diff --git a/docs/generic-achitecture.md b/docs/generic-achitecture.md
index d0264749..e74632d1 100644
--- a/docs/generic-achitecture.md
+++ b/docs/generic-achitecture.md
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ flowchart
3. Representation of the two diagrams above in one
## References
diff --git a/docs/img/create-new-secret.png b/docs/img/create-new-secret.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0a721b3
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/create-new-secret.png differ
diff --git a/docs/png/ha-redundancy-lb.png b/docs/img/ha-redundancy-lb.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/png/ha-redundancy-lb.png
rename to docs/img/ha-redundancy-lb.png
diff --git a/docs/img/pat-token-scope.png b/docs/img/pat-token-scope.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08a33c9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/pat-token-scope.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img/pv-secret-engine.png b/docs/img/pv-secret-engine.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe5febba
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/pv-secret-engine.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img/vault-argocd-workflow.svg b/docs/img/vault-argocd-workflow.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d37cd14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/img/vault-argocd-workflow.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/docs/secret-management.md b/docs/secret-management.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d920f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/secret-management.md
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Secret management
+## Introduction
+Secrets are sensitive pieces of information that should be protected from
+unauthorized access. In the context of a Kubernetes cluster, secrets are used to
+store sensitive data such as passwords, tokens, and keys. To allow for secure
+and efficient management of secrets, we are using HashiCorp Vault, a tool that
+is designed to manage secrets and protect sensitive data. Vault provides a
+centralized way to manage access to secrets and encryption keys, and it also has
+the ability to generate dynamic secrets on demand. This document provides an
+overview of the secret management process and the role of Vault in securing and
+managing secrets in the Kubernetes cluster.
+## Vault architecture
+Vault is a highly available and distributed system that is designed to provide
+secure storage and management of secrets. It is built on a client-server
+architecture, with the server being the central component that stores and
+manages secrets, and the clients being the applications and services that access
+the secrets. The server is responsible for authenticating clients, authorizing
+access to secrets, and providing encryption and decryption services. The server
+is also responsible for generating dynamic secrets on demand, which are
+short-lived and are automatically revoked after a certain period of time.
+Current configuration allows vault to inject secrets into pods using a sidecar
+container that runs the Vault Agent Injector. The Vault Agent Injector is a
+mutating webhook that intercepts requests to create or update pods and injects
+secrets into the pod's file system. This allows clients (hosted applications) to
+access secrets as files, which is a secure and efficient way to manage secrets
+in a Kubernetes environment.
+The following diagram illustrates the workflow of the Vault Agent Injector and
+how developers can manage secrets of hosted applications: ![Developer workflow
+## Secret management process
+The secret management process involves the following steps:
+1. **Secret creation**: Secrets are created and stored in Vault using the Vault
+ CLI or API. When a secret is created, it is encrypted and stored in the
+ central Vault server.
+2. **Secret retrieval**: Applications and services can retrieve secrets from
+ Vault using the Vault CLI or API. When a secret is retrieved, it is
+ decrypted and returned to the client in a secure manner.
+3. **Dynamic secret generation**: Vault has the ability to generate dynamic
+ secrets on demand. This means that instead of storing static secrets in
+ Vault, Vault can generate short-lived secrets that are automatically revoked
+ after a certain period of time. This provides an additional layer of
+ security and reduces the risk of unauthorized access to secrets.
+4. **Access control**: Vault provides fine-grained access control to secrets,
+ allowing administrators to define policies that specify which clients can
+ access which secrets. This ensures that only authorized clients can access
+ sensitive data. Currently, we are using the Kubernetes authentication method
+ to authenticate hosted applications and authorize access to secrets. As for
+ the human users, we are using the Github authentication method to
+ authenticate and authorize access to secrets.
+## Create, read, update, and delete secrets
+Vault provides a UI service to manage secrets. The UI service is a web-based
+user interface that allows administrators to create, read, update, and delete
+secrets. The service also provides a way to manage access control policies and
+audit logs. The service is accessible through a web browser and is protected by
+the same security mechanisms as the Vault server.
+### Steps
+1. In order to gain access to the Vault UI service, you need to have the
+ appropriate permissions and access to the Vault URL. It is currently
+ configured to give access to any member of the `ai-cfia` organization on
+ Github.
+2. Generate a personal access token on Github and use it to authenticate to the
+ Vault UI service. The scope of the token should be : ![PAT token
+ scope](img/pat-token-scope.png)
+3. Gain access to the Vault UI service by navigating to the Vault URL in a web
+ browser. You will be prompted to authenticate using your Github PAT token.
+4. Once authenticated, you will be able to create, read, update, and delete
+ secrets using the UI service. Simply navigate to the PV secret engine and
+ follow the path to your applications secrets. The PV secret engine is a
+ key-value store that allows you to store and manage secrets for your
+ applications. ![PV secret engine](img/pv-secret-engine.png)
+5. Once in the directory of your application secrets, simply click on 'create
+ new version' and you will be able to add, update, or delete secrets as
+ needed. ![Create mew secret](img/create-new-secret.png)
+## Argo CD Vault plugin (AVP)
+The [argocd-vault-plugin](https://argocd-vault-plugin.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)
+is used to manage secrets inside our deployments the Gitops way. It allows to
+use `` in any YAML or JSON files that have been templated and make
+use of annotations to provide the path and version of a secret inside vault.
