Please find the interactive prototype through figma link.
This is the main page of the application. Users can set a time period and tap on a map to review relevant art and music piece. Users can also set time period and search location on search bar to accomplish the same purpose.
App will display the keyboard when user taps on search bar. A relavent location will be marked on the map. User can tap on map to return to previous page, or click "search" in keyboard to review further information.
After user targets a specific location, either by searching or by tapping on map, two random pieces of cultural work will be recommended to user. One is art, and the other is music. User can tap on either to read further information. Or user tap on map to the previous page.
In thie page, user can read specific information about an artwork or a music. User can access this page by search or by "favorite file" in their user account. User can like or dislike an artwork.
This page is the portal for users to view and edit personal information. User can click to access all the art and music they liked. User can also further to the page to edit profile
User can slide left or right on the pictures of favorite piece to view the previous or the next one.
User can access various popups to edit their account information.
User can change username in this popup.
User can edit email in this popup
User can change password in this popup
User can edit forgotten password this popup
User can delete the whole account this page
User can log into their account. User can also visit the app as a guest. New user can register. And returning user can find back their password.
A retuning user is able to find their password by following email instruction.
After entering a wrong combination of username and password, a notification will appear to remind the user.
New user can register for a new account.
This repository contains instructions and files for two assignments that together comprise the user experience design phase of a web app.
Replace the contents of this file with the completed assignments, as described in: