- The user must register and log in to use the app
- Login will check the user's credentials
- Register will add the new user to the system
- A map is displayed with various pins on resturants where people have active posts
- When the user chooses a restaurant, the app will direct to a page that shows information about the restaurant:
- Here, all the active posts are listed for the user to browse
- The user can either create their own post or select one of the existing dates
- Once the user selects a date, the creator of the post will be able to accept or decline this request
- The user can create a post at the selected resturnat by filling out the form
- When the user creates a post, this will become their new home screen
- Here the user can see all the people who have responded to their post and choose one to go on a date with
- When the user clicks on a diner, you get brought to their profile
- Here the user can view the profile of the user who accepted the post
- The user has the option to accept or decline
- When a date is confirmed, this will be the new home page
- Here, the user can chat with the other user, get directions to the resturant (opens google maps), edit the date, or cancel
- Here the user can edit the details of their active post
- This page displays all the user's prior and current conversations
- Here is the messaging feature where users can chat with their dates
- The user's profile info is displayed here with options to edit