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This project is a part of Computer Vision course at Innopolis University - Spring 23


ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are passive and active safety systems designed to remove the human error component when operating vehicles of many types. In this project we are focusing on the following tasks:

  1. Classical lane finding : classical approach
  2. Detecting other vehicles : using YOLOv8
  3. Track vehicles : using ByteTrack
  4. Advanced lane finding: using hybrid nets

1. Classical lane finding :

detect lane lines from an image using sobel filter and color thresholding. and then use sliding window to fit the detected lines

1. Slice fixed regieon form the image where the lane is expected to be:

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2. Convert to BEV:

Transforming an image such that we are effectively viewing objects from a different angle or direction. so we convert the image to BEV perspective or top-down view of the road so we can measure the curvature of a lane line alt text

3. Detect lane border:

After finding the BEV of the area of interest in the image we want to detect lane border. we will use to find these lines:

  1. Edges
  2. Color

3.1 Using edges:

applying sobel-x filter to detect lanes border as the lanes are always vertical in the considered images alt text

3.2 Using Color thresholding:

Hue is a property of color that remains constant regardless of changes in brightness, while Lightness and Value measure the degree of lightness or darkness of a color. Saturation, on the other hand, measures the intensity or vividness of color. In order to identify lane lines in various lighting scenarios, including shadowed areas, We used the cv2.cvtColor() function with the COLOR_RGB2HLS argument to isolate the saturation channel.And to improve the accuracy, We combined the saturation and lightness channels and applied a binary threshold to select pixels within specific ranges (120-255 for saturation and 200-255 for lightness). This resulted in accurate detection of the white dashed lines as lane markers. alt text

4. Find the vertical histogram:

We took only the down-half of the image where the lane expected to be more visible, then we found the vertical histogram by suming the pixles in each colnum. And this histogram will give picks on the position of the lanes. and by thresholding this histogram we got the potential position for the start of left and right lanes. alt text

5. Using sliding window to find the point of the lanes:

we used fixed size window and moved it vertically starting form the expect position of the left lane inthe image and counted the number of points in each window , find its center, and then we did polyfit with second order polynomial on these centers to find the left lane. we did the same procedure for the right lane.

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6. Find lane search region:

Once we have used the sliding windows function and detected lane lines and right and left lane indicies, we can return these values for the next frame in the video to search around for lane lines based on activated x-values within the +/- margin of our polynomial function.

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7. lane curvature and offset form the center of the lane:

We calculated the lane lines curvature and the centre offset of vehicle within lane assuming camera is mounted directly in the middle centreline of vehicle

8 Show the detect lanes on the original image

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2. Detecting other vehicles :

We used YOLOv8 algorithm to detect four classes:car, motorcycle, bus and truck . (we used pretrained yolov8x) alt text

3. Track viechels using ByteTrack :

ByteTrack is a simple, fast and strong multi-object use simple, effective and generic association method, tracking by associating every detection box instead of only the high score ones. For the low score detection boxes, it utilize their similarities with tracklets to recover true objects and filter out the background detections.

4. Videos :

we applied the classical lane detection and cars detection and tracking two test videos. GIF GIF


The HybridNets neural network was introduced by VT Dat et al. in the paper HybridNets: End-to-End Perception Network. This is a multi-task neural network that can carry out end-to-end visual perception. In other words, this neural network can do both, detection, and segmentation.

Why Are Multi-Task Neural Networks Important?

The big question here is “why do we need such a neural network?”. In autonomous driving, the visual perception neural network does multiple tasks. It has a complex structure for detecting humans, other vehicles, and the drivable area, and does a myriad of other challenging yet safety-critical tasks.

Such tasks cannot be achieved by a simple linear neural network that does just classification, detection, or segmentation. We need neural networks that can multitask. Hence, the term end-to-end multi-task visual perception.

he HybridNets neural network has a major significance in autonomous driving where end-to-end visual perception is critical and speed of computation is also paramount. It does traffic object detection, drivable area segmentation, and lane detection (segmentation) as well.

The HybridNets Network Architecture

The HybridNet neural network consists of an encoder and two different heads (decoders) for multitasking.

The encoder consists of the backbone and neck. And one decoder is for detection, and the other for segmentation. alt text

Multi-Task Performance Results

HybridNets is not the only or the first multi-task neural network. There are a few others and drawing comparisons with them is pretty important. Because of that, the authors compare their HybridNets model with 5 other models which have also been trained on the BDD100K dataset. These models were trained for traffic object detection. The following figure (table 2 from the paper) shows the results. img It is pretty clear that at 0.50 IoU, the HybridNets is ahead of others with 77.3 mAP. Not only that, the HybridNets model can detect incredibly small objects between 3 to 10 pixels. The following are some of the results from the paper, that too in challenging night-time conditions. img

Drivable Area Segmentation Performance


Results for Lane Detection (Segmentation)

With an accuracy of 85.4% and IoU of 31.6%, the HybridNets model outperforms all other models on the same task. img img

From the above figure, it is clear that even for lane detection, the HybridNets model is performing well during both day and night time.
