However, if you try it again a second time, typing a shorter string into the box (e.g. "XYZ"), the "After" message box will appear with "XYZ123456" in it... of course it should just be "XYZ".\#328862 just found another problem I would be happy if someone knows a solution for:
I want to replace the existing text/label of (alltogether) text controls.
So within a loop I normally would do
GuiControl,, MyTextControl, NewText or GuiControl,Text , MyTextControl, NewText
However on my device this leads to the new text written above the old one.
What seems to miss is a kind of redrawing of the control: If I hide the controls and show them again, the old text has vanished. However this isn't really a solution as it makes the whole process very slow...
So when looping over only 8 controls, it takes 1-2 seconds to refresh the contents. Unfortunately I need them to be rather responsive as they"re updated quite often (kinf of context buttons).
Another question - probably rather advonced - how do I get rid of the tap and hold gesture? Sorry, I'm aware it was sure difficult to implement, but in my case it's rather annoying (I'm trying kind of mouse gestures).\#311233
Here is my script for importing certificates. There are two CA's and one user's with private key. Sometimes it runs properly and sometimes hangs on WinWaitActive (the WinActivate was not enough)... What is kind of strange - the script usually hangs on WinWaitActive,Import?
Send {LWin} Sleep,1000 Send s Sleep,1000 Send c Sleep,1000 Send c Sleep,1000 Send {Enter}
WinActivate,Certificates WinWaitActive,Certificates Send !i WinActivate,Import
It looks like there is really something wrong with WinWaitActive. I think the line
048: WinWaitActive,Root,1 (159.99)
should never be reported in the script log...
A_ThisMenuItemPos not working. I am using it for dynamic menu's is this on the list to add .i'm doing something like this:
menutest() { CoordMode, Menu, Screen Menu, test, add, Test1, MenuHandler Menu, test, add, Test2, MenuHandler Menu, test, add, Test3, MenuHandler Menu, test, add, Test4, MenuHandler Menu, test, add, Test5, MenuHandler Menu, test, Show, 0, 380 return }
MenuHandler: { msgbox,% "A_ThisMenu:" A_ThisMenu " `nA_ThisMenuItemPos:" A_ThisMenuItemPos "`n "%A_ThisMenu%%A_ThisMenuItemPos%Link return }
19-12-09 Debugged a few days a phantom error. If you are using an emulator and pressing i.e. '<' on the Windows keyboard the hotkey is not fired. If you're using the virtual keyboard of the emulator, the hotkey is working. Perhaps it's just an localization problem, because I'm using a german keyboard and the virtual keyboard of the emulator is an english one. Needs further investigation.
04-04-10 The compiler should use the provided icon file and not hardcoded the ahk-icon
Wishes from the community:
support "sdi"? windows
Last change: 19-12-09