A full stack implementation of a to-do application with MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node and Ionic (MEANI)
- M : MongoDB - The data persistence layer behind the web server.
- E : Express - The web server.
- A : AngularJS - The front-end framework that powers the Single Page App.
- N : Node.js - The platform for running server Javascript
- I : Ionic - The UI framework on top of Angular
- Twilio - The messaging service
- MongoHQ - The MongoDB outfitter
- Mocha - The Javascript test framework.
Live Demo: http://meani-todo.herokuapp.com
- Clone this repo
- Copy app/configs-sample.js to app/configs.js
- Customize your setting at app/configs.js
- $ npm install
- $ gulp
- Point your web browser to http://localhost:9999
+ Gulpfile.js //App runner script
- app //Server
| + index.js //Server instantiation, event registration
| + routes.js //URI routing configuration
| + environment.js //App setting for different environments
| + configs.js //Configuration parameters (customized from configs-example.js)
| - model
| + Task.js //Business object
| - sevice
| + Messenger.js //Wrapper to Twilio SMS agent
- public //Client side artifacts
| + index.jade //Layout and directives for SPA
| - js
| + task.js //Angular controller and factory
| - css
| + task.styl //Custom styling
| - lib/** //3rd party libraries
- test
| + test-server.js //Mocha API test
API Spec (See routes.js)
Verb | URI | Description | Status Code |
POST | /task | Add a task (request body) to the server | 201: success; 500: server error |
GET | /task | Fetch all tasks | 200: success; 404: no tasks returned; 500: server error |
GET | /task?title=:title&body=:body | Search for tasks that match title and body | 200: success; 204: no tasks returned; 500: server error |
GET | /task/:id | Return task that has id | 200: success; 204: no tasks returned; 500: server error |
PATCH | /task/:id | Update the task referenced by id with the request body | 204: success; 500: server error |
DELETE | /task/:id | Remove the task referenced by id | 204: success; 500: server error |
PUT | /task/:id/completed | Mark the task referenced by id as completed | 200: success; 500: server error |
PUT | /task/:id/reset | Mark the task referenced by id as incomplete | 200: success; 500: server error |
##Change log
###1.1.1 (5/4/2014)
- Use Gulp to manage server with live reload at development mode
###1.1.0 (4/30/2014)
- Upgraded to ionic version 1.0.9.
- Test pass on the following platforms:
- Desktop: Chrome, Firefox and Safari
- Android: Chrome
- iPhone: Safari
- Improved phone number validation
- Refactored index.jade (more compact)
###1.0.0 (4/24/2014)
- Initial release