+An example of usage is showcased inside the demo app sample. The official
+for the plugin is well explained and can be followed according to the usecase
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/argo-app.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/argo-app.yaml
index dca2b57d..4726265a 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/argo-app.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/argo-app.yaml
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ spec:
releaseName: vault
- - $values/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/values.yaml
+ - $values/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault.values.yml
- repoURL: https://github.com/ai-cfia/howard.git
targetRevision: HEAD
ref: values
+ - repoURL: https://github.com/ai-cfia/howard.git
+ path: kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base
+ targetRevision: HEAD
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/ingress.yml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/ingress.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b038c86e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/ingress.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
+kind: Ingress
+ name: vault-ui
+ namespace: vault
+ labels:
+ app.kubernetes.io/name: vault-ui
+ app.kubernetes.io/instance: vault
+ annotations:
+ nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/whitelist-source-range:
+ external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target: inspection.alpha.canada.ca
+ cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod
+ nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
+ nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTPS"
+ kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
+ ingressClassName: nginx
+ tls:
+ - hosts:
+ - "vault.inspection.alpha.canada.ca"
+ secretName: vault-ui
+ rules:
+ - host: "vault.inspection.alpha.canada.ca"
+ http:
+ paths:
+ - path: /
+ pathType: Prefix
+ backend:
+ service:
+ name: vault-ui
+ port:
+ name: https
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/kustomization.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/kustomization.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c23d953c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/kustomization.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+namespace: vault
+ - policies.yaml
+ - roles.yaml
+ - kv-secret-engine.yaml
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/kv-secret-engine.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/kv-secret-engine.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..847e2911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/kv-secret-engine.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: SecretEngineMount
+ name: kv
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ type: kv
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/policies.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/policies.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52a442cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/policies.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Policy
+ name: secrets-writer
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ policy: |
+ # create secrets
+ path "kv/data/{{identity.entity.aliases.${auth/kubernetes/@accessor}.metadata.service_account_namespace}}" {
+ capabilities = [ "create", "update", "delete" ]
+ }
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Policy
+ name: secrets-reader
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ policy: |
+ path "kv/data/{{identity.entity.aliases.${auth/kubernetes/@accessor}.metadata.service_account_namespace}}" {
+ capabilities = [ "read" ]
+ }
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Policy
+ name: config-admin
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ policy: |
+ path "sys/*" {
+ capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]
+ }
+ path "auth/*" {
+ capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]
+ }
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/roles.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/roles.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec12215e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/base/vault-config-operator/roles.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: KubernetesAuthEngineRole
+ name: config-admin
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ path: kubernetes
+ policies:
+ - config-admin
+ targetServiceAccounts:
+ - default
+ targetNamespaces:
+ targetNamespaces:
+ - vault
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: KubernetesAuthEngineRole
+ name: secrets-writer
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ path: kubernetes
+ policies:
+ - secrets-writer
+ targetServiceAccounts:
+ - "*"
+ targetNamespaces:
+ targetNamespaces:
+ - "*"
+apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
+kind: KubernetesAuthEngineRole
+ name: secrets-reader
+ authentication:
+ path: kubernetes
+ role: config-admin
+ path: kubernetes
+ policies:
+ - secrets-reader
+ targetServiceAccounts:
+ - "*"
+ targetNamespaces:
+ targetNamespaces:
+ - "*"
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault-config-operator.values.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault-config-operator.values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f509eaff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault-config-operator.values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+enableMonitoring: false
+enableCertManager: true
+ - name: VAULT_ADDR
+ value: https://vault.vault:8200
+ - name: VAULT_CACERT
+ value: /vault-certs/vault.ca
+ - name: vault-certs
+ secret:
+ secretName: vault-ha-tls
+ - mountPath: /vault-certs
+ name: vault-certs
diff --git a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault.values.yml
similarity index 99%
rename from kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/values.yaml
rename to kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault.values.yml
index 72929116..458f2635 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aks/system/vault/helm/vault.values.yml
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ server:
# As of Kubernetes 1.19, all Ingress Paths must have a pathType configured. The default value below should be
# sufficient in most cases.
# See: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#path-types for other possible values.
- pathType: Prefix
+ pathType: ImplementationSpecific
# When HA mode is enabled and K8s service registration is being used,
# configure the ingress to point to the Vault active service.
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ server:
- secretName: vault-tls
- - vault.inspection.alpha.canada.ca
+ - vault.inspection.alpha.canada.ca # For future use.
# hostAliases is a list of aliases to be added to /etc/hosts. Specified as a YAML list.
hostAliases: []
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ server:
plugin_directory = "/vault/plugins"
listener "tcp" {
- tls_disable = true
+ tls_disable = false
address = "[::]:8200"
cluster_address = "[::]:8201"
tls_cert_file = "/vault/userconfig/vault-ha-tls/vault.crt"