, count(*) as count from ?? group by ?? order by id limit 10', ['gender', 'person', 'gender'], (err, data) => {
  //[{gender: 'male', count: someNumber}, {gender: 'female', count: someNumber}, ...]


Without callback select and insert functions return readable and writeable streams respectively. They can be used to pipe data to other streams (useful for big amounts of data).

//streaming select, outputs all rows in the table'person').on('data', console.log)
//streaming from select to insert, selects all rows from one table and inserts them to the other table'person').pipe(db.insert('nosrep'))
//streaming from select to save, selects all rows from one table and saves them to the other table'person').pipe('nosrep'))
//streaming from select to delete, selects all rows from one table and deletes them from the other table'person').pipe(db.delete('nosrep'))
//streaming from select to csv (using fast-csv lib), selects all rows from the table and converts them to csv'person').pipe(csv.format({headers: true}))
//raw query can be streamed too
db.query('select * from person').on('data', console.log)
//streaming from csv file to insert, inserts csv file into the table
//streaming from csv stream to insert, inserts csv formatted readable stream content into the table

Query string

SQL query in JSON format


db.queryString.stringify({name: 'createTable', table: 'person'})
// returns create table `person` (`id` bigint primary key auto_increment,  `name` text)
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'dropTable', table: 'person'})
// returns drop table `person`
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'truncateTable', table: 'person'})
// returns truncate table `person`
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'renameTable', table: 'person', to: 'nosrep'})
// returns rename table `person` to `nosrep`
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'alterTable', table: 'person', drop: 'name'})
// returns alter table `person` drop `name`
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'insert', table: 'person', select: 'nosrep'})
// returns insert `person` select * from `nosrep`
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'insert', table: 'person', set:{id: 1, name: 'Bob'}})
// returns insert `person` set `id` = 1,  `name` = 'Bob'
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'insert', table: 'person', set: {name: 'Bob'}, update: {name: 'Alice'}})
// returns insert `person` set `name` = 'Bob' on duplicate key update `name` = 'Alice'
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'update', table: 'person', set: {name: 'Alice'}, where: 1})
// returns update `person` set `name` = 'Alice' where `id` = 1
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'update', table: 'person', set: {name: 'Alice'}, where: {name: 'Bob'}})
// returns update `person` set `name` = 'Alice' where `name` = 'Bob'
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'delete', table: 'person', where: 1})
// returns delete from `person` where `id` = 1
db.queryString.stringify({name: 'delete', table: 'person', where: {name: 'Alice'}})
// returns delete from `person` where `name` = 'Alice'


var set = db.queryString.set
//returns corresponding sql `set` clause
//returns js function

SQL set

set.query({id: 1, name: 'Apple'})
// returns `id` = 1, name = 'Apple'
set.query({created: {now: true}})
// returns `created` = now()
set.query({rating: {'+=': 1}})
// returns `rating` = rating + 1

Transform function

var fruit = {name: 'Apple', rating: 1}
set.transform({rating: 2})(fruit)
// fruit will be
// {name: 'Apple', rating: 2}
set.transform({created: {now: true}})(fruit)
// fruit will be
// {name: 'Apple', rating: 1, created: '2015-11-09 14:45:00'}
set.transform({rating: {'+=': 2}})(fruit)
// fruit will be
// {name: 'Apple', rating: 3}


var where = db.queryString.where
//returns corresponding sql `where` clause
//returns compare function, usable for Array.filter

SQL where

where.query({id: 1, name: 'Adam'})
// returns `id` = 1 and name = 'Adam'
where.query({id: [1, 2, 3]})
// returns `id` in (1, 2, 3)
where.query({id: {'>=': 1, '=<': 2}})
// returns `id` >= 1 and `id` =< 2


var fruit = [
  {id: 1, name: 'Banana'},
  {id: 2, name: 'Apple'},
  {id: 3, name: 'Apple'}
// fruit will be
// [{id: 1, name: 'Banana'}]
fruit.filter(where.filter({id: [1, 2]}))
// fruit will be
// [{id: 1, name: 'Banana'}, {id: 2, name: 'Apple'}]
fruit.filter(where.filter({id: {'>=': 2, '<=': 3}}))
// fruit will be
// [{id: 2, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 3, name: 'Apple'}]

Order by

var orderBy = db.queryString.orderBy
//returns corresponding sql `order by` clause
//returns compare function, usable for Array.sort

SQL order by

// returns `id`
orderBy.query({id: 'desc'})
// returns `id` desc
orderBy.query({id: 'desc', name: 'asc'})
// returns `id` desc, `name` asc
orderBy.query(['id', {name: 'desc'}])
// returns `id`, `name` desc


var fruit = [
  {id: 1, name: 'Banana'},
  {id: 2, name: 'Apple'},
  {id: 3, name: 'Apple'}
// fruit will be
// [{id: 2, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 3, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 1, name: 'Banana'}]
fruit.sort(orderBy.sort({id: 'desc'}))
// fruit will be
// [{id: 3, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 2, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 1, name: 'Banana'}]
fruit.sort(orderBy.sort(['name', {id: 'asc'}]))
// fruit will be
// [{id: 2, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 3, name: 'Apple'}, {id: 1, name: 'Banana'}]