ROCm compiler generated code objects (executables, object files, and shared object libraries) can be examined and code objects extracted with the following tools.
High-level wrapper around low-level tooling described below. For a more
detailed overview, see the help text available with roc-obj --help
roc-obj executable...
roc-obj --disassemble executable...
# or
roc-obj -d executable...
roc-obj --outdir dir/ executable...
# or
roc-obj -o dir/ executable...
roc-obj --grep gfx9 executable...
# or
roc-obj -g gfx9 executable...
ROCm Code Objects can be listed/accessed using the following URI syntax:
code_object_uri ::== file_uri | memory_uri
file_uri ::== file:// extract_file [ range_specifier ]
memory_uri ::== memory:// process_id range_specifier
range_specifier ::== [ # | ? ] offset= number & size= number
extract_file ::== URI_ENCODED_OS_FILE_PATH
process_id ::== DECIMAL_NUMBER
Example: file://dir1/dir2/hello_world#offset=133&size=14472 memory://1234#offset=0x20000&size=3000
Use this tool to list available ROCm code objects. Code objects are listed using URI syntax.
Usage: roc-obj-ls [-v|h] executable... List the URIs of the code objects embedded in the specfied host executables. -v Verbose output (includes Entry ID) -h Show this help message
Extracts available ROCm code objects from specified URI.
Usage: rocm-obj-extract [-o|v|h] URI... - URIs can be read from STDIN, one per line. - From the URIs specified, extracts code objects into files named: <executable_name>-[pid]
Options: -o Path for output. If "-" specified, code object is printed to STDOUT. -v Verbose output (includes Entry ID). -h Show this help message
Note, when specifying a URI argument to roc-obj-extract, if cut and pasting the output from roc-obj-ls you need to escape the '&' character or your shell will interpret it as the option to run the command as a background process.
As an example, if roc-obj-ls generates a URI like this file://my_exe#offset=24576&size=46816xxi
, you need to use the following argument to roc-obj-extract: file://my_exe#offset=24576\&size=46816
roc-obj-ls <exe> | roc-obj-extract
roc-obj-ls -v <exe> | awk '/gfx906/{print $2}' | roc-obj-extract -o - | llvm-objdump -d - > <exe>.gfx906.isa
roc-obj-ls -v <exe> | awk '/gfx908/{print $2}' | roc-obj-extract -o - | llvm-readelf -h - | grep Flags
roc-obj-ls <exe> | sed -n 4p | roc-obj-extract -o - | llvm-objdump -d -
for uri in $(roc-obj-ls <exe>); do printf "%d: %s\n" "$(roc-obj-extract -o - "$uri" | wc -c)" "$uri"; done | sort -n
dis() { roc-obj-ls -v <exe> | grep "$1" | awk '{print $2}' | roc-obj-extract -o - | llvm-objdump -d -; }
diff <(dis gfx803) <(dis gfx900)